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Everything posted by BrokenJoker

  1. I managed to finish all 12 raids in solo matchmaking too, it was way more fun than following some guide or prepping the ultimate group/pokemon team would have been. I did get paired with people who were using under leveled mons/ hm slaves/ didn't even know how to use link chat xD. The skill &/ resource gap between new players and vets might be bigger than we realize. Some people don't even have the right mons to begin with and end up just entering raids with whatever mons they got. Its unfair to discredit their struggles because they cant do what you can easily do. At least for events it would have been nice if new players got an option to get standard random teams to beat some of the raids (ofc im assuming event raids were meant as a feature for everyone and not just end game players)
  2. It would be helpful if the summary button had an option to show a teammates' pokemon team.
  3. I love the idea. If they add it as a consumable as XelaKebert mentioned and adjust the value to make expensive for everyday use but viable for events, then it could be an endgame cash sink.
  4. Rip. Seems like youre just unlucky getting suicune. Keep grinding and you will find suicune. Watching something while you hunt makes it more bearable. If you dont mind me asking which location were you hunting suicune? Gl with suicune hunt.
  5. Some vanities are impossibly difficult to get and thats okay. Gl getting the vanity.
  6. This would be nice. Everyone in the team would be able to see exactly how much we have and deduct money whenever they want.
  7. I like the idea but even with this added to the game we would still need more
  8. For me personally those kind of rewards arent even worth the little effort it would take to get them. If I recall correctly most people only did the xmas event for the vanities, balls with a higher shiny chance and a wishing stone for Jirachi maybe. It would take that level of rewards to motivate pple to use the feature unfortunately its unlikely they will release such high value items on a daily basis because of a) the effort to it takes to churn out daily vanities b) the Impact on the economy. The scary thing about your suggestion is that the staff released a similar version of it with better rewards (xmas 2023) but some people still hated it with a passion so you can only imagine the disaster that awaits a less rewarding version daily version. I don't see a daily version of the 2023 xmas event hunting happening. Why didn't you adopt the 2023 xmas point system ,combine it with a reward system similar to the matchmaking reward system ,change the minor rewards every ingame month and change the major reward (untradeable hat vanity) every ingame season (Summer, Winter, etcs)?
  9. Sad. When the pvp itself stops being the reward.
  10. So I lost a bet so here I am paying for it by making this post.
  11. Having pokeballs (x5) with a guaranteed capture rate kills the rush that comes with shunting in the safari zone.
  12. For the story mode the item limit shouldnt be there because of how restrictive it is for players' gameplay. If a player wants to spam items and sweep with magikarp, they should be able to do so, its a small price to pay in exchange for satisfying players.
  13. As stated in the title. People would be able to see what you have in your box(es) but not take anything out.
  14. I really liked this event a lot because it was more focused on shunting than any other event pokemmo ever had. The staff did a good job creating magical moments, by increasing the shiny catch rate, which suited the event well. It was an event embracing the spirit of xmas beyond just having an xmas themed map.
  15. or maybe they just want the rush of catching a safari zone shiny starter.
  16. am I the only one who has to redownload the entire client each time there's an update? Whenever i try to update the game it just auto closes itself and doesnt download the update. Is there something wrong with how i setup pokemmo or is this normal?
  17. It would make looking for info in chats easier especially for things like pheno call outs or looking for stuff/pokemon in active chats like the CN trade chat. It would be a nice addition if a search by username would show everything that said username spoke in the chat while you were online and had the chat activated. When you activate a chat for the first time you get a message like this You can get online and still not have a chat activated. You need to open the chat to activate it. If you activate a chat and change to other chats tabs, the chat will continue to accumulate messages and you won't get sound ping notifications (if you any) which is another reason why we need a search function. Sometimes even when you do get the sound notification, the message you want is often buried in a flood of other less relevant info. If you combine multiple chats on one tab (e.g channel, global, team, system messages on one tab) the problem only gets worse.
  18. We need these Now would be a great time to release them since its almost xmas. I would love it if they got the extra functionality to move quickly on snow.
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