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Everything posted by DoctorPBC

  1. That will screw 5 or 10 people who would be reserves but are lower down the reserve list during the next sign ups... Nobody cares about them. TLDR: you can't just do it for 5 people who miss out, if you use this option it needs to be extended to every reserve because sign ups are pure luck... And that is not feasible
  2. OP trying to make an easy buck. No thanks. Pro tip, people here don't like giving away money for free, it's hard enough to earn as is
  3. Sorry the salt was real with my post earlier, missing out on that prize a second time hurt. Congrats to the winners, your videos are phenomenal and each could easily have won. Enjoy the shinys
  4. Dissapointed doesn't sum this up, guess I'll use copyrighted material in my entries next time should I decide to join. Two times I've been screwed by staff for following rules, won't be entering a video competition again unless this changes
  5. Try restarting your games client, usually works for me
  6. Felt a bit dead in here, I reuploaded the troll video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6HRuhOqfJU
  7. so 83 people signed up for a 32 man tournament within 60 seconds... maybe something worth looking at staff
  8. Inb4 crazy sign up lag and none of the good players get in again
  9. sorry for neglecting this shop so long. Business will resume this weekend
  10. DoctorPBC DrCraig "Hey dont be a dick" - HD.BAD
  11. If I win or place in the video contest I'll donate a shiny slowpoke because I won't be poverty anymore. If not I'll donate tears?
  12. Your video is shit take it down.
  13. Ok so after a lengthy viridian discussion with bestfriends and Killi... we have a few questions, for staff or otherwise (and yes im being a scumbag because I dont want to get screwed like last time) 1) is copyrighted images acceptable in the videos, if so great, if not thats like half of the serious entrants out right? 2) how professional do we want these, because ive seen a few graphical glitches and swears in several videos 3) are late submissions going to be accepted??? say for example of one of these people wanted to remove copyrighted material from their video will it still be accepted taking into account the deadline for this contest has passed 4) are these videos for commercial use, AKA rendering our videos as not being for fair use 5) does this count as me being a scumbag? kthxbai
  14. 2. VGC best of 3 (look up VGC Rules if you don't know what it is)
  15. < isnt in the running =( Also can we please instead of a camera cosmetic...... get a GET OUT frog hat for the winner instead?
  16. Petition to expand to 5 videos being used pls, I don't want to be povDoc no more
  17. Don't get your hopes up for anyone, based off how this went last time staff will likely throw a curve ball or two
  18. Aren't you meant to be banned?
  19. the guy I got the music from has the music copyrighted due to it being mostly of his own creation, but gives out permission for use provided "credit is given somewhere", so im good regardless As for the other two I cant comment, I mean itd be super awesome if they had 'issues' because it means our chances of placing are higher.... but again id prefer to be in the top 3 on merit rather than a technicality
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