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Everything posted by razimove

  1. go play on handhelds then, whats the big difference? 5 hour storyline anyway.
  2. why are you spamming this threads exactly?
  3. bigggest meme thread this forum had in sometime, congrats.
  4. Digging threads from 7 years ago lmao
  5. I guess that 'etc' qualifies at that, but who am I to say it right. The 'perfect LC' generally doens't take much value from 5x31, aside from maybe some like a ferroseed that runs giga drain or something. see but there it is, the main reason, no point in hiding behind any other reason. Squirtle doens't want it to be a thing, therefor it's not a thing. What I said refers to bear statement and that alone, not the whole thing aswell. You're trying to be picky on what you're gathering around. Edit: I also don't see how has the staff/community been in a 'negotiation' state, like ever. You seem to think too highly of your power as a community member.
  6. it was, there's little to no reason to justify changing teams aside from well building costs, cause even time wise there's people invested into the tier from community content and I doubt it's that hard to find someone to join their team or incentivize them into start taking part of them and learn for TTs. Also I'm not really sure which yyou're speaking of, but I just checked a random one, not meta but snovier on showdown mixed spread (which im assuming is similiar to ours here) 20/31/20/31/20/31 reaches max lvl 5 stats. I do know some like ferroseed etc want 31s, but even then I don't remember vast majority needing, and I had boxes of perfect ones. It always depends on the spread of invested stats.
  7. ngl bear, this is a really poor excuse, a lot of LCs cost like 150-200k to make and obtain their max lvl 5 stats. And most others are stuff like 4x30 1x31, 3x30 1x31 1x<25 etc, they dont even cost what a standard comp costs. And please look at how inflacted the economy is, does that little value really serve as an excuse?
  8. I'm not really sure where the problem is, couldn't the other dude just relog and save time? DQ the afk people.
  9. dudes complaining about aesthetic in a almost fully 2d pixelated game. Go outside, touch grass.
  10. I don't think matchmaking would help a single bit if I am to be fully honest. You can even see how lower tiers are rn, imagine a format with even less activity. Removing them imo was the wrong move as it still catered to some, even if not a large portion of the population, it still was played, but from a matchmaking PoV, I don't think I could find a reason to justify the integration of LC. And yeah, although I'm really inactive rn, most of the complains I hear are people regarding lower tiers being even more dead since the introduction of randoms, which I guess then will also reflect on tournaments (but CC are bad examples since they offer virtually no value for the effort they take).
  11. If you are perma banned, you won't recover it, simple. Take it as a lesson and either start fresh, if they allow you, or just move on.
  12. I wish this wasn't a thing tbh, just let vanity stack
  13. people just use alts or well try to find people to grind with through some media, discord, game wtv. And they can all learn together, it's legit not rocket science any of the events we had so far. edit: I feel like the biggest problem of this community, is that they create problems instead of solutions.
  14. information is something that is publicly available, and shared within teams, not really something that private. And even if a few days have passed, he still can make quite a few mil to set himself ahead. Ofc them will not profit as much as me, or any active player from 2013 likely since we have the resources to just mass hoard vanity and avoid even playing the event. I also dont think the leaderboard closes circles of communication, in fact I think it increases them, since there will be more people trying new stuff with friends, more people discussing what can be improved, min maxed etc. Sure maybe it wont be discussed over a public chat, but you forget there's mega teams, iirc Chinese have that team Tree [Lo] or something, that has like 5-6 other team branches for example, there's giant teams like Lava (prob wrong example, not really familiar with much game activities rn) etc. The game kinda motivates forces you to want to have a team one way or another even if they're really not something of great value in this mmo, aside from the community it generates.
  15. Its all opensource https://github.com/smogon/pokemon-showdown
  16. what? lmfao was all I read, this is way to cringe. lmfao
  17. Actually it did have some, plus its not a 3 hours region. Do you really need me to answer this one or can you figure it yourself? Asking for a friend it has no storyline almost do people even do BF? Since it was introduced it's been a, go there if you want to have a record in the listings and never enter again. Ah wait I'm lying, I go there if I have BP to sell. Sorry this just showcases my earlier comment, on how clueless you are. TL;DR; for a very very casual person, johto is the way to go, afterall that's all they ever done, play storylines (which guess what, you can do on any emulator), for anyone that played a tiny bit more than the 20 hours of storyline, there's a whole different perspective.
  18. I mean, they didn't copy anything that wasn't an open source, there's no I.P. theft here. The problem is what you mentioned earlier, 0 effort so even pve people get into it compared to tiers or formats that require you to invest some decently big amount of time into. The game could really new content, but at this point, that lays on the chinese community hands since you guys account for most of the population and they really don't care enough for the lesser population.
  19. Ye totally bro, damn people want johto so much omg 3 hours region, no new content, no new pokemons, not even any pve activity for pve people. There's better content that the game actually needs and was promised to us since 2014.
  20. not really no, only clueless people really care for johto.
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