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Everything posted by CrazyCeltic

  1. *** This is a quote but my suffering computer wasn't able to 'highlight' it as one.*** (Kiliminati) Keith I love you lol And to keep this post somewhat relevant, the reason as to why you almost never see MMO-style games enact hard resets is because you're not only wasting the average players' time (which is not a huge issue from a business standpoint), but also indirectly wasting donators' money they have invested, thus nullifying most of the benefits donators are entitled to receive. Did you purchase a 1 month donator status and find your first shiny 2 weeks later? Or maybe you coughed up 1000 RP for an amnesia brace in order to EV train pokemon for little cup tournaments? Hard resets completely eradicate these 2 scenarios, among many others. To put it quite simply, any game that involves obtaining perishable objects or achievements primarily through real money cannot afford to get rid of them (note that I am not referring to perks such as the amnesia brace when I say perishable items, I understand these would be preserved in the event of a reset, and am only implying that the other items obtained through real money such as this would be affected). If donator status in this game, for example, had benefits that did not skew the typical gameplay for each individual player, then a reset could be a possibility; however, this is noticeably not the case. I am aware that there was a money reset not too long ago, and this was perfectly logical as no items affected by donating were lost- unless of course you sold an OT shiny or comps before the reset, but that's just bad luck, and goes with the understanding of MMO head staff don't care if they waste your time; they only care if they're wasting your money, because if they are, then that's just bad business, and neither you nor they will gain anything from it- an unhealthy relationship for a game of this scope to say the very least. ***(End quote I can't highlight) No one at the time could sell things for yen. It is my understanding (and experience, ha, I was there) that the money/yen and item wipe was done to players in order to introduce the ability to sell items and trade money/yen. Players who fought the E4 every 6 hours and filled their bags with nuggets (and oh so much else) already suffered a big enough hit (the feels) and most players (those still around) were able to accept the kick in the knees (after being told that a wipe was not going to happen, or at least most players were under this impression) with the understanding that a new ability was added to the game in order to fix an economy that became based on a flawed/hacked item. No one wants their time or effort to be erased. I don't care about the argument over who donated and who didn't and I'm a player who has donated. Also, the argument of over filling up poke boxes as a valid reason to wipe countless players hard work is, plain and simple, shit. If your boxes are full then clean it out, make an alt and transfer pokes or donate and get yourself a brand new box, ready for the filling. The real question is; Is staff going to let this continue to brew or will they be laying (or linking) down the facts? (Yeah, I know that once the new region is available that there will be travel restrictions and I remember something about pokemon linking between regions will be limited to completion points within the story line. But...that is rather murky info) I would hope that since staff is bug fixing after the test server, that they would have a rather clear idea about what they are up to in the future with our characters.
  2. Mods don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more! The money and item wipe almost a year ago was plenty of 'fresh start' for me and I'm betting 99% of the other players feel the same.
  3. ^This is what I would look for in a team and what I would want in the "real-world" as well. I can see and almost understand why staff and "the-internet" would not want this, too. Why not take the middle ground (aside from staff being busy doing this, rather than making Emerald 100% available) and give the team (via leader) the ability to choose? I'd imagine it would be similar to the ability to choose an option when blocking someone.
  4. Blaze and bubble on!

  5. You are most correct all around. Also, so much head shaking.
  6. I cannot put into words how much this pisses me off. I hope that staff is ok, that they make it out of isolation and then get shit-canned. I cannot stand that disgusting lack of professionalism and complete ignorance.
  7. CrazyCeltic

    Senior Quote

    ^ that is awesome Fred. Took me a minute to get the last two words. We were not trusted with such fun in high school. We were not allowed to write out quotes only our 'future goals'. I made my goal; To beat the system.
  8. I woke up this morning with a serious case of 'fuckitall' and called out of work. Gonna have the best Monday ever.
  9. I got my hair cut today (the ends were reaching my lower back), now it is just over my shoulders - almost too short to put it into a proper ponytail. My kiddo ran up a few hours after the trim when I had my hair up into pigtails and told me "You look like you are on Pokémon now Mama. No green, though". I'll take that as a complement. Made my day.
  10. Good luck and best wishes. Where are you applying to?
  11. I once spilled the majority of a bottle of liquid morphine on myself at work while trying to open it. It kicked in almost at once and I had to call my boss and have her finish my shift. I ended up falling asleep in a spare wheelchair and my co-workers turned me into a mummy and wrapped me up in medical tape and ace bandages.
  12. I do not enjoy being timed. At least make it a choice for players when they sign up/pay to enter the tower. Perhaps the crazy people who like the idea of a time challenge can have a different price/entry fee.
  13. It was last year when I had one of the best drunken birthdays. I went to the beach, a small almost secluded beach/cove out on one of the local bridge connected islands (takes about 40 minutes driving from the nearest store). I drank, lazed about in the sun like a seal, found some cool shells and sea glass and then...who knows - aside from pictures and what I was told; I dropped an empty 12 pack of blue glass beer bottles on the side of the road next to the beach (went back today after work and found some blue sea glass right in the same area as where I dropped the 12 pack (like if/when it snowed and rained the glass drifted down the slope onto the sand and into the tide), went to the bar with my adopted sister, the bartender (my friend) took a wonderful picture of me with multiple empty shot glasses lining the bar, made it home to join in a neighborhood brush fire (do not remember any of that period but I guess I danced on the picnic table and caught a jar full of lightning bugs), tucked my kiddo into bed (my kiddo told me so the next day) and put pj's on and went to bed myself (that is how I found myself in the morning). That was the best birthday ever. Least amount of stress, drama and chaos in so long (as long as you were not watching over me) and I was in black out stage by six at night. * As a disclaimer, my kiddo had her father and grandmother watching her throughout the night. *** Days later edit; Sorry for the lack of proper grammar. I was, perhaps, buzzed while typing - and no, I'm not fixing or improving. Also - I would like to point out that this was a year old story and this original post was made consecutively one year after happening.
  14. HIPPA laws ruin the Go-Pro idea, sadly.
  15. In a minor attempt to revive this thread, since I think it has a lot of potential, I’ll add the vaguest version of my two cents. Some forum lurkers know that I work in the medical field, sometimes I am working with dementia residents/patients, other times I am working with EMS or hospice. I had one resident that was on hospice care for about half a year and then passed. The next resident/patient was an elderly woman, had the same side of the room, same set-up as to the bed and other furniture. The woman who moved into that room after would ring the bell or come out to find staff; saying things like, “That horrid woman needs to leave, it is not her room.” or “Get that woman out of my things.” Ect. This went on for a nightly occurrence for almost a week (at first you wonder if it is Sun Downing or stress from the move), until; I was waiting for the current resident to take her pills, standing in her room and listening to her complain about the ‘other woman’ in her room - I asked the resident to describe the woman – and she did. The current/living resident described the deceased resident down to her favorite night gown. I sat in the room listening to the living/current resident describe the former occupant and watched the curtain separating the room completely open itself and heard (at the time just a) bell go off; had another staff member come into that room and turn the bell off for the area the resident I and I were in. That bell was not touched, it did not move while I was in there (it was clipped to the bed right next to us, I could see it the whole time). I will never forget the feeling I had as I looked at the resident and watched the curtain move behind her (it was far more movement required than a breeze or …really anything ‘logical’), it was my first ‘paranormal/unexplained’ work experience. I called maintenance; the bell system was checked and cleared. I know that at the time/almost always I work chaotic hours with a hearty lack of sleep (and grammar, if you have been reading this) but this turned into a regular occurrence – with the current/living resident of that room having …unexplained experiences – and 100% of them able to describe the same woman as the culprit. Since then I have had a plethora of random experiences at work(s) but this was the first and (for me) most dramatic. Congrats if you read this far (I had no idea I really had so much to say).
  16. Today is my first day off in 11 days, I will spend as much of today in my pajamas as I can and I'm not answering my phones (crafty people at work will call on their cell phones, so the work phone number does not show up). Cheers - to the cheesecake I'm gonna eat for brunch with a nice glass of raspberry dessert wine.
  17. Today was shit. Behold; I had a resident at work tell me that they thought they were going to die today ( I walked into work at 5:15 this morning, still had my coat on and carrying my bag). I took vitals (BG being the problem) and then called 911 (resident did not have a DNR). After I pulled the bell(s), I got the E keys and checked the med cart and the med closet and found none of the glucagon I needed. I broke the door to the kitchen open to get the maple syrup/corn syrup (I had no key); did what I needed to do (I even used the center of a Hostess Cupcake) . No co-worker from either of the two shifts showed up to answer the bells or help (I had a massive group of other residents gathering around at the time) got paperwork ready for EMTs (haha, I work with those guys tomorrow). I had 911 on the speaker phone when individual went into convulsions. Blah, blah, blah, Hippa law here and Hippa law there. Resident is just fine now; this is how my day starts. Insert a fall (head trauma) and a broken arm in the shower with plenty of blood loss (with a new co-worker, of course) along with a fist/cane fight between two dementia residents over a bingo card – YES a fucking bingo game drew blood. Resident on hospice care passed. The med cart not restocked and meds not ordered. Along with the normal chaos of a day. Longest day at work, ever. God, I love the hard apple cider that the family made this fall – the whiskey barrel we fermented it in gave it a divine after taste. Cheers. I have to get up in three hours and do it ‘again’. Go day 11 in a row!
  18. When work calls you - (Nursing/hospice care for people suffering from dementia) "So and so hasn't had a shit in four days. What should I do?" You - "I'm not really on call right now. *sigh* But - Does so and so have a PRN for MOM?" Work - "I don't know, I'm calling you?!" You - "Do you know what a Chart is?" Work - "Like I said, I'm calling you." You - "*sigh and long pause* I'm in my PJ's but I'll be there in about a 1/2 hour." Work - "Good. Can I go home early?" (That person is 3 hours into a 12 hour shift) You - "...You know, you might want to pack up your desk/locker." (I can't express how vile this person is (ie - needs re-training in how to answer a Call-Bell (No Bull-Shit), had several suspensions, ect....) Work - "Oh. I quit this job yesterday." You - "Make that an hour and I'll be there." *** This forum needs a "worst work day thread" - I would/'might' make one - But I have to get my butt off game (pay - daying) and get into some scrubs. Fuck Monday - I never got my pancakes.
  19. My 'lil one was sad because "The boys are watching 'Power Rangers, Samurai' and I have no idea what a Power Ranger is.". Sooo, like any good Mama (and Papa, he helped explain), we started Dragon Ball Z season 1 disc 1 on Sunday. *evil laughter* Take that PTA! This moment(s) was one of the best this weekend; If my kiddo could add to this list, she would add Gohan (sp?) to her favorites. Also - I'm now out of likes.
  20. 1 1/2 cup flour 3 1/2 tablespoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups milk 1 egg 3 tablespoons melted butter Fuck that box shit, who really knows what is in that crap. Real food = so much better.
  21. If it was four years ago, I just might...I really wanted pancakes.
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