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  1. This one has been something I wanted to do for awhile and the release of Johto has given me that final push to just make it a reality and also provides a good ending to the meme. Anyway, it has been awhile since I uploaded something that wasn't an informal stream. I hope to upload more frequently soon when I feel better but so far the process of figuring out what is going on has been slow. Anyway, soon, hopefully. I hope everyone is well πŸ™‚
  2. Thank you @Bestfriends for alerting about @Yusing's post. I hope more people see this information and can benefit from it!
  3. Hello PokeMMO community! I am transitioning into a new full time position as I just graduated last year from University and was job searching. So I am unsure how frequently I will be able to put out new content. However, here is my return to YouTube after a couple months of not posting videos. This was recorded in January and has been partially edited for a long time.
  4. Alrighty gang, I take my first crack at speaking while recording without too much of a plan. I think the parts where I had a plan were more distracting than when I was just rambling about things while progressing. Definitely going to be working on getting better at this as I go. Let me know if you have some tips for doing commentary like this! Would be appreciated ?
  5. Here is a quick tip for catching a pokemon with a catching moveset from the wild! Enjoy ?
  6. Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to watch the video and then let me know what you thought! I definitely am too monotone. I agree ? This is something I shall try to work on as I go forward. Do you feel it was improved in this vid?
  7. This video is aiming to answer a question some people have asked in the community: "Where can I spend battle points?"
  8. A common question I see in Global is regarding how to make cottonee learn tailwind. I believe this is likely to make something which is suitable for gym reruns. I go over three ways to get the tailwind you are looking for.
  9. I posted this to Reddit a while back. Enjoy ?
  10. I made this quick guide to provide some data and show off 3 approaches to the same method of making money while acquiring lucky eggs that you do not sell for that money. I did am trying a more concise editing style where the pace is faster and the video is altogether more tight. I might have over done the pace increase though compared to some of my other videos. I am not sure. If you have an opinion on this - I would appreciate your feedback and constructive criticism.
  11. Yeah, this is a more basic video tutorial but it is a question I see all the time with newer players. They go to where their friends are and cannot see them. I did this when I was new. It was one of the bigger things to learn for this game. I hope this video will help explain the channels to the new users and old one who are coming back and need a refresher.
  12. Answering a question this time accompanied by a battle. I am trying out a new editing style and I am also trying to make the video appeal at a glance.
  13. This is more of a fun one for me. A feature which I used way too much in my first 20 hours.
  14. Victory Road of Sinnoh can be a little confusing and frustrating if you are not prepared. In this video I note the HMs you need and route you should take to get to the swarm pokemon within the Victory Road of Sinnoh. The swarms here are often rather high value pokemon and very worth the trek to get the extra two pokemon which are beyond the rock climbs and strength puzzles. The thumbnail meme was made by a friend of mine. In this video I also begin using more informed settings for my microphone. Let me know what you think if you can hear the difference!
  15. I go over the chat notifications again. If you want you can skip that using the timestamps in the description / videos chapters. Then I play 20 to 30 second clips of each pheno with no commentary. This is to show off the sounds they make and what they look like. I also show the pheno making an encounter happen by walking into it. Often I also make sure to include the pheno being called out. I think this will be a useful thing to send along to those who ask what I believe is one of the most common questions: What is a pheno?
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