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Posts posted by Loundemon

  1. I agree with your assessment, but still wanted to have this discussion

    22 hours ago, Znooz said:

    No, shiny rate is fair.

    I am talking about the distribution of the rates, not the actual shiny rates themself). Both Pseudo-Random and Random have their pros and cons mechanics and market-wise. At some point, if most of the player base is in favor of pseudo-random, would pokemmo stick to its initial game direction or would they try to align at some points with their player base? These are things I am trying to understand about this game to decide how long-term I'd be playing. And why are you so confident that the majority player base prefers just a random distribution(has this conversation happened before?). With the retention rate and number of new players added to this game everyday, the player base is costantly changing. A fraction of that base are the long-term players who don't like too many changes in things they are comfortable with. Which category would your opinion belong to? Also to clarify, I am not asking about lower the shiny rates, I like these shiny rates. I am just trying to discuss a reliability factor for those shiny rates. Lowering shiny rates would be a disaster for this game and would definitely make it less improtant for me. What pseudo-random distribution does is it increases the chances of shiny by a little bit everytime you don't encounter one, and resets when you encounter one. With the discussion of having an encounter counter in-game, they'd have most of what they'd need to implement pseudo-random distribution. I am all for the long-grinds, I just want to see them more reliable, that's it. So, even with pseudo-random, the overall shiny catching rate is still 1/30k, if you catch one in 3k, you are just lucky. I guess once poke-force(who have declared a pseudo-random distribution for shinies) is out, the actual in-game mechanics of pseudo-random shinies can be tested out by players.

  2. I've been thinking about this and feel like it makes sense. Allowing any other ball would just change it too much, but allowing masterballs(which are limited to 5 per account) in safari zone, helps people catch that rare safari shiny. It does not take away anything from anyone's experience, while making safari shinies little more accessible. What do you guys think? I just want to hear your thoughts about this.

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