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Everything posted by SodaNaranja

  1. Thanks! Jeez i were looking for hours there and i lost fate, i'll just look a little longer.
  2. Its very easy, you can go through with lvl 50 mons, npc lvls becomes your higher pokemon lvl once you memorize the route you can at least farm childrens presents, the real pain are the wild pokemon (Like 55-65 and 90 in hordes) but you can try!. Lmao loved the reference.
  3. Exactly where to find it pls! Very very importante!
  4. Stop being rood bad people.
  5. I finally finished the mountain if you are stuck just pm me ingame or here. IGN: SodaNaranja.
  6. Why not hoenn altering cave? #Pray4Hoenn
  7. Wow...just wow...i came here thinking that it would be cool/funny/interesting to participate, thought everyone felt the same, wrong mistake. I realize now that people actually takes these things serious and don't see it like i do (not saying that they should). Anyways, my opinion is not nearly close to be important, and my intention is not to offend, but here it is: If you're into art stuff and feel hurt because of the criteria that judges use: pm staff politely to make your oppinion worthy of attention instead of thrashing in the forums, you guys look adorable. Also if you're a staff member and THIS is happening, you must be doing something wrong, at least listen to what they're trying to say and try to solve the issue instead of claiming that you didn't do anything wrong. The main problem: "I'm right, you're wrong". Anyways that's just my opinion, i hope not to trigger anyone.
  8. Name : SodaNaranja Team* : Fird Background* : Wooden forest Render (Pokemon only) : Serperior Additional information*: Make honor to its dex entry as the "Regal pokemon" :D
  9. Aquí podrás checar info importante como fechas de torneos y eventos oficiales, así como actualizaciones del juego y fan art de sus jugadores! pásate mas a menudo!
  10. I don't really know how to fix the image but here's a link: https://postimg.org/image/ky2j4sqzx/ Sorry but i don't know how to fix it :(
  11. But if i don't add color nobody would know that dialga it's primal dialga from explorer of time.
  12. Only pencil...I̷m̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷n̷k̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷a̷b̷o̷u̷t̷ ̷a̷d̷d̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷s̷o̷m̷e̷ ̷c̷o̷l̷o̷r̷. Im just not a color fan (I dont know how to) so i wont color it because i dont want (because i cant).
  13. This way people won't have to google egg groups and possible breeders for their mons.
  14. SodaNaranja


    What item can you buy with that amount? dolls? lmao
  15. SodaNaranja


    Battle point are not tradeable m8
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