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Why OU is boring and absolutely dogwater

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Make note of the team I just lost to in the screenshot provided. I don't mind losing when someone is better than me, it gives me a chance to improve my game so that I won't lose next time. However, when I lose due to nonsense like this, it really makes me irritated. I'm sure my opponent is skilled no doubt, however the team they're using is a cheap way to farm wins on the ladder. I don't understand how Gallade and his like were anned, but team combinations like these are allowed. Now, I'm not the greatest PvP player but I've certainly improved a lot. I've beaten people in the top 100 4 times between now and last month, so I know I'm not that bad of a player. I just don't understand how nonsense like this is allowed, but we aren't able to have Pokémon that counter it with as little effort as it takes to use this team. I usually don't have a problem in losing, especially when the match is exciting. I don't like losing when the win is due to cheese as shown below. If Gallade, SD Garchomp, and a list of other Pokémon can't be allowed to deal with bullcrap like this, then perhaps there needs to be a reevaluation. 



If I'm just bad, then please tell me ways to deal with teams like this. I really don't mind criticism and am looking forward to it if anyone has any. 



Practice makes perfect and a single team cannot beat all the matchups someone will always have an advantage over your team, the opponent simply played better than you or maybe you made a mistake in some movement. I think there are several reasons. I have seen extremely rare teams in OU but after that mostly all pokemon teams in the top 100 are the same xd.

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Taokome said:

Despite Weezing?

Weezing does nothing to it, Against this team calm mind iron defense stored power rest/wish would be even more effective, because his best bet would be to spam seismic toss and try to make you use all your healing before he dies with his blissey.

Edited by Whated
3 minutes ago, Whated said:

Weezing does nothing to it, Against this team calm mind iron defense stored power rest/wish would be even more effective, because his best bet would be to spam seismic toss and try to make you use all your healing before he dies with his blissey.

Right, I got it. I figured his Weezing might have Haze. I think I've seen you play before, so I trust your opinion. Thank you for that, it means a lot my guy. ❤️ 

33 minutes ago, XanarchyNL said:

ngl this seems like a teambuilding issue on your end.

Do you mean in general or the team I have up in the photo? I usually had team building issues, but I got better recently. I could still use any advice you have to offer.


Reuniclus is one of the best anti stall mon ever, you messed up, learn the matchup. If you focused all your effort on protecting Reuniclus you would have won for sure.

The only threat to Reuniclus is getting tricked by Bronzong (unlikely, I bet he was leftovers or something) or lose to Weezing removing magic guard.


If you focused all your efforts on getting rid of Weezing nothing can touch Reuniclus in the opponent team. Maybe Mienshao with u-turn but that's it, so you can also do everything necessary to get rid of Mienshao.

2 minutes ago, Merckis said:

Reuniclus is one of the best anti stall mon ever, you messed up, learn the matchup. If you focused all your effort on protecting Reuniclus you would have won for sure.

The only threat to Reuniclus is getting tricked by Bronzong (unlikely, I bet he was leftovers or something) or lose to Weezing removing magic guard.


If you focused all your efforts on getting rid of Weezing nothing can touch Reuniclus in the opponent team. Maybe Mienshao with u-turn but that's it, so you can also do everything necessary to get rid of Mienshao.

Wrong. Bronzong has skill swap and toxic to deal with reuniclus.

11 minutes ago, Whated said:

Wrong. Bronzong has skill swap and toxic to deal with reuniclus.

That's exactly why I lost. @Merckis


If his Bronzong didn't have Skill Swap, I was going to sweep his entire team. He had Skill Swap + Toxic. 


Not to mention I did everything in my power to save Reuniclus for last only for what @Whated said to end up happening. Toxic stalled to death. 

Posted (edited)

You should share your sets first.


You need to identify your win condition and work toward it.


At the start of the fight you must give everything you have to punish your opponent using Rocks. Either with massive chip damage or some form of advantage, but you cannot lead passively with like Ferrothorn/Gliscor because your opponent will trade Rocks which is in their favour, they have more recovery than you do.


Bronzong has little recovery I would argue it's not necessarily a great stall mon because it's just guaranteed to be killed, you can chip it. If it's indeed Skill Swap/Toxic it can check Reuniclus but not wall it, it will get chipped everytime, if your Reuniclus is double dance you'll need to kill Bronzong first.

Weezing is decent in stall but it also lacks good recovery, you can chip it away.

Blissey cannot even wish pass as effectively as Chansey because it is so weak to physical attacks.
Quagsire has only 8 recover, you can definitely chip it a lot & take advantage of its passivity, don't setup as long as Quagsire is alive.


Your potential win conditions are:

- Dragonite setting up -> kill Quagsire

- Reuniclus doing damage or setting up -> I'll assume it's double dance (which isn't a great set btw, there is a reason it's called the "noob Reuniclus"), Kill Bronzong & Weezing, maybe Mienshao

- Infernape breaking -> Again it depends on your set but if it's HP Ice only Quagsire can take some hits, if it's grass knot it kills Quagsire. I mean Infernape is one of the best breaker ever, nothing can really stop it. But you need to scout your opponent set first, is Bronzong Heatproof or levitate? Is Gliscor Careful or Phys Def? Etc.


Your Starmie will die if it's not leftovers & recover + natural cure, you have to accept it & use it to lure in Blissey or otherwise do as much damage as possible on a mon trying to prevent you to spin (rocky helmet quagsire maybe). But Starmie hits hard so it's almost a guarantee for Blissey, so you can double into a threat for Blissey & take it from here


Infernape cannot be walled period, except for a limited time by Quagsire, so never use Infernape unless you know it can break or lead with it, it cannot afford to switch in to many times.


Reuniclus can switch around freely and do chip damage, unless it's double dance, in which case Bronzong skill swap (if it was indeed this set) is not a problem because it will have to click 2 moves to do anything to Reuniclus.


So strongly consider changing your Reuniclus set, it's just bad if it's double dance in your team (too passive, doesn't go well at all with Infernape)


Ferrothorn is also terrible in your team, it completely kills your momentum, in this matchup I would basically almost try to never use Ferro, every time you bring in Ferro your opponent can basically put any mon in front of it & setup hazards or Wish pass, or get some leftovers recovery etc.

Unless your Ferrothorn has knock off but even then it's still quite the liability.


Your Gliscor might also be a huge liability if it's too passive, the opponent Gliscor can come in & set up rock. I bet your Gliscor is passive and not Sword Dance, so you must be very careful how you use it & think about your win condition. Consider changing its set to use defog maybe, your Dragonite cannot afford taking hazard, neither Infernape and Starmie doesn't work in your team as hazard removal because too much of your team is passive.


So 2 problems here:


1) You didn't identify a win con

2) You definitely have team building problems, you cannot mix such passive mons with offensive threats like Infernape.

Edited by Merckis
20 minutes ago, Merckis said:

You should share your sets first.


You need to identify your win condition and work toward it.


At the start of the fight you must give everything you have to punish your opponent using Rocks. Either with massive chip damage or some form of advantage, but you cannot lead passively with like Ferrothorn/Gliscor because your opponent will trade Rocks which is in their favour, they have more recovery than you do.


Bronzong has little recovery I would argue it's not necessarily a great stall mon because it's just guaranteed to be killed, you can chip it. If it's indeed Skill Swap/Toxic it can check Reuniclus but not wall it, it will get chipped everytime, if your Reuniclus is double dance you'll need to kill Bronzong first.

Weezing is decent in stall but it also lacks good recovery, you can chip it away.

Blissey cannot even wish pass as effectively as Chansey because it is so weak to physical attacks.
Quagsire has only 8 recover, you can definitely chip it a lot & take advantage of its passivity, don't setup as long as Quagsire is alive.


Your potential win conditions are:

- Dragonite setting up -> kill Quagsire

- Reuniclus doing damage or setting up -> I'll assume it's double dance (which isn't a great set btw, there is a reason it's called the "noob Reuniclus"), Kill Bronzong & Weezing, maybe Mienshao

- Infernape breaking -> Again it depends on your set but if it's HP Ice only Quagsire can take some hits, if it's grass knot it kills Quagsire. I mean Infernape is one of the best breaker ever, nothing can really stop it. But you need to scout your opponent set first, is Bronzong Heatproof or levitate? Is Gliscor Careful or Phys Def? Etc.


Your Starmie will die if it's not leftovers & recover + natural cure, you have to accept it & use it to lure in Blissey or otherwise do as much damage as possible on a mon trying to prevent you to spin (rocky helmet quagsire maybe). But Starmie hits hard so it's almost a guarantee for Blissey, so you can double into a threat for Blissey & take it from here


Infernape cannot be walled period, except for a limited time by Quagsire, so never use Infernape unless you know it can break or lead with it, it cannot afford to switch in to many times.


Reuniclus can switch around freely and do chip damage, unless it's double dance, in which case Bronzong skill swap (if it was indeed this set) is not a problem because it will have to click 2 moves to do anything to Reuniclus.


So strongly consider changing your Reuniclus set, it's just bad if it's double dance in your team (too passive, doesn't go well at all with Infernape)


Ferrothorn is also terrible in your team, it completely kills your momentum, in this matchup I would basically almost try to never use Ferro, every time you bring in Ferro your opponent can basically put any mon in front of it & setup hazards or Wish pass, or get some leftovers recovery etc.

Unless your Ferrothorn has knock off but even then it's still quite the liability.


Your Gliscor might also be a huge liability if it's too passive, the opponent Gliscor can come in & set up rock. I bet your Gliscor is passive and not Sword Dance, so you must be very careful how you use it & think about your win condition. Consider changing its set to use defog maybe, your Dragonite cannot afford taking hazard, neither Infernape and Starmie doesn't work in your team as hazard removal because too much of your team is passive.


So 2 problems here:


1) You didn't identify a win con

2) You definitely have team building problems, you cannot mix such passive mons with offensive threats like Infernape.

What's your IGN? 

Posted (edited)

Team building advice, let's assume you want to keep the exact same team, I see 2 main avenues:

1) Go full offense Life orb Analytic Starmie, DD Dragon gem Dragonite, life orb mixed attacker Infernape, Life Orb Reuniclus Psychock potentially (kills Blissey) Focus blast maybe.
In this case I think you just need to remove Ferrothorn, I don't see him fitting in the team

To break stall you can consider a mon with Taunt, Hydreigon is great in this role, unless Bronzong has Gyroball almost his entire team gets absolutely destroyed by Hydreigon (either taunt or substitute).

2) Or you can go more balanced, but in this case you'll maybe need Roost on Dragonite, Bold Starmie Natural Cure, no life orb on Infernape but maybe sword dance or nasty plot, even slack off or substitute.


In both cases you can consider a fast Gliscor with Taunt or Sword Dance, it will absolutely destroy stall, it's unbeatable by stall.


1 minute ago, Taokome said:

What's your IGN? 



Edited by Merckis
8 minutes ago, Merckis said:

Team building advice, let's assume you want to keep the exact same team, I see 2 main avenues:

1) Go full offense Life orb Analytic Starmie, DD Dragon gem Dragonite, life orb mixed attacker Infernape, Life Orb Reuniclus Psychock potentially (kills Blissey) Focus blast maybe.
In this case I think you just need to remove Ferrothorn, I don't see him fitting in the team

To break stall you can consider a mon with Taunt, Hydreigon is great in this role, unless Bronzong has Gyroball almost his entire team gets absolutely destroyed by Hydreigon (either taunt or substitute).

2) Or you can go more balanced, but in this case you'll maybe need Roost on Dragonite, Bold Starmie Natural Cure, no life orb on Infernape but maybe sword dance or nasty plot, even slack off or substitute.


In both cases you can consider a fast Gliscor with Taunt or Sword Dance, it will absolutely destroy stall, it's unbeatable by stall.




Is having two dragon types in the same team not a bad idea? 

Posted (edited)

Yeah it's not necessarily the best because your team is already quite weak to ice. Hydreigon was just an example, you can put taunt on your Gliscor.

You can consider many good taunt users: Fast Skarmory, Jellicent, etc.


And yeah just one last comment, for Reuniclus let me explain briefly why it destroy stalls:

It can switch every time for free, then you can always build a set that will beat stall.

You can play choice specs & trick. Choice Specs Focus Blast cannot be walled, even a fully Sp Def invested Bronzong will die in 2 hits more or less.

And you don't care at all about Focus Blast missing because every blast is free.

But if you play trick on top of that you can scout what your opponent wants to switch in front of him, let's say it's this wacky Bronzong set (skill swap is just not a good move period, it's a free switch in every time). Then once it's tricked it simply cannot do anything, you just did a 2 for 1, Reuniclus is alive and can kill another mon. You'll win.

But you can also play Future Sight Reuniclus, in this case every time you set up a future sight, you can bring in Infernape, nothing really enjoys future sight + Infernape coverage, it's not wallable.

You can also play Calm Mind Reuniclus, your goal is just to threaten either a hit, or a calm mind, this mind game is heavily in your favour against stall.

You can even play Substitute Reuniclus and EV to outspeed this Bronzong lol. There is just so many ways for Reuniclus to kill stall.

But more simply, Life Orb Reuniclus is a free attack every time Reuniclus comes in, it will chip the opponent guaranteed.

Edited by Merckis
8 hours ago, Taokome said:

That requires a rain team, yes?

Not necessarily. Maybe certain Pokemon with momentum moves to get it in safely against most teams but that's about it.

I can also tell that his team absolutely hates facing scarf Rotom-Wash, not that it's an instant win con but it'd disrupt him plenty.

8 hours ago, razimove said:

It requires a crawdaunt and a choice band, thats all

Thank you!

1 hour ago, suigin said:

Not necessarily. Maybe certain Pokemon with momentum moves to get it in safely against most teams but that's about it.

I can also tell that his team absolutely hates facing scarf Rotom-Wash, not that it's an instant win con but it'd disrupt him plenty.

I wasn't aware that there are so many different ways. I'm glad I said something here because now I know from you and others there are a list of ways to counter it. Thanks, man. 

47 minutes ago, Taokome said:

Thank you!

I wasn't aware that there are so many different ways. I'm glad I said something here because now I know from you and others there are a list of ways to counter it. Thanks, man. 

Another good idea would be to watch your opponent's games and take note of what he struggles fighting. Granted it could be time consuming given it's a stall team.

On 2/4/2025 at 11:08 AM, Klokt said:

Practice makes perfect and a single team cannot beat all the matchups someone will always have an advantage over your team, the opponent simply played better than you or maybe you made a mistake in some movement. I think there are several reasons. I have seen extremely rare teams in OU but after that mostly all pokemon teams in the top 100 are the same xd.

The problem is that currently in OU stall always has a good matchup with other play styles which is why it is by far the most dominant play style on the ladder.

5 hours ago, suigin said:

Another good idea would be to watch your opponent's games and take note of what he struggles fighting. Granted it could be time consuming given it's a stall team.

That's the issue I have a lot of the time. I see him play, but his opponents usually end up quitting — at least from when I watch them. I haven't seen them lose despite their visible losses.

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