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Eternal Mayor of PokeMMO
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Everything posted by Bestfriends

  1. Its my pleasure. The real person to thank is @Noad. She was very instrumental for this project.
  2. Welcome to PokeMMO! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  3. Hello Faiyad, I appreciate your commentary towards the suggestions I drafted. I hope you do well in life.
  4. That is not the response I was aiming for. Let me try to re-frame my argument in two fun stories so it can catch your interest.... Story #1: "Once upon a time, there was a player named Hotarubi and another player named BillyBob. Hotarubi is interested in anime, so she asks BillyBob if he likes anime, he says no. She is determined to get Bob to like anime, so she asked in a friendly way if he would like a certain genre, but Bob feels distress. He tells her, 'no, you are not my wife, stop asking me invasive questions!' One day, Hotarubi would like to ask Bob how his day was, and Bob files a report to the staff. Here is what it says... Hotarubi has no regard for my kind. She caused distress by asking invasive questions about my life! Please ban her!!! [Screenshot 1: Do you like anime?] [Screenshot 2: How are you Bob?] - BillyBob Any right minded person would laugh at Bob for his silly report, but under the new standard, people like Bob's claim cannot be taken as a laughing matter anymore. She did harass Bob according to what he deems harassment. Now Hotarubi is banned for good for causing distress." Story #2: "There were two players, Bestfriends and SallyLovesYou. SallyLovesYou, did something remarkable like win 50 officials, most suggestions written by her were implemented in the game, and being hired as a CM for her remarkable work in the community. Bestfriends is a news reporter for PokeMMO that always loves a good scoop about the game he is covering and he feels like SallyLovesYou should be booked in for an interview. He then sent a PM on forums asking her to come on the Roy Rogers News network for an exclusive interview. Instead of her denying the offer, she reported him for unwanted attention. The report reads like this... Dear staff member willing to take my complaint, There has been an invasive news reporter by the name of Bestfriends that sent me a PM on forums. He wants me to go on his YouTube program, but I hate the attention he has given me. On his news channel, he mentioned how much I helped out the community. He did not ask me permission to cover me and I cannot stand it. Please paralyze his ability to conduct interviews because I am afraid that he will do the same to some poor innocent player of PokeMMO. [Screenshot of PM title]Can we schedule an appearance together on my channel? [YouTube Video]Headline Coverage 'I appreciate her accomplishments on this MMO! I would like to schedule an appearance with her.' - Thank you for understanding my plight, SallyLovesYou The next day, a higher up hinders my ability to report the news by banning my Teamspeak appearances. I would be forced to quit my channels and I would be inadvertently kicked off of PokeMMO's airwaves." I hope these stories help you understand my concerns. I am worried that someone could do something wrong and it would be the end for that person.
  5. You can't just give a person a warning point for an innocent mistake or a petty crime. I am not usually soft when it comes down to crime and justice (hence this old suggestion of mine that Noad thought was too extreme). Ever since that suggestion has been denied, I was taught about empathy and how to teach a lesson without immediate harmful consequences like warning points unless it is deemed necessary. I still hold my tough stance on crime and justice in real life. Even if my stances are extremely strict, I can see what Orange is trying to convey. Your punishments are just too harsh for something minor. Something like Real Money Trades or RMT should be punished to the max while something innocent like posting a pokemon you want to sell in the General Discussion shouldn't be hit as hard with that ban hammer. If this person keeps on posting trade requests in the wrong section on purpose, then the warning points can be given. Due to my slow response, you just cited another counterpoint, so let me address it by asking questions and answering them or just giving a statement.... 1. How do you know the person was trying to be abusive? What happens if a disagreement is misconstrued as abusive? I've seen that happen on YouTube before and ever since then, YouTube has been in a bit of hot water a couple of months ago. What is deemed unwanted attention? Why can't you tell me that you hate the nickname I am calling you or what ever I am doing? I can speak from personal experience, when I flirted with a woman in school, she seemed nice until she reported me to the principal! Why couldn't she just tell me that she was not interested in me? I would of listened to her.... And as for harassing, why can't you block the person in question? The only time you can't block is if your staff, but staff can report the abuse to people that can do something about it like GMs and SGMs. 2. You believe that this behaviour is allowed to happen and it is terrible for the community as a whole... People on forums told me to scram and go away, why didn't I go away? I learned how to shrug off the slander and insults pointed in my direction. Believe it or not, it made me stronger as a player and I wouldn't want to change that because you will, in turn, attract weak minded individuals that will report what Frag beats him/her by saying... "help me, Frags is being abusive and it hurts me from inside. You have to ban this monster, it is in your rule book. He called me an idiot after he beat me...." 3. Agreed 4. People probably join and leave because they are players that just want to do a walkthrough with their beer buddies and go on to another game. You don't know what the people's intentions were. 5. So what your saying is turn PokeMMO into a Politically Correct college campus. If this actually happened, I would give up my YouTube channels and not want to be advocating for such behaviour (I'll probably still play, but I do not want to cover a game with rules for the weak minded). PokeMMO teaches you how to be muster up courage and bravery. My path was not easy, I was bullied on forums and in game by a ton of veteran players of this game, but did it stop me? I like the fact that PokeMMO makes you a stronger person. 6. You have good intentions, but people have to learn at some point that life sometimes does not go their way. 7. Now your talking about abusive people logging into alts to abuse a certain player and staff do prosecute those people. Why do you think staff have to please a certain individual just because of hurt feelings? They are not counsellors, they are staff members. If you feel someone's feelings are hurt from one or two posts from forums, advise that person to seek counselling. If PokeMMO feels that a certain amount of people have hurt feelings, Squirtle should hire people that took psychology classes for "in game counsellors." 8. Agreed
  6. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but OrangeManiac is in my view, accurate about this suggestion. I am going to have to tell you about the company that gives me the ability to publish videos.... YouTube. YouTube put in new rules in their rule book that do not allow cyber bullying. Sounds good right? What is cyber bullying? How can you deem a video "bullying?" What happens if some man or woman cannot handle the video's take on certain issues? YouTube needs to be detailed as to what "cyber bullying" is. I'll give you an example, KaynineXL and PlayerA have a discussion about comp. Kaynine happens to disagree with PlayerA's proposal, but PlayerA feels offended by the fact that you disagree with him/her. PlayerA files a Player Report on KaynineXL for bullying him/her about his/her idea about competitive play. If Hotaburi's rules are enforced, KaynineXL might be punished for something he did that sparked even the slightest amount of controversy. People on PokeMMO will be afraid to disagree with one another because of this rule. I like your plan to eliminate spam.
  7. On the Trump example, the media keeps on discussing Donald Trump's mishaps and the merits of the wonderful and beautiful Hillary Rodham Clinton (Wikileaks does not exist). It is not healthy to slander a man without due process. Let me give you an example, Squirtle, the head of PokeMMO staff relations, hires a staff member and then someone prominent in the community says he would enjoy pulling little girl's hair. I don't cover gossip, but a competitor of mine covers it ad nauseam (there is no gossip columnist on PokeMMO and I hope it stays that way). Due to the popularity of the news channel and the fact that most of the community believes this rumour, Squirtle would fire said staff member so PokeMMO has a good image. I feel the same is happening with Trump, you talk about his four bankruptcies (and he got out of them), he degrades women left and right (I assume the media did not look around his tower in NY - some of his executives are women), and the Donald hates ALL Mexicans (the media didn't hear him say "illegal immigrants"). There have been times where the media did criticise Trump fairly like the bus tape. PokeMMO gives you the freedom to report on their game. I've seen people criticise and praise certain features of the game. People who criticised a certain aspect of PokeMMO's game mechanics were not banned for reporting on the matter. The Media Relations person would try to suit said parties to make PokeMMO look innovative and open to opposing arguments. Criticising a staff member on air is not an argument that would make the game mechanics better, its just slander on the airwaves. I try not to slander on air because I know that airwaves have an impact on the minds of my viewers. I want to be as objective as possible.
  8. Let me give you a scenario that might address your counter argument. Your a (FOX, CNN, or ABC) reporter and you want to know how both presidential campaigns are running their operations. How do you acquire information about said campaigns? You can't just say "Trump is running this campaign in a bigoted way" or "Clinton is running this campaign like a champ!" You have to interview both campaigns and they disclose what they want to disclose. You assign some reporters over to Trump's campaign stops and other reporters to Clinton stops. It would be nice to land an exclusive interview with a top member of the campaign staff. I am in a sense, the news reporter trying to figure out the scoop of PokeMMO's politics. I study things like the way forums is being dealt with, staff step downs and promotions, PokeMMO the game, the competitive politics (the tier list council), etc. Having a Media Relations person makes my job a lot easier. I know I am addressing your points backwards, but you asked about people who disdain the staff as a whole, but want to cover the news pertaining to this game. Lets go back to my campaign example, your a (FOX, CNN, or ABC) reporter and you try to cover the scoop in a campaign. You hate Trump for his wall proposal, but you still need to get that scoop. You limit the capabilities of your reporting due to the bias against Trump. You don't have to like the way how Trump runs his campaign, but at least cover it honestly and do your job as a reporter. I happen to like the way how Squirtle runs the staff lounge so I don't have this problem.
  9. I don't mean to crash your party, but shouldn't you post this thread in the Audio/Video center?
  10. Your correct about a media relations person being a restriction to my job here on PokeMMO, but when I ask questions to someone in the staff lounge, I often times bother them when they are doing a project like adjusting sprites or modifying the client a little. The media relations person can take some of the pressure off of the general staff so that the general staff can get their projects done without being bothered.
  11. I thought I should close this thread by presenting my coverage of this memorable event.... Part 1: An overall description of the event. Part 2: My battle against the Pumpking
  12. I would like to battle a giant Turkey for Thanksgiving.
  13. Berries in this episode: Oran - 10:55 Perism - 19:21 Razz - 1:06:33 Items in this episode: Tiny Mushroom - 31:28; 45:33; 1:05:40 Big Mushroom - 31:37; 31:47; 54:55 Ether - 48:44 Moon Stone - 1:01:01 Great Ball - 1:06:04
  14. Items in this episode: Antidote: 33:24 Potion: 46:04 Poke Ball: 49:23
  15. I'll be honest, its a tough job being a PokeMMO developer. As a news reporter, you have to analyze your surroundings and I have to say, the developers put a lot of sweat and tears into this game. Your allowance could be based upon the Gift Shop. Sometimes holidays is when the dev team really "rake it in." When people ask me if they should buy reward points, I say "yes" most of the time. When the Gift Shop is not making that much, the dev team's earnings cut. Its a stressful business, but I am thankful that the devs of this game are extremely dedicated to making this game a wonderful experience!
  16. You took part of my casual YouTube slogin... "stay tuned to your latest headlines." Speaking about staying tuned, I am plan on filming commentaries on your series. Kuro, you scored well in event making.
  17. Good morning fellow players, I thought that I should compile all my commentaries of this series. I hope I can be available for all the series and if I miss one, I'll list it as missed. I must give thanks to @Kurodashi for hosting this wonderful series (and @Bearminator for continuing it)! I hope you enjoy the battles I commentated on for this series, so without further ado, lets get to the action! -------------------------------------------- Silver means Semi Final Battle Gold means Final Battle ----------------------------------------- 1. YettoDie VS. Forfiter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. gbwead VS. Torinnnnn; Gazelli VS. Torinnnnn ------------------------------------------------ 3. BlueJim VS. Miguelez; LifeStyle VS. Miguelez ------------------------------------------ 4. YUBELLLLLLLLLLLL VS SweeTforU; gbwead VS YUBELLLLLLLLLLLL ----------------------------------- 5. Mnemosyne VS yangsam; SweeTforU VS yangsam ------------------------------------ 6. KaynineXL VS Artemiseta; Artemiseta VS ZDFire -------------------------------- 7. Deadwind VS flavawhat --------------------------------- 8. SoyHector VS. Frags; DiDidIStutter VS. Frags (This Round was filmed with Co-hosts) ---------------------------- Reserves: SoyHector Vs. KaynineXL ; DarylDixonTWD Vs. LKrenz ; KaynineXL Vs. DarylDixonTWD ; KaynineXL Vs. DarylDixonTWD (KaynineXL won the loser's match) ----------------------------- Finale: yangsam VS. Gazelli; ZDFire VS. Gazelli; Frags VS. Gazelli; gbwead VS. Frags (1); Gazelli VS. Frags; Gazelli VS. LifeStyle; Gazelli VS. gbwead; gbwead VS. Frags (2); Frags VS. gbwead (3)
  18. Do you know about Lunar IPS? If not, you can make sprite changes that way. Put the FireRed Rom in the program and you can edit the Salamance sprite. http://fusoya.eludevisibility.org/lips/ Have fun!
  19. I plan to be gone from Tuesday night to Wednesday night (I might want to come back on Thursday).

  20. Welcome to the game of PokeMMO and its forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!
  21. Please help me understand your point, but are you saying that I have such a monopoly on the news market to the point where I want to be the only man who provides information on PokeMMO? If that is what your trying to convey, then I beg to differ on that point. There are a couple of people out there that cover this stuff, but I don't want staff to shut off announcements and update logs about the game. I would like a staff member to "correct" the record if I misunderstand something in the update logs or in the announcements. For anyone interested in my field of work here on PokeMMO, you need to be a member on TS. You also need to prove to staff members that you have your own YouTube channel. I think this is in the best interest of the community as a whole. Your concern seems important, so let me address it. If the devs do not want the community to know about a certain feature, they can brief the Media Relations person not to reveal anything. The developers can do whats called a "tease." The devs can ask a MR person to come to networks like myself and throw some meat to my viewers. I would argue that this would actually increase the hype for the next update. As I said in my suggestion.... If the developers don't want something to be known about, just tell the MR person not to leak it. Think of this like gaming journalism (IGN Entertainment) interviewing a well known gaming publisher (Nintendo) about a new product. The gaming publisher might leak some of the specs of the console, but not all of them so the consumer can still have a lot of hype when they explore it.
  22. One of my competitors made videos about GTL and the Johto starters almost like a reporter. I can assure you that there are more people like him out there.
  23. Media Relations Person for PokeMMO I would like to suggest a media relations person for PokeMMO because I would like eliminate as much uncertainty as possible. There might be some uncertainty as to incorporating this sort of thing, so I have a two suggestions on that point: 1. Appoint a staff member to take questions. Brief the staff member in this department to answer some questions and dismiss other questions. 2. Add this to the job responsibility for the Social Media Mods. I feel that this is an important part of PokeMMO because some YouTubers might put their own spin and go into inaccurate territory (I am not the only news reporter, but I market myself the most). Do you see any flaws in my suggestion, please tell me in the comments below.
  24. I don't have a commentary on this tournament, but I would be happy to announce the winners anyways.... Congratulations to.... 1. AnGeLOrGuLloSo for 1st place! 2. Raptori for 2nd place! 3. SweeTforU and BlackJovi for sharing 3rd place!
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