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  1. Pokémon Masters Red's outfit would be awesome!
  2. Oh, sorry. I didn't know about that, I just think it would have because of the other alternative forms. Thanks for the great mod!
  3. This mod is awesome! But I think the female forms of Unfezant and Jellicent are missing (I think female Frillish too).
  4. For sure, Mega Evolution as well as Gigantamax are crap in the Pokémon game series. Pokémon is already perfect in the original concept.
  5. I'm pretty sure Johto will be released before I finish writing Tomorro3,14159265358979323846…
  6. Would it be possible to add Pokémon from regions that do not yet exist in the game through a special swarm? This would solve the graphics limitation issue (although I don't know if this is what limits the implementation of newer regions besides the rights)
  7. Quando pintar uma dúvida, é interessante adicionar uma tradução em inglês. Facilita o auxílio por mais usuários. Espero ter ajudado.
  8. Bom dia, amigo! Dependendo de como esteja seu progresso, creio que seja só retornar pra casa e falar com sua mãe (não tenho certeza se isso ainda está disponível). Contudo, a partir da 4ª insígnia é só ir no porto da região que você estiver. Sobre os Pokémon, eles ainda permanecem com você, mas respeitando o nível de obediência de acordo com a quantidade de insígnias na região.
  9. Just one more doubt, once he escapes from its owner it returns to his natural encounter location?
  10. Can everyone find him or just one person (in case he hasn't been found yet) and once captured just battling the one who found him? Another doubt I have, is it really one legendary per region or does each channel have its own?
  11. Of course yes, but not always the player stays in the indicated place.
  12. One more service fast and perfectly done! Thanks!
  13. I think the location of whoever owns a legendary should appear on the map since some people keep hiding or running away. Since the legendaries don't belong to anyone and everyone has the right to register them.
  14. Thanks for one more excelent service! Very really fast. Awesome!
  15. Why Pheno is such a rare event and still hard to find when the Pokes are not even good? There should be rarity only among the Pokes found inside, with the exclusive ones being harder to find.
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