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Greck last won the day on January 11 2014

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About Greck

  • Birthday 10/31/1993

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    Poland 🌐 Discord: greku93
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  1. It was a full month since last post, I'd say there is actually nothing to ask for, confirmed the commitment with developer community is nonexisting. So we can just enjoy the game with vanilla features and advantages on having slow paced improvements rolled out. Peace to all, god bless you, be kind to each other. Sal'ut
  2. Added some additional points with ideas. So far the post caused a positive response, thanks for the upvotes!
  3. Good morning team! I'm aware that one of the rules of suggestion box forums is: However, as the API topic is a very "need of context" and niche subject, I prefer to backle this up in an unique thread, and describe all possible usage cases of an hypotetical API, so I, and other 3rd party developers that may be interested in using the API, can defend the cause and push this to existence somehow. Now let's begin with the issue itself, as the API topic is something that occasionally appear in the suggestion box, however the last time commented (around 2017) have been discarted as developer team did not have time nor interest in tackle this kind of features, however, today I'm in front of you, with (actually I hope this don't turn into an essay) a list of features, technical review and possible tool development that may use the data shared within the game. At beggining I wanted to structure this topic as: First part for feature only description (so all players could bring some input into each of the ideas), however as many of the points I'd have to "repeat" for the sake of context, so I think the best idea is to just mix all things up in one self explained feature + a technical comment on how it could be implemented. Possible API usages list 1. Pokemon summary data embedding (forums, discord) via shortcodes. This is something that's around my head since I've started playing the game, and the utility for this could be limitless, mostly for trade corner and shiny showcase but a lot of people could even use this in guides for competitive teams. This idea has 2 parts, the creation of a new feature in the client, that enables a new icon in the Pokemon Summary Screen (next to the last tab for example) [Here will appear an epic screenshoot of the idea soon] Once the player clicks that icon, on his clipboard automatically will be copied a shortcode, for example a format like [pokemon:a8b7c6d5e4], being the string of a8b7c6d5e4 an unique ID of the pokemon. This ID will be needed for a call to our API, and for the forums example, the idea is to show a card like this one: [Here will appear an epic mockup of the pokemon card integrated in forums] With all the basic information, and once you click in the card a popup just like the ingame summary will apear, to be checked by any player. This as a popup in the forums, thanks to the info delivered by the API. The integration on the forums could be either a JS function checking for any shortcode on the page loaded, with AJAX call data retrieve, and finally replacing the DOM with the HTML structure for both card and popups (but this approach could be an performance issue while a lot of shortcodes can be placed in the same page), the second option is a direct template edit of the IPB post structure, so all the cooking can be done serverside, and even with a good planing an S2S implementation for direct data access. Let's say the endpoints looks like the following: /api/pokemon/a8b7c6d5e4 Meaning we want to retrieve the information of a pokemon (instead of pokemon we could use /item, /pokedex, /move, but more on this later). The data returned by the API (this is a sketch of a structure) could be the following: Returning all kind of info related to that one pokemon. This can be used for trade corner, shiny showcase threads, even link your favourite pokemons on your signature. Or get the data out of the forums, a discord bot that once in any channel you type /pokemon:a8b7c6d5e4 the data could be displayed in the chat. Obviously the data also can be explored by any developer for external usage (competitive team builder for type coverage calculators?). 2. Berry growing status / notifications. As the berry growth is a time related event, and many people use external (but manual) tools to check on when the berry finished it's cycle, we could use another function to bring data related to the berries. For example an endpoint that requested with the username, could return a list of detailed information about all berries ready to be picked up, the berries that still are growing, the slots that you have left for more berries etc. I mention the username, as for example a call to /api/berries/username could return a JSON structure with all the information desribed, I know using only the username with no prior authentication may result in some personal information issues, but in the other hand, what harm it can do the knowledge that your friend can has the berries ready to collect. This can be used in services as smart notifications, that check every X minutes if you berries are ready, and send you (for example in-browser) notification about what berry can be collected already. 3. Pokédex external implementation [Guide Tavern / Competitive Alley] So, as many knows the pokemon / pokedex has many changes compared to the original series, to fit better with MMO experience, and also mixing mechanics from different generations, for example pokemons that learn different moves. This leads to frequent questions in forums or chats, that could be attached in guides, however the changes frequently occur and guides are not updates with the new data. The implementation of an /api/pokedex/squirte function could return all information related to that pokemon, the lvl it evolves, the routes it can be found, what moves it learn via level up, breeding, TMs, tutors. anything that appear ingame and more, and just like the first example we could enable a shortcode structure like [pokedex:squirtle] so it can be linked to the guides directly (with no further update as the data it's coming from the game itself). 4. Data related to events, tournaments, updates, announcements. All kind of data related to events or tournaments, for custom calendar implementation / stats on players winning the tournaments, even information of each player about PvP stats. 5. Teams and clubs integration. Another data that could be integrated via API endpoint, is the information about ingame teams, so you could have a link between user profile, and his actual in-game team name. 6. Encounter tracking This kind of tools gained major popularity, to count on how many times a pokemon was encountered, so you can check on shiny hunting statistics or other interesting values. The in-game engine could return for every encounter a basic information on pokemon type, if it was shiny, how many steps was made between encounters etc. 7. More implementations coming later. You may notice I've not even mentioned the GTL yet, as this topic will bring another wall of text itself, however it's somethign that I'll add in near future for sure. For now, I'd want to know a general opinion on this from staff + devs, but also the 3rd party developers opinion that will use this API solution, their own input into this suggestion, or anything that it can be improved / other data that could be useful (as I was out of the game for several years for sure I've missed some important changes that also could be explored). Who knows, maybe if we find this with enough interest from 3rd party developers, and now the PokeMMO team is a bit less occupied with features implementation, we could find this as something happening eventually, It is a long shot, but you never know. Cheers!
  4. Bro! A new season of PSL! Missed so much this events, can I apply as a manager? Can I? Somebody bless me for this, @Spaintakula will approve for sure!
  5. Probably doable via either custom .sh script with config location file declared as parameter argument for each windows user. Or forcing the installation of the client as local instance so you will have the game installed twice, but for each user independently. I'm not at home right now so I can't test it myself, you may also try copy/pasting the installation folder to yours users documents folder, it usually works if the config use relative pathes
  6. God so close! I can now go play The Price is Right!
  7. Hey! In first place thanks all for the warm welcoming! Missed you guys too! 🙂 You are the nerdiest nerd! For sure you have more than 20k hours in-game 😄 ¡Muchas gracias jefe! ¡A vuestra disposición como siempre! Thanks Darkshade! In adulthood yet? 😄 Did not expect it the other way. Bro! I hope you still do that YouTube videos! I remember watching this back in the days, with all news about updates and guides! Great work as always, you are the best mayor! It was a while Kay! You have come so far! I'm sure it was because of the handsome part. Being an inspiration is key. I hope to see you in Johto soon! Best years of my life ❤️ And the big bear's still around, couldn't be the other way 😄 Are you still writing stories and poetry? You had a gift for that. I hope we can bury the hatchet once for all. 😘 You can shoot me that discord for sure.
  8. Yettoooo

    1. YettoDie


      GREECCKKK, Father of 2 beautiful girls!
      Discord is easier to contact me.

    2. Greck


      I have no discord of yours!

    3. YettoDie


      yettodie xD, not that complicated.

  9. What a journey. It was more than 10 years ago when I started my adventure in this game. Times when only FireRed was available, and not even finished as many "near to end" game scripts were not implemented. I have spend 5000+ hours in-game between main and alt accounts, and as much as twice of this time sharing with this wonderful community. This post is kinda a "remembering the good old times" type of content, and also gratitude to all the special persons I shared the most, and the game developers who made it possible. So, with no further ado, as once a wise hobbit said: "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." Chapter 0: The beginning. It was the year 2013, over January I was looking for some new time killer, I was researching if it's possible to play emulated Pokemon games over Hamachi, something that could fill the spare time I had plenty of, as at this time I was ending my IT support grade, I had no more obligations that study and spend time with my friends (and get back home alive before the day ended), It was the pinnacle of my teenagers existence. The discovery of the game was pure luck, as I was using the search engine to spit out something similar to "Pokemon game online emulation trades", then in one of the search results a wild PokeMMO appeared! Instantly I've download the game, and got baffled by what I have just witnessed. The same Pokemon game that I have played for so many hours when I was a kid, but with real persons all around the world to interact with, It was like discovering the Internet for the first time, but better because of the game-ing background around the experience. This is where one of my best game experiences of all time, and for sure the game that I played the most at this moment. The only thing that I regret from this time, is my lack of English (in all written and spoken form), but about this issue I will dedicate a whole chapter later. Chapter 1: Let's learn the basics once again. The first thing to point out, my Pokemon experience was limited to emulation (I've owned a GameBoy when I was a kid, but getting games in Poland, where I lived at this time, was a major issue, to say I only owned Super Mario Land 2 (best GameBoy Mario), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as the only 2 games). So playing FireRed on Emu became a thing, but the lack of knowledge (and my null English) limited the the experience to just getting all badges and the Elite 4. I had no idea about the Trainer Tower even! So with PokeMMO on the board now, and a bit more understanding of guides (reading this forum), I have learned about so many things in this game, that IVs and EVs existed, that the correct nature was a thing, that moves can have priorities, how breeding works, that pokemons can be shiny! And I got my first shiny in this game! It was a Paras but hell a Paras, competitive and all! The first thanks: to the community for teaching the basic mechanics, so great guides and helpful folks. Thanks to PokeMMO I had a chance to actually understand and squeeze out all potential of my pokemon dreamteam. Of course over time there were major changes to adjust the game, and suit it better for MMO standards, like breeding and farming, kudos to the developers for this too! Chapter 2: Dipping into the community (the events, the teams, the glory) After 2 months of playing the game, and reading the forums as a simple viewer, I've created my own forum account. As I was ready to start playing competitive, I have enrolled for a tournament, and yes, back in the days leaving your IGN in the post was the only way to let the organizer know you want to join, and the order was established by the "first post, first in" rule. Spoiler alert, I did not win that one, nor any following tournaments, but can you imagine for example being the team captain of: What a time to be alive. Mentioning this image I should get back in time a bit, and put context on teams. My first team to join in-game, named [Kult] (Cult in english, but I have the feeling that the origin of this is a music band from Poland, not confirmed, weight my words), was the biggest Polish team. Created by Syde, and later handed down to Bearminator. I have made so many friends there, even meeting some of them IRL when I was on a trip around Poland (cheers ZiomPL). The things that happened there were worthy of a telenovela. We had romances, love triangles, family secrets. We literally only missed somebody in coma. The teams are a world, and I'm sure anybody that is a part of a team can relate, and have much fun meeting new people! After that I've joined so many teams, and even build one myself that actually worked out pretty well, called [Mr]. But remember, AURA#1 Once I was done with competitive team builds, and noticing that this actually is harder than expected (respect for the PRO comp players), I've had to find something else to do, I still wanted to input with something to the community. Bring joy to the new generations, help the needy, fight against hunger in the worl... Wait, I think I've messed the speeches. The idea was, as many players helped me to understand the game, I wanted to create guides, make the players experience much more rich. So I started at the end of the year for example creating the first client translation to Polish, and creating custom themes for best visual. Actually I ended up with several projects on my back: Unofficial Tournaments Archive A Signature Shop An Event Calendar (alongside SirGaryOak) that later became an official thing A Twitch channel recording battles and tournaments An In-Game Shop And other 2 points that will feature it's own chapters. Obviously the greatest, unique and beloved PokeDaily Tournament series. ❤️ And an "unofficial but staff blessed" standalone forum in Polish for the game (drama story). Chapter 3: PokeDaily Tournament it's here So, as mentioned before my future as a PRO comp player was not a thing, but still enjoyed all PvP related content, the issue that we had at that time was the lack of official events (staff shortages) and the unofficial events lacking good organization (bro, I attended a tournament where the lvl50 cap was missing, we played with random level pokemons). I knew there was something that I could do, as a person with still much spare time, and the desire to provide input, an idea of a daily tournament have appear. At first the prizes were, umm, poor-ish, like held items for pokemons, my unused competitive pokemons (gonna miss you sparky) and donations (mainly by SirGaryOak), later once we gained popularity people even started donating shinys! And for days with prize shortages, we agreed with the community on a minimum entry fee, that (the totality) would end in winners hands. We adjusted the time of the tournament to suit best all timezones, and on weekends we even had a 32-players brackets, as standard. This experience have teach myself a lot of things, about competitive culture, bracket organization, refereeing, and even more PvP tricks that I was not aware at that time. I must say that I have enjoyed creating this tournaments even more than competing in any other. (PSL season V was fun too, cheers to all Unexpected Flying Octillery members out there). If you want to have a peak, this is not the original post, as I can't find the first PokeDaily topic, but, the comeback: Once I left the game / got less active, there were attempts to still host the tournament (kudos to Noad, jayfeatskydd, Kaerodactyl), the spinoffs: Chapter 4: The forum Gotta make this quick, and leave all names out of the story (for the sake of integrity). Back in 2014, as team [Kult] was a big thing (we had 100% of the rooster active), I've decided to put some of my coding skills into motion, as I was at this time a newbie web developer (with enough knowledge to pull out a MyBB simple forum), we created with our members, that fueled the topics with very good guides and awesome content itself, a forum about PokeMMO in Polish, so any member that had no idea how to speak English could still enjoy the game, like myself when I started, but with much more convenient source. We had guides, we had contests, tournaments and hydepark section to talk even about any other games and hobbies, it was a dream of mine coming true, in one hand helping all new players to get into the game much easier, and also getting my coding skills better alongside. In the first months we got 200 active members easily, and on the peak of popularity surpassed 500 active members. We had new teams arrive and cool features implemented. But after somewhat of 2-3 years of existence, and as I was already losing the spare time because of work, I had been leaving the game bit by bit, and the game started to decline in popularity, I decided to turn the subject of the forum to something more Pokemon official games related, in order to rescue the content that was already there. It did not turn out very well, no new users came to check on the forums, and later on, one of the contributors had the brilliant idea of starting his own forum, copy pasting all the content, but for luck I realized this in time, and it lead to the shutdown of the forum completely (rip dream). However I regret nothing, It was a fun experience, and probably I was not going further with the project, because of the lack of time. Chapter 5: This tongue is not mine Now, a subject I want to comment, and that was mentioned several times in this... book? Can we call this a book? Well, it have chapters, it may be. And is the English language issue, something that was still on my back during all the adventures, almost always ending my forum posts with "Sorry for my english" phrase. It was an issue, a big one for a while, and everything changed one day, when I got rejected. You may ask yourself at this point, "Greck, you are soooo cool, you done so many things, you are so smart and handsome, why did you not ended up as one of the staff members?", many of the players also asked this back in the days. And one day I got up with a "why not?" in my head, so I applied as a moderator, with the strong points on knowing perfectly Polish and Spanish, having long time history playing the game and knowing all of it mechanics, even knowing technical details as I was a studying Java development at the time. But the problem was my English, making for me so hard to communicate with others, and you may imagine, it's a basic thing to count on while moderating the game... So I did not make it, but I ended up with a new goal, actually a goal that will help to develop myself in a personal level too. I started studying English like crazy, maybe today my level is not perfect, but I managed to get a C2 certification, and I've read all LOTR books in original version, so, I feel fulfilled. I even ended up working for a company that operates in 13 countries, and English is my daily driver. Chapter 6: Are you back? Johto was released, thanks Akshit for letting me know! Really appreciated. Kudos to the developers, I can't count the amount of memes surrounding Johto at this point! It will be a hell of a journey from now on for sure! I will test the game over the weekend, but at this point of my life, gaming it's not even close to be the 1st time killer, and I can't dedicate it much time a day (nor contribute to the community as before). As I have a daughter now! And she is the love of my life, I have to spend with her all time possible. For sure I will introduce her to the Pokemon world, and tell her about how great a community can grow, and the impact of a person can make. That being said, will see you guys in Johto soon, and for sure we will enjoy the game once more together! Cheers to all the players I knew from back in the days, and welcome to all newcomers that probably have more hours than me in-game at this point! I will not end this post with a sorry for my English, I will just say saludos! Learn a new language by yourself! (This post was sponsor'd by Duolin... Just kidding!)
  10. But how did you had fun back in 2013? With Patrick around there was no fun allowed D: Also, Hello!
  11. Voze

    hey greck, how are you doin?

  12. Lol, THIS IS AWESOME. Gotta see if i can drop u somethin in game.
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