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Everything posted by razimove

  1. learn to use the competitive alley to suggest this sort of stuff, and give plausible reasons as to why it would be good or bad.
  2. Rp, shinies or comps will never happen. Masterball is worthless so its not even a reward. Untradable vanity is the only viable thing from your list.
  3. Look, dont compare exp to resources, nor do compare a proper mmo to pokemmo. It's dumb to even try to compare, plus you're trying to compare an end game activity, that is really meant for the high end pve, which tbh here is rather easy, to mmos that need those sort of mechanics to balance zones/areas, so high lvls don't go farm in low lvl areas.
  4. What does this have to do with the post really BF? The suggestion improves the pokedex, nothing else, if it works as another incentive so people keep playing, then it's even better, if you dislike shiny hunting, who is forcing you to hunt?
  5. Cant see a single down side to this suggestion, upvoted
  6. Suggested a thousand times previously, use the search bar if possible. Totally agree with this, as many others do, idk why they don't prioritize it, but then again they give 0 fuks about competitive players, casuals are the ones that fill their pockets with money.
  7. Surprised nobody told you this earlier, but goddamn you're great at making conclusions. /s
  8. Yeah man, pressing eruption 6 times when tehy're lvl 100, such a hassle.
  9. Not only that, but would make it actually hard to code a way to synchronize both fast forward players and non fast forward players imo.
  10. Other MMOs have team functions that demand you to know where your premade party is. Here it's just memes, no need.
  11. This is little compared to some players out there actually, in fact below normal, especally considering I don't even play tournaments actively like many. It's not hard, time demanding? Sure, hard? Laughable. They haven't. Get your facts right, they spread the cash between the gyms on unova introduction, instead of giving you 150k more for the unova gyms. Inflaction is a thing, and gyms are one of the major inflaction factors, together with the old berry farm method. Sure buddy, do 15k * 500 comps for example. The suggestion simply makes 0 sense, has no thought place behind it, nor will it ever be a thing, idk why they left this open. Not attacking you, don't feel special, I just dislike idiots.
  12. Didn't notice you had already said that mb. Eitehr way that's exactly what I meant, no double meaning, my bad there.
  13. worth noting tho, if you evolve female nidoran to nidorina, and then breed it will always hatch a female nidoran.
  14. Sure buddy you are. He isn't related to me in any way, but sadly you're the new Daedalus and Handsomelooker of the forum, imagine a mix between those 2 and hotarubi. Just to give you an idea, I have close to 7 viable boxes of comps, multiples of the same to cover sets I find interesting, I evaluated my boxes by lowballing every mon, below what I'd usually place in standard at close to 220M, this is, lots of them are semi comps, therefor why only that ''little''. How's that making economy more lively, when you legit want us to pay even more after a given amount of time to use something we already made usable in the past? It's just dumb, understand that. You haven't written a single productive word since you starting the brain diarrhea couple months back so there's that, place some thoughts into things before using them as examples, or even as suggestions. I'm your biggest fan, what do you mean?
  15. Lmfao why is this still open. First off, how's dungeoneering even compared to what you're proposing here? Second off, how would it make any sense to lose shinies that you work hard to get, comps that took time to build, anything really, tell me one mmo, that you actively lose gear in please, just one.
  16. The game is meant to be harder, and even then is ridiculously easy once you understand mechanics. Bit challenging to one used to the easy handheld games that even a 2 years old can beat, but you'll get there.
  17. I used 2 to 5 pokeballs on my 3 alts, I seriously thought they altered the catch rate tbh
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