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Everything posted by Quinn010

  1. tag tours like einstein with multiple tiers not super good prices but a price like rp
  2. 200k taillow win void if tied also 100k on mikasa
  3. ban the whole item flame orb ? cuz that sounds dumb
  4. i mean i do, but youre explaining coaching in the rules so i mean if you expect people to follow common knowledge just say dont coach. if you explain what coaching dont explain it half this let me think any other forms of coaching is allowed cuz thats what the rules said (basically what i mean) you said what form of coaching you dont wanna see so i avoided. and then you say its common knowledge the other forms are aslo not allowed like i cant guess i assume if you say what form you dont wanna see the other forms are allowed.my. english is bad but i hope you understand
  5. why cuz like i just followed the rules imo reminding som1 isnt really bad sportmanship i dind give him any type of new info
  6. btw i just reminded him cuz i already told him before the match
  7. i mean if you manage to get that info go do it
  8. i mean its allowed if i read the rules correctly so why woulnd i say it
  9. oh lol you snitched (rat action) but ok i mean they break the rules thats lame to say we dont break the rules if you do #rematch
  10. i mean i just followed the rules. i cant guess what pachima or thinknice like and not
  11. common knowledge?? like wtf dont explain what you guys understand under coaching and then say common knowledge i mean i clearly thought this was allowed otherwise i pmed him
  12. ???? i did nothing of that still yellow lmao inb4 coaching come i also dind break those rules you clearly punished me without following the rules
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