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Everything posted by Dibz

  1. If BF can let his meme title go to his head enough to take himself seriously, people are allowed to take an election seriously. Don't get me wrong, Bestfriends absolutely deserves this title with how seriously he takes it, but even alshit, for example, would be better at all of this than he is.
  2. It's an MMO, breeding is the biggest money sink in the game. It's only fair that it works the way it works. Breeding is something important to PvE, PvP as well as the market in general. So it needs to be consumable resources ^_^
  3. Imo only votes from accounts with legitimate forum activity should be counted, even if it's a 2 month old account that only ever liked stuff. TL;DR: So many of these candidates are saying they don't even want to be in this toll. The only candidate I see campaigning and fighting for his spot is the only one getting my vote. Which is why my vote goes to Bestfriends! Thank you for being a great Mayor and always helping the community. Take it all the way BF
  4. So will only legitimate accounts' votes be counted?
  5. Let it go, it's an amazing name, let the event happen I rly want a shiny comp torkoal
  6. I mean, breeding a hidden ability comp from scratch when you have a base breeder with an HA would cost the same as a normal comp, considering you wouldn't need an item to pass on the ability. So I don't think the non-HA version of a Pokemon becoming obsolete in comp once HAs are introduced would be much of a barrier to entry. And adding an HA to an already existing comp Pokemon would cost the same as changing the nature of a Pokemon, so I don't see how it'd cost that much to breed.
  7. Darkshade did say an HA pill for shinies sounded like a good idea, given how much comp shinies cost to breed. I'm definitely in favor for a normal Hidden Ability pill being found after a dungeon with a really low drop rate, as its rarity would lead to it having a high price on the GTL. But I'm not against the idea of it being breedable if the HA is passed on regardless of the parent's gender. With a low chance of the item dropping, it would probably be cheaper to breed an unnatured HA comp than it would be to buy a pill off the GTL.
  8. Ooh can I have one before you die
  9. Dibz


    Hi back, nice to meet you!
  10. So they didn't improve the staff that host lotteries nor train them in how to host lotteries but got rid of numbers entirely instead :))) Opinions? GG on the lazy way out, Bear
  11. Dibz

    5 shiny raffle

    So that's the IGN I send the money to?
  12. Dibz

    Value Advice

    If you're looking to sell them on GTL, only the 31s would matter, unfortunately. If you ever want to learn the value of a normal Pokemon, go on GTL's advanced search option, specify the Pokemon's egg group, gender, 31s and (if relevant) nature. Then sort by price and $1 lower than the cheapest pokemon is the value you're looking at at that moment ^_^ If it's a natured comp or an unnatured female comp, specify the pokemon's name instead of the egg group :3
  13. Hi back, nice to meet you!
  14. Sinnoh first, then dungeons. One takes more development time than the other so yeah. Just thought I'd answer your question, I've got no input on the rest of the thread cause I don't really care enough, updates will happen when they happen and the dungeon thing will happen in ways most people would love :3
  15. What a great suggestion I can't believe no one's ever thought of this before!!!
  16. O shoot you're right, I'll fix that, thanks!
  17. What is with literally every single non-CC tournament being within the same 10 hour window of time? That's like 5am-3pm for me. Please try to work on more diversity for event timings, you have staff from literally every central time zone in this world. It's really inconvenient for a significant chunk of this planet that has morning schedules, I haven't been able to take part in an official event for a month now :c Seriously, please try to look at what times the other events in the week are being held and schedule an event at a time of day every other event that week isn't being held :c It's more irksome than events corner being barren that the events we do get fall within the same time slots all the time.
  18. Dibz

    Side quests

    I'd love side quests tbh, plus it'd add a whole new dimension to grinding money and items.
  19. I'm usually a good sport about it. Have to be considering how many times my own mistakes and/or the powers that be have fucked me up. At least I know I made a sniper's day sometimes. You right though, it might take a fun thing away but it'd take a painful thing away too. True though. You should be able to cancel the remainder of a stack before claiming funds if some of the stack has been sold already.
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