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[Hunt Guide] Safari Zone Guide


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The Safari Zone in Kanto is located at Fuchsia City


Entry fees : 500 $$

Safari balls : 30

Steps : 600







>>> ENTRANCE <<<








Nidoran m -> common

Nidoran f -> common

Rhyhorn -> common

Exeggcute -> common

Venonat -> average

Nidorino -> average

Nidorina -> average

Parasect -> rare (Can hold Big & Tiny Mushroom)

Pinsir / Scyther -> rare

Chansey -> very rare (Can hold Lucky Egg)



Slowpoke/Psyduck -> very commons (day and night)



Old Rod

Magikarp -> 100%


Good Rod

Goldeen -> common

Poliwag -> average

Magikarp -> average


Super Rod

Goldeen -> common

Seaking -> common

Dratini  ->average (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)

Psyduck -> rare

Slowpoke -> rare

Dragonair -> very rare (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)




Nugget : On the island (requires Surf)

Leaf Stone : on the island (requires Surf) (hidden)



>>> AREA 1 <<<







Exeggcute -> common

Nidoran m -> common

Nidoran f --> common

Doduo -> common

Paras -> average (Can hold Tiny & Big Mushroom)

Nidorino -> average

Parasect -> rare (Can hold Tiny & Big Mushroom)

Kangaskhan -> rare

Scyther / Pinsir -> very rare



Psyduck / Slowpoke -> very common



Old Rod

Magikarp -> very commons


Good Rod

Goldeen -> common

Poliwag -> common

Magikarp -> common


Super Rod

Goldeen -> common

Seaking -> common

Dratini -> average (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)

Psyduck -> rare

Slowpoke -> rare

Dragonair -> very rare (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)




Leaf Stone : On the upper pathway near the rest house

TM 11 (Sunny Day) : On the ledge beside the pond

Max Potion : Far west of the small mountain

Full Restore : Near the rest house



>>> AREA 2 <<<








Nidoran m -> common

Nidoran f -> common

Rhyhorn -> common

Exeggcute -> common

Paras -> average (Can hold Tiny & Big mushroom)

Nidorino -> average

Lickitung -> average

Venomoth -> rare

Nidorina -> rare

Chansey -> rare (Can Hold Lucky Egg)

Tauros -> very rare



Psyduck / Slowpoke -> very commons



Old Rod

Magikarp -> 100%


Good Rod

Goldeen -> common

Poliwag -> common

Magikarp -> common


Super Rod

Goldeen -> common

Seaking -> common

Dratini -> average (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)

Psyduck -> rare

Dragonair -> very rare (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)




Protein : On the upper pathway near the rest house

TM 47 (Steel Wing) : Beside a tree west of the rest house

Quick Claw : On a grassless patch in the middle of the area


>>> AREA 3 <<<








Doduo -> common

Nidoran m -> common

Nidoran f -> common

Exeggcute -> average

Venonat -> average

Nidorino -> average

Venomoth -> rare

Nidorin f -> rare

Tauros -> rare

Kangaskhan -> very rare



Psyduck / Slowpoke -> very commons



Old Rod

Magikarp -> 100%


Good Rod

Goldeen -> common

Poliwag -> common

Magikarp -> common


Super Rod

Goldeen -> common

Seaking -> common

Dratini -> average (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)

Psyduck -> rare

Dragonair -> very rare (Can hold Dragon Fang & Dragon Scale)




Max revive : in a corner at the southeast base of the mountain

Max potion : in the grass at the southwest base of the mountain

Gold Teeth : south of the sign asking to find them (obligatory for obtain HM 04 Strength)

TM 32 (Double team) : southeast of the Secret House

Revive : on the southeast statue near the Secret House (hidden)


HM 03 (SURF) : from the man in the Secret House



Sprite_4_o_113_b.gif  Sprite_4_o_113_b.gif  Sprite_4_o_113_b.gif




The Safari Zone in Hoenn is located Route 121 before Lilycove City


Entry fees : 500 $$

Safari balls : 30

Steps : 600








>>> AREA 1 / ENTRANCE <<<









Oddish -> common

Kakuna -> common

Girafarig -> common

Wobbuffet -> average

Doduo -> average

Natu -> average

Pikachu -> rare (can hold Light Ball)

Gloom -> rare














>>> AREA 2 <<<








Oddish -> common

Girafarig -> common

Wobbuffet -> average

Doduo -> average

Natu -> average

Pikachu -> rare (can hold Light Ball)

Gloom-> rare



Psyduck -> 100%



Old Rod

Magikarp -> very common

Goldeen -> commmon


Good Rod

Magikarp -> common

Goldeen -> common


Super Rod

Goldeen -> very common

Seaking -> common





Max revive : Far southwest of the Area, beyond the pond (requires Surf)



>>> AREA 3 <<<








Oddish -> common

Rhyhorn -> common

Doduo -> average

Gloom -> average

Pinsir -> rare

Dodrio -> rare



Psyduck -> very common

Golduck -> rare



Old Rod

Magikarp -> common

Goldeen -> common


Good Rod

Magikarp -> common

Goldeen -> common


Super Rod

Goldeen -> very common

Seaking -> common





TM 22 (Solar Beam) : Far northeast of the area, beyond the pond (requires Surf and Mach Bike)



>>> AREA 4 <<<








Geodude (Rock Smash) -> 100% (can hold everstone)

Phanpy / Donphan -> common

Oddish -> common

Gloom -> average

Natu -> average

Heracross -> rare

Xatu -> rare











Calcium : In the far northwest part of the area (requires Acro Bike)



>>> AREA 5 <<<








Mareep -> common

Sunkern -> common

Spinarak -> average

Aipom -> average

HootHoot -> rare

Snubull -> rare

Gligar -> rare

Stantler -> rare

Chikorita -> very rare



Wooper -> common

Marill -> common

Totodile -> very rare

Quagsire -> very rare



Old Rod

Magikarp -> very common

Goldeen -> common


Good Rod

Magikarp -> common

Goldeen -> common

Remoraid -> common


Super Rod

Remoraid -> common

Goldeen -> common

Octillery -> very rare





PP up : Three squares south of the southernmost Pokéblock stand (hidden)

Full Restore : In the furthest southeast patch of grass (hidden)

Big Pearl : East in a patch of grass beyond the top of the waterfall



>>> AREA 6 <<<








Shuckle (Rock Smash) -> 100% (can hold Root or Claw Fossils)

Aipom -> common

Teddiursa -> common

Sunkern -> average

Ledyba -> average

Houndour -> rare

Miltank -> rare

HootHoot -> rare

Pineco -> rare

Cyndaquil -> very rare











Rare Candy : In the southeast portion of the area there is a 2×3 patch of light green grass in the lower right portion of it (hidden)

Zinc : In a small nook among the wall in the rocky path to the north (hidden)

Nugget : Between two ledges at the end of the rocky path to the west



Sprite_4_o_043_b.gif  Sprite_4_o_043_b.gif  Sprite_4_o_043_b.gif


Well done!

Don't forget to include that you can find Claw & Root fossils on Shuckle in the Hoenn SZ when you add that to the guide,
also a neat little trick for mass Shuckle hunting; Rock Smash all Rocks in Area -> Switch Channels & you don't have to move. :)


its hard to judge percentiles, especially when the developers changed up the safari zones (lotad at night in Kanto, that is evidence of a change...).

means that they have the % as well. Besides, i'm not asking for cpt to put it in half n hour later, whenever they are accurate


means that they have the % as well. Besides, i'm not asking for cpt to put it in half n hour later, whenever they are accurate

I do pose this question to you Malorne, do you understand the fact that CaptainGrey is not a dev? I know that he posted where all the pokes are, but at the same time, he probably ventured out into the safari a couple of times. Captain is just giving his input from a CM's prospective. (CM = Community Manager not Development Manager). Thus, Captain probably does not have the percentiles on top of his head. The devs have a hard job, but at the same time, they shouldn't be responsible for giving us percentiles, that is just plan silly. My conclusion to the problem, lack the percentiles (in the Emerald Guide Book, I read it and when it was showing pokemon, it didn't say "Whismer 100%" instead it stated "Whismer Very Common." Percentiles are just plan silly and are not needed to make an effective guide. CaptainGrey made a to the point guide that I am planning to advertise on my YT channel, it is to the point, and no need for silly numbers.


I do pose this question to you Malorne, do you understand the fact that CaptainGrey is not a dev?


its hard to judge percentiles, especially when the developers changed up the safari zones (lotad at night in Kanto, that is evidence of a change...).


means that they have the % as well. Besides, i'm not asking for cpt to put it in half n hour later, whenever they are accurate



 CaptainGrey made a to the point guide that I am planning to advertise on my YT channel, it is to the point, and no need for silly numbers.

how is this about your channel again? i prefer numbers of rarity, gives more precise rates.


how is this about your channel again? i prefer numbers of rarity, gives more precise rates.


1. The devs can't give numbers because then that would be like looking into a mathematics guide of PokeMMO rather than a typical guide. Thus, if they did give exact numbers, this would ruin the fun of the game, and this would single-handedly, expose the game too much.


2. Please refrain from insulting my YouTube channel, it is not polite. I am not going to insult you although I do feel like doing it sometimes. Violates Rule 1 clause a


These are two important points I would like to express to you. Please read them. Like I said, I am going to refrain from insulting you for all the distress you are causing here on a simplistic and to the point guide.


1. The devs can't give numbers because then that would be like looking into a mathematics guide of PokeMMO rather than a typical guide. Thus, if they did give exact numbers, this would ruin the fun of the game, and this would single-handedly, expose the game too much.


2. Please refrain from insulting my YouTube channel, it is not polite. I am not going to insult you although I do feel like doing it sometimes. Violates Rule 1 clause a


These are two important points I would like to express to you. Please read them. Like I said, I am going to refrain from insulting you for all the distress you are causing here on a simplistic and to the point guide.

i didn't insult your channel lol, was simply asking what was the validity about it with the topic at hand (which is irrelivant btw)

also, giving out exact encounter rates doesn't change that much of a thing with the fun of the game, coz it isn't... so i don't see why not

actually, why am i even arguing with you lol. Cpt, give enc rates mate



i didn't insult your channel lol, was simply asking what was the validity about it with the topic at hand (which is irrelivant btw)

also, giving out exact encounter rates doesn't change that much of a thing with the fun of the game, coz it isn't... so i don't see why not

actually, why am i even arguing with you lol. Cpt, give enc rates mate


You should play the game itself. You are ruining fun because you are bluntly giving way number information instead of a generic Very Common. Do you want to deface hope for those that want to catch Chansey, but come to find out that there is a 5% chance of encountering it. That would ruin hope for chansey lovers and also discorage people from venturing out into the Safari Zone for that Chansey or Kangaskan. Instead of ruining people's hopes, make a genaric Very Common or Very Rare label, saves the trouble and the more generic you can be, the happier the player base.


More numbers = More stress <---Important formula for an MMO's success


I will not give the % encounter rates, and please stop to debate about it on this topic to keep it clean. Thanks

do i need to remind you that some values are based on encounter rates?


Well done!

Don't forget to include that you can find Claw & Root fossils on Shuckle in the Hoenn SZ when you add that to the guide,
also a neat little trick for mass Shuckle hunting; Rock Smash all Rocks in Area -> Switch Channels & you don't have to move.  :)



Moved to that main forum and added to the Guide Tavern Index.



I am planning on endorsing your guide when I get the chance to. Stay tuned to the RR News channel!


[spoiler]Keep up the good work! ;) [/spoiler]



Safari Zone tips...


I want to make an announcement, I endorsed your safari guide. I hope I helped in making your guide more known throughout the PokeMMO community.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

hey quick think I noticed - in Area 4, i'm encountering a lot of Donphan (not phanphy, as the guide suggests). Otherwise this has been super helpful!


Ye I noticed this today too, i'll add it to the thread, thanks :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

O.o what tauros more rare then chanseys in area 2 weird cuz i was running into tauros left and right one after another more then other pokes and way more then chanseys!

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