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Everything posted by Tranzmaster

  1. Didn't play in KC, traded duel links time in for time to become a poker master and an OU god. Nothing worked out (well i did win a 129 man tournament in poker) Just unlucky Kappachino Kappaldo 123
  2. This is probably the first time Jovi doesn't bet against me Also @Torinnnnn kys for making up that bet also inb4 jovi bets against me
  3. https://clips.twitch.tv/SleepyPerfectLadiesPeteZarollTie Savage Jankos jesus christ @Tyrone u'll love this one XD
  4. My meme skills are inversely proportional to my comp skills
  5. Something similar happened to me 6 days ago. Not going into detail atm, I pmed Kyu with the information about it. First of all this is IMO a very important topic, definitely since I've been on the end of being "hacked" as well. Secondly, I know for a fact that the devs here take security very seriously. This I don't only know from my personal experience when I was staff, but also from their communication and response to for example DDOS attacks. (I'm sure a lot can agree on this) So I do believe it is not only in ours, but also in their interest to seriously review this. +1 support for better account security.
  6. SceptileMaster vs Epicverde Saturday 6 PM GMT
  7. Can vouch for McTermi, fast delivery :) Ty!
  8. Team Name: Veni Vidi Vici Vixi Team Tag: VVVV Registered Players: Aerun, Draekyn, Tranzmaster, Parke, Orangemaniac, Yggdrasil, Fujimura, StriderxD, Rigamorty, ClarenceTheMan Team Captain: Draekyn
  9. >mid >teammate troll bans Pantheon >"u don't play Pantheon mid lol" >lock in first time Diana epic feed pick mfw
  10. It's been a while but I'm here again with another episode of Top Kek Pantheon kills Pantheon has something like bait hp, it's when you're at 20% and you bait the enemy into thinking they can kill you Enjoy and make sure to watch till the end: LF @xXBlu3BreathXx to type "EZ" or "smth smth AP Pantheon"
  11. Another person i can scrap from my cool people list
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