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Honey Tree Mechanic and Locations


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Honey Tree Mechanic and Locations


I hope that you're having a swell day. In the Sinnoh region, go outside and smell the fresh air! Perhaps, you would like a more "sweet" smell in game every time you encounter a yellow Honey Tree. If that is you, then this guide could make your day. While preparing my pokemon for taping Part 13 of the Sinnoh Walkthrough, @Terresa invited me to a Link with @Parke and @awkways. While the conversation was a bit on the comedic side, Terresa said "someone should make a Honey Tree guide." I did mention my other projects, but Terresa told me about the importance of such a guide. Once the offer was mentioned, I then promised the group that "after I complete the Sinnoh Walkthrough, this guide concept can be taken on." Make sure to thank these three players for purposing this guide request. Without further ado, let's dive straight into the information that you need to know about this activity.


ZTJfiwZ.pngMechanic Description: You can obtain Honey from the merchant at Floaroma Meadow for $750 per jar of Honey (check the location spoiler below this for location pictures). Once you obtain the Honey, then make sure to slather it onto a yellow Honey Tree and wait an hour from that time. After an hour, you can check back on the tree and it should shake in a fervent manor. As for the pokemon that you could encounter, I placed all the pokemon down in the Pokemon Spoiler. You can put multiple layers of Honey to attract more foes.


Thank you @Edwardinho for explaining the Honey Layering mechanics to me.


1 Honey = 1 Pokemon
2 Honey = 50/50 Chance of a Double Battle (Thank you @BVegan for the correction)
3 Honey = Triple Battle or Double Battle and later that one left, join a new pokemon.


Extra Note: If you use a Pickup Pokemon while searching in Honey Trees, then you will have a small chance of picking up Berries per fight (this could also happen if you do not have a Pickup Pokemon in the lead). I would like to credit @Minks for this discovery and @BVegan for the correction.




Location Spoiler:




Pokemon Spoiler:


UctfLmi.pngAipom (Uncommon), bCEpDNO.pngHeracross (Common), G23QTaJ.pngWurmple (Common), mHWxyK7.pngCascoon (Rare), cMxTp8F.pngSilcoon (Rare), zd64A6q.png Burmy (Uncommon), W5FmsFF.pngCombee (Common), QMsaw31.pngCherubi (Uncommon), and YhJK1lj.pngMunchlax (Very Rare)


Each Item that these pokemon could hold:


Aipom = None

Heracross = None

Wurmple = JWykk89.pngPecha Berry or 6Jx3ecZ.pngBright Powder

Silcoon = None

Cascoon = None

Burmy = None

Combee = ZTJfiwZ.pngHoney

Cherubi = Crk6Gbb.pngMiracle Seed

Muchlax = bIj5kPi.pngLeftovers


For more details on these pokemon, then please check out my PokeDex (PokeMMO Version) Guide.


Or if you would like to see more Encounters besides Honey Trees, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Encounter Index for PokeMMO Guide.


Also, thank you @Rynner for your contribution with Burmy's info.


ZTJfiwZ.pngTree Locations: Route 205 (North and South), Route 206, Route 207, Route 208, Route 209, Route 210 (North and South), Route 211 (East), Route 212 (North and South), Route 213, Route 214, Route 215, Route 218, Route 221, Route 222, Valley Windworks, Eterna Forrest (exterior), Fuego Ironworks, and Floaroma Meadow.


Fun Fact: h5NksRd.pngSurskit and W5FmsFF.pngCombee can also hold Honey.

(I would like to thank @Dip for informing me about Surskit holding Honey)


Edited by Bestfriends
BVegan has some corrections. (6/19/2024)
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  • 1 month later...

Hello Good Sir,


i have a question about this

if i slather all tree with honey then i waited for an hour, can other player interact with my slathered tree too? if yes then can i still interact with those tree or not? i don't want to waste time to slather all tree just for other player to steal the encounter.

sorry if i sounded greedy.

thank you.

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30 minutes ago, Natcholino said:

Hello Good Sir,


i have a question about this

if i slather all tree with honey then i waited for an hour, can other player interact with my slathered tree too? if yes then can i still interact with those tree or not? i don't want to waste time to slather all tree just for other player to steal the encounter.

sorry if i sounded greedy.

thank you.

You can still interact with the tree because the Honey would count for your time rather than other players.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
18 hours ago, tutty said:

Hi, do you know how to identify the 4 munchlax tree? I searched and it says you need the trainer id, and I think pokémmo doesn't have it... sorry for bad english >.>

I think breeding a Snorlax will be easier to achieve your goal. I don't have the answer to your question sorry

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  • 4 months later...
23 hours ago, SexyChance said:

The spoiler pictures aren't loading for me... Is there an Imgur album or something?

After multiple tries, I have been trying to figure out how to make the pokemon icons readable. However, I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This is my personal route I wrote when sinnoh came out:

You will need fly, surf, cut, defog, and rock smash to complete the route. Repel recommended. Always defog before you encounter Pokémon from the trees in the defog areas or you'll have a bad time.



Honey Trees (21 Total)
Fly to Sandgem Town, head south and surf south east, tree on the north side near Pal Park
    >Honey Tree Route 221
Fly to Canalave City, head out of town south east, tree is straight ahead
    >Honey Tree Route 218
Fly to Floaroma Town, head north west into the meadow, tree is next to the house 
    >Honey Tree Floaroma Meadow, head back to Floaroma Town then east out of town, tree on the northeast just outside the windworks
    >Honey Tree Valley Windworks, turn back west and take the north road, tree is just over the bridge
    >Honey Tree Route 205 south, surf on the river north west, tree is by the coast
    >Honey Tree Fuego Ironworks
Fly to Eterna City, head west out of town and turn north
    >Honey Tree Route 205 north, head west across the bridges and go south along the trees, use cut, tree is along this path
    >Honey Tree Eterna Forest exterior
Fly to Oreburgh, head north out of town and up the bike ramp, tree is on the right
    >Honey Tree Route 207, head north using cut to get under the bike path, tree is straight ahead
    >Honey Tree Route 206
Fly to Hearthome, head south of town and take the west exit, tree is just up to the north
    >Honey Tree Route 208, head back and go through the south gate this time, tree immediately on the left
    >Honey Tree Route 212 north, head back and go through the east gate this time, across the water bridges tree is on the left
    >Honey Tree Route 209, keep following the path north past solaceon, tree is on the right
    >Honey Tree Route 210 south, head north east up the stairs and across the bridge, tree is straight ahead
    >Honey Tree Route 215, head back the way you came and north this time, cross the tall grass, tree is just inside defog area on the north east
    >Honey Tree Route 210 north
Fly to Celestic Town, exit town west, tree is straight ahead
    >Honey Tree Route 211 east
Fly to Pastoria City, exit town from the south west, the tree is on ground level in the middle of the marshes
    >Honey Tree Route 212 south
Fly to Pastoria City, this time exit from the north east gate heading past the grass and hooking around south, tree is east behind a rock smash
    >Honey Tree Route 213, head along the beach east, through the resort, and continue north past the lake entrance, tree is in a fenced area on the left
    >Honey Tree Route 214
Fly to Sunyshore City, exit town south west, the tree is immediately north of the gate
    >Honey Tree Route 222


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On 3/28/2021 at 5:10 PM, tutty said:

Hi, do you know how to identify the 4 munchlax tree? I searched and it says you need the trainer id, and I think pokémmo doesn't have it... sorry for bad english >.>

I've done about 700 honey tree encounters and have found munchlax in more than 4 different honey tree locations which means:

1. The munchlax tree locations change (like feebas tiles or something)

2. The chance to find munchlax is the same for all honey trees (probably like 1%) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

So after the new update, anyone know about the whole "multiple pokemon appearing at once"? thing?

Does the amount of pokemon increase with the layers? So 3 layers of honey would give an encounter of 3 mons?

Edited by LucasLyn5
Grammar xd
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On 6/9/2022 at 12:35 PM, LucasLyn5 said:

So after the new update, anyone know about the whole "multiple pokemon appearing at one"? thing?

Does the amount of okemon increase with the layers? So 3 layers of honey would give an encounter of 3 mons?

Hey there!

Yes, with one honey coating you'll see 1 Pokémon, with 2 honey you'll have DB Match, with 3 honey you'll can have one triple battle or a double battle and when one of those Pokémon weakens, a third Pokémon will enter the battlefield

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On 6/16/2022 at 4:43 AM, Edwardinho said:

Hey there!

Yes, with one honey coating you'll see 1 Pokémon, with 2 honey you'll have DB Match, with 3 honey you'll can have one triple battle or a double battle and when one of those Pokémon weakens, a third Pokémon will enter the battlefield

Great! Thank you ?
So 3 coatings and 3 Pokemon at the same time is the max? No 5 coatings for 5 Pokemon? ?


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  • 5 months later...

I have a honey tree route that I have been thinking about making a guide for the route and my setup and was wondering if it would be better to place it here or for me to make a separate post on it?

Edit: It is a route that hits 19 of the 21 honey trees. The Route 206 and Route 221 trees are exempted due to ease of access. It also uses a frisk/Thief mon, Fly, Surf, Defog (optional), Cut, and 1x Repel. I intend to make an infographic and a video showing the route

Edited by shamorunner
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  • 10 months later...

Ty for the guide! Just something I noticed over the past month - Beautifly and Dustox don't spawn in honey trees (anymore? idk if they did previously). They're not listed in the dex as well.
And dex has different rarities now:

Common - Combee and Wurmple; Uncommon - Cherubi, Burmy and Aipom; Rare - Silcoon and Cascoon; Very rare - Heracross and Munchlax


I was browsing to see if there are any seasonal or day/night changes in spawns. Huge thanks for the encounter index too!

Edited by akaHeroGarou
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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

 Hey, just a few little correction I noticed: It appears berries can be found after battle even without Pickup, as shown in my screenshot.

Also, 2x Honey will not always result in a Double battle, I have no exact stats yet but I assume its  ~50/50 Singles/Doubles.HsILW1b_d.webp.d0380181a1290fabaf33fa46709d9df8.webp

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