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Everything posted by Goku

  1. To me this is a complaint. Also stating that the pumpking is the easiest you have seen is false. The pumpking last year can be compared to this year after the nerf. Next time don't belittle someone because of your own opinion. What's "easy" for you might not necessarily be easy for him. So instead of telling him he has no skill why don't you advise him on what to do. Edit: Not going at you. Just saying a little help goes a long way.
  2. I saw a post where it was confirmed that anniversary will follow halloween. I might be wrong but iirc I read it somewhere and that we can expect something huge for anniversary.
  3. People be complaining about how hard the pumpking is and then after it gets a nerf they complain about how easy it is... like come on bro xDD
  4. I am having the same problem. There goes GTL sniping. Edit: 1 update and shiny hunting and gtl sniping is now just meh.
  5. Trick kitty was designed for the pumpking outfit. Looks very good. Edit: Well I assumed that was the goal as the color scheme is perfect.
  6. Sorry guys I had to go into work for a few things so I wasn't able to log. I'll get back to you soon ♡
  7. He is saying that you only need 3 mons to beat it. So the other 3 mons can be the ones you would like to have the particle on
  8. Collecting vanities and holding onto them for future profits is a big thing in the game. That's just how it works. It's not greed, it's just business. Although a vanity such as this, I can understand it being seasonal as it's a great vanity and will of course generate a decent amount of income for devs on a yearly. Good for them.
  9. Awesome will do. Thanks brodie
  10. Hey guys so right now I am looking for the following 2012 pokemon. I am going for a full dex which means everything 2012 and I am pretty close to finishing it. I need the following Ledyba x 1 Squirtle x 1 Murkrow x 2 Misdreavus x 1 Snorunt x 1 Marill x 1 - Done and dusted. Octillery x 1 - Done and dusted. Other than this I believe I have everything. If you have these for sale I'll pay a decent amount for them.
  11. Some of us don't do pvp, we use to shiny hunt but now that is a bit meh... So what do we do? We generate wealth lol.
  12. She did not share any details with me as that will give me an unfair advantage over other players. I took the time and figured it out.
  13. Easy mode same strat less item usage. I'll pm you the details later. Just at work atm.
  14. My team is a 90+% win rate after making a few adjustments. The problem with my team is that you need 5 mons xDD so only 1 mon can get the particle where as last year you only needed 3 mons.
  15. Woah woah. You missing the entire post here. I never cheated. If I did, my account would be banned. I am simply stating that everyone who recieved the Client Tampering message had some form of an automation application. In my case I had one but I never used it or tried to in PokeMMO. I failed to mention that I had one because I guess I didn't know what to expect and the point of this post is to apologize to staff for not admitting that I had one and to share awareness of what the cause is of all these players recieving that message. It seems the majority of players have these automation applications and just because they have them doesn't mean they use them in PokeMMO. Although I can understand this procedure that was implemented because by doing things this way, you are basically not able to play the game on android if you have such an application, which forces you to get rid of it and in return, it's just an absolutely great way to prevent botting. Big Improvement.
  16. Hey guys, hope you all are doing well. I am making this post and I have to be honest... it's very hard to do. We all are aware after the recent update a lot of players have been getting that scary message regarding client tampering. I have received the message myself. I made an immediate report and was not banned, although I am going to tell the truth... I lied in my report. I informed the Staff that there was no Macro Software on my phone..., except there was. I did indeed have an auto clicker app on my phone. At the time I guess I was just delusional or afraid of the worst. I deleted it before filing my report. Even though I never used it for PokeMMO, the app was most definitely on my phone and I did remove it before making the report, of course. This message is just to make it clear to several players that if you have received that "Client Tampering" message, it is a clear indication that you do indeed have an auto clicker app (Not to say that you are using it) and that Staff / Devs do know. Get rid of it on your phone with immediate effect. At the moment I am not banned, but that does not matter to me. I am writing this as an apology for not being honest and wasting the time of our Staff. I value my reputation more than my account and when @Rache told me I was dishonest, I could not handle it. She is my friend and has always been good to me and this includes several staff members. So I am writing this post as an awareness to what is happening to several players. This is also an apology to @Kyu and @Teddiursa and anyone else who reviewed my report. I am SORRY. You can ban my account like I have stated; I don't care. At least you will know I am Honest and maybe... hopefully forgive me for not stating the obvious in the beginning. At least I know in the end I have shared my heart and a heartfelt apology. To the community, if you received that "Client Tampering" message, don't file a report. Just remove your Auto Clicker app on your phone and keep enjoying this beautiful game. Sorry for the post and thank you for reading♡. I hope you all have a great week ahead.
  17. When they receive a few 100 reports in less than a day, it's not easy to reach out to everyone. They will give an update on it once they have found a solution.
  18. Just give them some time. This is a serious issue that is occuring after the previous update. Please have some patience with staff. They are aware and they're on it.
  19. I had a discussion with them last night. They're aware and obviously working on it. Just have some patience with them.
  20. Thank God. I mean it's bad of course but I was scrambling last night through my phone to see what might be interfering with the client. It's probably the new update. Edit: Afaik it is happening on Android
  21. Resolved can close please.
  22. The time I was receiving it I was in maulville pc showing a friend some of my OT's. I ain't never touched the client xDD
  23. Hey guys so I just got a message. Idk what the hell is going on lol. I am not banned, still able to play but has anyone got this before? Lol. I swear I didn't do shit lol. Edit: First time I ever recieve a message like this. Weird!
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