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Posts posted by Vaeldras

  1. How much farther is that from the misty gym battle?


    Consider that celadon i where you get the 4th badge, so relatively close.

    You gotta clean up vermilion (third badge, ss anne), get cut, go through the big ass tunnel to lavender, and then you can easily reach celadon by just going left.

    However it's mostly hats and a few cute items. They also cost a lot

  2. Without the reward cards of course. I just be the second Gym leader with a level 27 Charmeleon. I also just got my s.s ticket. Will I be able to buy clothing and customize my character in the next town? If not, how far until I can buy clothes.


    Celadon city, hang on

  3. You can but i try and make a lot of my money on the market, and the market is trash. It takes 480k to breed for 5x 31s just in braces (assuming you start with 1x 31 which many 31 breeders you catch are 1x). Then you have 70k in gender select best case, the pokeballs for the breeders/price of the dittos, and the time. If the market put value on multipule 25 pokes then i would be able to slash my brace cost by only using 3x or 4x 25 + breeders (which are a lot easier to find than even a 2x 31 breeder).



    Could you explain how its more convenient to breed for 31s? You get more for your buck yes but i dont see how it is convenient unless you are HP breedig.


    Catching a few 31's is easier than catching a pokemon worth using to upgrade the one you're breeding, also no chances of failing.

    Also good 2x31 breeders are sometimes sold for over 200k, when 3x31 are worth more or less 130-40k.

    At least that's what i experienced.

  4. I fully agree with you. I don't think my way is the right way, and maybe I should have considered taking the cheaper comp route more. I'm very aware that I can't achieve anything with a low pool of pokemon to choose from. The only excuse I have is that I'm not looking to become a competitive player today, tomorrow or next week. I'm fine with slowly building up pokes and learning through the way.



    Nah, as long as it's only a few of them go for it.

    As far as breeding is concerned, breeding for 31's is currently more convenient anyway, i'd only breed 5x31 if i had to

    Buying is another story

  5. I'm curious as to why that annoys you. I'm "new" to this game and just started breeding my 5x31's. I don't have any experience with the meta, I haven't even done a single pvp battle on this game since I don't have a team. Yet I chose to start with breeding 5x31's right away because I fell like doing it right the first time. You could call it a perfectionists obsession. I'm not doubting at all that when I finish my first 6 pokemon, the synergy isn't as good as I think it is in my head, but that's no problem, all the pokemon I'm breeding are useful in some form of composition, so there is no way it's been a waste of time.


    Sure, buying some cheap comps and learning the game first, might be a better approach to getting into this game, but it doesn't feel right to me, to not go for the best option right away. And for those rare times that I'll live with 3 hp, the hard work will come to fruition.


    I get that, you don't want to make comps that you're possibly going to replace later on just because you didn't want to invest enough time in making them, makes perfect sense.

    It's just that variety > quality (to a certain extent), sadly you can't win anything serious with just 6 pokes.

    Having 5x31 is always nice, but breeding 5x31 only is imo not worth it when the difference is at times so marginal.

    I personally breed 5x31 because it's easier and i can't be bothered getting into absurd and risky breeding chains, but if i had to buy a comp i'd always rather get something like a very good 2x31.

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