Popular Post CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 28 Popular Post Posted January 28 (edited) Hello everyone! The Lunar New Year festivities have returned to PokéMMO! If you're eager to celebrate and make the most of this special event, you've come to the right place. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to participate, collect exclusive rewards, and embrace the spirit of the Lunar New Year! Let’s welcome the new year with prosperity, good fortune, and unforgettable Pokémon adventures! Important: Spoiler This guide is a work in progress and may be updated in the future. Since this is still a work in progress, you can contribute by gathering and sharing information to help us complete it. Use "Ctrl + F" to search for something specific in the guide for more detailed information. New Cosmetics: Spoiler Obtained from Cosmetic Visual Slot Rarity Top 50 Shrine Leaderboard Nian Hood Hat Seasonal Top 1 Shrine Leaderboard Shiny Nian Hood Hat Seasonal Gift Shop Xuanwu Bike Limited Gift Shop Green Serpent Armor Shirt Limited Gift Shop Black Serpent Armor Shirt Limited Red Envelope Flower Crown Hat Seasonal Red Envelope Sand Snake Coat Shirt Rare Red Envelope Sand Snake Scarf Back Rare Red Envelope Elegant Antennae Hat Rare Red Envelope Elegant Scarf Back Rare Red Envelope Cobra Hoodie Shirt Rare Lucky Red Envelope Golden Cuffed Ponytail Hair Rare Lucky Red Envelope Coiled Snake Hat Hat Ultra Rare Lucky Red Envelope Tiny White Wings Hat Rare Beating Zodiac Masters Zodiac Tangzhuang Shirt Rare Lucky Red Envelope Spring Flower Hairpin Hat Seasonal Money Rate: Spoiler Celebrate the New Year with a festive boost: enjoy a 10% Money Rate increase from Trainers during this event! Swarms: Spoiler Swarm Pokémon can be found across all regions and appear more frequently during the Lunar New Year event. Returning Swarm Pokémon will reward you with Mysterious Cherish Ball and Zodiac Tablets For every 8 Pokémon returned from swarms, you'll receive a Mysterious Cherish Ball. Once you've returned 24 Pokémon, you'll be rewarded with a Zodiac Tablet. With a total of 12 tablets available, you'll need to return 288 Pokémon to collect them all. You can return the Pokémon caught during swarms and claim your rewards by interacting with the Old Lady in Celadon City (Kanto), Slateport City (Hoenn), Hearthome City (Sinnoh), or Nacrene City (Unova). Swarms Catch Rates: Spoiler Pokémon Rate Ball Minccino 100% Quick Ball Spoink 100% Quick Ball Spinda 100% Quick Ball Numel 100% Quick Ball Nidoran♂ 100% Quick Ball Nidoran♀ 100% Quick Ball Swinub 100% Quick Ball Growlithe 100% Quick Ball Pikachu 100% Quick Ball Deerling 100% Quick Ball Meditite 100% Quick Ball Munna 100% Quick Ball Cottonee 100% Quick Ball Meowth 100% Quick Ball Mankey 100% Quick Ball Buneary 100% Quick Ball Ekans 100% Quick Ball Raticate 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Staravia 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Recoil Vigoroth 100% 1HP Para Great Ball Luxio 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Flaaffy 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Recoil Rhyhorn 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Pidgeotto 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Seviper 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Electrike 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Riolu 100% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Espeon 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Combusken 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Miltank 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Gyarados 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Aipom 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Dragonair 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Electabuzz 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Onix 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Monferno 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Stantler 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Recoil Tauros 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Gengar 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Charmeleon 46% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Gabite 70% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Dunsparce 100% Quick Ball Ponyta 100% Quick Ball Poochyena 100% Quick Ball Hippopotas 100% 1HP Ultra Ball Recoil Fearow 100% 1HP Asleep Great Ball Recoil Girafarig 93% 1HP Asleep Ultra Ball Abundant Shrine: Spoiler The Abundant Shrine is a cooperative mission for 2-4 players. Work together to defeat as many enemies as you can and earn rewards, including Red Envelopes and Lucky Red Envelopes You can participate in the Abundant Shrine by speaking to the NPC located in Celadon City (Kanto), Slateport City (Hoenn), Hearthome City (Sinnoh), or Nacrene City (Unova). In-Depth: Spoiler Here's a detailed guide to the Abundant Shrine. Keep in mind that this guide is still a work in progress. If you have any information we’re missing, feel free to share it with us! Starting Wave: The leader selects the starting wave. It’s recommended to begin with the hardest waves, such as Dragon or Rabbit, for optimal strategy. Items: Don’t forget to collect the items inside the house where you spawn. Claiming Pokémon: You can claim Pokémon at the shrine located next to the NPC at the top of the Abundant Shrine. Scoreboard Access: Interact with the NPC next to the shrine to view the scoreboard. Leaving the Instance: To exit the instance, interact with the orange plot. Teleportation: The leader can use the teleport gem from their inventory to teleport the entire team out of the instance, placing everyone in front of the shrine where Pokémon are claimed. Ensure no one is in battle when using this feature. Claimable Pokémon: Only defeated Pokémon can be claimed. These are indicated by the bubbles above their heads. Wave Difficulty: Wave 1/12: 2 foes per fight. Wave 12/26: 3 foes per fight. Scoring: Your score determines the rewards you earn. Collecting more items and Pokémon will increase your score, leading to better rewards. Evolution Charm: A rare item used to evolve claimable Pokémon from the shrine. Use it carefully, as it's a highly valuable resource. Strength Charm: A rare item used to EV train claimable Pokémon from the shrine. Use it carefully, as it's a valuable resource. Healing with Mending Prayer: Use the move Mending Prayer (available on Steelix) to heal your Pokémon and your teammates' Pokémon. Communicate with your team to coordinate healing. You can also claim Pokémon with Mending Prayer, but be cautious as these Pokémon are crucial to the team and cannot heal if they are K.O. Healing with Healing Wind: Use Healing Wind to heal everyone’s status conditions. Ensure your teammates are nearby when using this move. You can also claim Pokémon with Healing Wind, but be cautious as these Pokémon are valuable for the team and cannot heal if they are K.O. Ressource: If you're not comfortable with effective/weakness types you can check this guide and use this mod Starters: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Milotic Scald Ice Beam Protective Aura Dragon's Blessing Arbok Poison Jab Seed Bomb Aqua Tail Serpent's Fear Seviper Sludge Bomb Flamethrower Giga drain Healing Wind Steelix Iron Head Drill Run Provoke Mending Prayer Boss: Spoiler Boss Wave 12 20 26 Cycle: Spoiler Cycle Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig First Round: Spoiler Snake: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Ekans Poison Jab Seed Bomb Aqua Tail Serpent's Fear Snivy Leaf Storm Dragon Pulse Sweet Scent Serpent's Fear Tynamo Spark Charge Beam Tackle Charge Goat: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Cottonee Giga Drain Toxic Tailwind Mending Prayer Mareep Thunderbolt Power Gem Hidden Power Protective Aura Rhyhorn Drill Run Rock Slide Megahorn Provoke Cubone Bonemerang ThunderPunch Brick Break Perish Song Dragon: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Dratini Dragon Pulse Aqua Tail Safeguard Protective Aura Treecko Grass Pledge Drain Punch Acrobatics Dragon's Blessing Charmander Weather Ball Dragon Pulse Acrobatics Healing Wind Gible Dragon Claw Earthquake Flash of Speed Dragon's Blessing Axew Dragon Claw Superpower Healing Wind Dragon's Blessing Deino Draco Meteor Dark Pulse Provoke Serpent's Fear Bagon Dragon Claw Brick Break Wish Protect Horse: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Deerling Bullet Seed Return Jump Kick Safeguard Blitzle Wild Charge Low Kick Me First Flash of Speed Horsea Surf Dragon Pulse Ice Beam Dragon's Blessing Ponyta Flare Blitz Wild Charge Morning Sun Flash of Speed Monkey: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Slakoth Double-Edge Rock Slide Slack Off Provoke Meditite Drain Punch Psycho Cut Fake Out Protect Chimchar Fire Pledge Focus Punch ThunderPunch Fake Out Pansear Fire Pledge Low Kick Grass Knot Joyous Cheer Panpour Water Pledge Ice Beam Crunch Protective Aura Pansage Grass Pledge Acrobatics Dig Wish Aipom Return Thief Fake Out Joyous Cheer Rooster: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Murkrow Drill Peck Night Slash Psychic Tailwind Pidgey Brave Bird Return U-turn Mending Prayer Spearow Drill Peck Return Drill Run Roost Doduo Acrobatics Jump Kick Mirror Move Protect Starly Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost Flash of Speed Piplup Water Pledge Ice Beam Signal Beam Roost Torchic Flamethrower Low Kick Dig Will-O-Wisp Rufflet Sky Drop Close Combat Steel Wing Tailwind Dog: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Electrike Thunderbolt Flamethrower Signal Beam Thunder Wave Smeargle Spore Healing Wind Joyous Cheer Mending Prayer Poochyena Growlithe Flare Blitz Close Combat Wild Charge Charm Vulpix Flamethrower Energy Ball Helping Hand Safeguard Houndoor Flamethrower Dark Pulse Reversal Taunt Lillipup Giga Impact Wild Charge Healing Wind Protective Aura Riolu Aura Sphere Ice Punch Copycat Protective Aura Snubbull Return Ice Punch Lovely Kiss Mending Prayer Pig: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Munna Psychic Signal Beam Trick Room Mending Prayer Tepig Flare Blitz Superpower Wild Charge Will-O-Wisp Spoink Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam Toxic Slowpoke Scald Ice Beam Helping Hand Mending Prayer Swinub Icicle Spear Earthquake Ice Shard Stealth Rock Mankey Drain Punch Ice Punch Taunt Protect Rat: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Rattata Facade Dig U-turn Joyous Cheer Pikachu Volt Tackle Mega Kick Hidden Power Sweet Scent Sandshrew Earthquake Leech Life Brick Break Provoke Cyndaquil Eruption Hidden Power Will-O-Wisp Flash of Speed Oshawott Scald Sacred Sword X-Scissor Provoke Buizel Waterfall Ice Punch Brick Break Flash of Speed Drilbur Drill Run X-Scissor Protect Healing Wind Minccino Tail Slap Bullet Seed Hidden Power Super Fang Marill Waterfall Superpower Ice Punch Helping Hand Ox: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Numel Flare Blitz Earthquake Hidden Power Joyous Cheer Phanpy Earthquake Superpower Seed Bomb Stealth Rock Shieldon Toxic Taunt Mending Prayer Tiger: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Eevee Hidden Power Shadow Ball Copycat Healing Wind Skitty Return Helping Hand Joyous Cheer Mending Prayer Shinx Wild Charge Crunch Double Kick Protective Aura Glameow Return Wake-up Slap Fake Out Joyous Cheer Purrloin Dark Pulse Fake Out Thunder Wave Joyous Cheer Meowth Return Water Pulse Thief Joyous Cheer Rabbit: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Spinda Fake Out Protective Aura Joyous Cheer Mending Prayer Nidoran♂ Earth Power Ice Beam Lovely Kiss Provoke Nidoran♀ Sludge Bomb Earth Power Thunderbolt Protective Aura Whismur Return Flamethrower Ice Beam Healing Wind Buneary Return Fake Out Healing Wind Mending Prayer Second Round: Spoiler Snake: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Servine Leaf Storm Dragon Pulse Sweet Scent Serpent's Fear Eelektrik Discharge Signal Beam Giga Drain Air Slash Clamperl Waterfall Ice Beam Hidden Power Iron Defense Dunsparce Headbutt Helping Hand Glare Arbok Poison Jab Seed Bomb Aqua Tail Serpent's Fear Goat: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Whimsicott Giga Drain Toxic Tailwind Mending Prayer Flaaffy Thunderbolt Power Gem Hidden Power Protective Aura Rhydon Drill Run Rock Slide Megahorn Provoke Marowak Bonemerang ThunderPunch Brick Break Perish Song Absol Night Slash X-Scissor Will-O-Wisp Dragon: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Dragonair Dragon Pulse Aqua Tail Safeguard Protective Aura Grovyle Grass Pledge Drain Punch Acrobatics Dragon's Blessing Charmeleon Weather Ball Dragon Pulse Acrobatics Healing Wind Gabite Dragon Claw Earthquake Flash of Speed Dragon's Blessing Fraxure Dragon Claw Superpower Healing Wind Dragon's Blessing Zweilous Draco Meteor Dark Pulse Provoke Serpent's Fear Shelgon Dragon Claw Brick Break Wish Protect Vibrava Earth Power Hidden Power Bug Bite Dragon's Blessing Horse: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Sawsbuck Bullet Seed Return Jump Kick Safeguard Seadra Surf Dragon Pulse Ice Beam Dragon's Blessing Stantler Double-Edge Helping Hand Protective Aura Joyous Cheer Girafarig Psychic Hyper Voice Healing Wind Mending Prayer Monkey: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Vigoroth Double-Edge Rock Slide Slack Off Provoke Aipom Return Thief Fake Out Joyous Cheer Monferno Fire Pledge Focus Punch ThunderPunch Fake Out Simisear Fire Pledge Low Kick Grass Knot Joyous Cheer Simipour Water Pledge Ice Beam Crunch Protective Aura Simisage Grass Pledge Acrobatics Dig Wish Darumaka Flare Blitz Superpower Protect Rooster: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Murkrow Drill Peck Night Slash Psychic Tailwind Pidgeotto Brave Bird Return U-turn Mending Prayer Fearow Drill Peck Return Drill Run Roost Dodrio Acrobatics Jump Kick Mirror Move Protect Staravia Brave Bird Double-Edge Roost Flash of Speed Prinplup Water Pledge Ice Beam Signal Beam Roost Combusken Flamethrower Low Kick Dig Will-O-Wisp Braviary Sky Drop Close Combat Steel Wing Tailwind Archen Rock Slide Acrobatics Roost Protect Dog: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Herdier Giga Impact Wild Charge Healing Wind Protective Aura Ninetales Flamethrower Energy Ball Helping Hand Safeguard Mightyena Houndoom Flamethrower Dark Pulse Reversal Taunt Granbull Return Ice Punch Lovely Kiss Mending Prayer Pig: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Primeape Drain Punch Ice Punch Taunt Protect Pignite Flare Blitz Superpower Wild Charge Will-O-Wisp Grumpig Psychic Power Gem Signal Beam Toxic Piloswine Icicle Spear Earthquake Ice Shard Stealth Rock Swoobat Psychic Giga Drain Hidden Power Safeguard Rat: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Raticate Facade Dig U-turn Joyous Cheer Raichu Volt Tackle Mega Kick Hidden Power Sweet Scent Sandslash Earthquake Leech Life Brick Break Provoke Quilava Eruption Hidden Power Will-O-Wisp Flash of Speed Dewott Scald Sacred Sword X-Scissor Provoke Floatzel Waterfall Ice Punch Brick Break Flash of Speed Azumarill Waterfall Superpower Ice Punch Helping Hand Emolga Thunderbolt Acrobatics Mending Prayer Ox: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Camerupt Flare Blitz Earthquake Hidden Power Joyous Cheer Miltank Body Slam Toxic Mending Prayer Bastiodon Toxic Taunt Mending Prayer Tiger: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Zangoose Facade Close Combat Ice Punch Luxio Wild Charge Crunch Double Kick Protective Aura Purugly Return Wake-up Slap Fake Out Joyous Cheer Liepard Dark Pulse Fake Out Thunder Wave Joyous Cheer Persian Return Water Pulse Thief Joyous Cheer Electabuzz Thunder Punch Fire Punch Ice Punch Magnet Rise Rabbit: Spoiler Pokémon Move 1 Move 2 Move 3 Move 4 Spinda Fake Out Protective Aura Joyous Cheer Mending Prayer Nidorino Earth Power Ice Beam Lovely Kiss Provoke Nidorana Sludge Bomb Earth Power Thunderbolt Protective Aura Loudred Return Flamethrower Ice Beam Healing Wind Lopunny Return Fake Out Healing Wind Mending Prayer Audino Helping Hand Mending Prayer Jigglypuff Hyper Voice Ice Beam Hidden Power Helping Hand Plusle Thunderbolt Hidden Power Signal Beam Minun Thunderbolt Hidden Power Grass Knot Zodiac: Spoiler Use each Zodiac Tablet to challenge and defeat the corresponding Zodiac Master. Conquer all 12 Zodiac Masters to earn an exclusive reward Zodiac Master: Spoiler Zodiac Master Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Unova Rabbit Berry Forest Route 35 Route 123 (Surf) Route 217 Dreamyard (Strength) Tiger Route 7 Route 47 (Surf, Waterfall) Route 115 (Surf) Route 222 Route 1 (Surf) Pig Mt Ember (Surf, Strength, Rock Smash) Ruins of Alph Mt Chimney Route 225 (Surf) Giant Chasm Horse Route 16 (Cut) Route 44 Route 117 Ironworks (Surf) Route 2 (Cut) Dog Water Path (Surf) Route 32 Route 111 Route 221 (Surf) Route 4 (Smash) Goat Route 10 Route 45 Route 120 (Cut) Route 210 (Climb) Route 18 Snake Mt Moon Dark Cave (Flash, Surf) Granite Cave Iron Island Guidance (Strength, Smash) Monkey Viridian Forest Ilex Forest Petalburg Woods Eterna Forest Lostlorn Forest Ox Route 11 Route 39 Route 116 (Cut) Route 214 Abudant Shrine Rooster Sevault Canyon Route 46 (Climb) Route 111 Route 207 Desert Resort Rat Victory Road Victory Road (Strength) Victory Road Ravaged Path (Surf, Rock Smash) Twist Mountain Dragon Route 21 Dragon's Den (Surf, Whirlpool) Route 119 Route 212 (Cut) Route 14 (Surf, Waterfall) Raids: Spoiler Successfully completing the raid will reward you with an Alpha and a Dead Flower. Collect all 12 Dead Flowers before the event ends to unlock access to Flower paradise Requirements: Spoiler All raids require unique species and held item. The remaining requirements can be found under: Raid Level OT 3⭐ 60 1 4⭐ 75 1 5⭐ 95 1 6⭐ 100 4 Raids: Spoiler Raids Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Unova Strat Lopunny 3⭐ Berry Forest Route 35 Route 123 (Surf) Route 217 Dreamyard (Strength) Here Purugly 3⭐ Route 7 Route 47 (Surf, Waterfall) Route 115 (Surf) Route 222 Route 1 (Surf) Here Grumpig 3⭐ Mt Ember (Surf, Strength, Rock Smash) Ruins of Alph Mt Chimney Route 225 (Surf) Giant Chasm Here Zebstrika 3⭐ Route 16 (Cut) Route 44 Route 117 Ironworks (Surf) Route 2 (Cut) Here Stoutland 3⭐ Water Path (Surf) Route 32 Route 111 Route 221 (Surf) Route 4 (Smash) Here Ampharos 3⭐ Route 10 Route 45 Route 120 (Cut) Route 210 (Climb) Route 18 Here Steelix 4⭐ Mt Moon Dark Cave (Flash, Surf) Granite Cave Iron Island Guidance (Strength, Rock Smash) Here Slaking 4⭐ Viridian Forest Ilex Forest Petalburg Woods Eterna Forest Lostlorn Forest Here Tauros 4⭐ Route 11 Route 39 Route 116 (Cut) Route 214 Abudant Shrine Here Braviary 4⭐ Sevault Canyon Route 46 (Rock Climb) Route 111 Route 207 Desert Resort Here Excadrill 4⭐ Victory Road Victory Road (Strength) Victory Road Ravaged Path (Surf, Smash) Twist Mountain Here Gyarados 4⭐ Route 21 Dragon's Den (Surf, Whirlpool) Route 119 Route 212 (Cut) Route 14 (Surf, Waterfall) Here Legendary Raid: Spoiler Shaymin Sky Form is the final raid of the Lunar New Year event, unlocked by completing all 12 preceding Lunar New Year raids. After defeating the 12 Lunar New Year raids, you can use the Wilted Bouquet in your inventory to access Flower paradise, where Shaymin raid is located. Defeating the Shaymin raid will reward you with a catchable Shaymin, 25 Gracidea flowers, and 3 Exp Candy (XL) . Additionally, the Wilted Bouquet will transform into a Rejuvenated Bouquet. Requirements: Spoiler To successfully challenge the Shaymin raid, make sure your Pokémon are level 70 or higher and you have at least 2 OT in your team. Guide: Spoiler Pokémon Video Guide Shaymin Sky Form 4⭐ Here Here Mysterious Cherish Ball Shiny and Rarity Rates: Spoiler Rates Mysterious Cherish Ball Shiny rates 1/6000 Very Common Common Uncommon Baby Rare Very Rare Mysterious Cherish Ball Drops: Spoiler Common: Spoiler Pokémon Buneary Ekans Magikarp Tauros Dunsparce Ponyta Rapidash Spoink Blitzle Zebstrika Gyarados Seviper Flaaffy Glameow Purugly Rufflet Braviary Arbok Grumpig Miltank Dragonair Dragonite Nidoking Lillipup Herdier Stoutland Onix Steelix Darmanitan Luxray Staraptor Mareep Manectric Rare: Spoiler Pokémon Drilbur Excadrill Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking Feebas Milotic Servine Serperior Emboar Typhlosion Red Envelope Drops: Spoiler Items Fake Tears Light Screen Reflect Screech Dragon Claw Dragon Pulse Brick Break Super Iron Super Carbos Super Protein Super Calcium Super Zinc Super HP Up Nugget Pearl Stardust Plate Insect Plate Icicle Plate Zap Plate Iron Plate Dread Dragon Fang Light Clay Metronome Gem Dragon EXP Charm +50% Riches Charm +75% Premier Ball Repeat Ball Timer Ball Luxury Ball Heal Ball Firework Yellow Firework Purple Firework Green Firework Red Dumplings Mandarin Lava Cookie Sand Snake Scarf Elegant Antennae Flower Crown Sand Snake Coat Elegant Scarf Cobra Hoodie Lucky Red Envelope Drops: Spoiler Items Helping Hand Will-O-Wisp Knock Off Tailwind Dragon Dance Draco Meteor Haze Hyper Calcium Hyper Iron Hyper Protein Hyper Carbos Hyper Zinc Pearl Star Piece Pearl String Stardust Dragon Gem Lava Cookie Dumplings Mandarin Premier Ball Repeat Ball Luxury Ball Heal Ball Timer Ball Battle Points Charm (+100%) Item Magnet Charm (+100%) EXP Charm (+100%) Fist Plate Dread Plate Stone Plate Icicle Plate Insect Plate Mystic Mirror Light Clay Metronome Elegant Scarf EXP Candy (L) EXP Candy (XL) EXP Candy (M) Nugget Coiled Snake Hat I hope this guide was helpful! Wishing you all an happy Lunar New Year! Edited February 10 by CALLMESENSEIX OfficialDarku, razzjets, Zuladra and 51 others 23 11 17 2 1
yuishigamy001 Posted January 29 Posted January 29 I'm ready to look for the pillars :3 Estoy listo para buscar pilares ;3 CALLMESENSEIX, DEIVIDANTHONY and Javiercitooo 1 2
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 29 Author Posted January 29 (edited) Hey @yuishigamy001, great to see you back at this event! Edited January 29 by CALLMESENSEIX argenxall and yuishigamy001 1 1
YoruKiss Posted January 29 Posted January 29 woah i like this type of guides good job CALLMESENSEIX 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 29 Author Posted January 29 29/01/2025: Updated with more accurate information yuishigamy001 1
Sentimiento Posted January 29 Posted January 29 Thank you for helping those in need Im grateful 🙂 CALLMESENSEIX and SageOfSixDabs 2
yuishigamy001 Posted January 30 Posted January 30 (edited) ★★RIAD 1 Loopuny★★ Nivel 65 ★★★☆☆ Lugar: Kanto: Bosque Baya/Berry Forest NO MO|| Hoen: Rt123 MO Surf || Jhoto: Rt 35 NO MO || Shinoh: Rt 217 NO MO || Teselia/Unova: Solar de Los Sueños/ Dreamyard NO MO|| Edited January 30 by yuishigamy001 ♥️ CALLMESENSEIX and Javiercitooo 1 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 (edited) 30/01/25: Added more cosmetics Fixed "Raids" tab Added "Zodiac Master" tab Added better visual to "Zodiac Tablets" tab Added Lopunny Raid Added all the Zodiac Master locations Edited January 30 by CALLMESENSEIX
Zuladra Posted January 30 Posted January 30 (edited) On 1/28/2025 at 7:28 PM, CALLMESENSEIX said: Fixed Based on last year’s event, Tablets and Raids are separate activities. Tablets grant a tradable vanity item, while Raids reward an Alpha Pokémon and unlock the Shaymin Raid, where players can obtain Shaymin in its base form. Shaymin’s Sky Forme can then be unlocked by using 1,000 Gracidea. Hope this clarifies things—thanks for your great work! Zodiac Masters have been spotted nearby Raid Dens. The Masters are seeking the Zodiac Tablets handed out by the old woman curtailing the unruly swarms. Defeat all 12 to receive an exclusive event reward Edited January 30 by Zuladra CALLMESENSEIX and MbthegamerxD 1 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 30/01/25: Fixed some issues Thank you @Zuladra Zuladra 1
Elizn Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Another event I can sit out of doing a post for Here's the link to mine last year, I believe the raid zodiacs will be the same kenjimAd, CALLMESENSEIX, imphilxd and 2 others 4 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 Hey @Elizn, thanks for your comment and for the previous guide! I used your guide as a reference for the Zodiac Master location. It might still be the same, but if there are any changes, I’ll make sure to post an update. Elizn and Zuladra 1 1
SageOfSixDabs Posted January 30 Posted January 30 Is there a minimum level requirement for this or can I just go to Berry Forest at any time and start? CALLMESENSEIX 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 Hey @SageOfSixDabs, you need atleast 1 OT and your pokémon has to be level 60 atleast. SageOfSixDabs 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 (edited) 30/01/25: Added swarms, respective catch rates, and strategies in "Swarms Catch Rates" tab. Note: This list was created by me based on @c4v's previous event list. During the event, we might encounter additional Pokémon. If you notice any missing, please let us know! Edited January 30 by CALLMESENSEIX
SageOfSixDabs Posted January 30 Posted January 30 1 hour ago, CALLMESENSEIX said: Hey @SageOfSixDabs, you need atleast 1 OT and your pokémon has to be level 60 atleast. Thank you! Now I just need to find a team lol. Does this correlate at all to all the wild Gabite's appearing on Two Island in Kanto or is that it's own thing? CALLMESENSEIX 1
CALLMESENSEIX Posted January 30 Author Posted January 30 38 minutes ago, SageOfSixDabs said: Thank you! Now I just need to find a team lol. Does this correlate at all to all the wild Gabite's appearing on Two Island in Kanto or is that it's own thing? No, check "Swarms" tab SageOfSixDabs 1
SageOfSixDabs Posted January 30 Posted January 30 4 minutes ago, CALLMESENSEIX said: No, check "Swarms" tab You're a genius, thank you lol. Sorry for asking unrelated questions in here. I am almost ready for this event, I think I have a Pokemon in my party that is a different OT bc it says "this Pokemon would easily defeat you, better steer clear" 😭
yuishigamy001 Posted January 30 Posted January 30 ★★RIAD 2 Purugly ★★ Nivel 65 ★★★☆☆ Lugar: Kanto: Rt 7 NO MO|| Hoen: Rt115 MO Surf || Jhoto: Rt 47 MO Surf, Waterfall|| Shinoh: Rt 222 NO MO || Teselia/Unova: Rt 1 MO Surf|| CALLMESENSEIX 1
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