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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Please bro don't start with me. Read the thread and what it's about. I understand all too well as I own most of them. But you can't seem to realize the affect it has on the market since you don't understand the basics of market trading. Reezy and hyperchaser been here since 2013 a long with me. We in it. We been in it for years. Don't try to lecture me about smth you know nothing about.
  2. I understand where you're coming from, but for new players who just started the game and wanting limiteds, being able to obtain them will nearly be impossible without donating and selling rp. How will new players be able to get to 50 or even a 100 million when players that have been playing this game for years don't even reach that. Starters don't even sell for that. And if in such rare cases that limiteds are being sold for shinies it's either starters + cash being traded for them at ridiculous price evaluation already damaging the value and because of the shiny trader being scared his shiny dropping another 30% value the next month. "Trading" is fcked.
  3. I don't wanna burst your bubble or anything, but you telling him that he doesn't understand the concept of trading is irrelevant since I'm pretty sure you yourself don't shiny trade at all or do high table trades. If I am wrong and you do indeed trade vanities, buy shinies and sell them for profit and have been monitoring the market as well as global trade market prices on a daily basis, sorry.
  4. Rematch already being scheduled. Hopefully it'll go down the same as Conor vs Diaz. Lost the first fight, realized he needs to train his ass off and commit and bam. Imo Khabib is a bad winner. Would have been an incredible win for him if he didn't jump over the octagon and behaved like a gorilla. The fight was like a highschool wrestling match to say the least. On top of that both him and Conor's paychecks for the match are being held back cuz of the shit that went down.
  5. So basically you don't understand anything. Here's what's up, hyperchaser got plenty of limited vanities so making a comment like that is irrelevant since he'd also lose a shit ton.
  6. This has been discussed. There will be some legendary pokemon made available once the update for dungeons is released.
  7. Just stop bro xD. Honestly we done here. I feel the same. Explaining smth to you is like having a discussion with a wall. Irrelevant.
  8. Lets agree to disagree. You and me obviously don't have the same point of view, I know it will make a difference. Lets leave it at that. I'm not in the mood for another story book. Thanks.
  9. You're so self centered it's astonishing. I'm not suggesting to screw limited vanities, I'm just saying to tweak them a bit. A vanity being worth 100+mil is too OP for the current economy and it's affects on the shiny market. Yes I agree we need a solution for the shiny market and this will lead to it. Tyrone didn't state a bad idea but the thing is shiny hunters will be discouraged because no one will know as of when the shiny limit for the day is reached, still a good idea imo.
  10. Obviously that "unrelated "market is having a big af toll on the shiny market. I mean look at kicco, traded a porygon..one of the most prestigious shinies for a labcoat??? How can you say that it's not affecting it whatsoever? People are getting rid of shinies at ridiculous prices which damages their value in order to buy "stable" value vanities that just keeps rising by the day and hoarding them and not selling for other shinies or even considering shiny trades. As in right now from what chaser said there is no shiny market. Like a item that was 5-10 dollars in the shop is now worth 100+mil and people throwing all their shinies at one just for the hope of getting it. That's bs to me. I will just invest 150mil in lilipads and in 2 years when I come back they be worth 40mil+ a piece. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  11. Anyone that wants to tell me the market is not like this right now, your're just being a hypocrite. As simple as that.
  12. How will it benefit me when I also have limited vanities? You really are daft thinking this will affect thousands of players because there are thousands of limited vanities right even when they are stocked by a few players like ourselves.
  13. @awkways read the first paragraph. Whether your sorry ass likes it or not the economy shouldn't be revolving around limited vanities like it as atm.
  14. Ohhh shame bro don't get all tense just because you don't agree with smth someone said. Telling me I have the mentality of a 6 year old, what a dipshit. I'm done.
  15. We just gonna go in circles here. Doesn't help arguing with someone with a self-centered opinion. Just a waste of time. Not my fault you're not able to see or understand the bigger picture. @Hyperchaser bro if you feel like it's worth explaining smth to them go for it.
  16. Let me stop you right there, (and please learn to read and stop assuming) I suggested that they are made available through yearly events but harder to obtain than event items or being available again in the mystery box but at a shitty rate so that they are still accessible They were before and it's not staff, it's Devs who call those type of shots. They will still be hard to get and obviously they gonna lose value but claiming they are going to be worth less than 700k is just a ignorant point of view. At least when new players come they can actually grind their asses off and be able to buy / obtain them. But this isn't the point. When the focus is shifted from vanities a bit it'll be directed to shinies again. Don't be salty cuz this might affect you. It'll affect everyone.
  17. Your guess is wrong since you obviously weren't playing at that time. I'm sorry but what did you bring to the discussion? Stating that shinies are overpriced rn... are you kidding me? Yes if there is no money to make out of shinies don't you think that's a Huge problem? I can basically trade my e storm right now for a starter + cash. What Hyperchaser and Reezy is saying is that vanities shouldn't be > shinies in a sense. This isn't vanityMMO. This is PokeMMO.
  18. Have any of you watched Sword art online and if is it any good?
  19. Tbh I want Mcgregor to win.. but that russian got 26 fights and 26 wins. Gonna be a lit fight!!
  20. Who winning tonight? Khabib or Mcgregor?
  21. We are all aware of that, he was simply comparing that to what he was thinking. Like adding the limited ones (not event or seasonal if you misunderstood) in mystery boxes again at a low chance will also be better.
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