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Everything posted by Poufilou

  1. Probably only starters during event to fit the theme and then HA for all after. I hope
  2. This is hilarious on many levels - one of them being there will probably be someone buying it. This game is doomed
  3. 300k with no shiny is insane, I've known 166k and currently on 118k, doesn't even reach your drought when adding up and it feels like hell. Respect
  4. Smoke ball is no longer consumable, and it probably was fixed for a non-100% chance as Kyu said, although when I used it, it always worked, so idk for sure, there should be the specific of change in one of the changelogs. And yes, this topic was a pain to read lmao poor guy. #JusticeForOP
  5. Yes, since battles will not have level syncing. This specific rule allows for lvl 1 strats to be used. You can but you don't gain much since most battles are decided on matchup and not pokemon quality. Also, it will be shown in the battle that the ball your pokemon comes out isn't a Safari Ball
  6. Murkrow appear at night only in route 209 Lost Tower F5 Misdreavus appear at night only in Lost Tower F4 Both x3 mixed with gastly and zubat
  7. Looks good but a Rapidash mount doesn't seem very safe...
  8. I think I rather have Bo3 than prepping a week for 15 seconds battle which is mostly gonna be 50/50
  9. Yes, but why would anyone want to do that. It's a troublesome answer for something that originally wouldn't need go to such lengths. It's not even decent, switching alt back and forth in my Shuckle spot and they didn't even respawn after both my main and alt smashed it & spent time catching em. Besides I'm personally going for shiny, not farming fossils, but this is an issue for everyone seeking to farm something off rocks.
  10. Please, this is hell T.T This change needs to be fixed, it's an issue. If it's because of unova rock smash, find a solution other than putting penalty on all encounters of all regions
  11. 500k Aipoms end up first for playoffs
  12. Everytime there's an original idea of event/game mixing Pve and PvP, I noticed that the PvP side is mostly a huge letdown and while it should be exciting, in most cases it's the most boring part. Take for example the Safari "catch and battle" classic event. It's 100% boring because the "fun rules" created may be fun on paper, but competitive pokemon isn't fun to play outside the competitive tools that the event rules try to ignore (no tMs allowed, no training, etc). These events, to me, always failed to be really fun for that reason. I had spend a fair share of my time creating events like these, trying to come up with new stuff and all. I think some people might enjoy a Nuzlocke event here, although it's so hard to manage, there's a few thread here and there of people sharing their playthrough. But I gotta say, as an advice, you should drop out the idea of PvP in these conditions. It's not fun to battle someone using Water Gun and Peck and go trough the process of mashing buttons pretending to have a strategy while the rules specifically don't let you have a strategy, which is the only fun part of PvP. I'd find another way to "rival" players between them, if I were you. Why not ? Project seems interesting. But PvP ? Players interested in doing Nuzlocke would be more hyped about competition like "who has less deaths" or "who did it faster" than to battle out in a match where they can't team-build. That was my opinion, hope you find players interested in this.
  13. Since new update, rocks in every regions takes 5 minutes to respawn. This is a huge problem for farming. 5 minutes is too long. Shiny hunting Shuckle was already hell for me, yet still enjoyable ; now it's become a pain to wait 5 minutes everytime I want to get encounters. This also reduces everstone farming diversity of places. Now there's only one or two places that are the only way to not lose your time. It's horrible, please go back to the original respawn time.
  14. At this point of the game where too many players have too much money to spend, I feel like everything is an excuse to get value. It doesn't change my experience of the game so ultimately I don't care but I'm sometimes confused at how some people experience it. Good for them if they can be hyped by meaningless stuff and if it can flatter their ego when they show it off. Secret shiny ain't the most ridiculous though, some people spend awful amount of time/money for even more stupid stuff like 2013 pokemons. But hey to each their own.
  15. I opened a bug report ticket, I really hope it wasn't intended and that it's just a temporary fix to the Unova rock smashing issue.
  16. Is anyone encountering longer respawn for Rock Smashing since the update ? I've been hunting Shuckles for a while now and my usual time lapse to reset the place doesn't work anymore. It takes more time for the rocks to respawn. Is this normal and does it occur in other regions/places for you guys that often Rock Smash ?
  17. Everytime I get lucky from now on I'll just pray, shed a tear and thanks Pablo for balancing out my luck
  18. Can't wait to see players have high hopes while updating client during the week between patch and event... and realize it's just the upcoming wave of new bug fixes
  19. This is less of a problem in other tiers, because you have way more control on how you handle the game. Unless you're being super duper haxed, you have all the tools in hands. In Randoms, sometimes even if the player does the wrong choices, you still lose, because you don't have the tools to win. If you choke against novice player in OU, too bad, maybe you deserve that ELO drop, but if you just get 6-0 by some belly drum charizard with a team 6x weak to fire and flying and sit through the pain, it's not just accepting your fate, which is a most part of Randoms, but knowing that this one game could have been -3 ELO instead -5 and it wouldn't have changed anything to it.
  20. Will there be any improvement to the matchmaking itself ? I keep fighting against novice trainers with 400 ELO or so while having 750+. It's especially annoying in randoms because you can lose very easely to noobs that just happen to have one pokemon that you can't kill. It's losing 5 ELO or winning 0.5... I don't mind waiting more time to match against someone that is worth battling. I'm talking about players that don't know pokemon abilities, STAB, that try to toxic your sub pokemon, sacrifice their win condition... even if you win 95% time it's still frustrating to have that one lose that you need to beat like 10 more others like them to cover the loss. Obviously that's how it works, I'm just saying it feels more interesting when you lose/gain points of ppl that's about your level.
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