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rongrongji's Achievements

  1. Team: [AIP] Anything is Possible Players: 1. qqqianx, 2. SKYaspera, 3. ZZgggg, 4. Uitmxc, 5. RongRongJi, 6. kexiniduiweiren, 7. EllenYeagerjky, 8. hyruiwun, 9. AcquaPura, 10. Cbco, 11. SHXU, 12. MintCatY, 13. MiracleResurgenc, 14. GeniusArtCell, 15. XiBaiyu, 16. EEQi, 17. NFZ, 18. LemonVRT, 19. aolmo, 20. xiaolangaaa, 21. shaosansan Captain: qqqianx
  2. The reporter always puts their own thoughts on the players even tho they don't know the details for that match. And also Zio is unconscious that there are many players who don't use pp max. After that match, GopherBro bought 2 pp max from GTL ( it can be checked very soon by sgm i think ) and that's what he learnt from that match. Most pvp players improve themselves through this kind of normal lose. This unreal and annoying report is not the first time. Several seasons ago, Oa reported that sannuo and syxkl had win trade and the reason was sannuo switched his qd once volc vs ttar rather than bug buzz, which banned the two players. But after investigation, they find sannuo's volc has no bug buzz but hp ice and giga drain. Then they got unbanned. However, this kind of ridiculous report is continuing which get normal players involved and consume public resources.
  3. AIP has been a PVE team in gaming for the past 5 years, and our goal is to enjoy the game and stay away from disputes. As one of the few players in the team who play PVP, qqqianx helped more players in the team learn PVP and transition to PVP team through their own efforts last year. In addition to winning the PSL MVP and ladder#1, he also led the team to participate in TT and achieved good results. I believe most people had never heard of AIP or its other PVP players before July 2024. Some teams participating in TCL may know that sometimes we can't even gather 8 PVP players. But qqqianx still encourages everyone and help newcomers grow little by little. It is very regrettable that PokeMMO lost such a good player. The topic of wintrade has been discussed many times, including the debate between ziomoji and qldong in the season #6, Oa and Lo in the season #10, Oa and Exu in the season #15, and now it's Oa and qqqianx's turn. Oh,Why is one of the main characters in each topic always the same? This is an interesting question. I think we can take this opportunity to discuss how to standardize the judgment and handling of wintrade. previously on:
  4. Update With the end of the 18th season, we have launched the team reward policy for 2025. We warmly welcome PVP players who are willing to participate in the tournament with us, as well as players who are interested in investing in the team! If you are interested, welcome to contact me! The achievements in 18th season [OU] Season #18 Ladder - 1st place —— qqqianx [NU] Season #18 Finale East - 1st place —— Xibaiyu [DB] Season #18 Finale East - 3rd place —— SKYaspera [DB] Season #18 Finale West - 1st place —— SKYaspera [Team Tournament #Nov.] - Top 4 [Team Tournament #Dec.] - Top 4 >>>>Reward in 2025<<<< OU/UU/NU/DB Matchmaking Leaderboard: ● Rank#1 : 15m PokeYen ● Rank#2~3: 8m PokeYen ● OU Rank#4~100: 500k PokeYen ● UU/NU/DB Rank#4~30: 500k PokeYen ---- Tournament: ● [Shiny Gift Pokemon] 1st Place: 2m PokeYen ● Season Finale Top 4: 3m PokeYen ---- Event: ● Representing the team in various tournaments, 100k PokeYen for each win ● Reward 20m PokeYen for every player who has made contributions, if we get the Cup of the Year Trophy from Team Tournament ---- Condition: ● Rewards will be given to players who have been members for more than 3 months and represent the team in any tournaments.
  5. IGN: SKYaspera Name (Showdown/Smogon Forums): SKYaspera Time Zone (UTC): UTC+8 Discord: RongRongJi (I cannot use Discord, so my team captain instead) Preferred tiers: DB = OU > NU Motivation: rongrongji is zhuzhu Accolades or experience outside MMO (Showdown, Smogon): g7ou/g7db
  6. Can Heatran be traded? If it cannot be traded but is allowed to be used in PVP, is there any imbalance? Those who obtain Heatran first can gain many advantages, which cannot be compensated for even if others have enough money.
  7. Team Name: Anything is Possible Team Tag: AIP Registered Players: qqqianx, Uitmxc, kexiniduiweiren, AcquaPura, Xibaiyu, SKYaspera, Ellenyeagerjky, NFZ, EEQi, LemonVRT, GeniusArtCell, hyruiwun, xiaolangaaa, aolmo, RongRongJi Team Captain: Uitmxc
  8. Team Name: Anything is Possible Team Tag: AIP Registered Players: qqqianx, Uitmxc, kexiniduiweiren, AcquaPura, Xibaiyu, Ellenyeagerjky, NFZ, EEQi, LemonVRT, GeniusArtCell, hyruiwun, xiaolangaaa, SHXU, aolmo, RongRongJi Team Captain: qqqianx
  9. bump! PVP Rewards in Team AIP have been updated above. We are very much looking forward to your joining!
  10. Team Name: Anything is Possible Team Tag: AIP Registered Players: qqqianx, Xibaiyu, Uitmxc, SKYaspera, ZZgggg, RongRongJi, AcquaPura, MintCatY, GeniusArtCell, EEQi, Wangmankun Team Captain: qqqianx
  11. ofc, you are Chinese right? 你可以直接加QQ群367690001
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