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  2. 给你机会不中用,一天时间不发尾款,你刷天王刷一天啊,24w不多,但是黑奴的钱都骗 你是真的恶心, 内心真的丑陋,生活也不一定如意
  3. ·公会名称 Mote ·公会会长 LinjianLuwen ·日期 星期天,2024年5月12日 ·时间 北京时间,20:00 ·地点 合众地区,10号道路-ch.5 ·参加条件 本公会成员 ·规则· ·采取6v6单打对战OU标准规则一局定胜负,每进入下一轮的人都会再次进行对手抽签,因为时间问题所以前面的比赛采取多人同时进行对战,从半决赛开始比赛将一场一场的进行 ·主持人 FGMoths ·捐赠者名单(感谢为公会的付出) XiemuadYe:5v爽朗隐藏特性巨钳蟹 FGMoths:85w zzxlove:5v关都伙伴质子固执修建老匠 ·奖励 第一名:5v关都伙伴质子固执修建老匠+20w 第二名:5v爽朗隐藏特性巨钳蟹+20w 第三名:45w 参与奖:潜水球×1 ·奖励将由FGMoths通过邮寄发放
  4. 游戏名:EJu QQ:1579997966 有需要可以联系我
  5. It looks like you downloaded at random. As I stated in the first post, if you do not follow instructions, you will have issues. You downloaded the small, the large, the simple (which means you didn't want to have to download a bunch of additional files), and a bunch of additional files. At this point, I can't really help you, because I don't know what you want.
  6. Today
  7. Alphas are fine the way they are, the Pokémon market has already taken a huge hit as it is. Legendaries are difficult to balance because this is an MMO so you cannot make it too easy to get a legendary Pokémon, otherwise their value will sink hard. They should add new content, you’re right, but the player base is still buying RP at a high rate and the owners of this game are making bank every day. If you want new content maybe stop buying RP so the devs will be forced to update their game and bring back players and/or keep them interested.
  8. I do. It's all strange because these are glitches I'd never experienced in my previous playthrough.
  9. yeah I figured this was the case but when I played in 1080p on my old monitor I'd never experienced it before with the same exact settings.
  10. People leave cause the game lacks an end game, its literally this simple. Shiny hunting is boring and if you say otherwise, please seek professional help. And comp wise you can find a better environment elsewhere where there is a functional TC and environment. Other than that you just chat technically, and you can do that elsewhere too
  11. I had stopped searching because I thought something was wrong, I'll keep trying, ty mate
  12. I got 2 suicunes,2 enteis,2 raikous, 2 zapdos and going for 2nd moltres,just bad luck
  13. Yes I know, but it doesn't come out, it's been 6 days now, I don't know how many encounters I've had, Moltres came out in less than 30 minutes, I didn't have it before, Suicune I managed to catch it the first month, I'm trying to catch it again but nothing, Are you sure it's not a bug or something? Has anyone gotten 2 in a different month?
  14. You can catch 1 Suicune every 3 months, each time it comes back into the rotation. You cannot catch multiple in the same month.
  15. Will the wishing wishing stone ever have a use? What sort of thing will the wishing stone do? It’s frustrating that we did the wishing stone in December and haven’t heard anything about almost six months later now in May. Also considering the wishing stone took so long to do, it caused players to waste a ton of time that could have been used during the 20% boost in shiny odds. Any kind of update about the wishing stone from the devs would be greatly appreciated.
  16. There's not much to do in the game, except play pvp and spend hours on stupid farms with ridiculous rates (mysteriously, despite ridiculous rates, you have the gtl full of x999 items for sale xD) It would be nice to implement things that are not behind a probability, combat missions to obtain such objects, something more dependent on the player's skill and not luck, it is an MMO we do not have dungeon raids like other MMOs. Implementing objects and things behind an insanely low probability only encourages you to install a bot lmao People get bored and leave, then come back when there is something new, at the end of the day the game is good
  17. The devs also need to communicate more. We did a massive grind for the wishing stone in December and havnt gotten any update now in May.
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