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Everything posted by CaptnBaklava

  1. Need to figure what the sweet hearts are worth before I can raise the offer. Any body got an idea?
  2. Toxicz is great used his service really often. 10/10
  3. You can shoot me a message here in game or on discord. Won't have time until this evening tho.
  4. Take a1 b2 c3 d4 e5 f6 b5 c4 e6 f1 Cool idea. @BaliAds check this out Edit: nvm
  5. I see your offer and raise it to 701.34 and a damp rock (OT NeilDown)
  6. Might I get my other questions answered? And if not can I get an answer why not?
  7. I have a feeling that it's quite bad for people in our time zones. I can find matches relatively easy during night times in our timezone but that's fucking night and most of the time I have to sleep cause of work. Feels like majority of our comp community is from Latin America and Asia.
  8. So in 2 months of the system implemented more than once some members did not play enough games. Sounds good and healthy for me. Any data on how many games they had to play? How many semifinals they reached?Wich was the highest elo they reach? What win% they had? Playing 500 elo UU or NU cannot be compared to 1-50 in ladder. All in all I would like this system to be more transparent for us. Not sure why you count November as a Holly day month. Is there someone besides JJ that is in an area of the world that's celebrating Thanksgiving?
  9. Can we get Infos of the placement ladder / tournament of the TC member that are supposed to play the game instead of being dead? While I did not follow all ladders and tournament games this season I can't remember seeing stelian, lunarck bluebreath or Tyrone. I got kicked in the ass from double j several times and seen matches from the others. Just because it was stated 1 or 2 months ago that tc has to play the game.
  10. Yooo nice just looked at the one for nu 5 mins ago and thought maybe ill redo it ?
  11. There should one, dont remember the name tho. Maybe R Cap and R Suit?
  12. In the german dub they did. Had no idea she is called violet at all, played the game for over 15000 hours lol
  13. Watched the first 6 episodes so far. That show is fucking epic really hyped to see the rest
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