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Status Updates posted by DaftCoolio

  1. Looking at your yen count and wondering how you got so much then realizing your on the PTS

  2. Haven't graced you all with a mediocre replay for a while


    1. KaynineXL


      What's the story on Goldeneyes and Clef?

    2. DaftCoolio


      classic david vs goliath tale, except goliath won. clefable was goliath 

  3. Just clutched hard af as blackmailer. Jailor whispered his role to someone so i knew who he was because u can read whispers, when he jailed me i was able to convince him i was invest by saying who he was, mayor then believed me because of the jailors will, so i used him to kill werewolf and then finished the mayor off at the end.



    tldr GOAT



    1. SirVector


      Might just be the easiest game of your life

    2. Bluebird


      Blackmailer is so unfair, spy should read maf and whispers too :(.

  4. RGKaplm.gif


    is this a visual bug?

    1. Munya


      Uhh, yeah and no, its a visual bug in the sense its something we haven't fixed yet.

  5. Things easier than catching a johto starter:

    catching a shiny

    child birth

    learning the words to rap god

    1. KaynineXL


      or maybe ur just bad

  6. clear some space in your inbox

  7. It's a sad day when chef hats become mainstream. At least we still have our colours.

  8. wow you look big, have you been working out

  9. opened 10 packs just now, got 3 ultra rares. stop me

  10. please dont leave me like flava did, it is all too much

    1. mayuuuuu


      wow i just saw this dw child i'm here to stay

  11. Sitting in bed. See large terrifying spider on other side of bed. Have the dramatic eye contact moment where you both look at each other and go "oh fuck". Spider boosts towards me. I panic and throw laptop across room while jumping out of bed far enough to win the olympic gold medal. Cant see spider get even more terrified. Take of clothes throw them on the floor just in case it on me. Give bedroom a cavity search still no spider. I'm all worked up so I have a shower. Go back to room and tidying up after ww3. Accept fate that spider will kill me in the night and go back to chilling on bed. Hours later it gets late and Coolio is tired. Goes to turn off light. Looks up at light and the cheeky mf is right there. Round 2 Fight. Roof too high for me to get a clean kill. Girlishly hit it with shoe. Its not very effective spider falls off roof and lands on hand. Life flashes before my eyes. Thinks about going 127 hours and cutting off my hand. Taylor Swift prevails and i just shake it off. It on floor out in the open I have the upper hand. I reach for shoe. Spider has 99 pace and heads toward closet. Bam. Hits spider super effective. Proceed to hit it 7283 more times just to be sure. ggwp

    1. KaynineXL


      was a close one

  12. sorry about the big loss today fam

  13. Sometimes I like to think I'm good at this game.

  14. Just remembered I got 3 grabs today in plug.dj. Highlight of my dj career. figured it was worth a status. 

    1. KaynineXL


      u make a lot of status updates and im unsure if i like it


      can u stop? asshole

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