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Everything posted by KoolT93

  1. Hatching eggs w that flag system Spamming a move and being like wtf why this mf doesnt unlock...then realize the egg doesnt known the move xddddd #GodBlessThatGuyInCinnabar #4.2KPerEgg #Clonemmo
  2. Bruh anyone Heard that new meyhem lauren x dj muggs flyshit??
  3. Ninja mask would Look dope w halo
  4. @Darkshade explain pls Nvm just forgot they gonna drop mence base stats so Hp still ko him, which makes more sense
  5. DS Was Really talking about modify base stats lol So After all these years w "this Aint cannon" "vanilla games dont work Like that" you gonna pull that, if outrage is broken keep it at 90 BP but Thats it, dont modify learnsets or base stats ffs
  6. Oh thought it Was x5, my bad Nvm then 700-900k at max
  7. Roar is tm tho, but need a new moveset.. Imo 900k/1m
  8. How much Was the payout for each leader?
  9. Both are out 00:48 "Im the type of uguu spending a million on my wedding cake" xdddddd He really is tho
  10. Cool music rigth there @AshisCatchin
  11. https://g.co/kgs/sZKyR6 100% produced by metro, banger After banger imo https://g.co/kgs/xne8cv Gucci ego trip not bad for a clone tho @RealLifeAngel
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