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Austin last won the day on December 20 2023

Austin had the most liked content!

About Austin

  • Birthday 12/02/2001

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  1. I'm sorry that your time was wasted in a video game that's labeled as an MMO. Personally i don't go into grinds on any game let alone MMO titles expecting to receive any rewards or benefits when things get tweaked or altered, balanced, whatever word you want to use. You got the intended reward at the end and there was no bugs or things that weren't working as intended at least AFAIK in this little tablet grind, so why would you expect compensation?
  2. >wow new event >grinds event >update drops making the event a little easier >cOmPeNsAtIoN pLeAsE Entitlement is strange
  3. Hi there, The new link is https://pokemmo.com/en/downloads/ to download any of our clients. If you need further assistance past this I'd recommend making a support ticket at https://support.pokemmo.com. Have a nice day!
  4. Hi there, Vanity suggestions can be made within the vanity suggestion thread in this subforum at: Have a nice day.
  5. Hola, Las apelaciones van a https://support.pokemmo.com en la sección de apelaciones. Si ya te lo han denegado puedes hacer una cuenta nueva a no ser que se indique lo contrario. Que tengas un buen día y recuerda incluir una traducción al inglés en el futuro. EN
  6. Por favor, crea un ticket de apelación de baneo en https://support.pokemmo.com ya que no tratamos apelaciones en los foros, también por favor incluye una traducción al inglés en el futuro ya que es necesaria. EN
  7. That's already how team tournament works.
  8. Your forums and account credentials are separate, when you made an account did you do so through the official PokeMMO website? https://pokemmo.com/en/
  9. Hi, Please don't publicly defame others, if you suspect a player to be win trading or breaking any form of rules you can report them at https://support.pokemmo.com. Have a nice day.
  10. @Poufilou is taking a break atm from hosting them. You can join https://discord.gg/GUdSeqQ7 to see when they're being hosted or not as well.
  11. Hi, Agreements and disagreements to the suggestion are fine, but please remain on topic and respectful within the threads. Thanks.
  12. Austin

    Epic stuff.

    Since it's been fixed I'll lock the thread. Have a nice day.
  13. Por favor, lembrem-se de uma tradução em inglês no futuro. Please remember an english translation in the future.
  14. Austin


    您好,要对禁令提出上诉,您需要访问 https://support.pokemmo.com 请在以后的帖子中附上英文翻译。 EN
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