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Status Updates posted by Noad

  1. Noad

    Happy belated birthday Boss o7 (btw the TJXD gif on your profile gave me a seizure)

    1. TJXD


      Thanks a bunch home girl :D <3 Appreciate it

  2. Zehkar a des cuisses de grenouilles

  3. Beau gosse, best CM ever c: ~

    1. CaptainGrey


      ty belle gosse :) <3

  4. We are watching LOTR tomorrow, you have no choice. Goodnight :D

    1. Zehkar


      But I have to write an essay >.>

  5. Meow ~ Cute avatar!

    1. Sialia


      Heey noad :), take a cat video

    2. Noad
  6. When are we watching Mean Girls this weekend?

    1. Zehkar


      Already watched it with Darkshade sorry

    2. Noad


      Hate you >_>

  7. Cats > Dogs.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noad


      Well where did being a dog person get Julius Ceasar? No where except on the floor with 6 knives in his back! Wouldn't have happened if he was a cat person I tell ya.

    3. fredrichnietze


      the roman empire lasted until 600~ years ago and began in 1200 BC iirc. it's the single longest living empire ever (china doesnt count cause it was completely conquered by the mongols)even thou it was not a empire the entire time. i think being dog people got them pretty far.

    4. TheRealPhatiman


      I said Kitty master race not Egyptian master race so your counter statement is null and void lel..fun fact though in world war 2 kitties were left in the warmth and comfort of their homes whilst dogs were used as homing missiles(they were trained to think food is found under tanks,theyd rig them up with explosives and yeah,you get the idea)so I ask you this,who was the winner in that situation?


  8. Xelaaaaa we miss you! Come back to us soon c:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noad


      Man that sounds rough. Just started working for my parents in an office job, I write addresses on things and stamp them ;-; rip my hand from so much writing.

    3. XelaKebert


      Ice and heat can help. Also doing stretches every now and them. Hopefully you don't get carpal tunnel.

    4. Malorne


      İ have ur verbal warning as a poster on my wall #never4get

  9. Happy Birthday! Have an awesome day~

    1. EmoDuck


      Aw thanks noad :3

  10. Clefairy Cup hype \o/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Munya


      it's over

    3. Sialia


      and i'm happy :3, and i want this every month

    4. Munya


      I'd love to see it more often but I think the competitive community would throw a fit if it were every month.

  11. Mfw Zehar asked Ronax if he knew what eyebrows were.

  12. I am the Metronome Master- ask Jim & Keith c:

    1. Blue


      i can confirm hue

    2. Munya


      sorry I'll need keiths confirmation too

    3. Noad


      Darn, LF Keith to confirm ;_;

  13. Gratz to Haazuu for winning his second Spring Qualifier in a row! I always enjoy watching your battles~

    1. CyrusZathen


      What the cats gonna do to me if i break the forums rules Q.Q?

  14. First Spring Championship qualifier this weekend! Who will take the first invite?

  15. Did you draw your avatar?

    1. TheGloriousWalrus


      It's something I made really quickly in illustrator :)

    2. Noad


      It's really awesome, I like your art style :)

    3. TheGloriousWalrus
  16. Happy birthday Tranz, hope you have a great day filled with fun and Steelix :)

    1. Bestfriendss


      I found Tranz without his hammer, http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/259/4/4/steelix_plushy_cosplay___front_by_natron77-d2yvq8q.jpg.... I understand that he is trying to celebrate his birthday, but can he bring his hammer with him as well when doing this?

  17. Kittens > Puppies. That'll be all~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noad


      Neverrrr, puppies are bad!

    3. Archinix


      No they're not, they're mans best friend and #1

    4. CyrusZathen


      Puppies aren't bad ;_;

  18. I'm mesmerized by your signature, I sat watching it for like 5 minutes. Halp me ;_;

    1. Pidgeysaurus


      haha I tried making a signature for the first time, will try to make it more trippy when I learn how to do the stuffs

    2. Tyrone


      I must agree with Noad. The sig is the best Ive ever seen.

  19. Going to be a little inactive for a while so if you would like some help it might be better to contact another GM. I will try to respond to as many PMs as I can. Take care guys.

  20. LF box of kittens WTT soul

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Malorne


      eggplant confirmed has no soul

    3. Anjovies
    4. Grampaaa


      I don't want your soul, I want yo powah

  21. Craig #1 DDM~ Other discussion threads just aren't the same T.T

  22. Hello Bestfriends, I enjoy watching your Roy Rogers News Headlines- I'd like to see more of them some time soon! Take care~

    1. Bestfriendss


      Thanks for the complement, I am hoping to find more headlines, possibly report about the Kudasai knight helmet and OU changes. I look forward to broadcasting this on YouTube.

    2. Noad


      If you want a Roy Rogers exclusive, why dont you report on the fact UU is back as of today?

    3. Bestfriendss


      Thanks for that headline, now to find a co-anchor.

  23. Just came here to say that I love your Cubone signature~ ^.^

    1. Bishav


      Thanks o/ it seems like you found the Noad you were hunting for

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