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Everything posted by ValeRoth

  1. After shouting it in global many times, I now suggest thee Doge Hat [spoiler][/spoiler] I think it's better as a hat (like Kyu's, RO1 headgear,etc.) than a mask (dat horse one) pls Darky, I know u want to make it a reality an earn a good revenue out of it.
  2. wot If u know me, it's probably because shitposting in Global
  3. not even Xenogears or Xenoblade :(?
  4. "ok" year for games, 2014 is going to be superb if you like JRPGs though ( ͡>3 ͡<) (Xillia 2, KH 2.5, FFX/X-2, Trails in the Sky SC,blabla)
  5. I go meet with my whole family at night, while I go to see my love on the morning and... I gut bezt gift evah (a heart pendant, which I always wanted) and she got exactly the necklace she wanted to hue :J And.. my paint skills suck (laugh at 'em, that's my gift for you gys) Still 12 hours away for christmas here :J [spoiler][/spoiler]
  6. Better than asking where's Lorelei I guess
  7. That way we could forget about 87%+ happiness and level up in day/night and say check your dex instead, what a wonderful world it would be. #Support
  8. Dat Prize. Bliss for Miss Claus and tangrowth, tangela for Grinch?
  9. Tales of Zesteria confirmed Iondar, "worldwise" release *lennyface of joy* Hue, I liked GBA Tactics too, DS not so much, still playable
  10. 69? pls no, 50. on topic. shinies are supposed to be rare, and well.. giy already said everything that needed to be said :l btw, lots of shiny pokes that u could "find and capture" would lack eggmoves so.. not really for battles.
  11. If they ever implement the explanation in an NPC, it should not be skipable the first time as Zipp said.. (what about placing an NPC next to the door of the daycare in isle 4? or next to the old man?) Whether they change the mechanics or not, information about it would be greatly appreciated in the in-game FAQ, it does get tiring to do a long explanation on global everytime the questions pops up (mind you, more than just a few times per day), in the end if you're tired you simply tell them to go to cinnabar lab.. but it would be great to be able to say "Press H and read the faq handsome [user name]" or "Talk to the NPC next to the daycare"
  12. ValeRoth

    [SSKY] ShadowSky

    podi ponerlo en spoilers el post en español :u, pa no crear el meo post btw good luck guys :* #CH5Support
  13. Dannnno never sleeps, don't forget ( ͡° x ͡°)
  14. too much touhou in this thread gasp [spoiler]first foreshadowing of a Xmas event[/spoiler]
  15. pls u love me *insert lennyface*
  16. my gf back, hopefully not happening <-
  17. The thing is, it doesn't take more than 5 hours (maybe more since trainers now...yeah) to clear the main and postgame..., it's a good option though, just not as efficient as trade chat or paydaying in isle6/cerulean cave
  18. Or implement it on the battle tower.. dead topic is dead ( ͡- ͜ʖ ͡-)
  19. The autocalc was never intended to work with the update in any cirmscustance though, it isn't an "official" add-on, last time I checked at least. As for the topic.. the suggestions get denied because they want to cater to the casual crowd IIRC.. (then again, I would argue the update only created a longer bridge between comps and casuals) This isn't an idea that outright tells you the value of your ivs (except blue), hopefully it gets to somewhere bb ( ͡° 3 ͡°)
  20. Both work just fine bb, if you want some Gen VI action, go for it.. Now that the games are out, the gen VI meta and new species seem.. to be in favor of defensive strategies... guess it's a good break from Gen V offensive play (but Gen IV mix would have been ideal, imo)
  21. Rothers will do their best ( ͡° 3 ͡°) (if we are fast enough to enter)
  22. Even if there was a "veteran channel", is not like some guys wouldn't troll... I mean I know some people dislike and totally hate the leroth face "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" but it wouldn't keep me from not doing it, even on "veteran" channel (which would be awesome as a "metagame"/versus channel I guess) 100 hours isn't hard btw (I dunno, have like 600+ hours and only really played 150 or so, chat is amazing)
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