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Everything posted by XxLoydxX

  1. I dont think you can log in with so few info, you need the e-mail adress and the Username
  2. I want to try new farming methods, What do you recommend? I have tried farming leagues and berries, but battling and growing berries is kinda boring.
  3. I have changed my password a few times, and you only need access to the e-mail and the user name (not the character name). (Correct me if im wrong)
  4. https://pokemmo.com/account_forgot_password/ you might be able to change your password there, but if you dont remember the e-mail password (or cant change the e-mail password) then you'll have to send a ticket.
  5. Unova bc golett. Also because it has better TVs and more stuff to do.
  6. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n1, n2; char A = 'a'; char S = 's'; char M = 'm'; char D = 'd'; char Op; char xd; cout<<"Basic Calculator"<<endl; cout<<"a for additions, s for substractions, m for multiplications and d to divide"<<endl; cout<<"Insert a number: ";cin>>n1; cout<<"Insert another number: ";cin>>n2; cout<<"Wich operation you want to do? ";cin>>Op; if(Op == A){ cout<<"The result is: "<<n1+n2; } else if(Op == S){ cout<<"The result is: "<<n1+n2; } else if(Op == M){ cout<<"The result is: "<<n1*n2; } else if(Op == D){ cout<<"The result is: "<<n1/n2; } cin>>xd; return 0; } A basic calculator, the first c code i made
  7. I think you can't if both characters are from the same account (the game wont let you), but you can if the characters are from different accounts.
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