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Everything posted by RochaBR

  1. Bug Elfbot Hat + Bug Elfbot Outfit 18m. both If you want one of them, not both, msg me. Thanks
  2. Just sold all box now 😞 how i close this post? teach me 😄
  3. 200k each ditto, 12m 1 box
  4. 38th OT under 20k gang Team [Mr] common >>> from BR corolho
  5. 37th OT each krankenwagen has its own noise Team Mr from BR obviously
  6. Hello, im willing to sell ditto particle box Thank you King's Fall particle 12m 1 box (200k each ditto)
  7. Which do you prefer? Just spamming the themes i make XD
  8. Congrats on the art. It was great I liked it a lot! I would like to give you some tips to make a more amazing one next time! The color of the numbers must have a contrast with the background color to be easy to read. In our Messi theme the 5th and 6th pokemons is difficult to read the number of encounters. (as in the picture) Two pixels next to the smaller Messi (bottom) easy to remove. Congratulations again for the initiative and for sharing! Thank you very much.
  9. I made another 3 themes for the GEC A nice pastime on photoshop xD
  10. É piada ou ele ta falando sério? Não consigo acreditar kkk
  11. We don't need to go far to answer this question. Gyarados is excelent (dragon dance/waterfall/earthquake/ice fang or crunch) Dugtrio/Dragonite/Gengar/Alakazan alot of sweepers If u looking for tank (wall) Chansey is good I hope my opinon help you
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, This guy is the most elegant player on the entire server. Legend!
  13. Common Krabby 1x31 HP drinking other people's beer on Brazilian beaches just like the 90's commercials xD if you were curious about this reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWbaPOTTaTc
  14. I would like to show you guys some themes that I created. I have fun with it Brazil world cup champion in december
  15. I N C R E D I B L E !!! Congratulations on the collection and the effort to get them all. Really impressive mate Vai Argentina!!!
  16. Hi, its me again 34th OT Team [Mr] brasil hexacampeao ta?
  18. Have you ever hunted a shiny? Like looking hordes for weeks and counting all encounters. In a shiny hunt you only lose the shiny if you give up the shiny hunt (hi safari zone o/) Try this bro, If you really want shiny do it right that good results will come. McTermi is a noisy krankenwagen
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