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Everything posted by Raederz

  1. >ppl leaving the game everyday. On what did u based your calcul to assume shiny generation pace is higher than players leaving the game with shinies, or just not willing to trade them anymore ?
  2. Shiny prices may be the worst exemple as they are mostly getting lower and lower for the expensive ones, and staying constant for the cheap ones. Inflation would make their value go up. Here, the problem is the lack of inflation. It IS a problem because it kills market dynamic, making people think "Im not that interested, so I better buy it later because the price is not growing up"
  3. ceterus paribus, which means "its just theoric, it will never be this way" Inflation is seen bad cuz ppl think "prices go up" and because irl, when it happened "too much" (cuz no inflation at all is the worse situation), incomes werent changing the same way for evrerybody, rich ppl getting no impact, or even positive one, and the others having their income constant while prices were going up, and as I said, there is no reason to have it here in pokemmo, we're not even stuck with incomes and stuff, ppl who want $ just make them
  4. This is not a good idea, but inflation has nothing to do with it tho. Inflation is only a problem when the whole community isnt impacted the same. I see no difference between having 100$ to buy something worth 100$ and having 10$ to buy something worth 10$. Problem is when price turn from 10 to 100 and ur income from 10 to 80 (exemple) which isnt the case here. Problem here is more about the time it takes to catch breeders (1 usable breeder every 5-6 catches approx), making it faster gives it a better $/time, makes more ppl do it, higher supply, same demand, prices go down. And breeding will only be buying braces. Maybe some ppl would like it, but once I heard "gotta catch em all". Would also make it faster to have the whole pokedex as comp, and have more and more player out of the market. Less dynamic market is dead market. No one likes to wait 2 weeks to sell something.
  5. nah hordes were here for pretty long, I did most of my evtraining there, since I joined pokemmo, to approx last year same date.
  6. ye but not really desirable so not many ppl hunted it.
  7. Counter per specie would be awesome as Anthrazit said.
  8. Would be dope, the unofficial one only works if u play only pokemmo, or it will give fake count everytime u switch to chrome or anything while you're in battle.
  9. Why do u need 3*31 ? Arent Atk/speed enought ? Btw, after like 4 boxes of evolved nincadas, by best are : 30-30 natured +atk 30-31 neutral nature Imo it's worth collecting it, but definitely not worth the comp optimization.
  10. That is only because pokemon's AI isnt that good x) In 2017, if u get interested in these stuff, u'll see that bots may be even more unpredictable than human.
  11. ... nice quotes .. ______ What I mean is u could manage hordes pools to make spots viable for shiny hunting which is a real feature (No Rache ! Viable doesnt mean full of rare ! I mean with their own commons ! So yea, put "Woobat, Patrat, or anything else" but bats are already part of many spots)
  12. Dont ! I dont want to remove them ! Is my english that bad lmao I feel like we always are discussing on totally different topics I want them as unova's "risk" over bats, cuz bats are already kanto's (and hoenn's unfortunately)
  13. The way the other was closed was really far from what I wanted to point. So ye
  14. Salty part here : To say it more friendly, my point is : Kanto has its own rares and commons, and at this point, everybody is more or less fine with it. If you are looking for Lapras, you may find Tentacool. As a shiny hunter, I consider it like a risk, or a cost, use the word u prefer. Like : Above the shiny rate, u will have to make enought encouters (or be lucky but that's short term vision) to also beat the "encounter rate", and this way, u may encounter undesired shinies. That's part of the hunt and I accept it. Now, if the side encounters are always the same specie, it becomes annoying, because if you first made a long hunt, and finally found what you wanted, plus maybe an undesired (lets say golbat), and the undesired u may find in you next hunt is also a golbat, it makes it even more undesired. Now, I definitely dont want rarer shinies to be easier to get. But there are plenty of common shinies, why do u keep posting bats and tenta everywhere ? That can be told for kanto. And now that u add a new region, well, there was already plenty of commons, now there are even more. How come u can still use the undesired people already got to encounter in the other regions ? I hope u understand better. Because regarding Rache's answer, the "salty post" was not that understandable. Ofc, having rares less rares is something absurd I dont want. Just wanted to point the huge part of commons u can use to make hordes spots.
  15. Repost here cuz other part is meant for real stuff, they dont really care about having it viable from the part of the player base which is the shiny hunters. Well. Wtf. Region isnt released yet. Many species werent avaliable yet. It's time to define who u want to have as common, as rare, ... Why The hell U use already existing species and put them everywhere like they will be ruining most of the hunt possible ? I hear new region, and then i figure I will only have 10% of it interesting. Kinda feels like hoenn but worse
  16. My current top 3 WolfgangDamien (Tauros) CleytonVale (Dunsparce) DanieruTamashi (Corsola) So many nice entries tho ! Cant wait to see final winners
  17. Is it serious post ? I see "badboys" roleplayer in many mmo that doesnst allow all those bad things. If u dont wanna play "rp" u shouldnt care about it. If u want to play "rp" u shouldnt consider stealing stuff for real.
  18. I'm from mid-2016, dunno if it's nostalgia already. Being staff for some month helped me a lot to find people to have me stuck here tho. Even if my hater prankster way of shit behaving already made me make some nice friends before that. I have no one in particular, but I like the whole thing, and it made me stay every time I got "bored" of the game. Cuz community > game. Ez I had no many pokemon experience before pokemmo, and found out that I dont really like pokemon competitive playing, so, Pokemmo is now my "side game" I play all day while living my life (when Im at home, cuz no android pokemmo rip), just clicking from time to time. Fits well with shiny hunting, so that's now my only reason to play here, out of the awesome community. Oh and I also love suggestion box. Suggested stuff are mostly not likely to happen but still nice to discuss and get to know everyones vision.
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