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About zhangyan

  • Birthday 04/13/2004

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  1. 你好,官方成员需要时间调查,祝你生活愉快
  2. 它的网站是https://support.pokemmo.com/
  3. 申诉请前往支持中心PokeMMO支持创建工单。
  4. My ticket has been rejected,I want tell them by this way.Thanks
  5. Dear game manager, I want to apologize for this. There is really no real money transaction in my account. loveluoli, the sponsor of Master Tournament, is a normal player and his account has been unsealed. But mine didn't. I know I should have one more thing, that is, I logged into my friend's account on May 13th, because he asked me to help urge a person to return his pokemon. We are all friends, so I thought I could help. That's what I did. Nothing else was done. And I didn't share my account.We really don't have real money to trade. If my account is blocked because of this, I can accept the punishment, but please ask the administrator to reduce my punishment. After all, this is a game I have played for five years. I cry every night, and I can't help but wake up suddenly in the middle of the night, and my eyes are swollen with tears. I really like and love this game. I apologize again. I'm sorry. Please give me a chance.
  6. 非常稀有的时装,你为此付多少钱?留下你的报价 目前最好报价是110m。我正在寻找更多报价我的角色名:Yanziz Very rare vanity, how much do you pay for it? Leave your offer. At present, the best offer is 110m. I am looking for more offer. ID:Yanziz
  7. 如: ID:Yanziz 报名 QQ:505605703
  8. 抱歉:由于一些原因,大师赛需要延期举办了,敬请期待。(暂时停止募捐,停止筹备,停止报名) 引言:即将来到大师赛要举办的日子了,如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 规则: 待定。 时间: 比赛时间:待定 报名方式:(暂停) 本次比赛交流群 举办地点在比克提尼群(也称为比群)群号:1145604650 奖池:为能给大家带来更好的比赛效果,更好的游戏体验,大师赛的奖池还请各位大师赛忠实粉丝热心捐赠。(注为了方便奖池分配,主办方会按市场价卖掉捐赠的物品换成游戏币除特别大额物品。)(注:恶意捐赠主办方会调查此事,严重者永久取消比赛资格!) 分配原则:待定 捐赠方式:将捐赠的物品或游戏币邮寄给dashigame 热心捐助者:(实时更新,低于100k不记录) Yanziz:30m Yoop:10m loveluoli:100m cyxniannian:1m xiaodanbai:1m和雪妖袍 flowergui:头目火龙 头目杰尼龟 ……(实时更新) 工作人员: 主办方:Yanziz 赞助商:loveluoli 宣传员:Yanziz ChengBaby (实时更新)
  9. 在这个游戏里,时装一直备受瞩目。他们有着存在的价值并富有美感,并且有着独特的吸引人的名字。 这里建议更新杰克南瓜灯面罩,这件时装并不符合它的名字。大多数人认为它是南瓜头不是南瓜灯。但它是一盏灯,它需要明显的发光特效,起码要让别人知道这是一盏灯。 对于它的动画效果我感到十分满意,设计师用心制作了动画效果,让我明白游戏设计师的认真负责。 希望您能在百忙之中抽空回复我的帖子,祝您生活愉快。亲爱的Darkshade。 In this game, vanity has always attracted much attention. They have the value of existence and aesthetic feeling, and have unique attractive names. It is suggested to update the Jack-o-Lantern Mask. This vanity doesn't match its name. Most people believe that it is pumpkin head not pumpkin lantern .But it is a lantern. It needs obvious luminous effects, at least let others know that it is a lantern. I am very satisfied with its animation effect, and the designer made the animation effect attentively, which made me understand the seriousness and responsibility of the game designer. I hope you can take time out of your busy schedule to reply to my post and wish you a happy life. Dear Darkshade. @Darkshade
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