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Everything posted by Ziiiiio

  1. Yes, please let p2 down to UU, It will be a hard check of sun team venus, then drop torkoal to UU makes sense.
  2. Looking forward to your next joining PSL, mainly want to see you update your article
  3. MMO is not that stall as you think, we dont get legendaries but we have alot of combos like Nasty plot+ focus blast also like cc scizor, mienshao and conkeldorr. Also like teleport+choice attackers can be made in here as well. And the situation of 1h match, nobody want spend 1h on ladder or any other match, but if you cant hold this, you can turn to play HO team, 30mins is longest time you gonna spend, either you break this fxxking walls or after 30mins most of your team dead by spikes and toxics, just simple. The main reason for extending the race to one hour is player with a bulky balance againt a stall team. Now the mean reason make these OU matches to 1h is the regenerator things like AV mienshao and amoongus, obviously just change it from 33% to 25% or something on these regenerator stuff, what's the point of make healing move pp into 8? Get the fking SD garchomp and draco hydregon back if faster game is needed. And we can see what is already happend, those slow boosting pokemons such as Glisor Reuniclus also togekiss they can't sweep the game even you had clean most of it's checks just because 8pp healing, Sigilyph as well even now Umbreon can check it by only use foulplay and Clef is not a issue at all now. Those are effects on slow boosting but that's not the end. 8 pp makes 1 wall can't check more than 1 attacker, now it's possible to let life orb Infernape keep using Flamethrower to a Mandibuzz just switch in, you either kill the infernape by BB or your roost getting empty, then Dnight gonna sweep the game because of 8pp changes. This situation never happend before. Regenerator let game turing to a boring situation, work on regenerator, simple. not the brainless following to Gen9. Also we don't even had grassy terrain to balance the 8 pp change.
  4. Just can't get why decreased pp of healing move. It breaks the balance of this game or it was a brainless following to new generation? Thanks for this free and fun game you made but you need think more about the updates this time, easiest way is let a person who knows PVP be part of your member. Absolutly these changes came too rush.
  5. Please and please we really need discuss about these 8pp changes, all bold reuniclus now can throw to trade channel. Pokemon battle need more like to "Multiple choice" instead of make more pokemon/team style dissappear.
  6. 固执爽朗都可以,暴鲤龙和地鼠都是爽朗居多而且建议爽朗。252攻速拉满就行。 暴鲤龙:龙舞攀瀑强力鞭打冰冻牙 地鼠:地震 高速旋转 岩崩/铁头 剑舞/隐形岩
  7. I strongly suggest that move 8 pp back to before. now you can use CB Dnight + CB garchomp kill hippowdon, or Ludicolo+Kindra rush Belissey because of 8 pp healing move xd. It sounds brainless isnt it? I am not a stall team player at all and I still think it's pooped to move pp into 8.
  8. 这就是一个愚蠢至极的改动,回复8发这导致部分盾牌会变成是“一看一难度变大,一看二变得几乎不可能”,1号打手完全可以在自己不被秒杀的情况下原地站着一直点输出技能直到你的回复pp耗完,然后2号打手就能很轻易的突破原本可以一看二的盾牌,很轻松且无脑的就给你冗余过去了。 比如原本秃鹰娜可以很完美的check快龙和双刀烈焰猴,现在我就一直上猴子上来喷射火焰,以前的秃鹰娜可以一直羽栖直到血量回满再勇鸟击杀,或者在看到猴子命玉扣血的时候直接原地羽栖等你命玉自杀就行了。现在会变成什么情况,八发的羽栖会导致你必须抽出一回合去勇鸟击杀猴子,而且所剩无几的羽栖pp会让你根本没办法再去应对cb快龙。 第二个例子,就是盔甲鸟check玛狃拉,以前的盔甲鸟可以原地羽栖直到玛狃拉冰锥打两发,然后撒出钉子限制玛狃拉上场,最后再拉上自家冰抗,这一套下来就是避免猜拳的最好办法。现在就八发羽栖你让我怎么打48发冰锥玛狃拉?这种就是我说的一看一难度变大。 后面如果还要组受队,那祈愿/再生力是最好的出路,现在还没放大将呆河马可以再等等。 最后,我本人(ZioMOJI)不是什么受队玩家,经常观战或者看我视频的都很清楚了,所以别想着我是站边说话,我只是就事论事而已。什么类似于“受队好死”这种话肯定会出现,因为输给受队的游戏体验是很不好的。但是mmo环境中受队自古以来就不是破坏平衡的队伍体系,“恶心”不是削弱的理由,而且这种削弱不只是砍到了受队这个队伍体系,平衡攻甚至平衡受等各种携带盾牌的队伍都会被重创。本身就是一个多选择齐开花的游戏玩法愣是来这一刀,只想说官方跟风Gen9的改动但是不长脑子,66单打把回复砍8发说给玩哪个宝可梦版本的玩家都是笑话。
  9. 任何配置不确定的时候打开pvp看统计就行了,哪个多做哪个。还想再做一只就做热度第二的
  10. We might get this on the 20th anniversary, MMO's efficiency you know
  11. My suggestion, maybe put Milotic or Porygon to UU so we have more chance to check Nidoking. Instead of quick ban.
  12. Nice chance to join UU cz we get Nidoking
  13. 如果是攻队的撒钉手,这需要观察这只宝可梦是否有着强大的首发能力或对扫钉手有没有一定的压制力。 自杀钉,回合内先手挑衅,自杀后对方的高旋和除雾会因为没有目标而失败,以达到布置场地+打残对面的效果 气腰化石翼龙:挑衅+出钉。速度较快,几乎没有能在他挑衅下出钉除雾,可选舍身冲撞自杀。 果子爽朗钢鸟:相比翼龙钢鸟能同时撒菱,配合结实+释陀果可以在残血的时候先手勇鸟自杀, 气腰烈焰猴:同样的挑衅+出钉,气腰的保护下残血触发猛火特性,可以火推自杀或者过热打输出,也可以携带蛮干让1血猴子最大化发挥效果。 打手出钉,兼顾了对攻和出钉,一般都有着很强的首发压制力,通俗一点就是能打能出钉,但是没挑衅 气腰地龙:常规天真双刀,地震流星火放+钉子 腰木果巨金怪:一般会选择特攻,携带冰冻之风觉醒火和超本,冰风一次可以打残+超速对方地龙 气腰象牙猪:迟钝特性可以无视对手挑衅出钉,厚脂肪对攻更强 上面说的都是OU的,其实还有一些但是感觉够了。放眼次分级也还有不少,遁甲隆隆岩等。不过建议先把OU热门的玩明白。
  14. Team Name: Razz on fire Team Captain: ZioMOJI Players: ZioMOJI SHENGRUI VFoxdemon Happy 10 years anniversary!!
  15. Is now late for sign up? Just saw this great event and wanted to attend >~<
  16. IGN: ZioMOJI Time zone: GMT+0 or GMT+8 if I go back to China Discord: MarkZhi#6219 Tier: OU Second place in WC5 and second place of OU MVP in WC5. But this time fight for the 1st in PSL.
  17. Put caio in there and you will see the word "fun"
  18. ID: ZioMOJI 分级:OU QQ:1264247882 一月一号开打,但是没说国内几点钟,时间不合适可能退赛
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