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  1. Chinese characters are not displayed in the archertype chat bubble, but other characters are normal. THX
  2. Dear Administrator: Hello, I understand that the game has recently made some mechanism optimization to optimize the community environment, as a veteran player, I will post some trading information in the trading channel in my daily life, but at the same time I would like to make some contribution to the community, and I will also announce the location of the head of the Pokémon when they appear,At the same time, I have noticed that sometimes I accidentally post transaction information to other chat channels due to carelessness. I am very sorry. I've tried to add the "/trade" character before my trade messages before, but after getting used to "enter→up→enter"to send these messeges, I realized that posting the wrong thing is inevitable, I know that there's probably no way to change this mechanism, and all I can do is to pay more attention to my own behavior. The current banning penalty mechanism seems to be with the number of times a single increase, no matter how careful, in the long run I think I will be blocked to deal with, my purpose is also to contribute to the community, it should not be so So I would like to say is that this banning mechanism can be learned like the excellent game 《League of Legends》, 《DOTA2》 banning mechanism if a long time are no violation of the state, whether it is possible to carry out the credibility of the upgrade,In that case, can you perform a Reputation upgrade to avoid accidentally sending the wrong transaction information to the wrong channel next time? Finally, my current IGN is KeQiDaDa. Due to my carelessness, this type of ban has been upgraded to 12 hours. Can you please clear this type of bad record. This suggestion can be translated through Google Translate. Some expressions may not be very accurate, sorry again.Thank you! December 6, 2023
  3. 科奇精简语言包 很多人说在论坛找不到科奇制作的语言包,所以这边科奇做一下复制 帖子比较粗糙,希望大家谅解 有可能论坛日志不会及时更新,但是大家去到链接下载一定是最新版本 请不要 上传/下载 任何群文件中的科奇语言包 下载地址https://keqi.lanzoui.com/b01zwdu1i 密码:科奇 视频教程 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tT41197Pt 图文教程https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv12796999 另外科奇求打赏,谢谢您! 有能力的帮忙赞助,谢谢~ 版本区分: ①闪光强提醒: ②闪光一行提醒: 技能有属性前置,精灵没有属性提醒 技能有属性前置,精灵没有属性提醒 闪光精灵在战斗中为 闪光精灵在战斗中为 ████████████████ ███闪光皮卡丘███ ████████████████ ███ 闪光皮卡丘 █████ ████████████████ ████████████████ ③属性+闪光一行提醒: ④无属性提示: 精灵和技能都有属性前置 精灵和技能都没属性前置 闪光精灵在战斗中为 闪光精灵在战斗中为 ███|电|闪光皮卡丘███ 闪光皮卡丘 请选择适合自己的版本安装 ======================================================= 请不要以群文件的形式分享给你的朋友, 一来是现在qq文件路径不好找了 二来是因为 这样一些老的版本一直会流传, 不便于那些玩家更新语言包, 而且他们可能不知道语言包更新 而来加我来求我更新一些我在新包里已经更新了的内容, 谢谢大家 另外科奇求打赏,谢谢您! 有能力的帮忙赞助,谢谢~ 所有汉化工作与 PokeMMO 官方乃至宝可梦、任天堂官方无关 如有侵权,请联系我删除 作者:科奇 致谢名单(不分前后顺序):bilibilichiHongX,hhhjiushipi,sxza,奇怪的苏菲 QQ群:630012472 有任何bug或者建议可以联系我
  4. 科奇精简语言包 很多人说在论坛找不到科奇制作的语言包,所以这边科奇做一下复制 帖子比较粗糙,希望大家谅解 有可能论坛日志不会及时更新,但是大家去到链接下载一定是最新版本 请不要 上传/下载 任何群文件中的科奇语言包 粉丝群:630012472 视频教程 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tT41197Pt 图文教程https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv12796999 另外科奇求打赏,谢谢您! 有能力的帮忙赞助,谢谢~ 版本区分: ①闪光强提醒: ②闪光一行提醒: 技能有属性前置,精灵没有属性提醒 技能有属性前置,精灵没有属性提醒 闪光精灵在战斗中为 闪光精灵在战斗中为 ████████████████ ███闪光皮卡丘███ ████████████████ ███ 闪光皮卡丘 █████ ████████████████ ████████████████ ③属性+闪光一行提醒: ④无属性提示: 精灵和技能都有属性前置 精灵和技能都没属性前置 闪光精灵在战斗中为 闪光精灵在战斗中为 ███|电|闪光皮卡丘███ 闪光皮卡丘 请选择适合自己的版本安装 ======================================================= 请不要以群文件的形式分享给你的朋友, 一来是现在qq文件路径不好找了 二来是因为 这样一些老的版本一直会流传, 不便于那些玩家更新语言包, 而且他们可能不知道语言包更新 而来加我来求我更新一些我在新包里已经更新了的内容, 谢谢大家 另外科奇求打赏,谢谢您! 有能力的帮忙赞助,谢谢~ 所有汉化工作与 PokeMMO 官方乃至宝可梦、任天堂官方无关 如有侵权,请联系我删除 作者:科奇 致谢名单(不分前后顺序):bilibilichiHongX,hhhjiushipi,sxza,奇怪的苏菲 QQ群:630012472 有任何bug或者建议可以联系我
  5. 你没安装好哦,安装好了的话水壶浇水是没有对话框的
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