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Everything posted by EricRasp

  1. I see. It was not mentioned in your OP that it was. No worries. Cheers.
  2. Hey Quakkz, I've got 2 pokemon that I need leveled to 100. Seeing that it'll cost 300k for 2, how long will it take you to finish them? The pokemon is Gible and and Shinx. Both need to be evolved to Garchomp and Luxray
  3. I generally don't do just leveling because I have no idea on how to price these kinds of services. Unless you're Pokemon is already fully ev trained, while leveling I will be automatically ev training as well. The prices would get all mushed up.
  4. All orders completed. LF more orders! Going to sleep now. Be back in 8+hrs. Bump!
  5. Thanks all! Bump babump! All orders completed. LF more orders!
  6. Thank you. :D Bump! LF more orders!
  7. Thank you all for your kind words. Bumperoo! LF more orders.
  8. Thanks to @Fixedgaming for this amazing banner! ❤️ EV/LV Shop [Open] Full EVs: 20k Full EVs+lvl 50: 30k LC Training: 20k I didn't think I had to mention this, but please understand that I have a life beyond this game. All bulk EV orders will be returned within 48 hours. Unless and until I specify that I can deliver it earlier, please do not rush me. I can do orders faster during the weekend so that's the best time to contact me. During the weekday, my productivity will plummet as I have to focus on my job. Completed orders[Stopped Updating since July 2020]: Breed Shop (Open) I have decided to make my breed shop permanent. I also do perfects now. There will be fixed prices from now on: [Happiness breeds cost 50k more. For Magby, Elekid and Smoochum it will be 50k extra. Thanks ^^] 2x31 3x25+ : 330k 2x31 3x27+: 380k 2x31 3x30+: 580k 3x31 2x25+ : 430k 3x31 2x27+ : 480k 3x31 2x30+ : 620k 3x31 3x30+ : 1.4m 5x31 : 1.1m [These prices are not final. They are my old prices. Right now, I do them quite a bit cheaper. I'm not going to fix any prices, so just DM me and we can take it forward from there.] For gender-less breeds, PM me with your build and I'll quote you a price and we can move forward from there. All breeds are natured of course. 2 egg moves are free, anything above that will carry a cost of 15k per egg move. 9k gender Pokemon cost 20k extra 21k gender Pokemon cost 50k extra I DO NOT OFFER MALE ONLY BREEDS For any custom orders, feel free to dm me about it and we can settle on a price together. Completed Orders [Stopped updating a long time ago]: IGN: EricRasp Discord: @ericrasputin Disclaimer: To avoid scams I will need the cash upfront. For your safety you can post down below the requested poke and take screen shots for the Devs if you don't trust me. Cheers!
  9. Fast, easy and reliable. 10/10 would recommend. Thanks man. :)
  10. Can we get a history tab in GTL? A place where we can see all our past purchases and how much we paid for them. The usefulness of this feature is self-explanatory. Cheers. :)
  11. Thank you for your input. I don't really care if this feature comes into existence or not. It sounded like a good idea hence I supported it and the counter-arguments that I received were not convincing enough to stop me from supporting. Hopefully more people can refine this idea to make it fit into the game through sane discussions instead of insulting each other. Cheers.
  12. This has been addressed. Rental Pokemon are marked by the system and once the time limit ends the Pokemon will automatically be sent back to GTL where they can await more rentals or back to the owner. The devs will have to decide on whether this can be feasible because I do not know how programming works. Its a flat fee and it is very different from GTL. In GTL, like there is a Pokemon section and an item section, there is a rental section. Pay a flat fee and rent a Pokemon. The Pokemon will not gain any exp/EV while under your possession. They cannot be used for breeding or for comp. They simply exist to make the story easier for newbies/alts and so on. Sounds like a good idea. If a couple people can give valuable insight on how this could possibly work, then we can work out the kinks and have a proper proposal for the devs to consider instead of attacking each other. There is no need for it to be a collateral system because the AI/system ensures the safety of the Pokemon, like I said earlier. Once again, the devs will have to give insight on whether this is feasible. I am inclined to agree. But seeing as the rental system would cost money, we would then need to incorporate options where even newbies have a chance to make money. That will be very tricky.
  13. Did you come here to argue your point or just insult other people? Grow up. Exactly. So, state your argument as to why you think this is a bad idea and leave it up to the devs to decide. Me and shiningluck over here are not trying to convert people, neither should you. Let's behave like the adults we are instead of throwing petty insults at each other.
  14. Simple. Rented pokemon cannot participate in Tourneys/Pvp. Rented pokemon is solely for everything else other than tourneys, pvp, and breeding. How would adding this make the game trash? All the OP is proposing is to add another feature that can generate some passive income. The fact that you are comparing this to cheating makes you the same person as Ultrajesus above us. You seem to forget that this is a MMO. Read it again. MMO! Drill it into your brain. And the next time you counter an argument, keep in mind that this game is a MMO.
  15. Also include multiple windows like 1hr, 2hr, 3hr and so on. As the time increases the money increases. The windows and the money can be decided upon by the person who wants to put their poke up for rent.
  16. Not really. Grinding is the way the original games are meant to be played. This is a MMO. And this is not pay-to-win at all. Most pokemon you buy from GTL has been grinded, bred or caught to that level by another player. You are paying for that persons effort. You can't earn free money in this game. Either have to sell your caught poke on GTL, or berry farm, or payday, and a dozen other options for you to earn money. Everything requires effort. The only pay-to-win part of this game is shiny hunting. And that is for the dedicated and hardcore players who have invested tons of hours into this game. Just because a game has constant grinding doesn't make it better than others games. At the end of the day, games are meant to be a fun and enjoyable experience. Grinding might be appealing to some people, but the other side of that spectrum is just as, if not even more widely accepted. Gyms are redundant in this game. Its just a small goal. The real charm of this game is trying to make money, hunt for shinys, participate in tourneys, have some good fun with your team and just do what you want.
  17. Agree with @shiningluck over that. No exp and auto-return.
  18. Haha. That is a joke. As soon as I finished Unova I headed over to Kanto. I did not train a single pokemon. Bought everything off of GTL now I'm battling the E4 and it's only a matter of time before I complete the region. The very existence of GTL contributes to the unhealthy progression of a trainer. This is what you can expect in a MMO.
  19. Offering my support as well. Make the Amnesia brace transfer EV's like Exp Share and make it trade-able!
  20. Hey there, My suggestion is to add a feature where you can see how much money you are spending and where you're money is going. There are a lot of berry farmers and breeders that this would benefit. Especially for berry farmers. They can optimize their spending and have steady reports on how their "business" is doing. The profit they are making, the losses and so on. Graphs/charts and the like. If you have any questions I'd be more than willing to answer.
  21. BTW in the OP I read that for 100 the price is 180k. Is that price for 0-100? What if I have a level 70 pokemon that needs to be leveled to 100? still the same price?
  22. Route 12 Unova Rapidash farm is a good spot for leveling as well. I get 6.6 to 6.7k exp each run.
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