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Everything posted by awkways

  1. Had this lovely exchange tonight ^^
  2. Not to mention the original fire red / leaf green games don't have random rainstorms, as opposed to Hoenn where the weather reflects the actual GBA games. So it begs the question, why was this implemented in the first place? Shouldn't Kanto always be bright and sunny?
  3. Yo tor gonna miss jackin' your style on a regular basis and watching you try to shiny hunt for profit (lol). Also all the vanities you threw my way so you could bet all your (my) money on PSL. I commented on this earlier with a screen from November with a bunch of us hunting in a "Buddhist" formation but my was deleted (despite basically the same screenshot currently on the General Screenshot Megathread). Anyway man come back and visit some time, I promise not to trap you into starting to play again. Good luck on your journey to git gud irl bro, you will be missed by many. Your shiny mawile encounter: Bout a month later, u looking for another one to sell: RIP Nobars/Tor 2017
  4. This one scared the shit out of me
  5. Hi there, I noticed you have not updated this in a while and it appears as progress has come to a halt, however it looks like Kanto is 100% complete. Was wondering if you could provide us with a link to the Kanto mod? Looks great.
  6. When you try so hard to block out the name but forget the "Whispering ________" part
  7. Please continue working on this. This is the closest this game has to a complete Hoenn Tile Mod. So far this is amazing, I especially like the Mauville Game Corner. I still use this despite it looking very strange that the routes are not done and I (and I bet many many others) would love to see this complete. If anyone involved is still considering working on this please continue to provide us with updates. We need you!
  8. Even shiny male ot + shiny female not ot = unknown ot Non-OT shiny + Non-OT shiny never gonna = your OT shiny Maybe in your dreams lel. If they did that all real OTs would be pointless.
  9. Shiny Croconaw spotted in Verm.. (pic is edited to show front and side view since ppl keep asking me)
  10. I've wanted this shiny since I started playing :)
  11. Hunting for shinies.. guess I got my wish
  12. I almost wonder if the reasoning for the PTS being during April Fool's Day was so that we couldn't see what would happen if we tried to have a gen 5 follower Pokemon. Perfect cover up if you ask me being that we could only have bidoofs. I have been wondering what will end up happening with gen 5 pokemons as followers for a while now. Either we can only have up to gen 4 follower pokes (since that's all HG/SS has) or Darkshade made custom gen 5 followers.. I don't see any other motivation for them to drop the PTS on that day. As soon as I logged in I asked the question, and this is the official response I got:
  13. ^For anyone disappointed that this wasn't what they were hoping for, there is still hope for you.
  14. Damn bro and all i got was a 6x31 shiny pidgey. Ill be on in a few hours. Try to get more Mr members in the PTS team
  15. So, if this is not a joke, we will need which rom? B/W or B/W2? Also what time can we expect to see this PTS available?
  16. Not sure who this guy is but he seems to have one
  17. Apparently the tides in Shoal make you appear to have godly powers Relogged and came back to this:
  18. If we are indeed jumping to "a new generation" with the next update, aka the DS platform, Johto would become a WAY more realistic goal. They could then kinda do a retro-update and ditch the Fire Red GBA rom and base Kanto (and simultaneously add Johto) out of the Soul Silver/Heart Gold DS rom. This, however, would leave Hoenn the only region that didn't fit, since it is only available on GBA and 3DS platforms. Something to think about. Still would just be a lot of work for not much reward, as previously mentioned, but would be hella cool.
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