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Everything posted by Dibz

  1. Dibz

    Quick Wishlist

    Make Amnesia brace tradeable Button to cancel moves in PvP Option to dye the entire tuxedo, not just the tie.
  2. I am eggcited for this event, what an eggcellent idea, Imma catch an eggstraordinary Togepi!!! Eggsquisite.
  3. If you click a Pokemon, the sidebar that appears actually has an option for "Use ____" or in the Pokemon's summary, on the moves tab, you can click on a move to use it. Wish there was a shortcut but it'd just be saving two clicks, not worth the time it'd require to develop it imo
  4. 1) Can marriage not have to be restricted between male and female if this is implemented? I wanna marry everyone!! 2) Divorce lawyer pls, I wanna sue my cheating husband/wife for all they've got including their shinies. In all seriousness, if devs have the time, this would be a fun silly idea to implement, I'm on board with it. Just as long as there's a block option for "lf waifu" spammers. @Linfanz will u marry me?
  5. Dibz

    Heal Ocarina

    Unova Joy is trying her best, don't be mean to her. The nurses in other regions have years of experience on her.
  6. Oh right, I remember honey! We have the Pokemon that we can catch with honey, I think it'd be a great addition to the game, as well as add a whole new item to farm and trade!
  7. Why not a consumable items for sweet scent like an escape rope then?
  8. First of all: why are you linking this post in irrelevant threads? Spamming for attention is annoying, especially for a dumb idea no one's gonna like. But if you want input, here's my opinion: Please never ever even think of trying this idea, I already get spammed by whispers and trade requests where people put up random Pokemon and wait for me to make an offer...mostly in random languages, I'm not cool with a mail system where I can basically be mass-market spammed by desperate salesmen and people like you spamming things where they're not welcome. If you don't know about the GTL then look more into the game features and menu options staring you right in the face. Your idea is terrible, redundant and won't improve the game at all. There's so many other things in the game that you can brainstorm on and fix, this isn't even a problem.
  9. If anyone wants a vanity suggestion drawn out, @ me in a reply or message me! Can't promise I'll do them instantly but I will whenever I have the time :)
  10. Dibz


    Omg yes, a way to replace bikes with select Pokemon, so you can replace a bike with a Pokemon. I had an idea for introducing a horse as a bike vanity but pokemon seem better!
  11. Yes pls unevolve. I would really appreciate things like this and the Amnesia Brace being tradeable, and any other ideas that would take the focus of the competitive aspect of the game away from OU and make it just as easy to raise pokemon for other formats. It'd be good for the game :)
  12. Dibz

    WTS comp Typhlosion

    900k. Nvm I know that's lowballing... If you don't like that how about 20k instead?
  13. Clarifying that the touching was done with consent and in the form of hugs
  14. Pretty much what I would've said. I think the amnesia brace is an AMAZING item, but I do agree that making it untradeable is a bit unfair. I've talked to players from Bangladesh, Venezuela, India etc in the game, countries where $1 is a LOT in their currencies. There's also players who don't have much income to spare like kids, college students, and the Amnesia brace is a wonderful idea, so why not make it more accessible? I don't necessarily believe in it working as an Exp Share too, the Macho Brace doesn't, but exclusive items won't help get more donations if a lot of players can't donate. Plus if it were enabled it would mean another item for people who CAN donate to buy the item to sell to other players. I think it'd be a good move :) I really do hope you guys do this. Every player I've talked to supports this idea. Hope you guys respond, at the very least.
  15. Welcome!!! A couple things to add to what Reddo already said: Spending money doesn't really give you many advantages in this game, so you can't pay-to-win, only donate to the game to get vanities, things your character can wear, and fun lil things. But doesn't put you above other players per se. And chats are fun in the game, and there are a huge number of toxic people (as is the case in most MMOs), but tbh there's incredibly fun and very, very nice people on there too. The ones who keep the game fun and worth playing. Postgame involves a lot of grinding but I love it. It's part of what makes finally being good at the game worth it. I've only played for a month and it's been amazing. More challenging than the usual games but so much fun. Hope you enjoy your stay!!!
  16. The halo is my favorite touch xD Nice!! I love it!!! I LOVE IT OMG, I wanted to tell you when I saw you in Vermillion, this is amazing. Hope there's a sparkles vanity soon. I'll post myself and a few awesome looking sprites I've seen in game soon! Thanks for your pictures they're the best things that could've started this thread!!
  17. I know, I just want an ongoing fashion appreciation thread, for random sprites you find and want other people to see. Not a competition, just thought it'd be nice :) I'll reword the post for clarity I guess. Congratulations on winning btw! That's an amazing picture :')
  18. Thought I'd start a thread showcasing the most attractive in-game sprites, just to recognize and appreciate all the ones with an amazing 32-bit fashion sense. Post their character name and a screenshot, and whatever you'd like to say about how great they look. Let's see who might end up on the cover of VoguéMMO this year! :D P.S. This is NOT a competition, I just wanted an ongoing thread to appreciate and show off some awesome sprites :) Good ones deserve recognition! One person can post as many as they want, just please try not to spam. Yes, posting yourself is also okay.
  19. Name: Dibz Team Tag: Miews Character(s)/Pokemon(s): The one true god , myself, Jolteon, maybe NotDibz (see Additional Info) riding a skarmory far in the Background? Render (Optional): Theme Colors: You do you, you have better taste than I do :p Type of Artwork: Signature Animated?: Up to you rly Donation: 500k if it's super awesome :3 Additional information: My sprite and how it looks in-game You don't even have to get it exact, any leprechaun-y thing works! I just want the holy Bidoof with me. THANK YOU I LOVE YOUR WORK I'LL GIVE YOU A HUUUUGE SHOUTOUT WHEN I'M RICH AND FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Character: This guy!!Name: Dibbzzz Team: MéteorTáil [MéTá] Background: Anything you want!
  21. Would you be able to extend the growtime by 12 hours, @Desu? Cause I'll be asleep and the server starting up early might mean my plants will die by the time I wake up. I'd really appreciate it!
  22. The letters S, E and L in a row, even if it's a word starting with L after a word like "these". And there's LOTS of false positives no one's been able to identify. I for one vote for an option for "spamming wrong chat" under Player Reporting in Support Requests, for people who've been pointed in the right direction but won't listen. I have had a message recently fail the filter 15 times before I gave up. It had nothing to do with trade. :(
  23. Dig this idea, but tbh, I think community is a better tool than the filter. And a smart filter is a waste of programming time that could be used to develop other things in the game. Just file a support request when someone doesn't listen when they're told they're in the wrong chat for themselves. It's so difficult trying to fix a message that's completely irrelevant to trading when you have no idea which word to change...
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