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Tawla last won the day on February 15 2022

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  1. For a player who spent a lot of money on comps , building , practice etc.... That isnt enough. Instead u put shiny on a lot of catching event which doesnt even need skill, just like a bot for 1 hour and wish . See the diffrence ? Think abt it.
  2. 3rd NU tournament without a shiny . Nice done .
  3. Oh really didnt see , well thats much better This topic can be closed then .
  4. Hello to everyone who know artofkilling. I'd like to say thanks to everyone who support our friend even tho between him and me it ended up by a fight the last time we talked but still think he's one of the best in this shitty community . I may be inactif this last 5-6 months but willing to get back to the game one day and play like i did before . This is not what i want to talk about , I want for everyone who really love our friend to help him in case he create another account with some donation so he can feel comfortable again. I dm him in discord and i'll tag him here @ArtOfKilling Anyone who wanna donate for him write his donation is this, maybe when he see the many people who loves him gets him back to the game I'll donate : 20M 20comps OU Some UU-NU
  5. Ign: Tawlaa Tiers played: All Timezone: gmt +1 Open to play BO3: yes Discord: Tawla1886 Fluff: ok
  6. Question is : does devs read what you guys are trying to suggest? Answer: none of the devs care since they got what they need from you (your money πŸ€‘πŸ€‘)
  7. U just not lucky, but u'll get one soon dont worry keep it up
  8. No oliver no 😞
  9. Also forget to mention that if u prankster went first that 100% mean that the scizor didnt use bullet punch
  10. Prankster have +1 on statut moves Bullet punch is a +1 move Here the speed will judge who hit first Means if the scizor is faster then ur sableye then his bullet punch will be faster then u
  11. Because managers just pick their friends , i mean look at queest team and mdm you will see players that probably u never heard about , and that was stupid tbh , psl is made to win the tour not to collect your friends
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