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Everything posted by heichicoda

  1. What is the number of people in each team? OU?UU?NU?DB?LC? or all?
  2. heichicoda


    这个月是最后一个月 1月1号结束
  3. They will spend 1B on fashion,At least I'll sponsor 666(No malice But,There are still many rich people, 100m bonus activities — lmao
  4. 2021-11-27 OU分级 64席 年赛资格赛 冠军:loveyun[爱云] (公会第二张年赛资格证)
  5. I've seen a lot of Chinese people in the registration post lol
  6. 哪个先倒闭都说不准,不用杞人忧天啦
  7. 9 pm UTC I may still be asleep. When I get up, the last color left is mine
  8. I want to know, if have obtained the qualification, but use other accounts to participate in the remaining competitions, is it illegal
  9. @HedgeWitchtranslated PSL into the Chinese community for publicity. Thank you
  10. IGN: heichicoda Motivation:I want to try to be the first Chinese manager,Maybe there will be better people than me, but they need a guide PSL seasons in which you participated as a player:nothing PSL seasons in which you participated as a manager:nothing This is an attempt
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