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  1. Ma partie préférée : ━━━━━━✧❂✧━━━━━━ A l'aide je suis bloqué ! https://www.pokebip.com/ ━━━━━━✧❂✧━━━━━━ French qualidad tout ça.
  2. Team Name: NotSIÂ Team Tag: [VPN] Registered Players: Darkquette, TheDrakeHope, Zbleeex, Zokuru, Rikoudo, Crafton, RSHOGUN, melecton, Pinklabel. Team Captain: Darkquette.
  3. I copied content of front-scale.txt into a manually created front-y.txt, and tried : (example) 649= -10 and other values like 10 -5 2 40. Nothing changed
  4. Hello, I am dumb or there is no file named "table-front-y.txt" when u dump files i only got "table-summary-scale.txt", "table-back-scale.txt", "table-front-scale.txt" As i can see it should be one : Table Notes: There are several table files in the /sprites/battlesprites/ folder which modify the way sprites are rendered. I recommend you use the 'Dump Moddable Resources' utility to see how this table functions. It is editable with a standard text editor. table-front-y.txt - Modifies the rendered Y position for front sprites. (PNG Only) table-front-altitide.txt - Modifies the rendered Y position for front sprites. Would control shadow rendering, if we supported it. (PNG Only) table-front-scale.txt - Modifies the render scale of front sprites. (GIF Only) table-back-scale.txt - Modifies the render scale of back sprites. (GIF Only) table-summary-scale.txt - Modifies the render scale of sprites in the summary window. I want to try to make a sprite mod but in the dump sprites, they all fly so if i can have the content of this file : table-front-y.txt
  5. Hello guys, i just started to make some userbars for my team and now i want help you to create your own with photoshop. I DO NOT TAKE ORDERS I DO NOT EXPLAIN HOW PHOTOSHOP WORK, YOU NEED A LITTLE OF KNOWLEDGE Summary : 1.Examples of what you can do 2.Photoshop .psd's 3.Tips 1.Examples : Here are somes userbar i've created : Here is the list of what you can Edit/Add : -Background (3. for help) -Text (Color and position) -Whatever image you want (go at 3. it can help) -Animation -Outside bars(Black/Blue/Black on the screen) : -Pattern(agressives colors was for the tutorial) : That make that kind of effect (red thing is what you need to understand) : 2.Photoshop .psd's : They are the projects used in photoshop where you can find the layers that i used : Darktooth userbar : Link TBM userbar : Link Mk userbar : Link Pattern file i use : Link Shiny ot : Link 1 / Link 2 VirusScan for paranoid people : Everything is correctly named to understand "who are who ", FORGET Group 1, that was "experiences" 3.Tips : Now time for the tips for almost everything (i hope) How to create a background : I use 2 ways : a wallpaper or google image I select a big size : Ctrl+C, go to your .psd (project file), Ctrl+V and move to have the background you want Shiny Positions : I use theses coodinates and Animations : For the wave effect, i used this videos who explain very well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cbpDfI9Xqg (USE "Effect" layer !) For the moving pokemons, google will help you more than me because it's hard to find tiny animated shiny sprite, for more result write "tiny sprite animated shiny" (only few sprites are available) Tiny and shiny sprites : Here is the image i use : Link (VirusScan in spoiler above) Ps : Don't blame me for my english, I'm french I hope you can understand that =D Tell me if something is wrong
  6. IGN: Darkquette Timezone: GMT +1 Fluff: Take me Preferred Tiers: NU Most Preferred Manager: Krillin Least Preferred Manager: Haazuu
  7. Thanks for this fast and consistent post. I will close the topic in 15 minutes, waiting staff comments.
  8. Hello here, This will be short. I don't want to click 2 times to use sweet scent SO, if I make a hotkey who use sweet scent, I can be ban ? People who say "NO", say me why, i'm using a key instead of 2 clicks..... if you can't tell me why, go away, i don't want your useless sentences. Staff members who say "NO", Ok.
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