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Posts posted by Jgaw

  1. On 7/2/2023 at 2:16 AM, CaptnBaklava said:

    In the current state the only people at a disadvantage are normal everyday player. 



    On 7/1/2023 at 9:37 AM, razimove said:

    you're just mad that people aren't allowing you to farm your hat as fast as you'd like

    Now im really so mad knowing i will continue autumn and winter seasons and nothing has been made as a main enhance for DuBz


    On 7/1/2023 at 1:56 PM, Jgaw said:

    - i don't need other to give me wins, i will  farm the hat whatever it takes, 1 month, 2 months, the whole season, i don't care i will ABSOLUTELY GET IT, it s just about the will and having some goals in the game


  2. 40 minutes ago, MightyMichele said:

    Hey! There's no such thing as wasted time - every encounter and adventure adds to your experience and skills. ^^



    Yes, guaranteed skill, pressing the run button 😄

    I even popped a donator status and it s gonna fade soon and even shinies didn't show up

    I believe i have a problem with my account

    +7000 hours and i only encountered àround 6 shinies

  3. 4 hours ago, razimove said:

    first you assume I'd want some vanity, which is wrong, for me and most, it's irrelevant and honestly it's not what will get people to play anything (maybe a handful of roleplayers like you), fast match in doubles format can be compared to other tiers, and nothing you can say will ever change that, you're just mad that people aren't allowing you to farm your hat as fast as you'd like

    - im so sorry to tell u that doubles format can NEVER be compared to other tiers (the forfeiting based on number of turns proves this)
    - i am not saying or posting this thread because i am angry , NOT AT ALL, i m trying to make the doubles tier a better place to be played, so i shared my thoughts with the community, a simple discussion based on meaningful arguments can lead to a conclusion.

    - i don't need other to give me wins, i will  farm the hat whatever it takes, 1 month, 2 months, the whole season, i don't care i will ABSOLUTELY GET IT, it s just about the will and having some goals in the game , u can call it roleplayer or whatever, we have to respect all choices of every player in the game,
    ==> to conclude, it s not about having the hat so fast but about enhancing the Doubles tier as it should be, u slope from the main thread to sthg else :/

  4. 1 minute ago, razimove said:

    I struggle to see the problem, you got elo, and you got a fast match, thats it, anything else is extra, also worth noting that the only problem matchmaking suffers from is lack of playerbase, the playerbase sample is all concentrated in OU, since it's the tier with least changes usually, less risk of you losing value on a mon you bought/bred, and isn't rng heavy like doubles.

    It s normal that u can't struggle to see the problem simply because u don't play doubles  start playing and farm the 10k hat then you understand the issue with that.. 

    "fast match" in doubles is never the same compared to "fast match" in other tiers

    And How à fast match is defined (low number of turns/short battle time) thé algorithm calculating this for doubles should never be the same as other tiers. 

  5. Here is screenshots of the log of the game i played, in like 5 turns u Can win à doubles game, u can even win or lose a DuBz game from ur first turn 

    So the issue here isn't the elo points u get and climb the ladder of pvp, it s about the battle points and mostly about the matchmaking points (to win the the reward hat after 10k points gathered) 

    Doubles tier itself should have its own points algorithm, just like thé forfeiting turns (normal is after 5 turns/doubles after 3 turns) 

    So normally after 5 turns and making a win, à player should get Battle points + matchmaking points 

    Ce que j ai mentionné au dessus reste toujours non valide, à ceux qui gèrent le processus de rémunération des points d'approuver mon point de vue ou la juger fausse, mais la logique nécessite d'avoir reçu des points "matchmaking points" 





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