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  1. Past hour
  2. First of the month and yet another phase for Sawk.
  3. of course!! shoot me a pm anywhere and i'll hop on to invite you! ^^
  4. Today
  5. Event is finished, and everyone has been paid out Thanks for participating!
  6. 公会名称:Befall 会长:DogeCheemss 活动时间:2024 5.1 20:00到22:00 活动地点:飞云市公园 有效参与比赛精灵:波克比 活动时长:20.00-22.00 成绩评定:淘汰赛 主持人:Dogecheemss 规则 : 两只60的波克比用挥指攻,谁先死谁先下,无pp则看血量分出胜负,以淘汰赛的形式进行 奖励 : 第1名 龙年服 第2名 冬大衣 第3名 1000rp 第四名 闪电鸟 第五名 5个圣诞质子精灵
  7. Im super sorry for your loss. I had a quick question tho, what mod are you using for the sprites? the gen 3 sprites bring back so many good memories! Also, how did you get stars around the shiny lapras name? Id love a response but understand if you need time to grieve.
  8. Hope everyone is excited for Optic's Most Wanted! This will be an always ongoing event that is posted at the start of each month. Unique bounties are posted and can be claimed by any member of Team Optic! Date: May 1st - May 31st Time: Starts and ends at 4 AM UTC | 6 AM CEST | 12 AM EDT Duration: During the Month of May Bounty Board: Rules: - Any Pokemon from an evolution line will count (Ex. Shiny Cleffa will count for a Clefairy bounty) - Unless otherwise stated a bounty may only be claimed once - In the situation where an egg shiny is hatched we will operate on good faith as it is unrealistic to always have a recording ready - For a bounty claim to be valid the OT and Catch Date must both be verified - Bounties for the current month will expire at the end of the month and new ones will be posted for the following month on a new forum post - Bounty targets are usually selected by a rng system with majority being new living dex entries - Bounty targets will try to be balanced so there are a variety of easy and hard shunts each month Claimed Bounties:
  9. I'm having an issue where I'm trying to use the boat to go to another region and it sometimes pops up the box to go to another region, but alot of times it's just a white dialogue box then it doesn't let me choose a diff region. Have you had this issue before? I noticed if I just keep trying to talk to the boat person, it will sometimes pop it up but most times it doesn't.
  10. Someone told me to update this mod maybe in a few weeks I can work on it
  11. I don't think this would work on the economy. Assuming the market price remain constant, paying some money for berry helper will resulted on less profit (maybe loss). But if the market say otherwise (market price for berries increased), then implementing this feature would be great. Idk, we need to see the supply and demand movement at the end.
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