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Everything posted by Quakkz

  1. average should be 500-700k per mon, depends on which starter
  2. yep, buying them was the way to go. i got 210 of each starter as well, so 630 total.
  3. did you really create the same topic again with a different title lol
  4. breaking up the monotony of the grindy endgame by buffing grinding activities.
  5. it has been stated in other threads - there is no "OT Alpha Dex", the caught OT is linked to having caught the normal form OT. to complete the alpha dex you can buy or trade alpha starters.
  6. they will never appear again, not in their baseform or any other evo. Players who want to complete their Alpha dex will have to buy or rent them, they can resell them right after anyways, so its not like they have to make a loss for it. "caught OT" in Alphadex is also archieved by catching the non alpha form afaik.
  7. they are added to the alpha dex the first time they spawn
  8. yes, the new swarms are permanently and the ones released will come back - the only limited ones were the starters so far.
  9. You can always just keep your shinies, you arent forced to trade them for pearls.
  10. very rare item? its literally for every old comp in the game that needs ha
  11. i think you can do reasonable profit with a main alone too, let it just be regular good payout npc. there are points for both sides, i just think the term "scam" is a bit over the top
  12. When you consider the time you need to breed and level the mons you could probably do a couple of gymruns in the meantime which would provide much higher return - so describing bought ready ones from gtl as a scam is highly questionable
  13. Even considering a leaderboard is ridiculously silly, its so easy to manipulate that it wouldnt even hold any value. "Hey buddy, i want to be on the leaderboard for a while, can i hold your money for a week?"
  14. probably isnt allowed to sell it, so i wouldnt count it as any value
  15. The 2b limit isnt just a random number, it has to do which maximum number can be displayed in java without breaking the game, which is 2147483647. https://runestone.academy/ns/books/published/apcsareview/VariableBasics/minAndMax.html So i doubt this will ever happen.
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