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Everything posted by chuur

  1. Name : chuur Team Tag (If you want): [HURO] Characters/Pokemons : shiny houndoom Background (If you want any): dark background thank you!
  2. chuur


    Porygon 2s NFS unless good offer No Weatherball on that victreebel
  3. Sorry I got a little carried away with the pictures. And I know the suggestion has been made before here and here over a year ago. But I think it'd be really cool to ride a few of our favorite pokemon as MOUNTS! instead of jus bicycles and motorcycles. I've been playing sun & moon and one of the highlights is running around on tauros and smashing rocks lol. Players could do it as a quest or some sort of event for completing a dungeon or the story mode. If pokemmo puts it into the gift shop it'll be easy $ too, so it'll be a win-win. I think it's a good idea if we could add the feature in (and not just for a quick HM use). The community would be really hyped. I mean, who wouldn't wanna ride a pokemon mount right?!
  4. So far the christmas vanities are, Nutcracker hat / outfit Gingerbread man backpack 6 sets of Elfbot hat/ outfit and the Gift shop Scarf, Elf Tunic, Earmuffs did i miss anything? Bluebird on the 1st page mentioned string titles of NeoLiberty hat/ uniform Galaxy Uniform Flame Uniform Skull Uniform etc. which might be added for future vanities
  5. ive seen fire set, ground set, and water elfbot outfit. I also just pulled a Water elfbot hat. im assuming they have all 6 sets. Havent seen electric hat . Im wondering if there's more vantiies no one has found yet. If the event is really till Jan. 25th, then all the vanties / xmas gifts should drop lower in price. Anyone know when we can fight robo santa? It's Christmas! LF shiny Lapras!
  6. I like this event, they obviously put a lot of time and thought into it to make a new dungeon, the puzzles and mazes are well designed. and the co-op is something new, so at least we're not grinding alone, they even let you dodge trainers and you can OHKO the elves. you also dont need to buy full restores and max revives. No game is obligated to even have christmas events. and you have the option of not doing it if you dont want to.
  7. Confirmed that there are a total of 6 Children's Presents (last two open left switches) , 2 Big Robot Parts (Double Boss Elf and Rocket Boss)
  8. i got psychic elfbot outfit
  9. Besides mushrooms and star pieces, overall the event is a pretty good co-op challenge. This will help save you time when you get to the 8x7 ice breaking puzzle. Merry Christmas!
  10. BO is 25m but looking for more.. value for it keeps going up
  11. #'s 71, 72, 75, 76, 93, 94, 95, 96 , 97, 98, 99, IGN: chuur paid you 550k in game
  12. chuur

    eving service

    I vouch for nadeelia's EV service she's fast and reliable and for a good price! i'll definitely use again X)
  13. chuur


    @Sashaolin nty @Kanzo nty
  14. chuur


    @Sashaolin nty
  15. chuur


    @AbdOuMarley no thanks @Sashaolin Rhydon Yes pursuit, 252hp 252atk Ludicolo Yes Leech Synth Kecleon Yes Recover Sharpedo Nty
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