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Everything posted by Redav

  1. IGN: Redav Tittle: Trying to teach furret to jump for easter
  2. Team Name: The Lords of the HaxTeam Tag: LØRÐRegistered Players: Sebat EpicVerde Santiii moisessss eliopesstes KiiritoX Kepzal Redav isperea Risadex BlackHunterX ZacMorales ChilyOCB Aleso TiTooooTeam Captain: TiToooo
  3. IGN : Redav Tiers : all fluff : I will be busy until aprox 16th december so buy me under your own risk
  4. Team Name: The Lords of the HaxTeam Tag: LØRÐRegistered Players: Sebat TiToooo Redav Santiii moisessss BlackHunterX Risadex Kepzal EpicVerde isperea KiiritoX Aleso cifudemian Zhiko Team Captain: Sebat
  5. Player one: Sebat Player two: Redav Team name: Los chavales
  6. Team Name: The Lords of the Hax Team Tag: LØRÐ Registered Players: Sebat TiToooo Redav Santiii moisessss Kepzal Epicverde BlackHunterX KiiritoX ChilyOCB Aleso AxLKghost cifudemian isperea Team Captain: Sebat
  7. Team Name: The Lords of the Hax Team Tag: LØRÐ Registered Players: Sebat Santiii Redav TiToooo moisessss giantpipe isperea kepzal EpicVerde BlackHunterX yagu AngelOrgulloso cifudemian Aleso KiiritoXTeam Captain: Sebat
  8. Team Name: The Lords of the Hax Team Tag: LØRÐ Registered Players: Sebat Santiii Redav TiToooo caanserbero isperea Gauchoo moisessss Aleso EpicVerde giantpipe Kepzal Risadex KiiritoX yagu Team Captain: Sebat
  9. me vs MaatthewMLG in 10 minutes Edit: #thecomebackisreal
  10. Team Name: The Lords of the Hax Team Tag: LØRÐ Registered Players: Sebat TiToooo Redav Aleso giantpipe Kepzal EpicVerde isperea KiiritoX ChilyOCB cifudemian Gauchoo piata caanserbero Risadex BlackHunterXTeam Captain: Sebat
  11. me vs RealDevilLegend after that duel
  12. Pachima vs Redav in 15 minutes
  13. Pachima vs me friday around 5pm bst, we will be confirming that day
  14. IGN: Redav Timezone: GMT -4 Tiers: any mmo tier I can play my matches but I will be a bit absent around the week
  15. Team Name: The Lords of the Hax Tag: LØRÐ Registered players: TiToooo Sebat Santiii Redav OscarFail caanserbero Aleso Camyy ACZINO BlackhunterX Risadex EpicVerde Kepzal AnGeLOrGuLloSo KiiritoX Captain: Santiii
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