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*Special one time event* Belgarion's last stand

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A couple of months ago I tried without success to revive my weekly tournaments (two days before the date of the first tournament my computer fried) then started working. Granted it's a great paying job but it leaves me without time to do much of anything so I've been inactive the whole time (even after I got a replacement computer). So I've decided to end not really on a high note but on my own terms so here it is. Having one last competition with most of what I have up for grabs. about 10 comps and 500k in cash and items of varying value. approximately 7 mil in value altogether.


The goal is to find and beat me. I will only give you the region I'm in and you will have to hunt for me and 1 hour to do so. I'm making the entry fee for this 100k though. You dont have to give this to me to start hunting but you will have to trade it to me before initiating the fight. If you lose the fight I'll stop the clock and move to another location. No retrys either. You lose once you're out. To make it fair as well I will not allow others to hunt for you. If someone finds me and doesn't trade the entry fee within 60 seconds I move. So if you win you get almost everything and if I survive the hour I keep my belongings to return again another day. The date will likely be Saturday june 11th at about 3am est (early or late for some but I'm a third shifter so it's the only time I can do it). Might have to move forward or push back the date depending on work schedule. That's it though my (possibly) last hoorah. Go big or go home.

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Hey belgarion why dont you format your opening post in a way that makes it easier to read?  Like use bullet points and shit like everyone else not just a wall o' text.  Use stuff like Where: and When: and Prize:.  Idk like click any other event for inspiration.  I think it will help increase your participants.  Also can't this technically be posted in the trade forum since its a giveaway with an entry like a raffle?  idk

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