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[MOD][IPS] The Other Moemon Ports (IT LIVES! All Gen 3/MMO Compatible! 527/649 Pokemon Moe-ized!)

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I have encountered this whilst playing the MMO version (notice the cut off part of my charmander)

Edited by Guest
Posted before finishing
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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been here in ages, so I probably missed a lot.

A quick scan of this thread reveals a few people with graphical glitches, but nothing major.

However, after applying this patch to the same clean ROM I patched in Jan 2016, it broke quite a few pokedex entries and caused some visual bag glitches.

See attached Imgur album for screenshots:




Edit: using Hash Calc (an android checksum utility) I confirmed my Emerald version has the correct SHA-256 and SHA-1 hashes

Edited by RivenSkaye
additional info
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On 4/22/2018 at 1:01 AM, OtherPlayers said:

IT LIVES!! After much delay due to real life and some procrastination I've finally got a version I'm happy with put together. That sad news is, of course, that for the moment I've had to drop the Sigma Emerald version of the patch. I'll be looking into potentially restoring it sometime in the future, but no promises. I've also fixed it up for the MMO to be functional again, as well as found a large number of placeholder moemon that were scattered around the web for the Gen 4/5 that I've included. As always though, I'd much prefer to use moemon created right here, so if you want to see more of those than head on over to the Mega Moemon project and offer your aid (it's really not as hard as it seems).


I'll try to keep an eye on this a bit more closely at least in the immediate future in case you guys catch any errors; my pokedex on the MMO is lacking in particular, so I couldn't actually verify a fairly significant part of the modfile for that, so I'd love to hear that everything is working correctly (or what isn't).


Also by demand I've included hashcodes for the proper ROM's that you should be using for the patch, so if you are of the mind to you should be able to double-check that you have the proper one if something is breaking.

 Really sad to see you dropping support for Sigma Emerald :( I was hoping for an update to version 1.913

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I know you can't tell me where to get one or anything like that but I keep looking for the proper hash code for Emerald and every download I try gives me this hash code instead:


Is that going to be problematic? because I can't find any rom with a different code and the one the readme says I need has the hash code of:


I'm really confused :/


EDIT: NVM people on the Discord helped me :)

Edited by Link2434
Problem seems to be solved
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  • 2 months later...
3 hours ago, tamkung said:

I have found some bug in version 2.0


When i first time open the bag i see Pokeball,berries and Tms&Hms bag slot is glitch 

It disturb me when i playing lol


Hope you fix it soon


Sorry for my bad english 

See my previous post in this thread and the imgur album link. Please also check for the broken pokedex entries if you could, as well as checking the hashes on your ROM compared to the read me. I assume this patch is indeed causing the glitch on a clean ROM.

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On 10/6/2018 at 5:28 PM, RivenSkaye said:

See my previous post in this thread and the imgur album link. Please also check for the broken pokedex entries if you could, as well as checking the hashes on your ROM compared to the read me. I assume this patch is indeed causing the glitch on a clean ROM.

Okay, I already fix a bag and it become normal, i don't mind about pokedex... and i don't know what to do about it.

Edited by tamkung
forgot to fill "it"
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27 minutes ago, tamkung said:

Okay, I already fix a bag and it become normal, i don't mind about pokedex... and i don't know what to do about it.

How'd you manage to fix the bag then? It might be time to beg the OP to reimport all sprites for a clean patch... Or if I knew how to do it, I might be able to do it

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  • 2 weeks later...

having a weird issue with these patches (only tried on fire red for now) original rom HASH matches and works well on real hardware. using Easyflash 5 gba 3-1 cart (NOR FLASH mode).

However the patched one starts with the regular tutorial about controls, then when it's supposed to transtion to prof oak all I get is a silent black screen.

edit, stumbled upon the older firered revival patch and it works just fine.

Edited by GizmoTheGreen
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have a problem with Sapphire specifically; Ruby and Emerald works wonders, but whenever I start Sapphire, it suddenly shows a screen with red/pink with multiple other colours in the bottom right. The sound plays for a few more seconds, and it's silent completely. I tried a fresh, clean install of Sapphire and it works, but when I apply Moemon, the bug happens. Please help.

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2 hours ago, HaruPlays said:

I have a problem with Sapphire specifically; Ruby and Emerald works wonders, but whenever I start Sapphire, it suddenly shows a screen with red/pink with multiple other colours in the bottom right. The sound plays for a few more seconds, and it's silent completely. I tried a fresh, clean install of Sapphire and it works, but when I apply Moemon, the bug happens. Please help.

Have you checked the hashes and version of your Sapphire rom?

There's several ways mentioned throughout the thread to check the hashes and google can help you find how to check these as well. The requires match is found in the readme supplied in the zip

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On 6/1/2015 at 6:05 AM, OtherPlayers said:

The Other Moemon Ports

Download Links: Gen 3 IPS, PokeMMO Modfile

Last updated: April 21, 2018


just to confirm if i understand well (im new here) i can apply that patch to any of those roms of gen3 ips and it will change all pokemons of those roms to the new moemon? or some of those cant change all pokemons?


(im dreaming with the day when we can change for gijinka or moemon on 3ds games)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

i cant get it to work and i dont know why here is the error message
"A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception
while loading it:

System,InvalidOperationException: A BIOS is required for
deterministic recordings!
e[] file, CoreComm comm, SyncSettings syncSettings, Settings
settings, Boolean deterministic, GameInfo game)"

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


I updated this old mod with the latest sprites that I could find.

Because of that, it can exists some inconsistencies between back sprites and front sprites and between normal sprites and shiny sprites.
If anyone finds some bugs please tell me to fix. And if someone can find more Gen V sprites please tell me.

Download link: https://mega.nz/#!LIVDjYhJ!PenaSsUuH5X0GiWwG6yH10TP-2k-KuSUinhOPAz2g5E

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  • 1 month later...

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