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Egg Move Index (PokeMMO Version)

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Egg Move Index (PokeMMO Version)



Hello and welcome to the Egg Move Index for PokeMMO! I should note that the formatting is similar to the PokeDex Guide I did two years ago. Before this guide was written, I was a frequent user of the Egg Move Chain Tool provided by @BlueNose, @YIBU, @XBWYmsl, and @dorybo. BlueNose has written a statement about the creation of the Egg Move Tool:



Details of the Process of Making EggMoveChain

  Before starting to elaborate on the details of eggmove chain function, I would say i do almost all the design and coding work of pokemmo toolbox project. I created a post about it on 2019.12.17 on chinese forum when the website was online first time to collect users advice which I thought would make up for my personal design. As I expected ,it really works ,I have received a lot of bug reporting and suggestion since every new version.

  It was in 2020 April I had the idea to make a function like eggmove chain when pokemmo toolbox website already had the functions like [normal breeding cost] and [berry profit calculation].Since i have been surfing the Internet in Chinese language environment, I didn't find function like eggmove chain in any Chinese pokemon wiki or tool, so I decided to make one. Also, I am not sure if there is a function like eggmove chain in English.

  Obviously, if you studied the computer course of data structure, the multi tree structure is very suitable for the implement of idea of eggmove chain. So I quickly designed the first version of the algorithm.

  Its like I designed a car and once I want to drive the car I need gas. Yes, I need the data. Luckily, the leader of Chinese Staffs,[GM]YIBU supported me the data which now we can dump from pokemmo client by ourselves thanks to Devs and no need to ask for YIBU after every update over and over again. Thats the first and very important player who helped me and developing of the eggmove chain function.

  So the function was online and 2 months later I found and studied some bugs and then came out a conclusion: the repeat pokemons family member searching consumed too much performance, some might in endless loop. I decided not to allow searching pokemons if they were searched out in other eggmove chains. And if you searched the eggmove which could be learned in a non-eggmove way by this pokemon, the function would shut down. So I updated the bugs and it was second version algorithm of eggmove chain.

  And another 2 months later I received an important bug report, the reporters name of forum is XBWYmsl, he pointed out that there was a omission in Lapras - Tickle eggmove chain which Lombre should be in. After I studied the bug I fount it was a design fault of second version  algorithm which not allowing repeated pokemons searching caused omission. And the 3rd version algorithm came out: allowing repeated searching of pokemons who can learn the eggmove in a non-eggmove way. To avoid performance problems and dead loops caused by too many queries designed a 3-staged rule to limit it which the function only found eggmove chain in 3 stages, it would stop searching once chains are over 3 stages.

  And it seemed perfect and never got bugs ,but I found a interesting thing when I made Speed-Punch eggmove for Timburr Family, buying a Hitmonchan on gtl costed near 20k and a Chimchar only for 7k and Chimchars were all 25 level, only got them 1 level up they evolved and learned Mach Punch. The eggmove chain only show one pokemon to represent its family then. So I decided to show all family members. It is the 4th and final version which works till now.

  So besides Bluenose, there are YIBU and XBWYmsl as important contributor. Unfortunately, XBWYmsl seems not to be online on forum since 2021.4.2. Now, there is a QQ Group for players to communicate and report bugs, but I can't talk and recall with him about this milestone bug.

  Dorybo does not contribute much for the eggmove chain function. I do the design and coding and he does the left things all the time, so I named him as the admin of pokemmo tool box.

  we studied the rule of shiny pokemon breeding and finally got unstood what Kyu said about it and how it really works and that's the [shiny breeding calculator] which started in 2020.6.29.

   Above contents can all be found in the pokemmo toolbox post on Chinese forum and I just sort them out which evokes good memories and hard work for me that time. First time to write long letter like it, and countless bad grammars lol.


One day, the link to the English Egg Move Tool did not work. As a result, I PMed BlueNose about the issue. He had informed me that the Egg Move Tool was now exclusively in Chinese. Not wanting this information to be lost, I asked BlueNose for his permission to make a guide about Egg Moves. BlueNose not only approved of making a guide about Egg Moves, he also restored the English Translations for the Egg Move Chains for this guide's documentation. I would like to thank BlueNose and his team for making this tool a possibility! While I am working on this guide, the Egg Move Tool's English Edition is made public and as long as there is an English version, I still plan to have the link up (even when this guide is complete).Without further ado, lets dive into the guide!


If you would like a Notepad Sheet of all the Egg Moves, then feel free to check out @YIBU's Notepad.



If you want an interactive document for your Egg Move search, then feel free to check out @ColesNightfill's and @squickGianno's Breeding Tool.



Also if you would like a list of all the Pokemon in their respective Egg Groups, then feel free to check out the Pokemon Egg Group Index:




To make life a bit easier, I would like to list all the Egg Groups so you can copy and paste them into your CNTL + F search tool on laptop or if you are on mobile, copy the egg group in your clipboard and click on the three dots to the top right of your device, then click on "Find In Page":



Water A








Water C


Water B



Cannot Breed



Note: Pokemon in the "Genderless" Egg Groups can breed with themselves as long as they are in the same evolution line like Metang and Metagross.


Guide Key:


If an Egg Move is from the same evolution chain (ie: Slash for Slakoth), then the list will only be from Slakoth's evolution chain and what level the pokemon learns the move at.


(Start) = The pokemon can learn this move from the getgo.

(Lv. -) = The pokemon can learn this move at this level.

(Pre-Evo) = The pokemon can learn this move from a past evolution.

(Evolve) = The pokemon can learn this move once it evolves into its current form.

(BP) = The pokemon can learn this move by seeking the BP Move Tutor. For on this concept, then check out this guide.

(Sketch) = The pokemon can learn this move by sketching it onto it. Only Smeargle has access to this ability.


0. (Dex Number - 858s9HaO8F.png Pokemon Name - Pen (Egg Group - Penoid)

  • Ink Squirt (Egg Move)
    • FeatherPen  Pen (The Arrow separates the first pokemon from the second pokemon in the Egg Chain)
    • FeatherPen  ExpoMarker/SharpieMarker  Pen (The / provides you with additional options for who the dad pokemon could be. As an example, you could breed FeatherPen with a Female ExpoMarker or you can breed it with a Female SharpieMarker. Once that is done, you can make ExpoMarker or SharpieMarker a Male.)
  • Doodle gLkTe2q.png (If you see a Smeargle Icon to the right of the Egg Move's name, then it can be Sketched by a Smeargle at some point)
    • 1JdV7BU.pngSmeargle (Sketch)  FeatherPen → Pen (For easy spotting, I decided to make Smeargle's name Bold every time, so you do not need to look for the chain[s] that it is in)


Edited by Bestfriends
Added the Egg Group Guide. (1/30/2024)
Link to comment

1. (1) ctkG6JT.pngBulbasaur, (2) mA6wYad.pngIvysaur, and (3) wnHHIXD.pngVenusaur (Monster, Plant)

  • Sludge
    • Grimer (Lv. 15) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
    • Muk (Lv. 15) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
    • Koffing (Lv. 15) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
    • Weezing (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
    • Gulpin (Lv. 10) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
    • Swalot (Lv. 10) → Shellos → Mudkip → Bulbasaur
  • Petal Dance
    • Venusaur (Start) → Bulbasaur
    • Venusaur (Evolve) → Bulbasaur
    • Venusaur (Lv. 32) → Bulbasaur
  • Ingrain
    • Tangela (Lv. 52) → Bulbasaur
    • Tangela (Start) → Bulbasaur
    • Sunkern (Lv. 4) → Bulbasaur
    • Sunflora (Lv. 4) → Bulbasaur
    • Roselia (Lv. 55) → Bulbasaur
    • Cacnea (Lv. 22) → Bulbasaur
    • Cacturne (Lv. 22) → Bulbasaur
    • Roserade (Start) → Bulbasaur
    • Carnivine (Lv. 21) → Bulbasaur
    • Snover (Lv. 35) → Bulbasaur
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 35) → Bulbasaur
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Bulbasaur
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 53) → Bulbasaur
    • Maractus (Start) → Bulbasaur
    • Maractus (Lv. 33) → Bulbasaur
    • Foongus (Lv. 32) → Bulbasaur
    • Amoongus (Lv. 32) → Bulbasaur
    • Ferroseed (Lv. 15) → Bulbasaur
    • Ferrothorn (Lv. 15) → Bulbasaur
  • GrassWhistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Bulbasaur
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Bulbasaur
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Bulbasaur
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Bulbasaur
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Bulbasaur
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Bulbasaur

2. (4) wXe4i37.pngCharmander, (5) qUtQYWt.pngCharmeleon, and (6) Ahi0E57.pngCharizard (Monster, Dragon)

  • Wing Attack
    • Charizard (Evolve) → Charamander
    • Charizard (Lv. 36) → Charamander
  • Bite
    • Squirtle (Lv. 12) → Charamander
    • Wartortle (Lv. 12) → Charamander
    • Blastoise (Lv. 12) → Charamander
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Charamander
    • Arbok (Start) → Charamander
    • Gyarados (Start) → Charamander
    • Gyarados (Evolve) → Charamander
    • Gyarados (BP) → Charamander
    • Gyarados (Lv. 20) → Charamander
    • Snorlax (Lv. 16) → Charamander
    • Totodile (Lv. 13) → Charamander
    • Croconaw (Lv. 13) → Charamander
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 13) → Charamander
    • Larvitar (Start) → Charamander
    • Larvitar (Lv. 9) → Charamander
    • Pupitar (Start) → Charamander
    • Pupitar (Lv. 9) → Charamander
    • Tyranitar (Start) → Charamander
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 9) → Charamander
    • Loudred (Start) → Charamander
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Charamander
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Charamander
    • Exploud (Start) → Charamander
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Charamander
    • Trapinch (Start) → Charamander
    • Trapinch (Lv. 8 )  → Charamander
    • Vibrava (Start) → Charamander
    • Flygon (Start) → Charamander
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Charamander
    • Bagon (Lv. 5) → Charamander
    • Shelgon (Start) → Charamander
    • Shelgon (Lv. 10) → Charamander
    • Salamance (Start) → Charamander
    • Salamance (Lv. 10) → Charamander
    • Turtwig (Lv. 21) → Charamander
    • Grovile (Lv. 22) → Charamander
    • Torterra (Lv. 22) → Charamander
    • Gible (Lv. 25) → Charamander
    • Gabite (Lv. 27) → Charamander
    • Garchomp (Lv. 27) → Charamander
    • Axew (Lv. 3) → Charamander
    • Fraxure (Start) → Charamander
    • Haxorus (Start) → Charamander
    • Druddigon (Lv. 5) → Charamander
    • Deino (Lv. 5) → Charamander
    • Zweilous (Start) → Charamander
    • Zweilous (Lv. 9) → Charamander
    • Hydreigon (Start) → Charamander
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 9) → Charamander
    • Omanyte (Lv. 7) → Mudkip → Charamander
    • Omastar (Start) → Mudkip → Charamander
    • Huntail (Start) → Mudkip → Charamander
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 15) → Mudkip → Charamander
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Mudkip → Charamander
  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • Lickitung (Lv. 60) → Charamander
    • Snorlax (Lv. 48) → Charamander
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 60) → Charamander
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Politoed (Start) → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Wooper (BP) → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Quagsire (BP) → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Darumanitan (Lv. 38) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Charamander
    • Darumanitan (Zen) [Lv. 38] (Currently not implemented) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Charamander
  • Dragon RushgLkTe2q.png
    • Dratini (Lv. 35) → Charamander
    • Dragonair (Lv. 39) → Charamander
    • Dragonite (Lv. 39) → Charamander
    • Vibrava (Lv. 56) → Charamander
    • Flygon (Lv. 60) → Charamander
    • Gible (Lv. 60) → Charamander
    • Gabite (Lv. 60) → Charamander
    • Garchomp (Lv. 82) → Charamander
    • Deino (Lv. 52) → Charamander
    • Zweilous (Lv. 54) → Charamander
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 54) → Charamander
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Charamander
    • Dunsparce (Lv .44) → Rhyhorn → Charamander

3. (7) Y81DaA1.pngSquirtle, (8) ShhYJfQ.pngWartortle, and (9) CTtiRMF.pngBlastoise (Monster, Water A)

  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Squirtle
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shellos → Squirtle
  • ConfusiongLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (Lv. 6) → Squirtle
    • Golduck (Start) → Squirtle
    • Golduck (Lv. 10) → Squirtle
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Slowbro (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Slowking (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Gorebyss (Start) → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • espeon (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • espeon (Evolve) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • espeon (Lv. 9) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • Girafarig (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • Woobat (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • Woobat (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
    • Swoobat (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Squirtle
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Squirtle
    • Golduck (BP) → Squirtle
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Squirtle
    • Quagsire (Start) → Squirtle
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Squirtle
    • Corsola (BP) → Squirtle
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Squirtle
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Squirtle
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Squirtle
    • Surskit (BP) → Squirtle
    • Masquerain (BP) → Squirtle
    • Relicanth (Start) → Squirtle
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Squirtle
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Squirtle
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Squirtle
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Squirtle
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Squirtle
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Squirtle
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Squirtle
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Squirtle
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Squirtle
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Squirtle
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle
  • Water Spout
    • Wailmer (Lv. 48) → Remoraid → Squirtle
    • Wailord (Lv. 54) → Remoraid → Squirtle
  • Aqua Jet
    • Golduck (Start) → Squirtle
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Squirtle
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Squirtle
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Squirtle
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Squirtle
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) →  Squirtle
    • Masquerain (Evolve) → Squirtle
    • Empoleon (Start) → Squirtle
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Squirtle
    • Bibarel (Start) → Squirtle
    • Bibarel (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Squirtle
    • Carracosta (Start) → Squirtle
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Squirtle
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Squirtle
  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Squirtle
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Squirtle
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Azumarill (Lv. 30) → Squirtle
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Squirtle
    • Mantine (Lv. 36) → Squirtle
    • Milotic (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Squirtle
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Squirtle
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Squirtle
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Squirtle
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Alomomola (Lv. 6) → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Squirtle
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 35) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Squirtle
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Squirtle
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Remoraid (BP) → Squirtle
    • Octillary (BP) → Squirtle
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Squirtle
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Squirtle
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Squirtle
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Squirtle
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Squirtle
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Squirtle
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Squirtle
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Squirtle
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Squirtle
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Squirtle
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 )  → Dratini/Feebas → Squirtle
    • Altaria (Base) → Dratini/Feebas → Squirtle
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Squirtle
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Squirtle
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Almomola → Squirtle
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Sentret (Base) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Furret (Base) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Squirtle
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Squirtle
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (BP) → Squirtle
    • Dewgong (BP) → Squirtle
    • Snorlax (Start) → Squirtle
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Squirtle
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Squirtle
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Squirtle
    • Lombre (Start) → Squirtle
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Squirtle
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Squirtle
    • Milotic (Start) → Squirtle
    • Relicanth (Start) → Squirtle
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Squirtle
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Squirtle
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Squirtle
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea/Remoraid → Squirtle
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea/Remoraid → Squirtle
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Kabuto/Tirtouga → Squirtle
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Kabuto/Tirtouga → Squirtle
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Squirtle
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Squirtle
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Squirtle
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Squirtle
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Squirtle
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Squirtle
    • Milotic (Start) → Squirtle
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Squirtle
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Raticate (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Arbok (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle
    • Seedot (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle
    • Shiftry (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle
    • Shroomish (BP) → Chikorita/Marill → Squirtle
    • Breloom (BP) → Chikorita/Marill → Squirtle
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Squirtle
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Squirtle
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Squirtle
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Squirtle
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Squirtle
    • Slowbro (Base) → Squirtle
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Squirtle
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Squirtle
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Squirtle
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Squirtle
    • Slowking (Start) → Squirtle
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Squirtle
    • Kingdra (Start) → Squirtle
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Squirtle
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Squirtle
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Squirtle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) - Psyduck → Squirtle
    • Pikachu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Raichu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Slakoth (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Slaking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Musharna (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Squirtle
    • Slugma (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Squirtle
    • Magcargo (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Squirtle
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Squirtle
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Squirtle
    • Swalot (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Squirtle
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Squirtle

4. (10) L14Flq1.pngCaterpie, (11) DDd092x.pngMetapod, and (12) oc681Ea.pngButterfree (Bug) (No Egg Moves)


5. (13) zxkgY95.pngWeedle, (14)ThLESR5.png Kakuna, and (15) XiSRwbi.pngBeedrill (Bug) (No Egg Moves)


6. (16) obw79nN.pngPidgey, (17) 3HNBdHF.pngPidgeotto, and (18) E44ulic.pngPidgeot (Flying)

  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Pidgey
    • Noctowl (Start) → Pidgey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Sentret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Buneary (Start) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Lopunny (Start) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Farfetch'd → Pidgey
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Pidgey
  • Pursuit
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Pidgey
    • Fearow (Start) → Pidgey
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Pidgey
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Pidgey
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Pidgey
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Pidgey
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Pidgey
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Pidgey
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Pidgey
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu → Pidgey
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Pidgey
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Pidgey

7. (19) ZOMCnmr.pngRattata and (20) LvHFzno.pngRaticate (Field)

  • Fury SwipesgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 24) → Rattata
    • Sandslash (Lv. 26) → Rattata
    • Diglett (Lv. 21) → Rattata
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Rattata
    • Meowth (Lv. 29) → Rattata
    • Persian (Lv. 31) → Rattata
    • Psyduck (Lv. 9) → Rattata
    • Golduck (Lv. 9) → Rattata
    • Mankey (Lv. 5) → Rattata
    • Primeape (Lv. 5) → Rattata
    • Sentret (Lv. 13) → Rattata
    • Furret (Lv. 13) → Rattata
    • Aipom (Lv. 18) → Rattata
    • Sneasel (Lv. 30) → Rattata
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 8 ) → Rattata
    • Ursaring (Lv. 8 ) → Rattata
    • Linoone (Lv. 18) → Rattata
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 14) → Rattata
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Rattata
    • Kecleon (Lv. 13) → Rattata
    • Chimchar (Lv. 15) → Rattata
    • Monferno (Lv. 15) → Rattata
    • Infernape (Lv. 15) → Rattata
    • Ambipom (Lv. 18) → Rattata
    • Glameow (Lv. 20) → Rattata
    • Purugly (Lv. 20) → Rattata
    • Stunky (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Skuntank (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Weavile (Lv. 30) → Rattata
    • Purrloin (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Pansage (Lv. 13) → Rattata
    • Simisage (Start) → Rattata
    • Pansear (Lv. 13) → Rattata
    • Simisear (Start) → Rattata
    • Panpour (Lv. 13) → Rattata
    • Simipour (Start) → Rattata
    • Drilbur (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Excadrill (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Zorua (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Zoroark (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 6) → Rattata
    • Beartic (Start) → Rattata
    • Beartic (Lv. 17) → Rattata
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 15) → Rattata
    • Mienshao (Lv. 15) → Rattata
    • Heatmor (Lv. 5) → Rattata
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Zangoose/Bidoof/Buizel → Rattata
    • Lombre (Lv. 18) → Bidoof/Buizel → Rattata
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Bidoof/Buizel → Rattata
  • Flame WheelgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata
    • Growlithe (Lv. 12) → Rattata
    • arcanine (Start) → Rattata
    • Ponyta (Lv. 25) → Rattata
    • Rapidash (Lv. 25) → Rattata
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 19) → Rattata
    • Quilava (Lv. 20) → Rattata
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 20) → Rattata
    • Torkoal (Lv. 20) → Rattata
    • Chimchar (Lv. 17) → Rattata
    • Monferno (Lv. 19) → Rattata
    • Infernape (Lv. 19) → Rattata
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Darumaka → Rattata
  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata
    • Golduck (Start) → Rattata
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Rattata
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Rattata
    • Stantler (Start) → Rattata
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Rattata
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Rattata
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Rattata
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena/Buizel/Blitzle/Sandile/Mienfoo → Rattata
  • Final GambitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata
    • Mankey (Lv. 50) → Rattata
    • Primeape (Start) → Rattata
    • Primeape (Lv. 57) → Rattata
    • Lucario (Start) → Rattata
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett/Farfetch'd/Zangoose/Seviper → Rattata
    • Starly (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Rattata
    • Staravia (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd → Rattata
    • Staraptor (Lv. 57) → Farfetch'd → Rattata

8. (21) TwljE4e.pngSpearow and (22) Fo7qCNY.pngFearow (Flying)

  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Spearow
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Spearow
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Spearow
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Spearow
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Dodrio (Start) → Spearow
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Spearow
    • Swellow (Start) → Spearow
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Spearow
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Pelipper (Start) → Spearow
    • Starly (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Staravia (Start) → Spearow
    • Starvia (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Staraptor (Start) → Spearow
    • Staraptor (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Spearow
    • Tranquill (Start) → Spearow
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Spearow
    • Unfezant (Start) → Spearow
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Spearow
    • Archen (Start) → Spearow
    • Archeops (Start) → Spearow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Raticate (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Pikachu (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Raichu (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Spearow 
    • Ninetales (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Ponyta (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Rapidash (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Tauros (BP) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Combusken (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Blaziken (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Absol (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Floatzel (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Weavile (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Blitzle (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Spearow
  • Astonish
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Spearow
    • Golbat (Start) → Spearow
    • Golbat (Lv. 7) → Spearow
    • Crobat (Start) → Spearow
    • Crobat (Lv. 7) → Spearow
    • Murkrow (Start) → Spearow
    • Swablu (Lv. 3) → Spearow
    • Altaria (Start) → Spearow
    • Altaria (Lv. 3) → Spearow
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Spearow

9. (23) AsvO54G.pngEkans and (24) B6lSelF.pngArbok (Dragon, Field)

  • SlamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • Raichu (Start) → Ekans
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Ekans
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Ekans
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Ekans
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Ekans
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • Wooper (Lv. 16) → Ekans
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Ekans
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Ekans
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Ekans
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Ekans
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Ekans
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Ekans
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Ekans
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Ekans
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Ekans
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Ekans
    • Cinccino (Start) → Ekans
    • Deino (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • Zweilous (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 28) → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Mawile → Ekans
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Sell/Mawile → Ekans
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Sell/Mawile → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom → Ekans
  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Ekans
    • Ninetales (Start) → Ekans
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Ekans
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans
    • Licilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Ekans
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Ekans
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Ekans
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Ekans
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Ekans
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Ekans
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Ekans
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Ekans
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Ekans
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Ekans
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Ekans
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Ekans
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Ekans
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Ekans
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Ekans
    • Umbreon (Start) → Ekans
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Ekans
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Ekans
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Ekans
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Ekans
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Ekans
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Ekans
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Ekans
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Ekans
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Ekans
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Ekans
    • Zoroark (Start) → Ekans
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Ekans
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Ekans
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → AsvO54G.pngEkans
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn/Druddigon → Ekans
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn/Druddigon → Ekans
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn/Druddigon → Ekans
    • Spearow (Lv. 5) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Fearow (Start) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Fearow (Lv. 5) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Duduo (Lv. 15) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Swablu → Ekans
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Swablu → Ekans
  • Poison FanggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans
    • Seviper (Lv. 21) → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Start) → Poochyena/Mawile → Ekans
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans
    • Persian (Start) → Ekans
    • Linoone (Start) → Ekans
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Start) → Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buzel/Buneary → Ekans
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Ekans
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Ekans

10. (172) uzLKgBG.pngPichu (Cannot Breed), (25) bYDDwtk.pngPikachu, and (26) XGXEDlf.pngRaichu (Fairy, Field)

  • Double SlapgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Clefairy (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Clefable (Lv. 10) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 17) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Skitty (Lv. 16) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Delicatty (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Minccino (Lv. 17) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Cinccino (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 17) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Mienshao (Lv. 17) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom/Buizel → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Poliwag (Lv. 15) → Buizel → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 15) → Buizel → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Buizel → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Politoed (Start) → Buizel → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Alomomola (Lv. 13) → Buizel → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Seel (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Dewgong (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Piloswine (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Donphan (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)DwJuom5.pngSandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • delibird (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Audino (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Semeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Absol (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Girafarig/Skitty/Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Musharna (Start) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
  • BestowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Clefairy (Lv. 19) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Togetic (Lv. 25) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 25) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Linoone (Lv. 27) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Plusle (Lv. 13) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • Togekiss (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird/Pachirisu → Pikachu (Baby will be Pichu)

11. (27) DwJuom5.pngSandshrew and (28) HW2aFLR.pngSandslash (Field)

  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew
    • Seel (BP) → Sandshrew
    • Dewgong (BP) → Sandshrew
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Sandshrew
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Sandshrew
    • Piloswine (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Sandshrew
    • Donphan (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Sandshrew
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Sandshrew
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Sandshrew
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Sandshrew
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Sandshrew
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Sandshrew
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Sandshrew
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Sandshrew
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Sandshrew
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Sandshrew
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Sandshrew
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Sandshrew
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Sandshrew
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Sandshrew
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Sandshrew
  • Metal ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew
    • Sneasel (Lv. 18) → Sandshrew
    • Prinplup (Lv. 16) → Sandshrew
    • Empoleon (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Lucario (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Weavile (Lv. 18) → Sandshrew
    • Drilbur (Lv. 16) → Sandshrew
    • Excadrill (Lv. 16) → Sandshrew
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa/Zangoose → Sandshrew
  • Crush Claw
    • Sandslash (Start) → Sandshrew
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Sandshrew
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Sandshrew
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Sandshrew
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Sandshrew
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Sandshrew
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Sandshrew
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Sandshrew
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Sandshrew
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Sandshrew
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Sandshrew
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Sandshrew
    • Zoroark (Start) → Sandshrew
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Sandshrew
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Sandshrew
  • Chip AwaygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew
    • Nidoking (Lv. 23) → Sandshrew
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Sandshrew
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Sandshrew
    • Slakoth (Lv. 25) → Sandshrew
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 27) → Sandshrew
    • Slaking (Lv. 27) → Sandshrew
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Sandshrew
    • Sraggy (Lv. 27) → Sandshrew
    • Scrafty (Lv. 27) → Sandshrew
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa → Sandshrew

12. (29) N19bc6g.pngNidoran (Female), (30) Ljs7i1v.pngNidorina, and (31) KfW4g6E.pngNidoqueen (Monster, Field)


Before the Egg Moves are listed, make sure to always pick the "Female" gender when passing egg moves. Without further ado, lets list all the Egg Moves you can get on Nidoran (Female):

  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Lickitung (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Lickilicky (Start) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Female)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Mantine (Start) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Pelipper (Start) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Pelipper (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zubat (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Golbat (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Crobat (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Pelipper (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Female)
  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Ninetales (Start) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Female)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Seel/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Nidoran (Female)
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Nidoran (Female)
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Umbreon (Start) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Rampardos (Start) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zoroark (Start) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Nidoran (Female)
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Nidoran (Female)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Nidoran (Female)
  • Chip Away
    • Nidoqueen (Lv. 23) → Nidoran (Female)

13. (32) SMYJPhI.pngNidoran (Male), (33) k6nsAlC.pngNidorino, and (34) Q5ziThc.pngNidoking (Monster, Field)


Before the Egg Moves are listed, I should note that the Nidoking line is a special case. In order for Nidoran (Male) to recieve the Egg Moves listed here, first you must breed it as a Nidoran (Female). Once that is complete, then the final breeder needs to carry the Egg Move you want. For example, Nidoran (Female) is 4x31 and Natured, but you want the Egg Move Head Smash on your Nidoking. While breeding the Nidoran (Female), you are also breeding the Male Scraggy alongside it. Once Scraggy is complete, then you must level it to 52 or if you accidently evolve it to Scrafty, then level 60. Once you breed on the Head Smash Egg Move, you must the Male gender for the Nidoran egg. Nidoran (Male) is the final breed, so make sure you strategize what Egg Moves you want prior to breeding the Nidoran (Male). Without further ado, lets list all the Egg Moves you can get on Nidoran (Male):


  • Thrash
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Lickitung (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Lickilicky (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Mantine (Start) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Pelipper (Start) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Pelipper (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Zubat (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Golbat (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Crobat (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Pelipper (Start) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Ninetales (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Seel/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
  • ConfusiongLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Psyduck (Lv. 6) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Golduck (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Golduck (Lv. 10) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Slowbro (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • espeon (Evolve) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • espeon (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • espeon (Lv. 9) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Slowking (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Girafarig (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Woobat (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Woobat (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Swoobat (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Gorebyss (Start) → Squirtle →  Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
  • Head SmashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Carnidos (Lv. 46) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Rampardos (Lv. 58) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Tepig (Lv. 37) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Pignite (Lv. 44) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Emboar (Lv. 50) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Scraggy (Lv. 52) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • Scrafty (Lv.. 60) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Phanpy → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]
  • Chip Away
    • Nidoking (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]

14. (173) SfnFRk8.pngCleffa (Cannot Breed), (35) E2QFFEZ.pngClefairy, and (36) uodMoZD.pngClefable (Fairy)

  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Politoed (Start) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Wooper (BP) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Quagsire (BP) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Lickitung (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Snorlax (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Spheal → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Spheal → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Spheal → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 38) → Spheal → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Darumanitan (Zen) [Lv. 38] (Currently not implemented) → Spheal → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • Audino (BP) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Snubbull → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • delibird (Start) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Togekiss (Start) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Absol (BP) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Girafarig/Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
  • Aromatherapy
    • Roselia (Lv. 50) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Roserade (Start) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Vileplume (Start) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Paras (Lv. 43) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Parasect (Lv. 51) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Chikorita (Lv. 42) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Bayleef (Lv. 50) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Meganium (Lv. 60) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Snivy (BP) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Servine (BP) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Serperior (BP) → Hoppip → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Pikachu → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty/Mawile → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
  • Heal Pulse
    • Audino (Lv. 44) → Clefairy
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 45) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Slowbro (Start) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Slowbro (Lv. 51) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Slowking (Start) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)
    • Slowking (Lv. 45) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Clefairy (Baby will be Cleffa)

15. (37) 1Hycnga.pngVulpix and (38) 27CGvCk.pngNinetales (Field)

  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix
    • Seel (BP) → Vulpix
    • Dewgong (BP) → Vulpix
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Vulpix
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Vulpix
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Vulpix
    • Piloswine (Start) → Vulpix
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Vulpix
    • Donphan (Start) → Vulpix
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Vulpix
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Vulpix
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Vulpix
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Vulpix
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Vulpix
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Vulpix
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Vulpix
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Vulpix
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Vulpix
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Vulpix
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Vulpix
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Vulpix
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Vulpix
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Vulpix
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Vulpix
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Vulpix
  • MementogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix
    • Stunky (Lv. 33) → Vulpix
    • Skuntank (Lv. 33) → Vulpix
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett/delibird/Zorua → Vulpix
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → delibird → Vulpix
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → delibird → Vulpix
  • HowlgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix
    • Growlithe (Lv. 4) → Vulpix
    • arcanine (Start) → Vulpix
    • Houndour (Lv. 4) → Vulpix
    • Houndoom (Start) → Vulpix
    • Houndoom (Lv. 4) → Vulpix
    • Poochyena (Lv. 4) → Vulpix
    • Mightyena (Start) → Vulpix
    • Mightyena (Lv. 4) → Vulpix
    • Whismur (Lv. 10) → Vulpix
    • Loudred (Start) → Vulpix
    • Loudred (Lv. 11) → Vulpix
    • Exploud (Start) → Vulpix
    • Exploud (Lv. 11) → Vulpix
    • Electrike (Lv. 8 ) → Vulpix
    • Manectric (Start) → Vulpix
    • Manectric (Lv. 7) → Vulpix
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Numel/Shinx/Lucario/Lillpup → Vulpix
  • Healing WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix
    • Buneary (Lv. 52) → Vulpix
    • Lopunny (Start) → Vulpix
    • Lopunny (Lv. 52) → Vulpix

16. (174) bUdk0Ec.pngIgglybuff (Cannot Breed), (39) yYfInM4.pngJigglypuff, and (40) zoobXS7.pngWigglytuff (Fairy)

  • Perish SonggLkTe2q.png
    • Lapras (Lv. 60) → Marill → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Politoed (Start) → Marill → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglypuff)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Marill → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Absol (Start) → Seel → Marill → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Absol (Lv. 55) → Seel → Marill → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • Audino (BP) → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Snubbull → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • delibird (Start) → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Togekiss (Start) → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglypuff)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Absol (BP) → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Girafarig/Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slaking (Start) → Mawile -Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Mawile -Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Mawile -Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Houndour/Seviper/Absol/Stunky → Mawile → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
  • Heal Pulse
    • Audino (Lv. 44) → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 45) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slowbro (Start) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slowbro (Lv. 51) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slowking (Start) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)
    • Slowking (Lv. 45) → Chikorita → Cherubi → Jigglypuff (Baby will be Igglybuff)

17. (41) XpmGfwW.pngZubat, (42) mTTmvua.pngGolbat, and (169) kfxzk1H.pngCrobat (Flying)

  • GustgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • Pigeotto (Start) → Zubat
    • Pidgotto (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • Pigdeot (Start) → Zubat
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • Pidove (Start) → Zubat
    • Tranquill (Start) → Zubat
    • Unfezant (Start) → Zubat
    • Woobat (Start) → Zubat
    • Woobat (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • Swoobat (Start) → Zubat
    • Swoobat (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • sigilyph (Start) → Zubat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Mantine (BP) → Wingull/Ducklett → Zubat
    • Masquerain (Lv. 17) → Wingull/Ducklett → Zubat
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Zubat
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Zubat
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Zubat
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Zubat
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Dodrio (Start) → Zubat
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • Swellow (Start) → Zubat
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Zubat
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Pelipper (Start) → Zubat
    • Starly (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Staravia (Start) → Zubat
    • Starvia (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Staraptor (Start) → Zubat
    • Staraptor (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Zubat
    • Tranquill (Start) → Zubat
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Zubat
    • Unfezant (Start) → Zubat
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Zubat
    • Archen (Start) → Zubat
    • Archeops (Start) → Zubat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Raticate (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Pikachu (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Raichu (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Ninetales (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Ponyta (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Rapidash (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Tauros (BP) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Combusken (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Blaziken (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Absol (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Floatzel (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Weavile (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Blitzle (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Zubat
  • Pursuit
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Zubat
    • Fearow (Start) → Zubat
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Zubat
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Zubat
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Zubat
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Zubat
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Zubat
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Zubat
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Zubat
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu → Zubat
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Zubat
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Zubat

18. (43) cW1cSB7.pngOddish, (44) HYjhb0H.pngGloom, (45) 3c7WQtX.pngVileplume and (182) sOowpTd.pngBellossom (Plant)

  • Razor Leaf
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 12) → Oddish
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 12) → Oddish
    • Venusaur (Lv. 12) → Oddish
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 39) → Oddish
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 44) → Oddish
    • Victreeebel (Start) → Oddish
    • Chikorita (Lv. 6) → Oddish
    • Bayleef (Start) → Oddish
    • Bayleef (Lv. 6) → Oddish
    • Meganium (Start) → Oddish
    • Meganium (Lv. 6) → Oddish
    • Sunkern (Lv. 16) → Oddish
    • Sunflora (Lv. 16) → Oddish
    • Lombre (Evolve) → Oddish
    • Nuzleaf (Start) → Oddish
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 14) → Oddish
    • Shiftry (Start) → Oddish
    • Tropius (Start) → Oddish
    • Turtwig (Lv. 13) → Oddish
    • Grotle (Lv. 13) → Oddish
    • Torterra (Start) → Oddish
    • Torterra (Lv. 14) → Oddish
    • Snover (Lv. 20) → Oddish
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Oddish
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 20) → Oddish
    • Cottonee (Lv. 15) → Oddish
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Oddish
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Oddish
    • Lombre (Start) → Oddish
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Oddish
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Paras → Oddish
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Paras → Oddish
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Paras → Oddish
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Paras → Oddish
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Paras → Oddish
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Paras → Oddish
    • Escavalier (Start) → Paras → Oddish
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Paras → Oddish
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Paras → Oddish
    • Snorlax (Start) → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Seel (BP) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Dewgong (BP) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Milotic (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Relicanth (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Krabby (Lv. 29) → Kabuto → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Kingler (Lv. 31) → Kabuto → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Gyarados (Start) → Remoraid→ Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Basculin (Lv. 6) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Krabby (Lv. 29) → Tirtouga → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
    • Kingler (Lv. 31) → Tirtouga → Squirtle → Chikorita → Oddish
  • Ingrain
    • Tangela (Lv. 52) → Oddish
    • Tangela (Start) → Oddish
    • Sunkern (Lv. 4) → Oddish
    • Sunflora (Lv. 4) → Oddish
    • Roselia (Lv. 55) → Oddish
    • Cacnea (Lv. 22) → Oddish
    • Cacturne (Lv. 22) → Oddish
    • Roserade (Start) → Oddish
    • Carnivine (Lv. 21) → Oddish
    • Snover (Lv. 35) → Oddish
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 35) → Oddish
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Oddish
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 52) → Oddish
    • Maractus (Start) → Oddish
    • Maractus (Lv. 33) → Oddish
    • Foongus (Lv. 32) → Oddish
    • Amoongus (Lv. 32) → Oddish
    • Ferroseed (Lv. 15) → Oddish
    • Ferrothorn (Lv. 15) → Oddish
  • Teeter DancegLkTe2q.png
    • Bellsprout (BP) → Oddish
    • Weepinbell (BP) → Oddish
    • Victreebel (BP) → Oddish
    • Lombre (Start) → Oddish
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Oddish
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 52) → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Spinda (Lv. 32) → Cacnea → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Pikachu (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Raichu (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Whismur (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Loudred (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Exploud (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Grumpig (Evolve) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
    • Grumpig (Lv. 32) → Buneary → Cacnea → Oddish
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Oddish
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Oddish
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Lotad → Oddish
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Lotad → Oddish
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Lotad → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola → Lotad → Oddish
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Cherubi → Oddish
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Cherubi → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Cherubi → Oddish
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Oddish
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Oddish
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Oddish
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Cherubi → Oddish

19. (46) 6gVROki.pngParas and (47) tZWFU5Z.pngParasect (Plant, Bug)

  • Leech SeedgLkTe2q.png
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Paras
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Paras
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Paras
    • Venusaur (Start) → Paras
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Paras
    • Oddish (BP) → Paras
    • Gloom (BP) → Paras
    • Vileplume (BP) → Paras
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Paras
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Paras
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Paras
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Paras
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Paras
    • Bellossom (BP) → Paras
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Paras
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Paras
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Paras
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Paras
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Paras
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Paras
    • Breloom (Start) → Paras
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Paras
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Paras
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Paras
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Paras
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Paras
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Paras
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Paras
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Paras
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Paras
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Paras
    • Roserade (Start) → Paras
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Paras
    • Cherrim (Start) → Paras
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Paras
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Paras
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Paras
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Paras
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Paras
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Paras
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Paras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot → Paras
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot → Paras
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot → Paras
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot → Paras
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Paras
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Paras
  • Flail
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Paras
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Paras
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Paras
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Paras
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Paras
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Paras
    • Escavalier (Start) → Paras
    • Snorlax (Start) → Chikorita → Paras
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Chikorita → Paras
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Chikorita → Paras
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Chikorita → Paras
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Paras
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Paras
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Paras
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch → Paras
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • Beedrill (Lv. 17) → Paras
    • Scyther (Lv. 9) → Paras
    • Yanma (Lv. 30) → Paras
    • Scizor (Lv. 9) → Paras
    • Skorupi (Lv. 16) → Paras
    • Drapion (Lv. 16) → Paras
    • Yanmega (Lv. 30) → Paras
    • Venipede (Lv. 12) → Paras
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 12) → Paras
    • Scolipede (Lv. 12) → Paras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snivy → Paras
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Snivy → Paras
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Snivy → Paras
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Snivy → Paras
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Snivy → Paras
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Snivy → Paras
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Snivy → Paras
    • Umbreon (Start) → Snivy → Paras
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Snivy → Paras 
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Snivy → Paras
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Snivy → Paras
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Snivy → Paras
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Snivy → Paras
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Snivy → Paras
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Snivy → Paras
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Snivy → Paras
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Snivy → Paras
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Snivy → Paras
    • Zoroark (Start) → Snivy → Paras
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Snivy → Paras
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Snivy → Paras
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Snivy → Paras
  • Wide Guard
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble → Paras

20. (48) 8OUvC2B.pngVenonat and (49) lW4Cveo.pngVenomoth (Bug)

  • Morning Sun
    • Butterfree (BP) → Venonat
    • Scyther (BP) → Venonat
    • Scizor (BP) → Venonat
    • Beautifly (Lv. 17) → Venonat
  • Rage Powder
    • Butterfree (Lv. 40) → Venonat
    • Paras (Lv. 49) → Venonat
    • Parasect (Lv. 59) → Venonat
    • Volcarona (Start) → Venonat
    • Volcarona (Lv. 78) → Venonat

21. (50) TEy3Tv3.pngDiglett and (51) gfl8WdU.pngDugtrio (Field)

  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Diglett
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Diglett
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Diglett
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Diglett
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Diglett
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Diglett
    • Umbreon (Start) → Diglett
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Diglett
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Diglett
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Diglett
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Diglett
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Diglett
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Diglett
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Diglett
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Diglett
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Diglett
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Diglett
    • Zoroark (Start) → Diglett
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Diglett
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Diglett
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Diglett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Diglett
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Diglett
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Diglett
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Diglett
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Diglett
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Diglett
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Diglett
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Diglett
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Diglett
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Diglett
  • MementogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett
    • Stunky (Lv. 33) → Diglett
    • Skuntank (Lv. 33) → Diglett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix/delibird/Zorua → Diglett
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → delibird → Diglett
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → delibird → Diglett
  • Final GambitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett
    • Mankey (Lv. 50) → Diglett
    • Primeape (Start) → Diglett
    • Primeape (Lv. 57) → Diglett
    • Lucario (Start) → Diglett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Farfech'd/Zangoose/Seviper → Diglett
    • Starly (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Diglett
    • Staravia (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd → Diglett
    • Staraptor (Lv. 57) → Farfetch'd → Diglett

22. (52) p1zgQQY.pngMeowth and (53) ZqbzIeg.pngPersian (Field)

  • Tail WhipgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth
    • Rattata (Start) → Meowth
    • Raticate (Start) → Meowth
    • Pikachu (Start) → Meowth
    • Raichu (Start) → Meowth
    • Vulpix (Start) → Meowth
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Ninetales (Start) → Meowth
    • Psyduck (Start) → Meowth
    • Psyduck (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Golduck (Start) → Meowth
    • Golduck (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Ponyta (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Rapidash (Start) → Meowth
    • Rapidash (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Meowth
    • Rhydon (Start) → Meowth
    • Tauros (Start) → Meowth
    • Tauros (Lv. 3) → Meowth
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Meowth
    • Aipom (Start) → Meowth
    • Wooper (Start) → Meowth
    • Quagsire (Start) → Meowth
    • Snubbull (Start) → Meowth
    • Granbull (Start) → Meowth
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Linoone (Start) → Meowth
    • Linoone (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Skitty (Start) → Meowth
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Meowth
    • Kecleon (Start) → Meowth
    • Ambipom (Start) → Meowth
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Meowth
    • Tepig (Lv. 3) → Meowth
    • Pignite (Start) → Meowth
    • Pignite (Lv. 3) → Meowth
    • Emboar (Start) → Meowth
    • Emboar (Lv. 3) → Meowth
    • Oshawott (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Dewott (Start) → Meowth
    • Dewott (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Samurott (Start) → Meowth
    • Samurott (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Blitzle (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Meowth
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Emolga (Start) → Meowth
    • Emolga (Lv. 7) → Meowth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu/Glameow/Minccino → Meowth
    • Marill (Start) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Marill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Azumarill (Start) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Azumarill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Hoppip (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Skiploom (Start) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Skiploom (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Jumpluff (Start) → Pachirisu → Meowth
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Meowth
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth
    • Seel (BP) → Meowth
    • Dewgong (BP) → Meowth
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Meowth
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Meowth
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Meowth
    • Piloswine (Start) → Meowth
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Meowth
    • Donphan (Start) → Meowth
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Meowth
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Meowth
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Meowth
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Meowth
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Meowth
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Meowth
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Meowth
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Meowth
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Meowth
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Meowth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Meowth
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Meowth
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Meowth
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Meowth
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Meowth
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Meowth
  • AssistgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth
    • Skitty (Lv. 31) → Meowth
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Meowth
    • Glameow (Lv. 29) → Meowth
    • Purugly (Lv. 29) → Meowth
    • Purrloin (Lv. 6) → Meowth
    • Liepard (Start) → Meowth
    • Liepard (Lv. 6) → Meowth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sentret/Sneasel/Spinda/Chimchar → Meowth
  • Odor SleuthgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth
    • Growlithe (Lv. 10) → Meowth
    • arcanine (Start) → Meowth
    • Griafarig (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Swinub (Start) → Meowth
    • Piloswine (Start) → Meowth
    • Houndour (Lv. 20) → Meowth
    • Houndoom (Lv. 20) → Meowth
    • Phanpy (Start) → Meowth
    • Donphan (Start) → Meowth
    • Poochyena (Lv. 13) → Meowth
    • Mightyena (Lv. 13) → Meowth
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) → Meowth
    • Linoone (Lv. 13) → Meowth
    • Electrike (Lv. 16) → Meowth
    • Manectric (Lv. 16) → Meowth
    • Spoink (Lv. 10) → Meowth
    • Grumpig (Start) → Meowth
    • Grumpig (Lv. 10) → Meowth
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Meowth
    • Tepig (Lv. 9) → Meowth
    • Pignite (Start) → Meowth
    • Pignite (Lv. 9) → Meowth
    • Emboar (Start) → Meowth
    • Emboar (Lv. 9) → Meowth
    • Lillipup (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Herdier (Start) → Meowth
    • Herdier (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Stoutland (Start) → Meowth
    • Stoutland (Lv. 5) → Meowth
    • Woobat (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Swoobat (Start) → Meowth
    • Swoobat (Lv. 4) → Meowth
    • Heatmor (Lv. 6) → Meowth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Bidoof/Buizel/Deerling → Meowth
    • Snorlax (Start) → Mareep → Meowth
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Meowth
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Meowth
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Meowth
    • Slaking (Start) → Meowth
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Meowth
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Meowth
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Meowth
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Meowth
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Meowth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour/Mawile/Seviper/Absol/Stunky → Meowth

23. (54) LkDVynC.pngPsyduck and (55) K4mUzvF.pngGolduck (Water A, Field)

  • PsybeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • espeon (Lv. 25) → Psyduck
    • Girafarig (Lv. 19) → Psyduck
    • Remoraid (Lv. 12) → Psyduck
    • Octillery (Start) → Psyduck
    • Octillery (Lv. 12) → Psyduck
    • Mantine (Start) → Psyduck
    • Spoink (Lv. 14) → Psyduck
    • Grumpig (Start) → Psyduck
    • Grumpig (Lv. 14) → Psyduck
    • Spinda (Lv. 14) → Psyduck
    • Kecleon (Lv. 18) → Psyduck
    • Munna (Lv. 8 ) → Psyduck
    • Musharna (Start) → Psyduck
    • Butterfree (Lv. 16) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Venonat (Lv. 17) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Venomoth (Lv. 17) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Dustox (Lv. 22) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Mothim (Lv. 32) → Surskit → Psyduck
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Sentret (Start) → Psyduck
    • Furret (Start) → Psyduck
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Psyduck
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Psyduck
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Psyduck
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Psyduck
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd → Psyduck
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Psyduck
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Psyduck
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Psyduck
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa/Lucario →  Psyduck
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Lucario → Psyduck
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Lucario → Psyduck
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Lucario → Psyduck
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Pikachu (BP) → Psyduck
    • Raichu (BP) → Psyduck
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Psyduck
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Psyduck
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Psyduck
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Psyduck
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Psyduck
    • Slakoth (Start) → Psyduck
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • Slaking (Start) → Psyduck
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Psyduck
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Psyduck
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Psyduck
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Psyduck
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Psyduck
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Psyduck
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 15) → Psyduck
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Psyduck
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Psyduck
    • Musharna (Start) → Psyduck
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Squirtle/Mudkip → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Psyduck
    • Slugma (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Psyduck
    • Magcargo (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Psyduck
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk -. Psyduck
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Psyduck
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Psyduck
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • LvHFzno.pngRaticate (BP) → Psyduck
    • B6lSelF.pngArbok (BP) → Psyduck
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Psyduck
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck
    • Milotic (Start) → Psyduck
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Lapras
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Psyduck
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Psyduck
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Psyduck
    • Shroomish (BP) → Marill → Psyduck
    • Breloom (BP) → Marill → Psyduck
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Psyduck
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Psyduck
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Psyduck
  • Mud BombgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Psyduck
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Psyduck
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Psyduck
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Psyduck
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Psyduck
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Psyduck
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Psyduck
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Psyduck
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Psyduck
    • Piloswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Psyduck
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Psyduck
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Psyduck
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Psyduck
    • Mamosine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty/Numel → Psyduck
  • SynchronoisegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Whismur (Lv. 43) → Psyduck
    • Loudred (Lv. 50) → Psyduck
    • Exploud (Lv. 53) → Psyduck
    • Kecleon (Lv. 50) → Psyduck
    • Munna (Lv. 25) → Psyduck
    • Musharna (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Woobat → Psyduck
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 43) → Woobat → Psyduck
    • Noctowl (Lv. 51) → Woobat → Psyduck
    • Chatot (Lv. 43) → Woobat → Psyduck
    • sigilyph (Lv. 31) → Woobat → Psyduck
  • Simple BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Woobat (Lv. 55) → Psyduck
    • Swoobat (Lv. 55) → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/Zigzagoon/Skitty/Spoink → Psyduck
    • Audino (Lv. 36) → Skitty → Psyduck
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Psyduck
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Psyduck
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Psyduck
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Psyduck

24. (56) DmqC8hL.pngMankey and (57) vgUX6Ps.pngPrimeape (Field)

  • meditategLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 5) → Mankey
    • Mienshao (Start) → Mankey
    • Mienshao (Lv. 5) → Mankey
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey
    • Sentret (Start) → Mankey
    • Furret (Start) → Mankey
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Mankey
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Mankey
    • Buneary (Start) → Mankey
    • Lopunny (Start) → Mankey
    • Lucario (Start) → Mankey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Mankey
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Mankey
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Mankey
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Mankey
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Mankey
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd → Mankey
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur/Spinda/Mienfoo → Mankey
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Mankey
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Spinda → Mankey
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Mankey
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Mankey
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Mankey
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Mankey
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Mankey
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Mankey
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Mankey
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Mankey
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Mankey
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Mankey
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Mankey
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Mankey
    • Zoroark (Start) → Mankey
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Mankey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Mankey

25. (58) Ml26kjB.pngGrowlithe and (59) 7PekIBD.pngarcanine (Field)

  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Growlithe
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Growlithe
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Growlithe
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Growlithe
    • Nidoking (Start) → Growlithe
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Growlithe
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Growlithe
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Growlithe
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Growlithe
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Growlithe
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Growlithe
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Growlithe
    • Combusken (Start) → Growlithe
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Growlithe
    • Blaziken (Start) → Growlithe
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Growlithe
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Growlithe
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Growlithe
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Growlithe
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Growlithe
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Growlithe
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Growlithe
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Growlithe
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Growlithe
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Growlithe
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Growlithe
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Growlithe
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Growlithe
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Growlithe
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Growlithe
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Growlithe
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Growlithe
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Growlithe
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Growlithe
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Growlithe
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Growlithe
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Growlithe
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Growlithe
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Growlithe
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Growlithe
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Growlithe
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Growlithe
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Growlithe
    • Beartic (Start) → Growlithe
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Growlithe
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Growlithe
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ponyta/Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Stantler/Wailmer/Tepig → Growlithe
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Growlithe
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Growlithe
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Growlithe
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Growlithe
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Growlithe
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Growlithe
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer →  Growlithe
  • Morning SungLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe
    • Nidoran (Male) [BP] → Growlithe
    • Nidorino (BP) → Growlithe
    • Nidoking (BP) → Growlithe
    • espeon (Lv. 30) → Growlithe
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ponyta → Growlithe

26. (60) pCZ8B3p.pngPoliwag, (61) 9nY8pss.pngPoliwhirl, (62) 7jUd56G.pngPoliwrath, and (186) MunPBGw.pngPolitoed (Water A)

  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Poliwag
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Poliwag
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Poliwag
    • Remoraid (BP) → Poliwag
    • Octillery (BP) → Poliwag
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Poliwag
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Poliwag
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Poliwag
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Poliwag
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Poliwag
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Poliwag
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Poliwag
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Poliwag
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Poliwag
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Poliwag
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas →  Poliwag
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Poliwag
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Poliwag
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Poliwag
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Poliwag
  • SplashgLkTe2q.png
    • Marill (Pre-Evo) → Poliwag
    • Azumarill (Pre-Evo) → Poliwag
    • Feebas (Start) → Poliwag
    • Milotic (Start) → Poliwag
    • Magikarp (Start) → Horsea → Poliwag
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea → Poliwag
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Wailmer (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Wailord (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Spoink (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Grumpig (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Buneary (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Lopunny (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
  • Mind Reader
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Poliwag
    • Poliwrath (Lv. 43) → Poliwag
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Poliwag
    • Milotic (Start) → Poliwag
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Poliwag
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Poliwag
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Raticate (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Arbok (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Poliwag
    • Shroomish (BP) → Marill → Poliwag
    • Breloom (BP) → Marill → Poliwag
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Poliwag
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Poliwag
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Poliwag
  • Ice BallgLkTe2q.png
    • Spheal (Lv. 13) → Poliwag
    • Sealeo (Lv. 13) → Poliwag
    • Walrein (Lv. 13) → Poliwag
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Poliwag

27. (63) TjDDfeq.pngabra, (64) k4yopgL.pngkadabra, and (65) McrrkTT.pngalakazam (Humanoid)

  • Confusion
    • kadabra (Start) → abra
    • kadabra (Lv. 16) → abra
    • alakazam (Start) → abra
    • alakazam (Lv. 16) → abra
  • Barrier
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → abra
  • Psycho ShiftgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → abra
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Spinda → abra
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 15) → Woobat → Spinda → abra
    • Noctowl (Lv. 15) → Woobat → Spinda → abra
    • natu (Lv. 26) → Woobat → Spinda → abra
    • xatu (Lv. 28) → Woobat → Spinda → abra
  • Power Trick
    • meditite (Lv. 36) →  abra
    • medicham (Lv. 36) → abra
  • Guard SplitgLkTe2q.png
    • Elgyem (Lv. 24) → abra
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 24) → abra
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → abra
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Spinda → abra

28. (66) QrnZteH.pngMachop, (67) PfGTIsk.pngMachoke, and (68) EzdsR3h.pngMachamp (Humanoid)

  • Rolling Kick
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Machop
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 9) → Machop
    • Hitmontop (Evolve) → Machop
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Machop
  • meditate
    • Drowzee (Lv. 21) → Machop
    • Hypno (Lv. 21) → Machop
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Machop
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 5) → Machop
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 8 ) → Machop
    • meditite (Lv. 4) → Machop
    • medicham (Start) → Machop
    • medicham (Lv. 4) → Machop
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 5) → Machop
    • Mienshao (Start) → Machop
    • Mienshao (Lv. 5) → Machop
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Machop
    • Hariyama (Lv. 28) → Machop
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda/Mienfoo → Machop
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur → Spinda → Machop
  • Tickle
    • Mr. Mime (Pre-Evo) → Machop
    • Sableye (BP) → Machop
    • Gothita (Lv. 8 ) → Machop
    • Gothorita (Start) → Machop
    • Gothorita (Lv. 7) → Machop
    • Gothitelle (Start) → Machop
    • Gothitelle (Lv. 7) → Machop
  • Power Trick
    • meditite (Lv. 36) → Machop
    • medicham (Lv. 36) → Machop
  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Machop
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Machop
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Machop
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Machop
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Machop
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Machop
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Machop
    • Mienshao (Start) → Machop
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar → Machop

29. (69) 1Qh0Em5.pngBellsprout, (70) BIkkMzJ.pngWeepinbell, and (71) keJTLVK.pngVictreebel (Plant)

  • Ingrain
    • Tangela (Lv. 52) → Bellsprout
    • Tangela (Start) → Bellsprout
    • Sunkern (Lv. 4) → Bellsprout
    • Sunflora (Lv. 4) → Bellsprout
    • Roselia (Lv. 55) → Bellsprout
    • Cacnea (Lv. 22) → Bellsprout
    • Cacturne (Lv. 22) → Bellsprout
    • Roserade (Start) → Bellsprout
    • Carnivine (Lv. 21) → Bellsprout
    • Snover (Lv. 35) → Bellsprout
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 35) → Bellsprout
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Bellsprout
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 52) → Bellsprout
    • Maractus (Start) → Bellsprout
    • Maractus (Lv. 33) → Bellsprout
    • Foongus (Lv. 32) → Bellsprout
    • Amoongus (Lv. 32) → Bellsprout
    • Ferroseed (Lv. 15) → Bellsprout
    • Ferrothorn (Lv. 15) → Bellsprout
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Bellsprout
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Bellsprout
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Lotad → Bellsprout
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Lotad → Bellsprout
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Lotad → Bellsprout
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola → Lotad → Bellsprout
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Bellsprout
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Cherubi → Bellsprout
  • Clear Smog
    • Foongus (Lv. 20) → Bellsprout
    • Amoonguss (Lv. 20) → Bellsprout

30. (72) bJEfrvl.pngTentacool and (73) Pw2toad.pngTentacruel (Water C)

  • Aurora BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • Shellder (Lv. 24) → Tentacool
    • Cloyster (Start) → Tentacool
    • Seel (Lv. 27) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Dewgong (Lv. 27) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Octillery (Start) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Octillary (Lv. 16) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Spheal (Lv. 28) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Sealeo (Lv. 28) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Walrein (Lv. 28) → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Omanyte → Tentacool
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → delibird → Omanyte → Tentacool
  • Bubble
    • Krabby (Start) → Tentacool
    • Kingler (Start) → Tentacool
    • Corsola (Lv. 4) → Tentacool
    • Corphish (Start) → Tentacool
    • Crawdaunt (Start) → Tentacool
  • Rapid SpingLkTe2q.png
    • Squirtle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Wartortle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Blastoise (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Sandslash (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Donphan (Lv. 6) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Torkoal (Lv. 8 ) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Drilbur (Start) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Drilbur (Lv. 5) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Excadrill (Start) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Tentacool
  • Tickle
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Tentacool
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Tentacool
  • Acupressure
    • Skorupi (Lv. 45) → Tentacool
    • Drapion (Lv. 49) → Tentacool
  • Aqua Ring
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Tentacool

31. (74) 53a2ww9.pngGeodude, (75) vdzGlQP.pngGraveler, and (76) 856u8mm.pngGolem (Mineral)

  • Flail
    • Sudowoodo (Start) → Geodude
    • Sudowoodo (Lv. 5) → Geodude
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Geodude
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Geodude
  • Hammer Arm
    • Sudowoodo (Start) → Geodude
    • Sudowoodo (Lv. 50) → Geodude
  • Wide Guard
    • probopass (Start) → Geodude
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Geodude
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Geodude
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Geodude
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Geodude
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Geodude
  • Autotomize
    • Steelix (Lv. 8 ) → Geodude

32. (77) dFrjGAM.pngPonyta and (78) 39bsYnb.pngRapidash (Field)

  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ponyta
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Ponyta
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Ponyta
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Ponyta
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Ponyta
    • Nidoking (Start) → Ponyta
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Ponyta
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Ponyta
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Ponyta
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Ponyta
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Ponyta
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Ponyta
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Ponyta
    • Combusken (Start) → Ponyta
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Ponyta
    • Blaziken (Start) → Ponyta
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Ponyta
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Ponyta
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Ponyta
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Ponyta
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Ponyta
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Ponyta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Ponyta
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Ponyta
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Ponyta
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Ponyta
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Ponyta
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ponyta
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Ponyta
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Ponyta
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Ponyta
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Ponyta
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Ponyta
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Ponyta
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Ponyta
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Ponyta
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Ponyta
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Ponyta
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Ponyta
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Ponyta
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Ponyta
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Ponyta
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Ponyta
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Ponyta
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Ponyta
    • Beartic (Start) → Ponyta
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Ponyta
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Ponyta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Stantler/Wailmer/Tepig → Ponyta
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Ponyta
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Ponyta
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Ponyta
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Ponyta
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Ponyta
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Ponyta
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Ponyta
  • Morning SungLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ponyta
    • Nidoran (Male) [BP] → Ponyta
    • Nidorino (BP) → Ponyta
    • Nidoking (BP) → Ponyta
    • espeon (Lv. 30) → Ponyta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe → Ponyta

33. (79) NM008DW.pngSlowpoke, (80) 11heclP.pngSlowbro, and (199) HwoKUFR.pngSlowking (Monster, Water A)

  • Stomp
    • Lickitung (Lv. 30) → Slowpoke
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Slowpoke
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Slowpoke
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Slowpoke
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Slowpoke
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Slowpoke
    • Tropius (Lv. 10) → Slowpoke
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 30) → Slowpoke
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Slowpoke
    • Exeggutor (Evolve) → Snover → Slowpoke
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover → Slowpoke
  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Slowpoke
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Lickitung (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke
    • Snorlax (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke
    • Politoed (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Wooper (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Quagsire (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal → Slowpoke
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Spheal → Slowpoke
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Spheal → Slowpoke
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Spheal → Slowpoke
    • Darumanitan (Lv. 38) → Spheal → Slowpoke
    • Darumanitan (Zen) [Lv. 38] (Currently not implemented) → Spheal → Slowpoke
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Golduck (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Slowpoke
    • Quagsire (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Slowpoke
    • Corsola (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Slowpoke
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Slowpoke
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Slowpoke
    • Surskit (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Masquerain (BP) → Slowpoke
    • Relicanth (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Slowpoke
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Slowpoke
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Slowpoke
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Slowpoke
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Slowpoke
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Slowpoke
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Slowpoke
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Slowpoke
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Slowpoke
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Slowpoke
  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • Golduck (Start) → Slowpoke
    • Lickitung (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke
    • Sentret (Lv. 42)  → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • Stantler (Start)  → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • Stantler (Lv. 55)  → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • Absol (Lv. 41)  → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • Lucario (Lv. 37)  → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Buizel/Blitzle/Sandile/Mienfoo → Buizel → Slowpoke
    • natu (Lv. 50) → Ducklett → Slowpoke
    • xatu (Lv. 57) → Ducklett → Slowpoke

34. (81) 86qT8m7.pngMagnemite, (82) rxb61fL.pngMagneton, and (462) Ux0XG6Z.pngMagnezone (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


35. (83) zuavEDB.pngFarfetch'd (Flying, Field)

  • GustgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgey (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • Pigeotto (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgotto (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • Pigdeot (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidove (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Woobat (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Woobat (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • Swoobat (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Swoobat (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • sigilyph (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Mantine (BP) → Wingull/Ducklett → Farfetch'd
    • Masquerain (Lv. 17) → Wingull/Ducklett → Farfetch'd
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd
    • Raticate (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd
    • Pikachu (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd
    • Raichu (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd
    • Ninetales (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Ponyta (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd
    • Rapidash (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Tauros (BP) → Farfetch'd
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd
    • Combusken (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd
    • Blaziken (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Pelipper (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Absol (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd
    • Starly (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Staravia (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Starvia (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Staraptor (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Staraptor (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd
    • Floatzel (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Weavile (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd
    • Blitzle (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird/Seedot/Bidoof/Shinx/Glameow/Purrloin → Farfetch'd
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Farfetch'd
    • Masquerain (Start) → delibird/Bidoof → Farfetch'd
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Farfetch'd
  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Farfetch'd
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 56) → Farfetch'd
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Farfetch'd
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Farfetch'd
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Farfetch'd
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Farfetch'd
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd
    • Seel (BP) → Farfetch'd
    • Dewgong (BP) → Farfetch'd
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd
    • Swinub (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd
    • Piloswine (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd
    • Donphan (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Farfetch'd
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Farfetch'd
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Farfetch'd
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Farfetch'd
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Farfetch'd
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Farfetch'd
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Farfetch'd
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Farfetch'd
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Farfetch'd
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Farfetch'd
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Sentret (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd
    • Buneary (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Lopunny (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Farfetch'd
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Farfetch'd
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Farfetch'd
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Farfetch'd
  • Trump CardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Eevee (Lv. 45) → Farfetch'd
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Oshawott → Farfetch'd
  • Simple BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Woobat (Lv. 55) → Farfetch'd
    • Swoobat (Lv. 55) → Farfetch'd
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Zigzagoon/Skitty/Spoink → Farfetch'd
    • Audino (Lv. 36) → Skitty → Farfetch'd
  • Final GambitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd
    • Mankey (Lv. 50) → Farfetch'd
    • Primeape (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • Primeape (Lv. 57) → Farfetch'd
    • Starly (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd
    • Staravia (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd
    • Staraptor (Lv. 57) → Farfetch'd
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Diglett/Zangoose/Seviper → Farfetch'd

36. (84) LSBs0rY.pngDoduo and (85) ZyadmDT.pngDodrio (Flying)

  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Zubat (Start) → Doduo
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Doduo
    • Golbat (Start) → Doduo
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Doduo
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Doduo
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Doduo
    • Crobat (Start) → Doduo
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Doduo
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Duduo
    • Pelipper (Start) → Doduo
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Doduo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Doduo
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Woobat → Doduo
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Doduo
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Doduo
  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Doduo
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Doduo
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 56) → Doduo
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Doduo
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Doduo
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Doduo
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Doduo
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Doduo
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Doduo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Zubat (BP) → Doduo
    • Golbat (BP) → Doduo
    • Crobat (BP) → Doduo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Seel (BP) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Dewgong (BP) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Swinub (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Piloswine (Start) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Donphan (Start) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Farfetch'd → Doduo

37. (86) uISQyAF.pngSeel and (87) m0lv8I5.pngDewgong (Water A, Field)

  • SlamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Raichu (Start) → Seel
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Seel
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Seel
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Seel
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Seel
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Seel
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Seel
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Seel
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Seel
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Seel
    • Cinccino (Start) → Seel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Mawile → Seel
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Ekans → Seel
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Ekans → Seel
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Ekans → Seel
    • Deino (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Seel
    • Zweilous (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Seel
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Seel
    • Krabby (Lv. 36) → Omanyte/Tirtouga → Seel
    • Kingler (Lv. 42) → Omanyte/Tirtouga → Seel
  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Seel
    • Ninetales (Start) → Seel
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Nidoran (Male)/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Seel
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Seel
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Seel
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Seel
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Seel
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Seel
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Seel
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Seel
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Seel
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Seel
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Seel
  • PeckgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Nidoran (Male) [Start] → Seel
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 5] → Seel
    • Nidorino (Start) → Seel
    • Nidoking (Start) → Seel
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Seel
    • Piloswine (Start) → Seel
    • Torchic (Lv. 14) → Seel
    • Combusken (Lv. 14) → Seel
    • Blaziken (Lv. 14) → Seel
    • Piplup (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Prinplup (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Empoleon (Lv. 15) → Seel
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Seel
  • LickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Snubbull (Lv. 13) → Seel
    • Granbull (Lv. 13) → Seel
    • Teddiursa (Start) → Seel
    • Ursaring (Start) → Seel
    • Seviper (Lv. 6) → Seel
    • Kecleon (Start) → Seel
    • Pansage (Lv. 7) → Seel
    • Simisage (Start) → Seel
    • Pansear (Lv. 7) → Seel
    • Simisear (Start) → Seel
    • Panpour (Lv. 7) → Seel
    • Simipour (Start) → Seel
    • Heatmor (Start) → Seel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lillipup → Seel
  • Perish SonggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Lapras (Lv. 60) → Seel
    • Politoed (Start) → Seel
    • Absol (Start) → Seel
    • Absol (Lv. 55) → Seel
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper/Numel/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Seel
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper/Numel/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Seel
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper/Numel/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Seel
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel
  • EntrainmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel
    • Buneary (Lv. 40) → Seel
    • Lopunny (Lv. 40) → Seel

38. (88) BYrFRZE.pngGrimer and (89) zStGnXG.pngMuk (Chaos)

  • Lick
    • Gastly (Start) → Grimer
    • Haunter (Start ) → Grimer
    • Gengar (Start) → Grimer
  • Mean Look
    • Gastly (Lv. 8 ) → Grimer
    • Haunter (Start) → Grimer
    • Haunter (Lv. 8 ) → Grimer
    • Gengar (Start) → Grimer
    • Gengar (Lv. 8 ) → Grimer
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 19) → Grimer
    • Duskull (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Dusclops (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Grimer
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Yamask (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Sableye (Lv. 36) → Ralts → Grimer
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Grimer
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Grimer
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Grimer
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Grimer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos → Grimer
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Grimer
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Grimer
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Grimer
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Grimer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos → Grimer
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Grimer
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Grimer
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Grimer
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Grimer
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Grimer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos → Grimer
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Grimer
  • Shadow Punch
    • Haunter (Evolve) → Grimer
    • Haunter (Start) → Grimer
    • Haunter (Lv. 25) → Grimer
    • Gengar (Evolve) → Grimer
    • Gengar (Start) → Grimer
    • Gengar (Lv. 25) → Grimer
    • Dusclops (Evolve) → Grimer
    • Dusclops (Start) → Grimer
    • Dusclops (Lv. 37) → Grimer
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Grimer
  • Shadow Sneak
    • Shuppet (Lv. 13) → Grimer
    • Banette (Lv. 13) → Grimer
    • Duskull (Lv. 8 ) → Grimer
    • Dusclops (Start) → Grimer
    • Dusclops (Lv. 17) → Grimer
    • Spiritomb (Start) → Grimer
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 5) → Grimer
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Grimer
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 17) → Grimer
    • Sableye (Lv. 9) → Ralts → Grimer

39. (90) HPYduEv.pngShellder and (91) HRbG8mM.pngCloyster (Water C)

  • Twineedle
    • Beedrill (Evolve) → Skorupi → Shellder
    • Beedrill (Lv. 16) → Skorupi → Shellder
    • Escavalier (Start) → Skorupi → Shellder
    • Escavalier (Lv. 13) → Skorupi → Shellder
  • Barrier
    • Tentacool (Lv. 28) → Shellder
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 28) → Shellder
    • Dragonite (BP) → Corsola → Shellder
  • Rapid SpingLkTe2q.png
    • Squirtle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Wartortle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Blastoise (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Smeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Sandslash (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Donphan (Lv. 6) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Torkoal (Lv. 8 ) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Drilbur (Start) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Drilbur (Lv. 5) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Excadrill (Start) → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Shellder
  • Aqua Ring
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Shellder

40. (92) Da7HIBD.pngGastly, (93) az8N6RI.pngHaunter, and (94) dDI1KoX.pngGengar (Chaos)

  • Disable
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Gastly
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Gastly
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Gastly
    • Dusclops (Start) → Gastly
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Gastly
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Gastly
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Gastly
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Gastly
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Gastly
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Gastly
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts → Gastly
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Gastly
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts → Gastly
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Gastly
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Gastly
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts → Gastly
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Gastly
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts → Gastly
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform→ Gastly
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Castform → Gastly
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform→ Gastly
  • Smog
    • Koffing (Lv. 4) → Gastly
    • Weezing (Start) → Gastly
    • Weezing (Lv. 4) → Gastly
    • Slugma (Start) → Gastly
    • Magcargo (Start) → Gastly
    • Litwick (Start) → Gastly
    • Litwick (Lv. 5) → Gastly
    • Lampent (Start) → Gastly
    • Lampent (Lv. 5) → Gastly
    • Chandelure (Start) → Gastly
  • Perish Song
    • Gengar (Start) → Gastly
  • Grudge
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 50) → Gastly
    • Shuppet (Lv. 46) → Gastly
    • Banette (Lv. 52) → Gastly
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Gastly
    • Yamask (Lv. 32) → Gastly
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 32) → Gastly
  • Astonish
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 10) → Gastly
    • Duskull (Start) → Gastly
    • Duskull (Lv. 9) → Gaslty
    • Dusclops (Start) → Gastly
    • Dusclops (Lv. 9) → Gaslty
    • Chimecho (Start) → Gastly
    • Chimecho (Lv. 7) → Gaslty
    • Drifloon (Start) → Gastly
    • Drifloon (Lv. 4) → Gaslty
    • Drifblim (Start) → Gastly
    • Drifblim (Lv. 4) → Gaslty
    • Mismagius (Start) → Gastly
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Gastly
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 9) → Gaslty
    • Yamask (Start) → Gastly
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Gastly
    • Litwick (Start) → Gastly
    • Lampent (Start) → Gastly
    • Chandelure (Start) → Gastly
    • Lotad (Start) → Stunfisk → Gastly
    • Lombre (Start) → Stunfisk → Gastly
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Stunfisk → Gastly
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Gastly
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Gastly
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Gastly
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Gastly
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Shellos → Gastly
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck → Shellos → Gastly
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck → Shellos → Gastly
  • Reflect Type
    • Gengar (Start) → Gastly

41. (95) fkz8WGG.pngOnix and (208) wQFr3bM.pngSteelix (Mineral)

  • Flail
    • Sudowoodo (Start) → Onix
    • Sudowoodo (Lv. 5) → Onix
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Onix
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Onix
  • Head Smash
    • Sudowoodo (Lv. 48) → Onix
  • Wide Guard
    • probopass (Start) → Onix
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Onix
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Onix
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Onix
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Onix
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Onix

42. (96) gTMiTOM.pngDrowzee and (97) yzk3geC.pngHypno (Humanoid)

  • Barrier
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Drowzee
  • Flatter
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Drowzee
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Drowzee
    • Croagunk (Lv. 12) → Drowzee
    • Toxicroak (Lv. 12) → Drowzee
    • Gothita (Lv. 40) → Drowzee
    • Gothorita (Lv. 46) → Drowzee
    • Gothitelle (Lv. 48) → Drowzee
  • AssistgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda/Chimchar → Drowzee
    • Skitty (Lv. 31) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • Glameow (Lv. 29) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • Purugly (Lv. 29) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • Purrloin (Lv. 6) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • Liepard (Start) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • Liepard (Lv. 6) → Spinda → Drowzee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Sentret/Sneasel → Spinda → Drowzee
  • Power Split
    • Elgyem (Lv. 24) → Drowzee
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 24) → Drowzee

43. (98) 0i7XYAa.pngKrabby and (99) Hjh7NF7.pngKingler (Water C)

  • Slash
    • Kabuto (Lv. 39) → Krabby
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Krabby
    • Kabutops (Start) → Krabby
    • Kabutops (Lv. 40) → Krabby
    • Anorith (Lv. 28) → Krabby
    • Armaldo (Lv. 28) → Krabby
    • Totodile (Lv. 34) → Corphish → Krabby
    • Croconaw (Lv. 39) → Corphish → Krabby
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 45) → Corphish → Krabby
    • Paras (Lv. 27) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Parasect (Lv. 29) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Scyther (Lv. 24) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Pinsir (Lv. 49) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Gligar (Lv. 27) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Scizor (Lv. 24) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Ninjask (Lv. 50) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Kricketune (Lv. 26) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Yanmega (Lv. 43) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Gliscor (Pre-Evo) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Leavanny (Evolve) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Leavanny (Lv. 39) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Dwebble (Lv. 20) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Crustle (Lv. 20) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Karrablast (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Excavalier (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Joltik (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Krabby
    • Galvantula (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Krabby
  • Tickle
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Krabby
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Krabby
  • Hammer Arm
    • Kingler (Start) → Krabby
  • Night Slash
    • Kabutops (Start) → Krabby
    • Kabutops (Lv. 72) → Krabby
    • Corphish (Lv. 28) → Krabby
    • Crawdaunt (Lv. 28) → Krabby
    • Skorupi (Lv. 36) → Krabby
    • Drapion (Lv. 36) → Krabby
  • Chip Away
    • Totodile (Lv. 29) → Corphish → Krabby
    • Croconaw (Lv. 33) → Corphish → Krabby
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 37) → Corphish → Krabby

44. (100) oQTqAlj.pngVoltorb and (101) 6dggK0T.pngElectrode (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


45. (102) QCIK2RH.pngExeggcute and (103) S8fYCaq.pngExeggutor (Plant)

  • Moonlight
    • Oddish (Lv. 36) → Exeggcute
    • Gloom (Lv. 44) → Exeggcute
    • Vileplume (Start) → Exeggcute
    • Bellossom (Start) → Exeggcute
  • Ingrain
    • Tangela (Lv. 52) → Exeggcute
    • Tangela (Start) → Exeggcute
    • Sunkern (Lv. 4) → Exeggcute
    • Sunflora (Lv. 4) → Exeggcute
    • Roselia (Lv. 55) → Exeggcute
    • Cacnea (Lv. 22) → Exeggcute
    • Cacturne (Lv. 22) → Exeggcute
    • Roserade (Start) → Exeggcute
    • Carnivine (Lv. 21) → Exeggcute
    • Snover (Lv. 35) → Exeggcute
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 35) → Exeggcute
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Exeggcute
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 53) → Exeggcute
    • Maractus (Start) → Exeggcute
    • Maractus (Lv. 33) → Exeggcute
    • Foongus (Lv. 32) → Exeggcute
    • Amoongus (Lv. 32) → Exeggcute
    • Ferroseed (Lv. 15) → Exeggcute
    • Ferrothorn (Lv. 15) → Exeggcute
  • Lucky Chant
    • Oddish (Lv. 23) → Exeggcute
    • Gloom (Lv. 24) → Exeggcute
    • Vileplume (Pre-Evo) → Exeggcute
    • Bellossom (Pre-Evo) → Exeggcute
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Exeggcute
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Exeggcute

46. (104) X8hQPzL.pngCubone and (105) 1j4azBR.pngMarowak (Monster)

  • Double Kick
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Cubone
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Cubone
    • Nidoking (Start) → Cubone
  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • Lickitung (Lv. 60) → Cubone
    • Snorlax (Lv. 48) → Cubone
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 60) → Cubone
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Politoed (Start) → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Wooper (BP) → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Quagsire (BP) → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Darumanitan (Lv. 38) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Cubone
    • Darumanitan (Zen) [Lv. 38] (Currently not implemented) → Spheal → Slowpoke → Cubone
  • Perish Song
    • Lapras (Lv. 60) → Cubone
  • Chip Away
    • Nidoking (Lv. 23) → Cubone
    • Lickitung (Lv. 37) → Cubone
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Cubone
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Cubone
    • Snorlax (Lv. 17) → Cubone
    • Totodile (Lv. 29) → Cubone
    • Croconaw (Lv. 33) → Cubone
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 37) → Cubone
    • Larvitar (Lv. 14) → Cubone
    • Pupitar (Lv. 14) → Cubone
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 14) → Cubone
    • Cranidos (Lv. 28) → Cubone
    • Rampardos (Lv. 28) → Cubone
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 37) → Cubone
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Cubone
    • Druddigon (Lv. 31) → Cubone

47. (236) uC3lz64.pngTyrogue (Cannot Breed), (106) UDGrTZx.pngHitmonlee, (107) tHCXqND.pngHitmonchan, and (237) tr3AmDa.pngHitmontop (Humanoid)


Before the Egg Moves are listed, I should note that the Hitmons are a special case. Gallade, Nidoran (Male), Volbeat, and the Hitmons are the only "Male-Only" pokemon to have Egg Moves. Gallade can grab its egg moves by breeding as a female Ralts, Kirlia, or Gardevoir. Once you make the final breed for Gallade, you can make the gender Male. This is the same case for the Volbeat and Illumise line as well as Nidoran (Male). However, the Hitmons are unique in one regard, they are able to share their egg moves by breeding one of the final forms with a Ditto. For example, Hitmonlee's Hi Jump Kick. You can make your Hitmonchan or Hitmontop have Hi Jump Kick by breeding the Hitmonlee with a Ditto. As a Result, the Tyrogue will have Hi Jump Kick in its movepool. Without further ado, lets list all the moves that can be passed to Tyrogue:


  • Bullet Punch
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 16) → Tyrogue
  • Feint
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 21) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 25) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Tyrogue
  • Hi Jump Kick
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 24) → Tyrogue
  • Mach Punch
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 4) → Tyrogue
  • Mind Reader
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 22) → Tyrogue
  • Pursuit
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 11) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 10) → Tyrogue
  • Rapid Spin
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Tyrogue
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) → Tyrogue

48. (108) B3Hbean.pngLickitung and (463) cpJfDs3.pngLickilicky (Monster)

  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Lickitung
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Lickitung
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Lickitung
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Lickitung
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Lickitung
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Lickitung
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Lickitung
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Lickitung
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Lickitung
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Beartic (Start) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Gyarados (Start) → Gible → Lickitung
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Gible → Lickitung
  • MagnitudegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Sandslash (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Diglett (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Donphan (Lv. 30) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Numel (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • Camerupt (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Tepig → Rhyhorn → Lickitung
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Spinda/Mienfoo → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Spinda → Whismur → Lickitung
  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • Rhydon (Evolve) → Lickitung
    • Rhydon (Start) → Lickitung
    • Rhydon (Lv. 42) → Lickitung
    • Snorlax (Lv. 44) → Lickitung
    • Swampert (Start) → Lickitung
    • Swampert (Lv. 63) → Lickitung
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Lickitung
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Usaring (Start) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Ursaring (Lv. 67) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Slaking (Start) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Slaking (Lv. 61) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Emboar (Start) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Darmanitan (Evolve) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Whismur → Lickitung
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 35) → Whismur → Lickitung

49. (109) epfIDXg.pngKoffing and (110) fT9Szy8.pngWeezing (Chaos)

  • Psybeam
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 28) → Koffing
    • Ralts (Lv. 18) → Koffing
    • Kirlia (Lv. 18) → Koffing
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 18) → Koffing
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Koffing
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Koffing
    • Solosis (Lv. 12) → Koffing
    • Duosion (Lv. 12) → Koffing
    • Reuniclus (Lv. 12) → Koffing
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Koffing
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Koffing
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Koffing
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Koffing
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Koffing
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos → Koffing
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Koffing
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Koffing
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Koffing
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Koffing
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Koffing
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Shellos → Shellos → Koffing
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Koffing
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Koffing
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Koffing
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Koffing
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Koffing
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Shellos → Shellos → Koffing
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Koffing
  • Grudge
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 50) → Koffing
    • Shuppet (Lv. 46) → Koffing
    • Banette (Lv. 52) → Koffing
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Koffing
    • Yamask (Lv. 32) → Koffing
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 32) → Koffing

50. (111) M6PPFi8.pngRhyhorn, (112) FzqwvyO.pngRhydon, and (464) tW4o5R6.pngRhyperior (Monster, Field)

  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Rhyhorn
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Rhyhorn
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Rhyhorn
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Rhyhorn
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Rhyhorn
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn
    • Beartic (Start) → Rhyhorn
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Stantler/Wailmer/Tepig → Rhyhorn
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Rhyhorn
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Rhyhorn
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Rhyhorn
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Rhyhorn
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Rhyhorn
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Rhyhorn
    • Gyarados (Start) → Gible → Rhyhorn
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Gible → Rhyhorn
  • MagnitudegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn
    • Sandslash (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn
    • Diglett (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 14) → Rhyhorn
    • Donphan (Lv. 30) → Rhyhorn
    • Numel (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn
    • Camerupt (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Tepig → Rhyhorn
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Rhyhorn
    • Umbreon (Start) → Rhyhorn
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Rhyhorn
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn
    • Crandidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn
    • Zoroark (Start) → Rhyhorn
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Rhyhorn
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Rhyhorn
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor → Rhyhorn
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • Sandslash (Start) → Rhyhorn
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Rhyhorn
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Torchic/Slakoth → Rhyhorn
  • Metal BurstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • Aron (Lv. 60) → Rhyhorn
    • Lairon (Lv. 76) → Rhyhorn
    • Aggron (Lv. 88) → Rhyhorn
    • Shieldon (Lv. 37) → Rhyhorn
    • Bastiodon (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile → Rhyhorn
  • Dragon RushgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn
    • Gible (Lv. 60) → Rhyhorn
    • Gabite (Lv. 74) → Rhyhorn
    • Garchomp (Lv. 82) → Rhyhorn
    • Dratini (Lv. 35) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Dragonair (Lv. 39) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Dragonite (Lv. 39) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Vibrava (Lv. 56) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Flygon (Lv. 60) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Deino (Lv. 52) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Zweilous (Lv. 54) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 54) → Charmander → Rhyhorn
  • Guard SplitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Rhyhorn
    • Elgyem (Lv. 24) → Spinda → Rhyhorn
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 24) → Spinda → Rhyhorn

51. (440) D7kVWvS.pngHappiny (Cannot Breed), (113) VW1Uozc.pngChansey, and (242) AjVQTDs.pngBlissey (Fairy)

  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • Audino (BP) → Chansey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Snubbull → Chansey
    • delibird (Start) → Pikachu → Chansey
  • Aromatherapy
    • Roselia (Lv. 50) → Chansey
    • Roserade (Start) → Chansey
    • Vileplume (Start) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Paras (Lv. 43) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Parasect (Lv. 51) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Chikorita (Lv. 42) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Bayleef (Lv. 50) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Meganium (Lv. 60) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Snivy (BP) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Servine (BP) → Hoppip → Chansey
    • Serperior (BP) → Hoppip → Chansey
  • Mud BombgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Piloswine (Lv. 19) → Skitty → Chansey
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 19) → Skitty → Chansey
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Numel → Skitty → Chansey
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Psyduck → Skitty → Chansey

52. (114) 7ihJoOx.pngTangela and (465) 5PqXhF4.pngTangrowth (Plant)

  • Leech SeedgLkTe2q.png
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Tangela
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Tangela
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Tangela
    • Venusaur (Start) → Tangela
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Tangela
    • Oddish (BP) → Tangela
    • Gloom (BP) → Tangela
    • Vileplume (BP) → Tangela
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Tangela
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Tangela
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Tangela
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Tangela
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Tangela
    • Bellossom (BP) → Tangela
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Tangela
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Tangela
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Tangela
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Tangela
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Tangela
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Tangela
    • Breloom (Start) → Tangela
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Tangela
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Tangela
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Tangela
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Tangela
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Tangela
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Tangela
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Tangela
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Tangela
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Tangela
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Tangela
    • Roserade (Start) → Tangela
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Tangela
    • Cherrim (Start) → Tangela
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Tangela
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Tangela
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Tangela
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Tangela
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Tangela
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Tangela
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Tangela
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot → Tangela
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot → Tangela
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot → Tangela
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot → Tangela
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Tangela
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Tangela
  • Confusion
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 20) → Tangela
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Tangela
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Tangela
    • Lombre (Start) → Tangela
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Tangela
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Paras → Tangela
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Paras → Tangela
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Paras → Tangela
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Paras → Tangela
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Paras → Tangela
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Paras → Tangela
    • Escavalier (Start) → Paras → Tangela
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Paras → Tangela
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Paras → Tangela
    • Snorlax (Start) → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Seel (BP) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Dewgong (BP) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Milotic (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Relicanth (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Krabby (Lv. 29) → Kabuto → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Kingler (Lv. 31) → Kabuto → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Gyarados (Start) → Remoraid→ Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Basculin (Lv. 6) → Remoraid → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Krabby (Lv. 29) → Tirtouga → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
    • Kingler (Lv. 31) → Tirtouga → Squirtle → Chikorita → Tangela
  • Wake-Up Slap
    • Clefairy (Lv. 22) → Shroomish → Tangela
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Shroomish → Tangela
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 27) → Shroomish → Tangela
    • Wigglytuff (Pre-Evo.) → Shroomish → Tangela
    • Skitty (Lv. 28) → Shroomish → Tangela
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Shroomish → Tangela
  • Rage Powder
    • Paras (Lv. 49) → Tangela
    • Parasect (Lv. 59) → Tangela
    • Hoppip (Lv. 31) → Tangela
    • Skiploom (Lv. 36) → Tangela
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 39) → Tangela
    • Foongus (Lv. 40) → Tangela
    • Amoonguss (Lv. 42) → Tangela

53. (115) AlKm9bF.pngKangaskhan (Monster)

  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Kangaskhan
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Kangaskhan
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Kangaskhan
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Kangaskhan
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Ninetales (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Seel/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Hypno (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]] → Kangaskhan
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Kangaskhan
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Kangaskhan
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Kangaskhan
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Sentret (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Furret (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Delicatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Squirtle → Kangaskhan
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Kangaskhan
    • Sandslash (Start) → Rhyhorn → Kangaskhan
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Rhyhorn → Kangaskhan
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn → Kangaskhan
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Torchic/Slakoth → Rhyhorn → Kangaskhan
  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • Rhydon (Evolve) → Kangaskhan
    • Rhydon (Start) → Kangaskhan
    • Rhydon (Lv. 42) → Kangaskhan
    • Snorlax (Lv. 44) → Kangaskhan
    • Swampert (Start) → Kangaskhan
    • Swampert (Lv. 63) → Kangaskhan
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Usaring (Start) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Ursaring (Lv. 67) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Slaking (Start) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Slaking (Lv. 61) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Emboar (Start) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Darmanitan (Evolve) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 35) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
  • Trump Card
    • Slowking (Lv. 49) → Kangaskhan
  • Circle ThrowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary/Lucario → Whismur → Kangaskhan
    • Throh (Lv. 10) → Buneary → Whismur → Kangaskhan

54. (116) Ci50wpe.pngHorsea, (117) awxanUq.pngSeadra, and (230) SUsmIag.pngKingdra (Dragon, Water A)

  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Horsea
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Horsea
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Horsea
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Horsea
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Horsea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Seel → Horsea
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Ekans → Horsea
    • Ninetales (Start) → Ekans → Horsea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Ekans → Horsea
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans → Horsea
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Ekans → Horsea
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda → Ekans → Horsea
  • Aurora BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (Lv. 27) → Horsea
    • Dewgong (Lv. 27) → Horsea
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → Horsea
    • Octillery (Start) → Horsea
    • Octillary (Lv. 16) → Horsea
    • Spheal (Lv. 28) → Horsea
    • Sealeo (Lv. 28) → Horsea
    • Walrein (Lv. 28) → Horsea
    • Shellder (Lv. 24) → Omanyte/Kabuto → Horsea
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte/Kabuto → Horsea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Horsea
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → delibird → Horsea
  • SplashgLkTe2q.png
    • Magikarp (Start) → Horsea
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea
    • Marill (Pre-Evo) → Horsea
    • Azumarill (Pre-Evo) → Horsea
    • Feebas (Start) → Horsea
    • Milotic (Start) → Horsea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Horsea
    • Wailmer (Start) → delibird → Horsea
    • Wailord (Start) → delibird → Horsea
    • Spoink (Start) → delibird → Horsea
    • Grumpig (Start) → delibird → Horsea
    • Buneary (Start) → delibird → Horsea
    • Lopunny (Start) → delibird → Horsea
  • Flail
    • Seel (BP) → Horsea
    • Dewgong (BP) → Horsea
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Horsea
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Horsea
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Horsea
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Horsea
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Horsea
    • Lombre (Start) → Horsea
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Horsea
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Horsea
    • Milotic (Start) → Horsea
    • Relicanth (Start) → Horsea
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Horsea
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Horsea
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Horsea
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Horsea
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Horsea
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Horsea
    • Snorlax (Start) → Squirtle → Horsea
    • Krabby (Lv. 29) → Kabuto/Tirtouga → Horsea
    • Kingler (Lv. 31) → Kabuto/Tirtouga → Horsea
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Horsea
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Horsea
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Horsea
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Horsea
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Horsea
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Horsea
    • Swaddle (Lv. 43) → Trapinch → Horsea
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Trapinch → Horsea
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Trapinch → Horsea
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Trapinch → Horsea
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Trapinch → Horsea
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Trapinch → Horsea 
    • Excavalier (Start) → Trapinch → Horsea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Horsea
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Horsea
  • Octazooka
    • Octilleary (Evolve) → Horsea
    • Octillery (Start) → Horsea
    • Octillery (Lv. 25) → Horsea
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Horsea
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck → Horsea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck → Horsea
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Horsea
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Horsea
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Horsea
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Horsea

55. (118) 3VoLb79.pngGoldeen and (119) Z7ZvOfd.pngSeaking (Water B)

  • Psybeam
    • Remoraid (Lv. 12) → Goldeen
    • Octillery (Start) → Goldeen
    • Octillery (Lv. 12) → Goldeen
  • Mud Sport
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Goldeen
    • Whiscash (Start) → Goldeen
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Goldeen
    • Relicanth (Start) → Goldeen
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Goldeen
  • Acupressure
    • Qwilfish (Lv. 60) → Goldeen

56. (120) xIPjwm6.pngStaryu and (121) iRqR6RV.pngStarmie (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


57. (439) dYvCYkz.pngMime Jr. (Cannot Breed) and (122) x4av81t.pngMr. Mime (Humanoid)

  • Wake-Up Slap
    • Machop (Lv. 27) → Mr. Mime
    • Machoke (Lv. 27) → Mr. Mime
    • Machamp (Lv. 27) → Mr. Mime
    • Drowzee (Lv. 22) → Mr. Mime
    • Hypno (Lv. 29) → Mr. Mime
    • Makuhita (Lv. 34) → Mr. Mime
    • Hariyama (Lv. 38) → Mr. Mime
    • Timburr (Lv. 20) → Mr. Mime
    • Gurdurr (Lv. 20) → Mr. Mime
    • Conkeldurr (Lv. 20) → Mr. Mime
  • Healing Wish
    • Gardevoir (Start) → Mr. Mime
    • Buneary (Lv. 52) → Mr. Mime
    • Lopunny (Start) → Mr. Mime
    • Lopunny (Lv. 52) → Mr. Mime
  • Power Split
    • Elgyem (Lv. 24) → Mr. Mime
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 24) → Mr. Mime

58. (123) 6J7jgGj.pngScyther and (212) AqYpTEj.pngScizor (Bug)

  • Quick Guard
    • Escavalier (Start) → Scyther
    • Escavalier (Lv. 8 ) → Scyther

59. (238) 4PLDQ05.pngsmoochum (Cannot Breed) and (124) 0DBaSoL.pngjynx (Humanoid)

  • meditate
    • Drowzee (Lv. 21) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Hypno (Lv. 21) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 5) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 8 ) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • meditite (Lv. 4) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • medicham (Start) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • medicham (Lv. 4) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 5) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Mienshao (Start) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Mienshao (Lv. 5) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
  • Lovely Kiss
    • jynx (Start) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • jynx (Lv. 40) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • Drowzee (BP) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Hypno (BP) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Ralts (BP) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Kirlia (BP) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Gallade (BP) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Spinda → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Absol (BP) → Spinda → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
  • Miracle Eye
    • kadabra (Lv. 23) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum
    • alakazam (Lv. 23) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Elgyem (Lv. 11) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Beheeyem (Start) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 11) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)
  • Wake-Up Slap
    • jynx (Lv. 33) → jynx (Baby will be smoochum)

60. (239) 76gyABO.pngElekid (Cannot Breed), (125) bplxJx9.pngElectabuzz, and (466) dcDzlUp.pngElectirivire (Humanoid)

  • Karate Chop
    • Machop (Lv. 7) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Machoke (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Machoke (Lv. 7) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Machamp (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Machamp (Lv. 7) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Sawk (Lv. 17) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
  • Rolling Kick
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 9) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmontop (Evolve) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
  • meditate
    • Drowzee (Lv. 21) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hypno (Lv. 21) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 5) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 8 ) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • meditite (Lv. 4) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • medicham (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • medicham (Lv. 4) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 5) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Mienshao (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Mienshao (Lv. 5) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
  • Barrier
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Electabuzz)
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Teddiursa → Lucario → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
  • Hammer Arm
    • Timburr (Lv. 36) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Gurrdurr (Lv. 42) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Conkeldurr (Lv. 42) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Lucario (Start) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Raichu (Start) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Persian (Start) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Absol (Start) → Mienfoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Skuntank (Start) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Minefoo → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
  • Follow MegLkTe2q.png
    • Mr. Mime (BP) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Pikachu (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Raichu (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Sentret (Lv. 19) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Furret (Lv. 21) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Clefairy (Lv. 36) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Clefable (Start) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Togetic (Lv. 40) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Electabuzz (Baby will be Elekid)

61. (240) He82I8j.pngMagby (Cannot Breed), (126) KUmUCZs.pngMagmar, and (467) XmSaZml.pngMagmortar (Humanoid)

  • Karate Chop
    • Machop (Lv. 7) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Machoke (Start) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Machoke (Lv. 7) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Machamp (Start) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Machamp (Lv. 7) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Sawk (Lv. 17) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
  • Barrier
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
  • Mach Punch
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 7) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Monferno (Evolve) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Monferno (Lv. 14) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Infernape (Start) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
  • Belly Drum
    • Drowzee (BP) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Hypno (BP) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Makuhita (Lv. 25) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Hariyama (Lv. 26) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Teddiursa → Lucario → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
  • Follow MegLkTe2q.png
    • Mr. Mime (BP) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Pikachu (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Raichu (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Sentret (Lv. 19) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Furret (Lv. 21) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Clefairy (Lv. 36) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Clefable (Start) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Togetic (Lv. 40) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu) → Magmar (Baby will be Magby)

62. (127) qIkOch3.pngPinsir (Bug)

  • Fury Attack
    • Beedrill (Start) → Pinsir
    • Beedrill (Lv. 11) → Pinsir
    • Heracross (Lv. 5) → Pinsir
    • Karrablast (Lv. 16) → Pinsir
    • Escavalier (Lv. 16) → Pinsir
  • Quick Attack
    • Scyther (Start) → Pinsir
    • Yanma (Lv. 6) → Pinsir
    • Gligar (Lv. 13) → Pinsir
    • Scizor (Start) → Pinsir
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → Pinsir
    • Masquerain (Start) → Pinsir
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → Pinsir
    • Volbeat (Lv. 12) → Pinsir
    • Yanmega (Start) → Pinsir
    • Yanmega (Lv. 6) → Pinsir
    • Gliscor (Lv. 13) → Pinsir
    • Accelgor (Start) → Pinsir
    • Accelgor (Lv. 13) → Pinsir
    • Charmander (BP) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Charmeleon (BP) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Charizard (BP) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Treecko (Lv. 6) →Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Grovyle (Start) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Grovyle (Lv. 9) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Sceptile (Start) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Sceptile (Lv. 9) → Trapinch → Pinsir
  • Flail
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Pinsir
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Pinsir
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Pinsir
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Pinsir
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Pinsir
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Pinsir
    • Escavalier (Start) → Pinsir
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras → Pinsir
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras → Pinsir
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras → Pinsir
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Pinsir
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch → Pinsir
  • Feint
    • Scyther (Lv. 61) → Pinsir
    • Scizor (Start) → Pinsir
    • Scizor (Lv. 61) → Pinsir
    • Heracross (Lv. 7) → Pinsir
    • Trapinch (Lv. 29) → Pinsir
    • Vibrava (Pre-Evo) → Pinsir
    • Flygon (Start) → Pinsir
    • Yanmega (Lv. 38) → Pinsir
  • Me First
    • Accegor (Lv. 28) → Pinsir

63. (128) Jw6twdA.pngTauros (Field) (No Egg Moves)


64. (129) NO78vpn.pngMagikarp and (130) aSNQhbm.pngGyarados (Dragon, Water B) (No Egg Moves)


65. (131) q6y0SAN.pngLapras (Monster, Water A)

  • Aurora BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (Lv. 27) → Lapras
    • Dewgong (Lv. 27) → Lapras
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → Lapras
    • Octillery (Start) → Lapras
    • Octillary (Lv. 16) → Lapras
    • Spheal (Lv. 28) → Lapras
    • Sealeo (Lv. 28) → Lapras
    • Walrein (Lv. 28) → Lapras
    • Shellder (Lv. 24) → Omanyte/Kabuto → Lapras
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte/Kabuto → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Lapras
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → delibird → Lapras
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Lapras
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Lapras
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Sentret (Start) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Furret (Start) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Delicatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Lapras
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Lapras
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Lapras
    • Snorlax (BP) → Lapras
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Lapras
    • Milotic (Start) → Lapras
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Lapras
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • LvHFzno.pngRaticate (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • B6lSelF.pngArbok (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Lapras
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Lapras
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Lapras
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Lapras
    • Seedot (BP) → Chikorita → Lapras
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Chikorita → Lapras
    • Shiftry (BP) → Chikorita → Lapras
    • Shroomish (BP) → Chikorita/Marill → Lapras
    • Breloom (BP) → Chikorita/Marill → Lapras
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Lapras
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Lapras
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Lapras
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Lapras
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Lapras
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Marill → Lapras
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Marill → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)bYDDwtk.pngPikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Marill → Lapras
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → bYDDwtk.pngPikachu → Marill → Lapras
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → bYDDwtk.pngPikachu → Marill → Lapras
    • Mincccino (Lv. 36) → bYDDwtk.pngPikachu → Marill → Lapras
    • Cinccino (Start) → bYDDwtk.pngPikachu → Marill → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansaear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → bYDDwtk.pngPikachu → Marill → Lapras
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Lapras
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Lapras
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Lapras
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola → Lapras

66. (132) A4wfRfM.pngDitto (Ditto) (No Egg Moves)


67. (133) OHL20Qh.pngEevee, (134) ARiImOC.pngVaporeon, (135) XVzKF69.pngJolteon, (136) X5q6luT.pngFlareon, (196) DFVJiu9.pngespeon, (197) 2Vr2O0A.pngUmbreon, (470) UxTIB7A.pngLeafeon, and (471) rrztwFA.pngGlaceon (Field)

  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee
    • Seel (BP) → Eevee
    • Dewgong (BP) → Eevee
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Eevee
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Eevee
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Eevee
    • Piloswine (Start) → Eevee
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Eevee
    • Donphan (Start) → Eevee
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Eevee
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Eevee
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Eevee
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Eevee
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Eevee
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Eevee
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Eevee
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Eevee
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Eevee
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Eevee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Eevee
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Eevee
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Eevee
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Eevee
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Eevee
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Eevee
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Eevee
    • Absol (BP) → Eevee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Girafarig/Skitty/Spinda → Eevee
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Pikachu/Skitty → Eevee
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pikachu/Skitty → Eevee
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Eevee
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Eevee
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Eevee
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Eevee
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Eevee
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Eevee
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee
    • Pikachu (BP) → Eevee
    • Raichu (BP) → Eevee
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Eevee
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Eevee
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Eevee
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Eevee
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Eevee
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Eevee
    • Slakoth (Start) → Eevee
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Eevee
    • Slaking (Start) → Eevee
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Eevee
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Eevee
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Eevee
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Eevee
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Eevee
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Eevee
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Eevee
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Eevee
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Eevee
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Eevee
    • Musharna (Start) → Eevee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Eevee
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Eevee
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Eevee
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Eevee
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Eevee
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Eeveee
    • Cinccino (Start) → Eevee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Eevee
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Pikachu → Eevee
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Pikachu → Eevee
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Eevee
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Eevee
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Eevee
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Eevee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Eevee
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Eevee
  • SynchronoisegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee
    • Whismur (Lv. 43) → Eevee
    • Loudred (Lv. 50) → Eevee
    • Exploud (Lv. 53) → Eevee
    • Kecleon (Lv. 50) → Eevee
    • Munna (Lv. 25) → Eevee
    • Musharna (Pre-Evo) → Eevee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Woobat → Eevee
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 43) → Woobat → Eevee
    • Noctowl (Lv. 51) → Woobat → Eevee
    • Chatot (Lv. 49) → Woobat → Eevee
    • sigilyph (Lv. 31) → Woobat → Eevee

68. (137) b2PmdbY.pngPorygon, (233) 7VkpCAz.pngPorygon2, and (474) eHdxO2s.pngPorygon-Z (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


69. (138) RIiBrol.pngOmanyte and (139) VW4SkQh.pngOmastar (Water A, Water C)

  • SlamgLkTe2q.png
    • Krabby (Lv. 36) → Omanyte
    • Kingler (Lv. 42) → Omanyte
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Omanyte
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Omanyte
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Omanyte
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Omanyte
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Omanyte
    • Wooper (Lv. 16) → Omanyte
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Omanyte
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Raichu (Start) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Seel → Omanyte
    • Cinccino (Start) → Seel → Omanyte
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte
    • Mantine (Start) → Omanyte
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Omanyte
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Omanyte
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Omanyte
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Omanyte
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Omanyte
    • Pelipper (Start) → Omanyte
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Omanyte
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Omanyte
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Omanyte
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Omanyte
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Omanyte
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini → Omanyte
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Omanyte
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini → Omanyte
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Omanyte
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Omanyte
    • Seaking (Start) → Remoraid → Omanyte
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Omanyte
    • Chinchou (Start) → Remoraid → Omanyte
    • Lanturn (Start) → Remoraid → Omanyte
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Omanyte
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Omanyte
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Omanyte
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Omanyte
  • Aurora BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (Lv. 27) → Omanyte
    • Dewgong (Lv. 27) → Omanyte
    • Shellder (Lv. 24) → Omanyte
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → Omanyte
    • Octillery (Start) → Omanyte
    • Octillary (Lv. 16) → Omanyte
    • Spheal (Lv. 28) → Omanyte
    • Sealeo (Lv. 28) → Omanyte
    • Walrein (Lv. 28) → Omanyte
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Omanyte
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → delibird → Omanyte
  • Wring Out
    • Tentacool (Lv. 49) → Omanyte
    • Tentecruel (Start) → Omanyte
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 56) → Omanyte
    • Kabuto (Lv. 50) → Omanyte
    • Kabutops (Lv. 60) → Omanyte
    • Octillery (Lv. 28) → Omanyte
    • Lileep (Lv. 52) → Omanyte
    • Cradily (Start) → Omanyte
    • Cradily (Lv. 61) → Omanyte
  • Reflect Type
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte
    • Gengar (Start) → Stunfisk → Omanyte

70. (140) KEKakD5.pngKabuto and (141) Y856hF9.pngKabutops (Water A, Water C)

  • Aurora BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (Lv. 27) → Kabuto
    • Dewgong (Lv. 27) → Kabuto
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → Kabuto
    • Octillery (Start) → Kabuto
    • Octillary (Lv. 16) → Kabuto
    • Spheal (Lv. 28) → Kabuto
    • Sealeo (Lv. 28) → Kabuto
    • Walrein (Lv. 28) → Kabuto
    • Shellder (Lv. 24) → Kabuto
    • Cloyster (Start) → Kabuto
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → delibird → Kabuto
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (BP) → Kabuto
    • Dewgong (BP) → Kabuto
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Kabuto
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Kabuto
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Kabuto
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Kabuto
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Kabuto
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Kabuto
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Kabuto
    • Lombre (Start) → Kabuto
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Kabuto
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Kabuto
    • Milotic (Start) → Kabuto
    • Relicanth (Start) → Kabuto
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Kabuto
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Kabuto
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Kabuto
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Kabuto
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Kabuto
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Kabuto
    • Snorlax (Start) → Squirtle → Kabuto
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea/Remoraid → Kabuto
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea/Remoraid → Kabuto
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Kabuto
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Kabuto
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Kabuto
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Kabuto
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Kabuto
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Kabuto
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Kabuto
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Kabuto
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Kabuto
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Sentret (Base) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Furret (Base) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Psyduck → Kabuto
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Kabuto
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Kabuto
  • Rapid SpingLkTe2q.png
    • Squirtle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto
    • Wartortle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto
    • Blastoise (Lv. 9) → Kabuto
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Sandslash (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Donphan (Lv. 6) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Torkoal (Lv. 8 ) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Drilbur (Start) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Drilbur (Lv. 5) → delibird → Kabuto
    • Excadrill (Start) → delibird → Kabuto
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto

71. (146) Fqa016w.pngAerodactyl (Flying)

  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Aerodactyl
    • Noctowl (Start) → Aerodactyl
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Sentret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Buneary (Start) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Lopunny (Start) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Farfetch'd → Aerodactyl
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Aerodactyl
  • Pursuit
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Aerodactyl
    • Fearow (Start) → Aerodactyl
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Aerodactyl
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Aerodactyl
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Aerodactyl
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Aerodactyl
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Aerodactyl
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Aerodactyl
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Aerodactyl
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu → Aerodactyl
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Aerodactyl
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Aerodactyl
  • Wide Guard
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Wingull → Aerodactyl
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Wingull → Aerodactyl
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Wingull → Aerodactyl
    • Alomomola (Start) → Wingull → Aerodactyl
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Wingull → Aerodactyl
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble → Paras → Turtwig → Mudkip → Wingull → Aerodactyl

72. (446) HgSSLjq.pngMunchlax (Cannot Breed) and (143) MnxqV3Z.pngSnorlax (Monster)

  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Snorlax
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Snorlax
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Snorlax
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Snorlax
    • Rampardos (Start) → Snorlax
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Snorlax
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Rhyhorn → Snorlax
    • Umbreon (Start) → Rhyhorn → Snorlax
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Zoroark (Start) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Rhyhorn  → Snorlax

73. (147) 28KKdBc.pngDratini, (148) 7htstI0.pngDragonair, and (149) L679voB.pngDragonite (Dragon, Water B)

  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Mantine (Start) → Dratini
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Dratini
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Dratini
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Dratini
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Dratini
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Dratini
    • Pelipper (Start) → Dratini
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Dratini
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Dratini
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Dratini
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Dratini
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Dratini
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Dratini
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Dratini
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Dratini
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Dratini
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Dratini
    • Seaking (Start) → Remoraid → Dratini
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Dratini
    • Chinchou (Start) → Remoraid → Dratini
    • Lanturn (Start) → Remoraid → Dratini
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Dratini
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Dratini
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Dratini
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Dratini
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Dratini
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Dratini
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Dratini
    • Remoraid (BP) → Dratini
    • Octillery (BP) → Dratini
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Dratini
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Dratini
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Dratini
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Dratini
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Dratini
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Dratini
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Dratini
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Dratini
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Dratini
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Dratini
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Dratini
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Dratini
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Dratini
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Dratini
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Dratini
  • ExtremeSpeed
    • Dratini (BP) → Dratini
    • Dragonair (BP) → Dratini
    • Dragonite (Start) → Dratini
  • Aqua Jet
    • Golduck (Start) → Dratini
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Dratini
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Dratini
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Dratini
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Dratini
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) → Dratini
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Dratini
    • Empoleon (Evolve) → Dratini
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Dratini
    • Bibarel (Start) → Dratini
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Dratini
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Dratini
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Dratini
    • Carracosta (Start) → Dratini
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Dratini
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Dratini


Edited by Bestfriends
Leech Seed is no longer an Egg Move for the Ludicolo Evolution Line. (5/1/2024)
Link to comment

74. (152) wW4iJP7.pngChikorita, (153) fGwbtBz.pngBayleef, and (154) kBqDUG5.pngMeganium (Monster, Plant)

  • Wring Out
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 50) → Chikorita
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 50) → Chikorita
    • Victreebel (Pre-Evo) → Chikorita
    • Lickitung (Lv. 57) → Chikorita
    • Tangela (Lv. 46) → Chikorita
    • Carnivine (Lv. 47) → Chikorita
    • Lickilicky (Start) → Chikorita
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 57) → Chikorita
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 49) → Chikorita
    • Snivy (Lv. 37) → Chikorita
    • Servine (Lv. 44) → Chikorita
    • Serperior (Lv. 50) → Chikorita
  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Chikorita
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Chikorita
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Chikorita
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Chikorita
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Chikorita
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Chikorita
  • Refresh
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Chikorita
    • Snorlax (BP) → Chikorita
    • Seedot (BP) → Chikorita
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Chikorita
    • Shiftry (BP) → Chikorita
    • Shroomish (BP) → Chikorita
    • Breloom (BP) → Chikorita
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Chikorita
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Chikorita
    • Milotic (Start) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Chikorita
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Chikorita
  • Vine Whip
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 3) → Chikorita
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Chikorita
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Chikorita
    • Venusaur (Start) → Chikorita
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Chikorita
    • Bellsprout (Start) → Chikorita
    • Weepinbell (Start) → Chikorita
    • Victreebel (Start) → Chikorita
    • Tangela (Lv. 16) → Chikorita
    • Carnivine (Lv. 11) → Chikorita
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 16) → Chikorita
    • Snivy (Lv. 7) → Chikorita
    • Servine (Start) → Chikorita
    • Servine (Lv. 7) → Chikorita
    • Serperior (Start) → Chikorita
    • Serperior (Lv. 7) → Chikorita
  • Ingrain
    • Tangela (Start) → Chikorita
    • Tangela (Lv. 52) → Chikorita
    • Sunkern (Lv. 4) → Chikorita
    • Sunflora (Lv. 4) → Chikorita
    • Roselia (Lv. 55) → Chikorita
    • Cacnea (Lv. 22) → Chikorita
    • Cacturne (Lv. 22) → Chikorita
    • Roserade (Start) → Chikorita
    • Carnivine (Lv. 21) → Chikorita
    • Snover (Lv. 35) → Chikorita
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 35) → Chikorita
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Chikorita
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 52) → Chikorita
    • Maractus (Start) → Chikorita
    • Maractus (Lv. 33) → Chikorita
    • Foongus (Lv. 32) → Chikorita
    • Amoonguss (Lv. 32) → Chikorita
    • Ferroseed (Lv. 15) → Chikorita
    • Ferrothorn (Lv. 15) → Chikorita
  • Heal Pulse
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 45) → Chikorita
    • Slowbro (Start) → Chikorita
    • Slowbro (Lv. 51) → Chikorita
    • Slowking (Start) → Chikorita
    • Slowbro (Lv. 45) → Chikorita
    • Audino (Lv. 44) → Cherubi → Chikorita
  • Flail
    • Snorlax (Start) → Chikorita
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Chikorita
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Chikorita
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Chikorita
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Chikorita
    • Lombre (Start) → Chikorita
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Chikorita
    • Seel (BP) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Dewgong (BP) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Milotic (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Relicanth (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Squirtle → Chikorita
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Paras → Chikorita
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Paras → Chikorita
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Paras → Chikorita
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Paras → Chikorita
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Paras → Chikorita
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Paras → Chikorita
    • Escavalier (Start) → Paras → Chikorita

75. (155) 10Cv1an.pngCyndaquil, (156) n9kNplc.pngQuilava, and (157) rwMvGHo.pngTyphlosion (Field)

  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Cyndaquil
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Cyndaquil
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Cyndaquil
    • Nidoking (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Cyndaquil
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Cyndaquil
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Cyndaquil
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Cyndaquil
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Cyndaquil
    • Combusken (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Cyndaquil
    • Blaziken (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Cyndaquil
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Cyndaquil
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Cyndaquil
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Cyndaquil
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Cyndaquil
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Cyndaquil
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Cyndaquil
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Cyndaquil
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Cyndaquil
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Cyndaquil
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Cyndaquil
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Cyndaquil
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Cyndaquil
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Cyndaquil
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Cyndaquil
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Cyndaquil
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Cyndaquil
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Cyndaquil
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Cyndaquil
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Cyndaquil
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Cyndaquil
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Cyndaquil
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Cyndaquil
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Cyndaquil
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Cyndaquil
    • Beartic (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Cyndaquil
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Rhyhorn/Stantler/Wailmer/Tepig → Cyndaquil
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Cyndaquil
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Cyndaquil
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Cyndaquil
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Cyndaquil
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Cyndaquil
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Cyndaquil
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Cyndaquil
  • Flame BurstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Cyndaquil
    • Ninetales (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Growlithe (Lv. 28) → Cyndaquil
    • arcanine (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Torchic (Lv. 28) → Cyndaquil
    • Combusken (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Blaziken (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Numel (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Camerupt (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Pansear (Lv. 22) → Cyndaquil
    • Simisear (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Heatmor (Lv. 31) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Electrike/Torkoal/Stunky → Cyndaquil
  • HowlgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Growlithe (Lv. 4) → Cyndaquil
    • arcanine (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Houndour (Lv. 4) → Cyndaquil
    • Houndoom (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Houndoom (Lv. 4) → Cyndaquil
    • Poochyena (Lv. 4) → Cyndaquil
    • Mightyena (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Mightyena (Lv. 4) → Cyndaquil
    • Whismur (Lv. 10) → Cyndaquil
    • Loudred (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Loudred (Lv. 11) → Cyndaquil
    • Exploud (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Exploud (Lv. 11) → Cyndaquil
    • Electrike (Lv. 8 ) → Cyndaquil
    • Manectric (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Manectric (Lv. 7) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix/Numel/Shinx/Lucario/Lillpup → Cyndaquil
  • ExtrasensorygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Cyndaquil
    • Ninetales (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Cyndaquil
    • Shiftry (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler/Whismur/Spoink/Darumaka/Darmanitan (Zen) [not implemented]/Zorua → Cyndaquil
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Sandslash (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Cyndaquil
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Cyndaquil
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn/Sneasel/Torchic/Slakoth → Cyndaquil
  • Fury SwipesgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 24) → Cyndaquil
    • Sandslash (Lv. 26) → Cyndaquil
    • Diglett (Lv. 21) → Cyndaquil
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Cyndaquil
    • Meowth (Lv. 29) → Cyndaquil
    • Persian (Lv. 31) → Cyndaquil
    • Psyduck (Lv. 9) → Cyndaquil
    • Golduck (Lv. 9) → Cyndaquil
    • Mankey (Lv. 5) → Cyndaquil
    • Primeape (Lv. 5) → Cyndaquil
    • Sentret (Lv. 13) → Cyndaquil
    • Furret (Lv. 13) → Cyndaquil
    • Aipom (Lv. 18) → Cyndaquil
    • Sneasel (Lv. 30) → Cyndaquil
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 8 ) → Cyndaquil
    • Ursaring (Lv. 8 ) → Cyndaquil
    • Linoone (Lv. 18) → Cyndaquil
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 14) → Cyndaquil
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Kecleon (Lv. 13) → Cyndaquil
    • Chimchar (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Monferno (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Infernape (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Ambipom (Lv. 18) → Cyndaquil
    • Glameow (Lv. 20) → Cyndaquil
    • Purugly (Lv. 20) → Cyndaquil
    • Stunky (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Skuntank (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Weavile (Lv. 30) → Cyndaquil
    • Purrloin (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Pansage (Lv. 13) → Cyndaquil
    • Simisage (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Pansear (Lv. 13) → Cyndaquil
    • Simisear (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Panpour (Lv. 13) → Cyndaquil
    • Simipour (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Drilbur (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Excadrill (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Zorua (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Zoroark (Lv. 12) → Cyndaquil
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 6) → Cyndaquil
    • Beartic (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Beartic (Lv. 17) → Cyndaquil
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Mienshao (Lv. 15) → Cyndaquil
    • Heatmor (Lv. 5) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Zangoose/Bidoof/Buizel → Cyndaquil
    • Lombre (Lv. 18) → Bidoof/Buizel → Cyndaquil
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Bidoof/Buizel → Cyndaquil
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil
    • Sentret (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Furret (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Cyndaquil
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Cyndaquil
    • Buneary (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Lopunny (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • Lucario (Start) → Cyndaquil
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Farfetch'd/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Cyndaquil
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Cyndaquil
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Cyndaquil
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Cyndaquil
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Cyndaquil
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd → Cyndaquil

76. (158) dkKwzhm.pngTotodile, (159) NjLnSDu.pngCroconaw, and (160) 5HZprs4.pngFeraligatr (Monster, Water A)

  • Water SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (Start) → Totodile
    • Golduck (Start) → Totodile
    • Poliwag (Start) → Totodile
    • Poliwhirl (Start) → Totodile
    • Poliwarth (Pre-Evo) → Totodile
    • Seel (Lv. 7) → Totodile
    • Dewgong (Pre-Evo) → Totodile
    • Marill (Lv. 5) → Totodile
    • Azumarill (Start) → Totodile
    • Azumarill (Lv. 7) → Totodile
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Totodile
    • Lombre (Lv. 20) → Totodile
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Totodile
    • Pelipper (Start) → Totodile
    • Surskit (Lv. 14) → Totodile
    • Masquerain (Start) → Totodile
    • Masquerain (Lv. 14) → Totodile
    • Corphish (BP) → Totodile
    • Crawdaunt (BP) → Totodile
    • Milotic (Start) → Totodile
    • Milotic (Lv. 4) → Totodile
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 5) → Totodile
    • Piplup (Lv. 11) → Totodile
    • Prinplup (Lv. 11) → Totodile
    • Empoleon (Pre-Evo) → Totodile
    • Buizel (Lv. 7) → Totodile
    • Floatzel (Start) → Totodile
    • Floatzel (Lv. 7) → Totodile
    • Ducklett (Lv. 3) → Totodile
    • Swanna (Start) → Totodile
    • Swanna (Lv. 3) → Totodile
    • Alomomola (Start) → Totodile
    • Goldeen (Start) → Relicanth → Totodile
    • Seaking (Start) → Relicanth → Totodile
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Totodile
    • Whiscash (Start) → Relicanth → Totodile
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Totodile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Oshawott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Dewott (Start) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Dewott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Samurott (Start) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Samurott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Panpour (Lv. 16) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Simipour (Pre-Evo) → Spheal/Bidoof → Totodile
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Totodile
    • Golduck (BP) → Totodile
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Totodile
    • Quagsire (Start) → Totodile
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Totodile
    • Corsola (BP) → Totodile
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Totodile
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Totodile
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Totodile
    • Surskit (BP) → Totodile
    • Masquerain (BP) → Totodile
    • Relicanth (Start) → Totodile
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Totodile
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Totodile
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Totodile
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Totodile
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Totodile
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Totodile
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Totodile
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Totodile
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Totodile
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Totodile
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Totodile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Totodile
  • FlattergLkTe2q.png
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 45] → Totodile
    • Nidorino (Lv. 57) → Totodile
    • Nidoking (Start) → Totodile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep → Totodile
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Mareep → Totodile
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Mareep → Totodile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu/Woobat→ Mareep → Totodile
  • Aqua Jet
    • Golduck (Start) → Totodile
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Totodile
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Totodile
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Totodile
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Totodile
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) → Totodile
    • Masquerain (Evolve) → Totodile
    • Empoleon (Start) → Totodile
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Totodile
    • Bibarel (Start) → Totodile
    • Bibarel (Lv. 24) → Totodile
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Totodile
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Totodile
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Totodile
    • Carracosta (Start) → Totodile
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Totodile
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Totodile

77. (161) tJz3ekD.pngSentret and (162) 7ZS7yDp.pngFurret (Field)

  • AssistgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sentret
    • Skitty (Lv. 31) → Sentret
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Sentret
    • Glameow (Lv. 29) → Sentret
    • Purugly (Lv. 29) → Sentret
    • Purrloin (Lv. 6) → Sentret
    • Liepard (Start) → Sentret
    • Liepard (Lv. 6) → Sentret
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Sneasel/Spinda/Chimchar → Sentret
  • SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sentret
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 30) → Sentret
    • Sandslash (Lv. 36) → Sentret
    • Diglett (Lv. 24) → Sentret
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Sentret
    • Meowth (Lv. 36) → Sentret
    • Persian (Lv. 42) → Sentret
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 40) → Sentret
    • Sneasel (Lv. 60) → Sentret
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 26) → Sentret
    • Ursaring (Lv. 29) → Sentret
    • Torchic (Lv. 21) → Sentret
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • Linoone (Start) → Sentret
    • Linoone (Lv. 32) → Sentret
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 23) → Sentret
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Sentret
    • Zangoose (Lv. 19) → Sentret
    • Kecleon (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • Absol (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • Glameow (Lv. 37) → Sentret
    • Purugly (Lv. 37) → Sentret
    • Stunky (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • Stuntank (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • Weavile (Start) → Sentret
    • Samurott (Evolve) → Sentret
    • Samurott (Lv. 36) → Sentret
    • Purrloin (Lv. 30) → Sentret
    • Liepard (Lv. 34) → Sentret
    • Drilbur (Lv. 26) → Sentret
    • Excadrill (Lv. 26) → Sentret
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 21) → Sentret
    • Beartic (Lv. 21) → Sentret
    • Heatmor (Lv. 25) → Sentret
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Kabuto (Lv. 39) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Kabutops (Start) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Kabutops (Lv. 40) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Totodile (Lv. 34) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Croconaw (Lv. 39) → Buizel → Sentret
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 45) → Buizel → Sentret
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sentret
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Sentret
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Sentret
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Sentret
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Sentret
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Sentret
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Sentret
    • Umbreon (Start) → Sentret
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Sentret
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Sentret
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Sentret
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Sentret
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Sentret
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Sentret
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Sentret
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Sentret
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Sentret
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Sentret
    • Zoroark (Start) → Sentret
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Sentret
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Sentret
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Sentret
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Sentret
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Sentret
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Sentret
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Sentret
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Sentret
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sentret
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sentret
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Sentret
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Sentret
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sentret

78. (163) YizDPvR.pngHoothoot and (164) r8Xfn08.pngNoctowl (Flying)

  • Wing Attack
    • Pidgey (Lv. 33) → Hoothoot
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 37) → Hoothoot
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 38) → Hoothoot
    • Zubat (Lv. 13) → Hoothoot
    • Golbat (Lv. 13) → Hoothoot
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 10) → Hoothoot
    • Crobat (Lv. 13) → Hoothoot
    • Murkrow (Lv. 15) → Hoothoot
    • Skarmory (Lv. 20) → Hoothoot
    • Taillow (Lv. 13) → Hoothoot
    • Swellow (Lv. 13) → Hoothoot
    • Wingull (Lv. 15) → Hoothoot
    • Pelipper (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Pelipper (Lv. 15) → Hoothoot
    • Starly (Lv. 9) → Hoothoot
    • Staravia (Lv. 9) → Hoothoot
    • Staraptor (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Staraptor (Lv. 9)→ Hoothoot
    • Archen (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Archen (Lv. 6) → Hoothoot
    • Archeops (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Ducklett (Lv. 9) → Hoothoot
    • Swanna (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Swanna (Lv. 9)→ Hoothoot
    • Rufflet (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Braviary (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Braviary (Lv. 10) → Hoothoot
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Zubat (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Hoothoot
    • Golbat (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Hoothoot
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Hoothoot
    • Crobat (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Hoothoot
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Hoothoot
    • Pelipper (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Hoothoot
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Hoothoot
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Woobat → Hoothoot
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Hoothoot
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Hoothoot
  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Hoothoot
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Hoothoot
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 56) → Hoothoot
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Hoothoot
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Hoothoot
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Hoothoot
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Hoothoot
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Hoothoot
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Hoothoot
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Hoothoot
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Hoothoot
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Hoothoot
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Hoothoot
  • Mean Look
    • Zubat (Lv. 10) → Hoothoot
    • Golbat (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Golbat (Lv. 32) → Hoothoot
    • Crobat (Start) → Hoothoot
    • Crobat (Lv. 32) → Hoothoot
    • Murkrow (Lv. 41) → Hoothoot
    • Honchkrow (Pre-Evo) → Hoothoot

79. (165) PFYpY8k.pngLedyba and (166) kzZlIeK.pngLedian (Bug)

  • Dizzy Punch
    • Hitmonlee (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 25) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Electabuzz (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Hitmontop (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Spinda (Lv. 23) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Buneary (Lv. 36) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Lopunny (Lv. 36) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Electivire (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba
    • Magmortar (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise) → Ledyba

80. (167) vyAKfkw.pngSpinarak and (168) 0uM9KGe.pngAriados (Bug)

  • Night Slash
    • Scyther (Lv. 45) → Spinarak
    • Scizor (Lv. 45) → Spinarak
    • Heracross (Start) → Spinarak
    • Kricketune (Lv. 42) → Spinarak
    • Skorupi (Lv. 36) → Spinarak
    • Drapion (Lv. 36) → Spinarak
    • Yanmega (Start) → Spinarak
    • Gliscor (Lv. 27) → Spinarak
  • Disable
    • Venonat (Start) → Spinarak
    • Venomoth (Start) → Spinarak
  • Sonic Boom
    • Scyther (BP) → Spinarak
    • Yanma (Lv. 14) → Spinarak
    • Scizor (BP) → Spinarak
    • Vibrava (Start) → Spinarak
    • Flygon (Start) → Spinarak
    • Yanmega (Lv. 14) → Spinarak
  • Rage Powder
    • Butterfree (Lv. 40) → Spinarak
    • Paras (Lv. 49) → Spinarak
    • Parasect (Lv. 59) → Spinarak
    • Volcarona (Start) → Spinarak
    • Volcarona (Lv. 78) → Spinarak
  • Twineedle
    • Beedrill (Start) → Spinarak
    • Beedrill (Lv. 16) → Spinarak
    • Escavalier (Start) → Spinarak
    • Escavalier (Lv. 13) → Spinarak
  • Pursuit
    • Beedrill (Lv. 17) → Spinarak
    • Scyther (Lv. 9) → Spinarak
    • Yanma (Lv. 30) → Spinarak
    • Scizor (Lv. 9) → Spinarak
    • Skorupi (Lv. 16) → Spinarak
    • Drapion (Lv. 16) → Spinarak
    • Yanmega (Lv. 30) → Spinarak
    • Venipede (Lv. 12) → Spinarak
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 12) → Spinarak
    • Scolipede (Lv. 12) → Spinarak

81. (170) 6fKZEhJ.pngChinchou and (171) U2smunL.pngLanturn (Water B)

  • Soak
    • Goldeen (Lv. 40) → Chinchou
    • Seaking (Lv. 44) → Chinchou
    • Remoraid (Lv. 40) → Chinchou
    • Octillery (Lv. 48) → Chinchou
    • Wailord (Start) → Chinchou
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 42) → Chinchou
    • Finneon (Lv. 54) → Chinchou
    • Lumineon (Start) → Chinchou
    • Lumineon (Lv. 66) → Chinchou
    • Basculin (Lv. 28) → Chinchou
    • Basculin (Blue) [Lv. 28] → Chinchou
    • Alomomola (Lv. 33) → Chinchou
  • Mist
    • Remoraid (BP) → Chinchou
    • Octillery (BP) → Chinchou
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Chinchou
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Chinchou
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Alomomola → Chinchou
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Alomomola → Chinchou

82. (175) 6z9SkQi.pngTogepi (Cannot Breed), (176) SgyZGvp.pngTogetic, and (468) lIFRivV.pngTogekiss (Fairy, Flying)

  • Peck
    • Spearow (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Fearow (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Doduo (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Dodrio (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 7) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Noctowl (Lv. 7) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • natu (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • xatu (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Murkrow (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Skarmory (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Taillow (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Swellow (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Swablu (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Altaria (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Honchkrow (Pre-Evo) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Chatot (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Rufflet (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Braviary (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 56) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Sentret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Buneary (Start) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Lopunny (Start) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Farfetch'd → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit →  Marill → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • Audino (BP) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Snubbull → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • delibird (Start) → Pikachu → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
  • Morning Sun
    • Cherubi (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Cherrim (Start) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
  • Psycho ShiftgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 15) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Noctowl (Lv. 15) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • natu (Lv. 26) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • xatu (Lv. 28) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Woobat → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Musharna (Start) → Pikachu → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform →Togetic (Baby will be Togepi)

83. (177) rJyjHjy.pngnatu and (178) Aw5Q1eO.pngxatu (Flying)

  • Drill Peck
    • Spearow (Lv. 36) → natu
    • Fearow (Lv. 41) → natu
    • Doduo (Lv. 43) → natu
    • Dodrio (Lv. 47) → natu
    • Skarmory (Lv. 36) → natu
  • Simple BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • Woobat (Lv. 55) → natu
    • Swoobat (Lv. 55) → natu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Zigzagoon/Skitty/Spoink → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Audino (Lv. 36) → Skitty → Farfetch'd → natu
  • SynchronoisegLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 43) → natu
    • Noctowl (Lv. 51) → natu
    • Chatot (Lv. 49) → natu
    • sigilyph (Lv. 31) → natu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → natu
    • Whismur (Lv. 43) → Woobat → natu
    • Loudred (Lv. 50) → Woobat → natu
    • Exploud (Lv. 53) → Woobat → natu
    • Kecleon (Lv. 50) → Woobat → natu
    • Munna (Lv. 25) → Woobat → natu
    • Musharna (Pre-Evo) → Woobat → natu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee → Woobat → natu
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → natu
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → natu
    • Pidgeot (Start) → natu
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → natu
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → natu
    • Dodrio (Start) → natu
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → natu
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → natu
    • Swellow (Start) → natu
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → natu
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → natu
    • Pelipper (Start) → natu
    • Starly (Lv. 5) → natu
    • Staravia (Start) → natu
    • Starvia (Lv. 5) → natu
    • Staraptor (Start) → natu
    • Staraptor (Lv. 5) → natu
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → natu
    • Tranquill (Start) → natu
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → natu
    • Unfezant (Start) → natu
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → natu
    • Archen (Start) → natu
    • Archeops (Start) → natu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Raticate (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Pikachu (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Raichu (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Ninetales (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Ponyta (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Rapidash (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Tauros (BP) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Combusken (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Blaziken (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Absol (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Floatzel (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Weavile (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Blitzle (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Farfetch'd → natu
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → natu
  • Refresh
    • Pidgeotto (BP) → natu
    • Pidgeot (BP) → natu
    • Swablu (Lv. 26) → natu
    • Altaria (Lv. 26) → natu

84. (179) XqTK4PU.pngMareep, (180) dvNy8re.pngFlaaffy, and (181) sPh6Qzq.pngAmpharos (Monster, Field)

  • Odor SleuthgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep
    • Growlithe (Lv. 10) → Mareep
    • arcanine (Start) → Mareep
    • Snorlax (Start) → Mareep
    • Griafarig (Lv. 5) → Mareep
    • Swinub (Start) → Mareep
    • Piloswine (Start) → Mareep
    • Houndour (Lv. 20) → Mareep
    • Houndoom (Lv. 20) → Mareep
    • Phanpy (Start) → Mareep
    • Donphan (Start) → Mareep
    • Poochyena (Lv. 13) → Mareep
    • Mightyena (Lv. 13) → Mareep
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) → Mareep
    • Linoone (Lv. 13) → Mareep
    • Electrike (Lv. 16) → Mareep
    • Manectric (Lv. 16) → Mareep
    • Spoink (Lv. 10) → Mareep
    • Grumpig (Start) → Mareep
    • Grumpig (Lv. 10) → Mareep
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Mareep
    • Tepig (Lv. 9) → Mareep
    • Pignite (Start) → Mareep
    • Pignite (Lv. 9) → Mareep
    • Emboar (Start) → Mareep
    • Emboar (Lv. 9) → Mareep
    • Lillipup (Lv. 5) → Mareep
    • Herdier (Start) → Mareep
    • Herdier (Lv. 5) → Mareep
    • Stoutland (Start) → Mareep
    • Stoutland (Lv. 5) → Mareep
    • Woobat (Lv. 4) → Mareep
    • Swoobat (Start) → Mareep
    • Swoobat (Lv. 4) → Mareep
    • Heatmor (Lv. 6) → Mareep
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Bidoof/Buizel/Deerling → Mareep
  • FlattergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 45] → Mareep
    • Nidorino (Lv. 57) → Mareep
    • Nidoking (Start) → Mareep
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Mareep
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Mareep
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu/Woobat→ Mareep
  • Sand AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 6) → Mareep
    • Sandslash (Start) → Mareep
    • Sandslash (Lv. 3) → Mareep
    • Diglett (Start) → Mareep
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Mareep
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Mareep
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Mareep
    • Rhydon (Start) → Mareep
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 5) → Mareep
    • Aipom (Lv. 4) → Mareep
    • Stantler (Lv. 16) → Mareep
    • Torchic (Lv. 15) → Mareep
    • Combusken (Start) → Mareep
    • Combusken (Lv. 15) → Mareep
    • Blaziken (Start) → Mareep
    • Blaziken (Lv. 15) → Mareep
    • Poochyena (Lv. 7) → Mareep
    • Mightyena (Start) → Mareep
    • Mightyena (Lv. 7) → Mareep
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 3) → Mareep
    • Linoone (Start) → Mareep
    • Linoone (Lv. 7) → Mareep
    • Ambipom (Start) → Mareep
    • Ambipom (Lv. 4) → Mareep
    • Gible (Lv. 6) → Mareep
    • Gabite (Start) → Mareep
    • Gabite (Lv. 3) → Mareep
    • Garchomp (Start) → Mareep
    • Garchomp (Lv. 3) → Mareep
    • Hippopotas (Start) → Mareep
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Mareep
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Mareep
    • Patrat (Lv. 13) → Mareep
    • Watchog (Lv. 13) → Mareep
    • Purrloin (Lv. 4) → Mareep
    • Liepard (Start) → Mareep
    • Liepard (Lv. 10) → Mareep
    • Sandile (Lv. 3) → Mareep
    • Krokorok (Start) → Mareep
    • Krokorok (Lv. 7) → Mareep
    • Krookodile (Start) → Mareep
    • Krookodile (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Scraggy (Lv. 12) → Mareep
    • Scrafty (Start) → Mareep
    • Scrafty (Lv. 12) → Mareep
    • Deerling (Lv. 7) → Mareep
    • Sawsbuck (Start) → Mareep
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 7) → Mareep
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow/Lillpup/Blitzle → Mareep

85. (298) rkHOa7W.pngAzuill (Cannot Breed), (183) bbE2vLP.pngMarill, (184) vVoYnzQ.pngAzumarill (Fairy, Water A)

  • Sing
    • Pikachu (BP) → Marill
    • Raichu (BP) → Marill
    • Clefairy (Start) → Marill
    • Clefairy (Lv. 7) → Marill
    • Clefable (Start) → Marill
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Marill
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Marill
    • Lapras (Start) → Marill
    • Lapras (Lv. 5) → Marill
    • Skitty (Lv. 7) → Marill
    • Delcatty (Start) → Marill
    • Mawile (BP) → Marill
    • Snorunt (BP) → Marill
    • Glalie (BP) → Marill
    • Piplup (BP) → Marill
    • Prinplup (BP) → Marill
    • Empoleon (BP) → Marill
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Mantine (Start) → Marill
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Marill
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Marill
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Marill
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Marill
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Marill
    • Pelipper (Start) → Marill
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Marill
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Marill
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Marill
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Marill
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Marill
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Marill
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Marill
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Marill
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Marill
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Marill
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Marill
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini → Marill
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Marill
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini → Marill
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Marill
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Marill
    • Seaking (Start) → Remoraid → Marill
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Marill
    • Chinchou (Start) → Remoraid → Marill
    • Lanturn (Start) → Remoraid → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Marill
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Marill
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Marill
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Marill
  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Marill
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Marill
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Marill
    • Politoed (Start) → Marill
    • Wooper (BP) → Marill
    • Quagsire (BP) → Marill
    • Lickitung (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke → Marill
    • Snorlax (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke → Marill
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal → Marill
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Spheal → Marill
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Spheal → Marill
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Spheal → Marill
    • Darumanitan (Lv. 38) → Spheal → Marill
    • Darumanitan (Zen) [Lv. 38] (Currently not implemented) → Spheal → Marill
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Marill
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Marill
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Marill
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Marill
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Sentret (Start) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Furret (Start) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Marill
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Marill
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Marill
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Marill
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Marill
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Marill
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit →  Marill
  • Perish SonggLkTe2q.png
    • Lapras (Lv. 60) → Marill
    • Politoed (Start) → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Marill
    • Absol (Start) → Seel → Marill
    • Absol (Lv. 55) → Seel → Marill
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • delibird (Start) → Marill
    • Audino (BP) → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Snubbull → Marill
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Marill
    • Shroomish (BP) → Marill
    • Breloom (BP) → Marill
    • Milotic (Start) → Marill
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Marill
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Marill
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Marill
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle/Lapras/Mudkip → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Marill
    • LvHFzno.pngRaticate (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • B6lSelF.pngArbok (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Marill
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Marill
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Marill
  • Camouflage
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 17) → Marill
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Marill
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Marill
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Marill
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Marill
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Marill
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Marill
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emogla/Heatmor → Pikachu → Marill
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Marill
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Marill
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Marill
  • Copycat
    • Clefairy (Start) → Marill
    • Clefable (Start) → Marill
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Marill
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Marill
    • Skitty (Lv. 19) → Marill
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Marill
    • Plusle (Lv. 22) → Marill
    • Minun (Lv. 22) → Marill
  • Aqua Jet
    • Golduck (Start) → Marill
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Marill
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Marill
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Marill
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Marill
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) → Marill
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Marill
    • Empoleon (Evolve) → Marill
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Marill
    • Bibarel (Start) → Marill
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Marill
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Marill
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Marill
    • Carracosta (Start) → Marill
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Marill
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Marill
  • SoakgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (Lv. 27) → Marill
    • Golduck (Lv. 27) → Marill
    • Remoraid (Lv. 40) → Marill
    • Octillery (Lv. 48) → Marill
    • Pelipper (Start) → Marill
    • Alomomola (Lv. 33) → Marill
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Marill
    • Wailord (Start) → Buizel → Marill

86. (438) JbHQDU2.pngBonsly (Cannot Breed) and (185) TRRvkZY.pngSudowoodo (Mineral)

  • Harden
    • Geodude (Lv. 26) → Sudowoodo
    • Graveler (Lv. 29) → Sudowoodo
    • Golem (Lv. 29) → Sudowoodo
    • Onix (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Steelix (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • nosepass (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • probopass (Pre-Evo) → Sudowoodo
    • Roggenrola (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • Boldore (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Boldore (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • Gigalith (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Gigalith (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • Vanillite (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Vanillite (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • Vanillish (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Vanillish (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • Vanilluxe (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Vanilluxe (Lv. 4) → Sudowoodo
    • Ferroseed (Start) → Sudowoodo
    • Ferrothorn (Start) → Sudowoodo

87. (187) 0n1Ua3r.pngHoppip, (188) bqGwU3p.pngSkiploom, and (189) WAXnP5s.pngJumpluff (Fairy, Plant)

  • Aromatherapy
    • Vileplume (Start) → Hoppip
    • Paras (Lv. 43) → Hoppip
    • Parasect (Lv. 51) → Hoppip
    • Chikorita (Lv. 42) → Hoppip
    • Bayleef (Lv. 50) → Hoppip
    • Meganium (Lv. 60) → Hoppip
    • Roselia (Lv. 50) → Hoppip
    • Roserade (Start) → Hoppip
    • Snivy (BP) → Hoppip
    • Servine (BP) → Hoppip
    • Serperior (BP) → Hoppip
  • Confusion
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 20) → Hoppip
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Hoppip
  • Growl
    • Bulbasaur (Start) → Hoppip
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 3) → Hoppip
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Hoppip
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 3) → Hoppip
    • Venusaur (Start) → Hoppip
    • Venusaur (Lv. 3) → Hoppip
    • Pikachu (Start) → Hoppip
    • Pikachu (Lv. 3) → Hoppip
    • Raichu (Start) → Hoppip
    • Clefairy (Start) → Hoppip
    • Clefable (Start) → Hoppip
    • Chikorita (Start) → Hoppip
    • Bayleef (Start) → Hoppip
    • Meganium (Start) → Hoppip
    • Togetic (Start) → Hoppip
    • Lotad (Start) → Hoppip
    • Lotad (Lv. 3) → Hoppip
    • Lombre (Start) → Hoppip
    • Lombre (Lv. 3) → Hoppip
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Hoppip
    • Skitty (Start) → Hoppip
    • Delcatty (Start) → Hoppip
    • Mawile (Start) → Hoppip
    • Plusle (Start) → Hoppip
    • Minun (Start) → Hoppip
    • Pachirisu (Start) → Hoppip
    • Togekiss (Start) → Hoppip
    • Audino (Start) → Hoppip
    • Audino (Lv. 16) → Hoppip
  • Cotton Guard
    • Cottonee (Lv. 45) → Hoppip
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Hoppip
    • Maractus (Start) → Hoppip
    • Maractus (Lv. 60) → Hoppip
  • Switcheroo
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Hoppip
    • Hypno (Start) → Cacnea → Hoppip
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Cacnea → Hoppip
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Snorunt/Cottonee → Hoppip

88. (190) HfpiCMs.pngAipom and (424) jBp9giV.pngAmbipom (Field)

  • Double SlapgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom
    • Skitty (Lv. 16) → Aipom
    • Delicatty (Start) → Aipom
    • Minccino (Lv. 17) → Aipom
    • Cinccino (Pre-Evo) → Aipom
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 17) → Aipom
    • Mienshao (Lv. 17) → Aipom
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Buizel → Aipom
    • Clefairy (Start) → Pikachu → Aipom
    • Clefable (Lv. 10) → Pikachu → Aipom
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 17) → Pikachu → Aipom
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Pikachu → Aipom
    • Poliwag (Lv. 15) → Buizel → Aipom
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 15) → Buizel → Aipom
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Buizel → Aipom
    • Politoed (Start) → Buizel → Aipom
    • Alomomola (Lv. 13) → Buizel → Aipom
  • SlamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Aipom
    • Raichu (Start) → Aipom
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Aipom
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Aipom
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Aipom
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Aipom
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Aipom
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Aipom
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Aipom
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Aipom
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Aipom
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Aipom
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Aipom
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Aipom
    • Cinccino (Start) → Aipom
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Seel/Mawile → Aipom
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Deino (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Zweilous (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Aipom
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Aipom
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Aipom
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Seel/Mawile → Aipom
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Seel/Mawile → Aipom
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Aipom
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Aipom
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Aipom
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Patrat
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Aipom
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Aipom
    • Umbreon (Start) → Aipom
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Aipom
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Aipom
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Aipom
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Aipom
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Aipom
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Aipom
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Aipom
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Aipom
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Aipom
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Aipom
    • Zoroark (Start) → Aipom
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Aipom
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Aipom
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Aipom
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Aipom
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Aipom
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Aipom
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Aipom
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Aipom
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Aipom
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Aipom
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Aipom
  • SwitcharoogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom
    • Persian (Start) → Aipom
    • Linoone (Start) → Aipom
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Electrike/Seviper/Buizel/Buneary → Aipom
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Aipom
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Aipom
  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Aipom
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Aipom
    • Mienshao (Start) → Aipom
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose/Chimchar/Scraggy → Aipom
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Chimchar → Aipom
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Chimchar → Aipom
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Chimchar → Aipom
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Chimchar → Aipom
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Chimchar → Aipom
    • Treecko (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Aipom
    • Grovyle (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Aipom
    • Sceptile (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Aipom

89. (191) v0ZNBQB.pngSunkern and (192) V6cui9z.pngSunflora (Plant)

  • Morning Sun
    • Tangela (BP) → Sunkern
    • Cherubi (Start) → Sunkern
    • Cherrim (Start) → Sunkern
    • Tangrowth (BP) → Sunkern

90. (193) xcCXGy5.pngYanma and (469) m50sRXC.pngYanmega (Bug)

  • Feint
    • Yanmega (Lv. 58) → Yanma

91. (194) Pljr5Lx.pngWooper and (195) jEAl68J.pngQuagsire (Water A, Field)

  • RecovergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper
    • Corsola (Lv. 50) → Wooper
    • Milotic (Lv. 28) → Wooper
    • Shellos (Lv. 10) → Wooper
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Wooper
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 54) → Wooper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Kecleon → Wooper
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Wooper
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Wooper
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Wooper
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Wooper
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Wooper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Numel/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Wooper
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Wooper
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Wooper
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Wooper
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Wooper
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Wooper
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Wooper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Numel/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Wooper
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Wooper
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Wooper
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Wooper
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Wooper
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Wooper
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Wooper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Numel/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Wooper
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Wooper
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Wooper
  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Wooper
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Wooper
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Wooper
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Wooper
    • Nidoking (Start) → Wooper
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Wooper
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Wooper
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Wooper
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Wooper
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Wooper
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Wooper
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Wooper
    • Combusken (Start) → Wooper
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Wooper
    • Blaziken (Start) → Wooper
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Wooper
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Wooper
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Wooper
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Wooper
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Wooper
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Wooper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Wooper
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Wooper
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Wooper
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Wooper
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Wooper

92. (198) KvNDvUW.pngMurkrow and (430) 7LOxqhu.pngHonchkrow (Flying)

  • FlattergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Murkrow
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 45] → Woobat → Murkrow
    • Nidorino (Lv. 57) → Woobat → Murkrow
    • Nidoking (Start) → Woobat → Murkrow
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Woobat → Murkrow
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Woobat → Murkrow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Pachirisu→ Woobat → Murkrow
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Murkrow
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Murkrow
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Murkrow
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Murkrow
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Murkrow
    • Dodrio (Start) → Murkrow
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Murkrow
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Murkrow
    • Swellow (Start) → Murkrow
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Murkrow
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Murkrow
    • Pelipper (Start) → Murkrow
    • Starly (Lv. 5) → Murkrow
    • Staravia (Start) → Murkrow
    • Starvia (Lv. 5) → Murkrow
    • Staraptor (Start) → Murkrow
    • Staraptor (Lv. 5) → Murkrow
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Murkrow
    • Tranquill (Start) → Murkrow
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Murkrow
    • Unfezant (Start) → Murkrow
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Murkrow
    • Archen (Start) → Murkrow
    • Archeops (Start) → Murkrow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Raticate (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Pikachu (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Raichu (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Ninetales (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Ponyta (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Rapidash (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Tauros (BP) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Combusken (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Blaziken (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Absol (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Floatzel (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Weavile (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Blitzle (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
  • Punishment
    • (No Data From Any Sources)
  • Psycho ShiftgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 15) → Murkrow
    • Noctowl (Lv. 15) → Murkrow
    • natu (Lv. 26) → Murkrow
    • xatu (Lv. 28) → Murkrow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Murkrow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Woobat → Murkrow
  • Perish Song
    • Swablu (Lv. 44) → Murkrow
    • Altaria (Lv. 50) → Murkrow
  • Drill Peck
    • Spearow (Lv. 36) → Murkrow
    • Fearow (Lv. 41) → Murkrow
    • Doduo (Lv. 43) → Murkow
    • Dodrio (Lv. 47) → Murkrow
    • Skarmory (Lv. 36) → Murkrow
  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Murkrow
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Murkrow
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 56) → Murkrow
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Murkrow
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Murkrow
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Murkrow
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Murkrow
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Murkrow
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Murkrow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Murkrow

93. (200) XKSxlAP.pngMisdreavus and (429) p5XveGI.pngMismagius (Chaos)

  • Memento
    • Grimer (Lv. 48) → Misdreavus
    • Muk (Lv. 57) → Misdreavus
    • Koffing (Lv. 48) → Misdreavus
    • Weezing (Lv. 56) → Misdreavus
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → Misdreavus
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → Misdreavus
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 30) → Misdreavus
    • Litwick (Lv. 56) → Misdreavus
    • Lampent (Lv. 64) → Misdreavus
    • Chandelure (Start) → Misdreavus
  • Shadow Sneak
    • Shuppet (Lv. 13) → Misdreavus
    • Banette (Lv. 13) → Misdreavus
    • Duskull (Lv. 8 ) → Misdreavus
    • Dusclops (Start) → Misdreavus
    • Dusclops (Lv. 17) → Misdreavus
    • Spiritomb (Start) → Misdreavus
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 5) → Misdreavus
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Misdreavus
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 17) → Misdreavus
    • Sableye (Lv. 9) → Ralts → Misdreavus
  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • Golduck (Start) → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Lickitung (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Stantler (Start) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Blitzle/Sandile/Minfoo → Buizel → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • natu (Lv. 50) → Ducklett → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
    • xatu (Lv. 57) → Ducklett → Stunfisk → Misdreavus
  • Destiny Bond
    • Gastly (Lv. 44) → Misdreavus
    • Haunter (Lv. 54) → Misdreavus
    • Gengar (Lv. 54) → Misdreavus
    • Koffing (Lv. 52) → Misdreavus
    • Weezing (Lv. 62) → Misdreavus
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Misdreavus
    • Drifloon (Lv. 32) → Misdreavus
    • Driflim (Lv. 36) → Misdreavus
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Misdreavus
    • Yamask (Lv. 52) → Misdreavus
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 62) → Misdreavus
    • Frillish (Lv. 44) → Misdreavus
    • Jellicent (Lv. 48) → Misdreavus
    • Cacnea (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Misdreavus
    • Cacturne (Start) → Ralts → Misdreavus
    • Cacturne (Lv. 59) → Ralts → Misdreavus

94. (201) Unown (Cannot Breed) (No Egg Moves)



95. (360) MZ3SU7b.pngWynaut (Cannot Breed) and (202) Darf7xZ.pngWobbufett (Chaos) (No Egg Moves)


96. (203) r9TERiM.pngGirafarig (Field)

  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Girafarig
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Girafarig
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Girafarig
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Girafarig
    • Nidoking (Start) → Girafarig
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Girafarig
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Girafarig
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Girafarig
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Girafarig
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Girafarig
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Girafarig
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Girafarig
    • Combusken (Start) → Girafarig
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Girafarig
    • Blaziken (Start) → Girafarig
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Girafarig
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Girafarig
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Girafarig
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Girafarig
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Girafarig
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Girafarig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Girafarig
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Girafarig
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Girafarig
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Girafarig
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Girafarig
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig
    • Sentret (Start) → Girafarig
    • Furret (Start) → Girafarig
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Girafarig
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Girafarig
    • Buneary (Start) → Girafarig
    • Lopunny (Start) → Girafarig
    • Lucario (Start) → Girafarig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Patrat → Girafarig
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Girafarig
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Girafarig
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Girafarig
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Girafarig
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd → Girafarig
  • Mean LookgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig
    • Umbreon (Lv. 50) → Girafarig
    • Patrat (Lv. 36) → Girafarig
    • Watchog (Lv. 43) → Girafarig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Absol/Snivy/Sandile → Girafarig
  • Mirror CoatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snivy
    • Lopunny (Start) → Snivy
    • Glaceon (Lv. 45) → Snivy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig/Spoink → Snivy
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Girafarig
    • Absol (BP) → Girafarig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Skitty/Spinda → Girafarig
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Pikachu/Skitty → Girafarig
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pikachu/Skitty → Girafarig
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Girafarig
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Girafarig
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Girafarig
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Girafarig
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Girafarig
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Girafarig

97. (204) owwUt5N.pngPineco and (205) XdDdizX.pngForretress (Bug)

  • Power Trick
    • Shuckle (Lv. 55) → Pineco
  • Flail
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Pineco
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Pineco
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Pineco
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Pineco
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Pineco
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Pineco
    • Escavalier (Start) → Pineco
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras → Pineco
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras → Pineco
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras → Pineco
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Pineco
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Pineco
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Pineco
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch → Pineco

98. (206) vFbdoXf.pngDunsparce (Field)

  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Dunsparce
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Dunsparce
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Dunsparce
    • Arbok (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Dunsparce
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Dunsparce
    • Persian (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Dunsparce
    • Growlithe (Start) → Dunsparce
    • arcanine (Start) → Dunsparce
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Dunsparce
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Dunsparce
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Dunsparce
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Dunsparce
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Dunsparce
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Dunsparce
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Dunsparce
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Dunsparce
    • Mightyena (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Dunsparce
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Dunsparce
    • Loudred (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Dunsparce
    • Exploud (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Dunsparce
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Dunsparce
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Dunsparce
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Dunsparce
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Dunsparce
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Dunsparce
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Dunsparce
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Dunsparce
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Dunsparce
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Dunsparce
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Dunsparce
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Dunsparce
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Dunsparce
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Dunsparce
    • Watchog (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Dunsparce
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Herdier (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Stoutland (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Dunsparce
    • Simisage (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Dunsparce
    • Simisear (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Dunsparce
    • Simipour (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Dunsparce
    • Krokorok (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Dunsparce
    • Krookodile (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Dunsparce
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Dunsparce
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Swinub/Stantler/Pachirisu/Glameow/Lucario → Dunsparce
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Dunsparce
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Dunsparce
  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Dunsparce
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Girafarig (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Dunsparce
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Dunsparce
    • Whismur (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • Loudred (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Dunsparce
    • Exploud (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Dunsparce
    • Mawile (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Dunsparce
    • Wailord (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Dunsparce
    • Kecleon (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Ambipom (Start) → Dunsparce
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Dunsparce
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena/Stunky/Emolga → Dunsparce
  • Trump CardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce
    • Eevee (Lv. 45) → Dunsparce
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Dunsparce
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/Oshawott → Dunsparce

99. (207) 9mXA3Yu.pngGligar and (472) p5i5As9.pngGliscor (Bug)

  • Night Slash
    • Gliscor (Lv. 27) → Gligar
  • Power Trick
    • Shuckle (Lv. 55) → Gligar
  • Wing Attack
    • Scyther (Lv. 12) → Gligar
    • Yanma (Lv. 43) → Gligar
    • Scizor (Start) → Gligar
    • Yanmega (Pre-Evo) → Gligar
  • Feint
    • Scyther (Lv. 61) → Gligar
    • Scizor (Start) → Gligar
    • Scizor (Lv. 61) → Gligar
    • Heracross (Lv. 7) → Gligar
    • Trapinch (Lv. 29) → Gligar
    • Vibrava (Pre-Evo) → Gligar
    • Flygon (Start) → Gligar
    • Yanmega (Lv. 38) → Gligar

100. (209) rbGSAdY.pngSnubbull and (210) iJSFLbq.pngGranbull (Fairy, Field)

  • LeergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull
    • Ekans (Start) → Snubbull
    • Arbok (Start) → Snubbull
    • Nidoran (Male) [Start] → Snubbull
    • Nidorino (Start) → Snubbull
    • Nidoking (Start) → Snubbull
    • Mankey (Start) → Snubbull
    • Primeape (Start) → Snubbull
    • Growlithe (Start) → Snubbull
    • Growlithe (Lv. 8 ) → Snubbull
    • arcanine (Start) → Snubbull
    • Farfetch’d (Start) → Snubbull
    • Farfetch’d (Lv. 5) → Snubbull
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 50) → Snubbull
    • Rhydon (Lv. 55) → Snubbull
    • Tauros (Lv. 35) → Snubbull
    • Flareon (Lv. 47) → Snubbull
    • Cyndaquil (Start) → Snubbull
    • Quilava (Start) → Snubbull
    • Typhlosion (Start) → Snubbull
    • Sneasel (Start) → Snubbull
    • Teddiursa (Start) → Snubbull
    • Ursaring (Start) → Snubbull
    • Houndour (Start) → Snubbull
    • Houndoom (Start) → Snubbull
    • Stantler (Lv. 3) → Snubbull
    • Electrike (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Manectric (Start) → Snubbull
    • Manectric (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Zangoose (Start) → Snubbull
    • Absol (Start) → Snubbull
    • Absol (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Snorunt (Start) → Snubbull
    • Snorunt (Lv. 5) → Snubbull
    • Glalie (Start) → Snubbull
    • Chimchar (Start) → Snubbull
    • Monferno (Start) → Snubbull
    • Infernape (Start) → Snubbull
    • Shinx (Start) → Snubbull
    • Shinx (Lv. 5) → Snubbull
    • Luxio (Start) → Snubbull
    • Luxio (Lv. 5) → Snubbull
    • Luxray (Start) → Snubbull
    • Luxray (Lv. 5) → Snubbull
    • Weavile (Start) → Snubbull
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Snubbull
    • Snivy (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Servine (Start) → Snubbull
    • Servine (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Serperior (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Serperior (Start) → Snubbull
    • Patrat (Lv. 3) → Snubbull
    • Watchog (Start) → Snubbull
    • Watchog (Lv. 3) → Snubbull
    • Lillipup (Start) → Snubbull
    • Herdier (Start) → Snubbull
    • Stoutland (Start) → Snubbull
    • Pansage (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Simisage (Start) → Snubbull
    • Pansear (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Simisear (Start) → Snubbull
    • Panpour (Lv. 4) → Snubbull
    • Simipour (Start) → Snubbull
    • Sandile (Start) → Snubbull
    • Krokorok (Start) → Snubbull
    • Krookodile (Start) → Snubbull
    • Scraggy (Start) → Snubbull
    • Scrafty (Start) → Snubbull
    • Zorua (Start) → Snubbull
    • Zoroark (Start) → Snubbull
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Snubbull
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena/Stunky → Snubbull
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull
    • delibird (Start) → Snubbull
    • Audino (BP) → Snubbull
    • Semeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Snubbull
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Torchic/Whismur/Spinda/Mienfoo → Snubbull
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Snubbull
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Spinda → Snubbull

101. (211) flSKFPY.pngQwilfish (Water B)

  • Astonish
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Qwilfish
    • Wailord (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Qwilfish
  • Flail
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Qwilfish
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Qwilfish
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Qwilfish
    • Gyarados (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Qwilfish
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Qwilfish
    • Relicanth (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Qwilfish
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Qwilfish
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Qwilfish
    • Basculin (Blue) [Lv .8] → Qwilfish
    • Seel (BP) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Dewgong (BP) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Lombre (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Milotic (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
  • Aqua Jet
    • Carvanha (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Carvanha (Lv. 11) → Qwilfish
    • Sharpedo (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Sharpedo (Lv. 11) → Qwilfish
    • Basculin (Lv. 12) → Qwilfish
    • Basculin (Blue) (Lv. 12) → Qwilfish
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Qwilfish
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Qwilfish
    • Seaking (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Qwilfish
    • Chinchou (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Lanturn (Start) → Qwilfish
    • Mantine (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Pelipper (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Remoraid → Qwilfish
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Remoraid → Qwilfish

102. (213) yZuzgcB.pngShuckle (Bug)

  • Acupressure
    • Skorupi (Lv. 45) → Shuckle
    • Drapion (Lv. 49) → Shuckle
  • Acid
    • Shelmet (Lv. 4) → Shuckle
    • Accelgor (Start) → Shuckle
  • Final Gambit
    • Shelmet (Lv. 48) → Shuckle
    • Accelgor (Start) → Shuckle
    • Accelgor (Lv. 48) → Shuckle

103. (214) buH4gGa.pngHeracross (Bug)

  • Flail
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Heracross
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Heracross
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Heracross
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Heracross
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Heracross
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Heracross
    • Escavalier (Start) → Heracross
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras → Heracross
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras → Heracross
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras → Heracross
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Heracross
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Heracross
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Heracross
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch → Heracross
  • Harden
    • Metapod (Evolve) → Heracross
    • Metapod (Start) → Heracross
    • Metapod (Lv. 7) → Heracross
    • Butterfree (Start) → Heracross
    • Kakuna (Evolve) → Heracross
    • Kakuna (Start) → Heracross
    • Kakuna (Lv. 7) → Heracross
    • Beedrill (Pre-Evo) → Heracross
    • Pinsir (Start) → Heracross
    • Gligar (Lv. 7) → Heracross
    • Silcoon (Evolve) → Heracross
    • Silcoon (Start) → Heracross
    • Silcoon (Lv. 7) → Heracross
    • Beautifly (Pre-Evo) → Heracross
    • Cascoon (Evolve) → Heracross
    • Cascoon (Start) → Heracross
    • Cascoon (Lv. 7) → Heracross
    • Dustox (Pre-Evo) → Heracross
    • Nincada (Start) → Heracross
    • Nincada (Lv. 5) → Heracross
    • Ninjask (Start) → Heracross
    • Gliscor (Start) → Heracross
    • Gliscor (Lv. 7) → Heracross
  • Pursuit
    • Beedrill (Lv. 17) → Heracross
    • Scyther (Lv. 9) → Heracross
    • Yanma (Lv. 30) → Heracross
    • Scizor (Lv. 9) → Heracross
    • Skorupi (Lv. 16) → Heracross
    • Drapion (Lv. 16) → Heracross
    • Yanmega (Lv. 30) → Heracross
    • Venipede (Lv. 12) → Heracross
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 12) → Heracross
    • Scolipede (Lv. 12) → Heracross

104. (215) 0YerpMl.pngSneasel and (461) DwEsZcH.pngWeavile (Field)

  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Sneasel
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Sneasel
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Sneasel
    • Arbok (Start) → Sneasel
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Sneasel
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Persian (Start) → Sneasel
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Growlithe (Start) → Sneasel
    • arcanine (Start) → Sneasel
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Sneasel
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Sneasel
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Sneasel
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Sneasel
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Sneasel
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Sneasel
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Sneasel
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Sneasel
    • Mightyena (Start) → Sneasel
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Sneasel
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Sneasel
    • Loudred (Start) → Sneasel
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Sneasel
    • Exploud (Start) → Sneasel
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Sneasel
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Sneasel
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Sneasel
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Sneasel
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Sneasel
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Sneasel
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Sneasel
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Sneasel
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Sneasel
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Sneasel
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Sneasel
    • Watchog (Start) → Sneasel
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Sneasel
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Sneasel
    • Herdier (Start) → Sneasel
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Sneasel
    • Stoutland (Start) → Sneasel
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Sneasel
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Sneasel
    • Simisage (Start) → Sneasel
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Sneasel
    • Simisear (Start) → Sneasel
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Sneasel
    • Simipour (Start) → Sneasel
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Krokorok (Start) → Sneasel
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Krookodile (Start) → Sneasel
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Sneasel
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Sneasel
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Swinub/Stantler/Pachirisu/Glameow/Lucario → Sneasel
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Sneasel
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Sneasel
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Sentret (Start) → Sneasel
    • Furret (Start) → Sneasel
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Sneasel
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Sneasel
    • Buneary (Start) → Sneasel
    • Lopunny (Start) → Sneasel
    • Lucario (Start) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Patrat → Sneasel
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Sneasel
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd → Sneasel
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Sneasel
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Sneasel
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Sneasel
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Sneasel
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Sneasel
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Sneasel
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Sneasel
    • Umbreon (Start) → Sneasel
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Sneasel
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Sneasel
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Sneasel
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Sneasel
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Sneasel
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Sneasel
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Sneasel
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Sneasel
    • Zoroark (Start) → Sneasel
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Sneasel
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor → Sneasel
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Sneasel
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Sneasel
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Sneasel
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Sneasel
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sneasel
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sneasel
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Sneasel
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Sneasel
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sneasel
  • AssistgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Skitty (Lv. 31) → Sneasel
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Sneasel
    • Glameow (Lv. 29) → Sneasel
    • Purugly (Lv. 29) → Sneasel
    • Purrloin (Lv. 6) → Sneasel
    • Liepard (Start) → Sneasel
    • Liepard (Lv. 6) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Sentret/Spinda/Chimchar → Sneasel
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Sandslash (Start) → Sneasel
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Sneasel
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Sneasel
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Torchic/Slakoth → Sneasel
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Sneasel
    • Raichu (Start) → Sneasel
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Sneasel
    • Persian (Start) → Sneasel
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Sneasel
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Sneasel
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Sneasel
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Sneasel
    • Absol (Start) → Sneasel
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Sneasel
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Sneasel
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Sneasel
    • Skuntank (Start) → Sneasel
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Sneasel
    • Lucario (Start) → Sneasel
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour/Torchic/Zangoose/Blitzle/Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Mienfoo → Sneasel
  • Double HitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Aipom (Lv. 32) → Sneasel
    • Girafarig (Lv. 28) → Sneasel
    • Buizel (Lv. 27) → Sneasel
    • Floatzel (Lv. 29) → Sneasel
    • Ambipom (Lv. 32) → Sneasel
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Sneasel
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 33) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose/Piplup/Buneary → Sneasel
    • Corphish (Lv. 20) → Piplup → Sneasel
    • Crawdaunt (Lv. 20) → Piplup → Sneasel
  • Icicle CrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel
    • Beartic (Evolve) → Sneasel
    • Beartic (Start) → Sneasel
    • Beartic (Lv. 37) → Sneasel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Swinub → Sneasel

105. (216) MOlgBZx.pngTeddiursa and (217) 5UUqSTw.pngUrsaring (Field)

  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa
    • Wooper (BP) → Teddiursa
    • Quagsire (BP) → Teddiursa
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Teddiursa
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Teddiursa
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Teddiursa
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 38) → Teddiursa
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Currently Not Implemented] (Lv. 38) → Teddiursa
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose/Spheal → Teddiursa
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Spheal → Teddiursa
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Spheal → Teddiursa
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Spheal → Teddiursa
    • Politoed (Start) → Spheal → Teddiursa
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Teddiursa
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Teddiursa
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Teddiursa
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Teddiursa
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Teddiursa
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Teddiursa
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Teddiursa
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Teddiursa
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Teddiursa
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Teddiursa
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Teddiursa
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Teddiursa
    • Zoroark (Start) → Teddiursa
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Teddiursa
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Teddiursa
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Teddiursa
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Teddiursa
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Lucario →  Teddiursa
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Lucario → Teddiursa
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Lucario → Teddiursa
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Lucario → Teddiursa
  • Chip AwaygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa
    • Nidoking (Lv. 23) → Teddiursa
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Teddiursa
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Teddiursa
    • Slakoth (Lv. 25) → Teddiursa
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 27) → Teddiursa
    • Slaking (Lv. 27) → Teddiursa
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Teddiursa
    • Sraggy (Lv. 27) → Teddiursa
    • Scrafty (Lv. 27) → Teddiursa
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew → Teddiursa
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa
    • Pikachu (BP) → Teddiursa
    • Raichu (BP) → Teddiursa
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Teddiursa
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Teddiursa
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Teddiursa
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Teddiursa
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Teddiursa
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Teddiursa
    • Slakoth (Start) → Teddiursa
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Teddiursa
    • Slaking (Start) → Teddiursa
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Teddiursa
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Teddiursa
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Teddiursa
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Teddiursa
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Teddiursa
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Teddiursa
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Teddiursa
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Teddiursa
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Teddiursa
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Teddiursa
    • Musharna (Start) → Teddiursa
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Teddiursa
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Teddiursa
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Teddiursa

106. (218) obpQ1OM.pngSlugma and (219) VFvYtYA.pngMagcargo (Chaos)

  • Inferno
    • Misdreavus (BP) → Slugma
    • Mismagius (BP) → Slugma
    • Litwick (Lv. 40) → Slugma
    • Lampent (Lv. 40) → Slugma
    • Chandelure (Start) → Slugma
  • Smoke Screen
    • Koffing (Lv. 8 ) → Slugma
    • Weezing (Start) → Slugma
    • Weezing (Lv. 7) → Slugma
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Slugma
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Slugma
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Slugma
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Slugma
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Slugma
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Shellos → Shellos → Slugma
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
  • Acid Armor
    • Grimer (Lv. 43) → Slugma
    • Muk (Lv. 46) → Slugma
    • Jellicent (Start) → Slugma
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Slugma
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Slugma
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Slugma
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Slugma
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Slugma
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Shellos → Shellos → Slugma
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Slugma
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Slugma
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Slugma
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Slugma
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Slugma
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Shellos → Shellos → Slugma
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos → Slugma
  • Memento
    • Grimer (Lv. 48) → Slugma
    • Muk (Lv. 57) → Slugma
    • Koffing (Lv. 48) → Slugma
    • Weezing (Lv. 56) → Slugma
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → Slugma
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → Slugma
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 30) → Slugma
    • Litwick (Lv. 56) → Slugma
    • Lampent (Lv. 64) → Slugma
    • Chandelure (Start) → Slugma

107. (220) MiEwiRE.pngSwinub, (221) qlgXbYZ.pngPiloswine, (473) PlVg1jp.pngMamoswine (Field)

  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Swinub
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Swinub
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Swinub
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Swinub
    • Arbok (Start) → Swinub
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Swinub
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Swinub
    • Persian (Start) → Swinub
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Swinub
    • Growlithe (Start) → Swinub
    • arcanine (Start) → Swinub
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Swinub
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Swinub
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Swinub
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Swinub
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Swinub
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Swinub
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Swinub
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Swinub
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Swinub
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Swinub
    • Mightyena (Start) → Swinub
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Swinub
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Swinub
    • Loudred (Start) → Swinub
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Swinub
    • Exploud (Start) → Swinub
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Swinub
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Swinub
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Swinub
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Swinub
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Swinub
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Swinub
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Swinub
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Swinub
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Swinub
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Swinub
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Swinub
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Swinub
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Swinub
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Swinub
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Swinub
    • Watchog (Start) → Swinub
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Swinub
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Swinub
    • Herdier (Start) → Swinub
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Swinub
    • Stoutland (Start) → Swinub
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Swinub
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Swinub
    • Simisage (Start) → Swinub
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Swinub
    • Simisear (Start) → Swinub
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Swinub
    • Simipour (Start) → Swinub
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Swinub
    • Krokorok (Start) → Swinub
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Swinub
    • Krookodile (Start) → Swinub
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Swinub
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Swinub
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Swinub
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Swinub
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Sneasel/Stantler/Pachirisu/Glameow/Lucario → Swinub
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Swinub
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Swinub

108. (222) qZteusp.pngCorsola (Water A, Water C)

  • Barrier
    • Tentacool (Lv. 28) → Corsola
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 28) → Corsola
    • Dragonite (BP) → Corsola
  • Camouflage
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 17) → Corsola
  • Ingrain
    • Lileep (Lv. 12) → Corsola
    • Cradily (Start) → Corsola
    • Cradily (Lv. 12) → Corsola
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Corsola
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Corsola
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Corsola
    • Remoraid (BP) → Corsola
    • Octillery (BP) → Corsola
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Corsola
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Corsola
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Corsola
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Corsola
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Corsola
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Corsola
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Corsola
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Corsola
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Corsola
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Corsola
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Corsola
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Corsola
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Corsola
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas →  Corsola
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Corsola
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Corsola
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Corsola
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Corsola
  • Head Smash
    • Relicanth (Start) → Corsola
    • Relicanth (Lv. 55) → Corsola

109. (223) 9WiXBF1.pngRemoraid and (224) uOjvBab.pngOctillery (Water A, Water B)

  • EntrainmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Remoraid
    • Buneary (Lv. 40) → Seel → Remoraid
    • Lopunny (Lv. 40) → Seel → Remoraid
  • Octazooka
    • Octillery (Evolve) → Remoraid
    • Octillery (Start) → Remoraid
    • Octillery (Lv. 25) → Remoraid
  • Water Spout
    • Wailmer (Lv. 48) → Remoraid
    • Wailord (Lv. 54) → Remoraid
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (BP) → Remoraid
    • Dewgong (BP) → Remoraid
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Remoraid
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Remoraid
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Remoraid
    • Gyarados (Start) → Remoraid
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Remoraid
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Remoraid
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Remoraid
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Remoraid
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Remoraid
    • Lombre (Start) → Remoraid
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Remoraid
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Remoraid
    • Milotic (Start) → Remoraid
    • Relicanth (Start) → Remoraid
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Remoraid
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Remoraid
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid
    • Basculin [Blue] (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Remoraid
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Remoraid
    • Snorlax (Start) → Squirtle → Remoraid
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Remoraid
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Remoraid
    • Seaking (Start) → Remoraid
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Remoraid
    • Chinchou (Start) → Remoraid
    • Lanturn (Start) → Remoraid
    • Mantine (Start) → Remoraid
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Remoraid
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Remoraid
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Remoraid
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Remoraid
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Remoraid
    • Pelipper (Start) → Remoraid
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Remoraid
    • Vibrava (Start) → Remoraid
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Remoraid
    • Flygon (Start) → Remoraid
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Remoraid
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Remoraid
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Remoraid
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Remoraid
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Remoraid
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Remoraid
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Remoraid
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Remoraid
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Remoraid
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Remoraid
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Remoraid

110. (225) Et759oE.pngdelibird (Water A, Field)

  • SplashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Marill (Pre-Evo) → delibird
    • Azumarill (Pre-Evo) → delibird
    • Wailmer (Start) → delibird
    • Wailord (Start) → delibird
    • Spoink (Start) → delibird
    • Grumpig (Start) → delibird
    • Feebas (Start) → delibird
    • Milotic (Start) → delibird
    • Buneary (Start) → delibird
    • Lopunny (Start) → delibird
    • Magikarp (Start) → Horsea → Poliwag
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea → Poliwag
  • Destiny BondgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour → delibird
  • BestowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 25) → delibird
    • Linoone (Lv. 27) → delibird
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Pachirisu → delibird
    • Clefairy (Lv. 19) → Pikachu → delibird
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu → delibird
    • Togetic (Lv. 25) → Pikachu → delibird
    • Plusle (Lv. 13) → Pikachu → delibird
    • Togekiss (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu → delibird
  • Rapid SpingLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Squirtle (Lv. 9) → delibird
    • Wartortle (Lv. 9) → delibird
    • Blastoise (Lv. 9) → delibird
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 15) → delibird
    • Sandslash (Lv. 15) → delibird
    • Donphan (Lv. 6) → delibird
    • Torkoal (Lv. 8 ) → delibird
    • Drilbur (Start) → delibird
    • Drilbur (Lv. 5) → delibird
    • Excadrill (Start) → delibird
    • Excadrill (Lv. 5) → delibird
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → delibird
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Spinda → delibird
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) →Spinda →  delibird
  • Ice ShardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Seel (Lv. 17) → delibird
    • Dewgong (Lv. 17) → delibird
    • Lapras (Lv. 20) → delibird
    • Sneasel (Lv. 47) → delibird
    • Swinub (Lv. 15) → delibird
    • Piloswine (Lv. 15) → delibird
    • Weavile (Start) → delibird
    • Glaceon (Lv. 20) → delibird
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 15) → delibird
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Phanpy → delibird
  • MementogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → delibird
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → delibird
    • Stunky (Lv. 33) → delibird
    • Skuntank (Lv. 33) → delibird
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett/Vulpix/Zorua → delibird
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → delibird
    • Raticate (Start) → delibird
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → delibird
    • Pikachu (Start) → delibird
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → delibird
    • Raichu (Start) → delibird
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → delibird
    • Ninetales (Start) → delibird
    • Ponyta (Start) → delibird
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → delibird
    • Rapidash (Start) → delibird
    • Tauros (BP) → delibird
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → delibird
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → delibird
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → delibird
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → delibird
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → delibird
    • Furret (Start) → delibird
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → delibird
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → delibird
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → delibird
    • Combusken (Start) → delibird
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → delibird
    • Blaziken (Start) → delibird
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → delibird
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Pelipper (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → delibird
    • Masquerain (Start) → delibird
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → delibird
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → delibird
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → delibird
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → delibird
    • Absol (Start) → delibird
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → delibird
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → delibird
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → delibird
    • Floatzel (Start) → delibird
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → delibird
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → delibird
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → delibird
    • Lucario (Start) → delibird
    • Weavile (Start) → delibird
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → delibird
    • Blitzle (Start) → delibird
    • Zebstrika (Start) → delibird
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → delibird
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/delibird/Seedot/Bidoof/Shinx/Glameow/Purrloin → delibird
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd → delibird
  • Aurora BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Seel (Lv. 27) → delibird
    • Dewgong (Lv. 27) → delibird
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → delibird
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → delibird
    • Octillery (Start) → delibird
    • Octillery (Lv. 16) → delibird
    • Spheal (Lv. 28) → delibird
    • Sealeo (Lv. 28) → delibird
    • Walrein (Lv. 28) → delibird
    • Shellder (Lv. 24) → Omanyte/Kabuto → delibird
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte/Kabuto → delibird
  • Ice BallgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird
    • Spheal (Lv. 13) → delibird
    • Sealeo (Lv. 13) → delibird
    • Walrein (Lv. 13) → delibird

111. (458) viqlAwX.pngMantyke (Cannot Breed) and (226) 2huWzN1.pngMantine (Water A)

  • Slam
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Mantine
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Mantine
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Mantine
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Mantine
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Mantine
    • Wooper (Lv. 16) → Mantine
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Mantine
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Mantine
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Seel → Mantine
    • Raichu (Start) → Seel → Mantine
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Seel → Mantine
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Seel → Mantine
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Seel → Mantine
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Seel → Mantine
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Seel → Mantine
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Seel → Mantine
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Seel → Mantine
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Seel → Mantine
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Seel → Mantine
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Seel → Mantine
    • Cinccino (Start) → Seel → Mantine
    • Krabby (Lv. 36) → Omanyte/Tirtouga → Mantine
    • Kingler (Lv. 42) → Omanyte/Tirtouga → Mantine
  • Water SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (Start) → Mantine
    • Golduck (Start) → Mantine
    • Poliwag (Start) → Mantine
    • Poliwhirl (Start) → Mantine
    • Poliwarth (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Seel (Lv. 7) → Mantine
    • Dewgong (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Marill (Lv. 5) → Mantine
    • Azumarill (Start) → Mantine
    • Azumarill (Lv. 7) → Mantine
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Lombre (Lv. 20) → Mantine
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Pelipper (Start) → Mantine
    • Surskit (Lv. 14) → Mantine
    • Masquerain (Start) → Mantine
    • Masquerain (Lv. 14) → Mantine
    • Corphish (BP) → Mantine
    • Crawdaunt (BP) → Mantine
    • Milotic (Start) → Mantine
    • Milotic (Lv. 4) → Mantine
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 5) → Mantine
    • Piplup (Lv. 11) → Mantine
    • Prinplup (Lv. 11) → Mantine
    • Empoleon (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Buizel (Lv. 7) → Mantine
    • Floatzel (Start) → Mantine
    • Floatzel (Lv. 7) → Mantine
    • Ducklett (Lv. 3) → Mantine
    • Swanna (Start) → Mantine
    • Swanna (Lv. 3) → Mantine
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mantine
    • Goldeen (Start) → Relicanth → Mantine
    • Seaking (Start) → Relicanth → Mantine
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Mantine
    • Whiscash (Start) → Relicanth → Mantine
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Mantine
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Oshawott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Dewott (Start) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Dewott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Samurott (Start) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Samurott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Panpour (Lv. 16) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
    • Simipour (Pre-Evo) → Spheal/Bidoof → Mantine
  • SplashgLkTe2q.png
    • Marill (Pre-Evo) → Poliwag
    • Azumarill (Pre-Evo) → Poliwag
    • Feebas (Start) → Poliwag
    • Milotic (Start) → Poliwag
    • Magikarp (Start) → Horsea → Poliwag
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea → Poliwag
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Wailmer (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Wailord (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Spoink (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Grumpig (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Buneary (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
    • Lopunny (Start) → delibird → Poliwag
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Mantine
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Mantine
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Mantine
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Mantine
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Mantine
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Mantine
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Mantine
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Mantine
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Mantine
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Mantine
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Piloswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck → Mantine
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck → Mantine
  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Mantine
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shellos → Mantine

112. (227) lM6Mx59.pngSkarmory (Flying)

  • Pursuit
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Skarmory
    • Fearow (Start) → Skarmory
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Skarmory
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Skarmory
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Skarmory
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Skarmory
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Skarmory
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Skarmory
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Skarmory
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu → Skarmory
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Skarmory
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Skarmory

113. (228) mzT6CZS.pngHoundour and (229) x2gDlZr.pngHoundoom (Field)

  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Houndour
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Houndour
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Houndour
    • Slaking (Start) → Houndour
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Houndour
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Houndour
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Houndour
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Houndour
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Houndour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Mawile/Seviper/Absol/Stunky → Houndour
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Houndour
    • Raichu (Start) → Houndour
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Houndour
    • Persian (Start) → Houndour
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Houndour
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Houndour
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Houndour
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Houndour
    • Absol (Start) → Houndour
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Houndour
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Houndour
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Houndour
    • Skuntank (Start) → Houndour
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Houndour
    • Lucario (Start) → Houndour
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Houndour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Torchic/Zangoose/Blitzle/Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Houndour
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Mienfoo → Houndour
  • Destiny BondgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Houndour
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Houndour
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Houndour
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Houndour
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Houndour
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Houndour
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Houndour
    • Umbreon (Start) → Houndour
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Houndour
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Houndour
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Houndour
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Houndour
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Houndour
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Houndour
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Houndour
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Houndour
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Houndour
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Houndour
    • Zoroark (Start) → Houndour
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Houndour
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Houndour
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Houndour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Houndour
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Houndour
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Houndour
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Houndour
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Houndour
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Houndour
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Houndour
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Houndour
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Houndour
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Houndour

114. (231) fNY6Vxn.pngPhanpy and (232) 8zhdOEh.pngDonphan (Field)

  • Ice ShardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Phanpy
    • Seel (Lv. 17) → Phanpy
    • Dewgong (Lv. 17) → Phanpy
    • Sneasel (Lv. 47) → Phanpy
    • Swinub (Lv. 15) → Phanpy
    • Piloswine (Lv. 15) → Phanpy
    • Weavile (Start) → Phanpy
    • Glaceon (Lv. 20) → Phanpy
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 15) → Phanpy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Phanpy
    • Lapras (Lv. 20) → delibird → Phanpy
  • Head SmashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Phanpy
    • Tepig (Lv. 37) → Phanpy
    • Pignite (Lv. 44) → Phanpy
    • Emboar (Lv. 50) → Phanpy
    • Scraggy (Lv. 52) → Phanpy
    • Scrafty (Lv. 60) → Phanpy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Phanpy
    • Cranidos (Lv. 46) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Phanpy
    • Rampardos (Lv. 58) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Phanpy

115. (234) cupvAVL.pngStantler (Field)

  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Stantler
    • Ninetales (Start) → Stantler
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Stantler
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Stantler
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Nidoran (Male)/Seel/Spinda/Zangoose/Kecleon → Stantler
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Stantler
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Stantler
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Stantler
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Stantler
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Stantler
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Stantler
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Stantler
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Stantler
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Stantler
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Stantler
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Stantler
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Stantler
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Stantler
  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Stantler
    • Arbok (Start) → Stantler
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Stantler
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Stantler
    • Persian (Start) → Stantler
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Stantler
    • Growlithe (Start) → Stantler
    • arcanine (Start) → Stantler
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Stantler
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Stantler
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Stantler
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Stantler
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Stantler
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Stantler
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Stantler
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Stantler
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Stantler
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Mightyena (Start) → Stantler
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Stantler
    • Loudred (Start) → Stantler
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Stantler
    • Exploud (Start) → Stantler
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Stantler
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Stantler
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Stantler
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Stantler
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Stantler
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Stantler
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Stantler
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Stantler
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Stantler
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Stantler
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Stantler
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Stantler
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Stantler
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Stantler
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Stantler
    • Watchog (Start) → Stantler
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Stantler
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Stantler
    • Herdier (Start) → Stantler
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Stantler
    • Stoutland (Start) → Stantler
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Stantler
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Stantler
    • Simisage (Start) → Stantler
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Stantler
    • Simisear (Start) → Stantler
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Stantler
    • Simipour (Start) → Stantler
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Stantler
    • Krokorok (Start) → Stantler
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Stantler
    • Krookodile (Start) → Stantler
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Stantler
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Stantler
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Stantler
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Stantler
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Sneasel/Swinub/Pachirisu/Glameow/Lucario → Stantler
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Stantler
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Stantler
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler
    • Psyduck (BP) → Stantler
    • Golduck (BP) → Stantler
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Stantler
    • Quagsire (Start) → Stantler
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Stantler
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Stantler
    • Piloswine (Start) → Stantler
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Stantler
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Stantler
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Stantler
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Stantler
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Stantler
    • Drilbur (Start) → Stantler
    • Excadrill (Start) → Stantler
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof/Buneary/Panpour → Stantler
    • Corsola (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Surskit (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Masquerain (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Stantler
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Stantler
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Stantler
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Stantler
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Stantler
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Stantler
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Stantler
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Stantler
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Stantler
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Stantler
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Stantler
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Stantler
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Stantler
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Stantler
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Stantler
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Stantler
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Stantler
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Stantler
    • Beartic (Start) → Stantler
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Stantler
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Stantler
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Wailmer/Tepig → Stantler
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Stantler
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Stantler
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Stantler
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Stantler
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Stantler
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Stantler
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Stantler
  • ExtrasensorygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Stantler
    • Ninetales (Start) → Stantler
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Stantler
    • Shiftry (Start) → Stantler
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Whismur/Spoink/Darumaka/Darmanitan (Zen) [not implemented]/Zorua → Stantler
  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Stantler
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Stantler
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Stantler
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Stantler
    • Nidoking (Start) → Stantler
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Stantler
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Stantler
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Stantler
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Stantler
    • Combusken (Start) → Stantler
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Stantler
    • Blaziken (Start) → Stantler
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Stantler
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Stantler
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Stantler
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Stantler
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Stantler
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Pontya/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Stantler
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Stantler
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Stantler
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Stantler
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Stantler

116. (235) oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Field) (No Egg Moves)


117. (241) AOiZGdH.pngMiltank (Field)

  • Dizzy PunchgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Miltank
    • Pikachu (BP) → Kecleon
    • Raichu (BP) → Kecleon
    • Sentret (BP) → Kecleon
    • Furret (BP) → Kecleon
    • Spinda (Lv. 23) → Kecleon
    • Buneary (Lv. 36) → Kecleon
    • Lopunny (Lv. 36) → Kecleon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Kecleon → Miltank
  • PresentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Miltank
    • delibird (Start) → Miltank
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Snubbull → Miltank
    • Audino (BP) → Pikachu → Miltank
  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Miltank
    • Rhydon (Evolve) → Miltank
    • Rhydon (Start) → Miltank
    • Rhydon (Lv. 42) → Miltank
    • Ursaring (Start) → Miltank
    • Ursaring (Lv. 67) → Miltank
    • Slaking (Start) → Miltank
    • Slaking (Lv. 61) → Miltank
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Miltank
    • Emboar (Start) → Miltank
    • Darmanitan (Evolve) → Miltank
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Miltank
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 35) → Miltank
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Evolve] (Currently not implemented) → Miltank
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemented) → Miltank
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Lv. 35] (Currently not implemented) → Miltank
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Miltank
    • Snorlax (Lv. 44) → Whismur → Miltank
    • Swampert (Start) → Whismur → Miltank
    • Swampert (Lv. 63) → Whismur → Miltank
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Miltank
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Miltank
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Miltank
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Miltank
    • Slaking (Start) → Miltank
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Miltank
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Miltank
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Miltank
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Miltank
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Miltank
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Houndour/Mawile/Seviper/Absol/Stunky → Miltank
  • Heart StompgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Miltank
    • Pikachu (BP) → Miltank
    • Raichu (BP) → Miltank
    • Woobat (Lv. 15) → Miltank
    • Swoobat (Lv. 15) → Miltank

118. (246) rIOA8L3.pngLarvitar, (247) 1PdDAtz.pngPupitar, and (248) ITxRILc.pngTyranitar (Monster)

  • Stomp
    • Lickitung (Lv. 30) → Larvitar
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Larvitar
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Larvitar
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Larvitar
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Larvitar
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Larvitar
    • Tropius (Lv. 10) → Larvitar
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 30) → Larvitar
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Larvitar
    • Exeggutor (Evolve) → Snover → Larvitar
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover → Larvitar
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Larvitar
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Larvitar
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Larvitar
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Larvitar
    • Rampardos (Start) → Larvitar
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Larvitar
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Umbreon (Start) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Zoroark (Start) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Rhyhorn → Larvitar


Edited by Bestfriends
Leech Seed is no longer an Egg Move for the Meganium Evolution Line. (3/18/2024)
Link to comment

119. (252) rMC9oMJ.pngTreecko, (253) u7OdSyu.pngGrovyle, and (254) xxVBeVN.pngSceptile (Monster, Dragon)

  • Night Slash
    • Sceptile (Start) → Treecko
  • Slash
    • Charmander (Lv. 20) → Treecko
    • Charmeleon (Lv. 24) → Treecko
    • Charizard (Lv. 24) → Treecko
    • Totodile (Lv. 34) → Treecko
    • Croconaw (Lv. 39) → Treecko
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 45) → Treecko
    • Gible (Lv. 30) → Treecko
    • Gabite (Lv. 34) → Treecko
    • Garchomp (Lv. 34) → Treecko
    • Axew (Lv. 15) → Treecko
    • Fraxure (Lv. 15) → Treecko
    • Haxorus (Lv. 15) → Treecko
    • Druddigon (Lv. 25) → Treecko
  • Double Kick
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Treecko
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Treecko
    • Nidoking (Start) → Treecko
  • Leech Seed
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Treecko
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Treecko
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Treecko
    • Venusaur (Start) → Treecko
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Treecko
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Treecko
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Treecko
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Treecko
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Treecko
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Treecko
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Treecko
    • Oddish (BP) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Gloom (BP) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Vileplume (BP) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Bellossom (BP) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Breloom (Start) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Roserade (Start) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Cherrim (Start) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Cottonee (Lv. 30) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Chikorita/Tropius/Snover → Treecko
  • Grass Whistle
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Treecko
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Treecko
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Bulbasaur → Treecko
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Bulbasaur → Treecko
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Bulbasaur → Treecko
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Bulbasaur → Treecko
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Treecko
    • Sandslash (Start) → Rhyhorn → Treecko
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Rhyhorn → Treecko
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn → Treecko
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn → Treecko
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Torchic/Slakoth → Rhyhorn → Treecko
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Treecko
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Treecko
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Treecko
    • Psyduck (BP) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Golduck (BP) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Quagsire (Start) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Corsola (BP) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Surskit (BP) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Masquerain (BP) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Relicanth (Start) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Squirtle → Treecko
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Squirtle → Treecko

120. (255) BeHz0qC.pngTorchic, (256) kAjIWjD.pngCombusken, and (257) IcL8t52.pngBlaziken (Field)

  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Torchic
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Torchic
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Torchic
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Torchic
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Torchic
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Torchic
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Torchic
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Torchic
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Torchic
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Torchic
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Torchic
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Torchic
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Torchic
    • Zoroark (Start) → Torchic
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Torchic
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Torchic
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Torchic
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Whismur/Spinda/Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Torchic
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Spinda → Torchic
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Torchic
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Torchic
    • Raichu (Start) → Torchic
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Torchic
    • Persian (Start) → Torchic
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Torchic
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Torchic
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Torchic
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Torchic
    • Absol (Start) → Torchic
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Torchic
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Torchic
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Torchic
    • Skuntank (Start) → Torchic
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Torchic
    • Lucario (Start) → Torchic
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Torchic
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Houndour/Zangoose/Blitzle/Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Torchic
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Mienfoo → Torchic
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Torchic
    • Sandslash (Start) → Torchic
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Torchic
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Torchic
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Torchic
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Slakoth → Torchic

121. (258) iLxRbUt.pngMudkip, (259) zW8SwG7.pngMarshtomp, and (260) Q0LrAjD.pngSwampert (Monster, Water A)

  • Mud Bomb
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Mudkip
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Mudkip
  • Stomp
    • Lickitung (Lv. 30) → Mudkip
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Mudkip
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Mudkip
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Mudkip
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Mudkip
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Mudkip
    • Tropius (Lv. 10) → Mudkip
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 30) → Mudkip
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Mudkip
    • Exeggutor (Evolve) → Snover → Mudkip
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover → Mudkip
  • Sludge
    • Grimer (Lv. 15) → Shellos → Mudkip
    • Muk (Lv. 15) → Shellos → Mudkip
    • Koffing (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Mudkip
    • Weezing (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Mudkip
    • Gulpin (Lv. 10) → Shellos → Mudkip
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos → Mudkip
    • Swalot (Lv. 10) → Shellos → Mudkip
  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Mudkip
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shellos → Mudkip
  • Wide Guard
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble → Paras → Turtwig → Mudkip
  • Bite
    • Squirtle (Lv. 12) → Mudkip
    • Wartortle (Lv. 12) → Mudkip
    • Blastoise (Lv. 12) → Mudkip
    • Lapras (BP) → Mudkip
    • Omanyte (Lv. 7) → Mudkip
    • Omastar (Start) → Mudkip
    • Omastar (Lv. 7) → Mudkip
    • Snorlax (Lv. 16) → Mudkip
    • Totodile (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • Croconaw (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • Larvitar (Start) → Mudkip
    • Larvitar (Lv. 9) → Mudkip
    • Pupitar (Start) → Mudkip
    • Pupitar (Lv. 9) → Mudkip
    • Tyranitar (Start) → Mudkip
    • Tyranitar(Lv. 9) → Mudkip
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Mudkip
    • Loudred (Start) → Mudkip
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Mudkip
    • Exploud (Start) → Mudkip
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Mudkip
    • Huntail (Start) → Mudkip
    • Turtwig (Lv. 21) → Mudkip
    • Grotle (Lv. 22) → Mudkip
    • Torterra (Lv. 22) → Mudkip
    • Gible (Lv. 25) → Mudkip
    • Gabite (Lv. 27) → Mudkip
    • Garchomp (Lv. 27) → Mudkip
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 15) → Mudkip
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Mudkip
    • Axew (Lv. 3) → Mudkip
    • Fraxure (Start) → Mudkip
    • Haxorus (Start) → Mudkip
    • Druddigon (Lv. 5) → Mudkip
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Arbok (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Gyarados (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Gyarados (Evolve) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Gyarados (BP) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Gyarados (Lv. 20) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Trapinch (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Trapinch (Lv. 8 )  → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Vibrava (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Flygon (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Bagon (Lv. 5) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Shelgon (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Shelgon (Lv. 10) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Salamance (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Salamance (Lv. 10) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Deino (Lv. 5) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Zweilous (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Zweilous (Lv. 9) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Hydreigon (Start) → Charmander → Mudkip
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 9) → Charmander → Mudkip
  • Barrier
    • Dragonite (BP) → Mudkip
    • Tentacool (Lv. 28) → Corsola → Mudkip
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 28) → Corsola → Mudkip
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Mudkip
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Mudkip
    • Slowbro (Base) → Mudkip
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Mudkip
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Mudkip
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Mudkip
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Mudkip
    • Slowking (Start) → Mudkip
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Mudkip
    • Kingdra (Start) → Mudkip
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Mudkip
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Mudkip
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Mudkip
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) - Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Pikachu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Raichu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Slakoth (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Slaking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup -. Mudkip
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Musharna (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Mudkip
    • Slugma (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Mudkip
    • Magcargo (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Mudkip
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Mudkip
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Mudkip
    • Swalot (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Mudkip
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Mudkip
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Mudkip
    • Snorlax (BP) → Mudkip
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • Milotic (Start) → Mudkip
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Mudkip
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Mudkip
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Raticate (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Arbok (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Mudkip
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Mudkip
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Mudkip
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Mudkip
    • Seedot (BP) → Chikorita → Mudkip
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Chikorita → Mudkip
    • Shiftry (BP) → Chikorita → Mudkip
    • Shroomish (BP) → Chikorita/Marill → Mudkip
    • Breloom (BP) → Chikorita/Marill → Mudkip
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Mudkip
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Mudkip
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Mudkip
  • Ice BallgLkTe2q.png
    • Spheal (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • Sealeo (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • Walrein (Lv. 13) → Mudkip
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Mudkip

122. (261) IOYb8Ru.pngPoochyena and (262) Tzsu88H.pngMightyena (Field)

  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena
    • Golduck (Start) → Poochyena
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Poochyena
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Poochyena
    • Stantler (Start) → Poochyena
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Poochyena
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Poochyena
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Poochyena
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Buizel/Blitzle/Sandile/Mienfoo → Poochyena
  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Poochyena
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Poochyena
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Poochyena
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Poochyena
    • Girafarig (Start) → Poochyena
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Poochyena
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Poochyena
    • Whismur (Start) → Poochyena
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Poochyena
    • Loudred (Start) → Poochyena
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Poochyena
    • Exploud (Start) → Poochyena
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Poochyena
    • Mawile (Start) → Poochyena
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Poochyena
    • Wailord (Start) → Poochyena
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Poochyena
    • Kecleon (Start) → Poochyena
    • Ambipom (Start) → Poochyena
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Poochyena
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Stunky/Emolga → Poochyena
  • LeergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena
    • Ekans (Start) → Poochyena
    • Arbok (Start) → Poochyena
    • Nidoran (Male) [Start] → Poochyena
    • Nidorino (Start) → Poochyena
    • Nidoking (Start) → Poochyena
    • Mankey (Start) → Poochyena
    • Primeape (Start) → Poochyena
    • Growlithe (Start) → Poochyena
    • Growlithe (Lv. 8 ) → Poochyena
    • arcanine (Start) → Poochyena
    • Farfetch’d (Start) → Poochyena
    • Farfetch’d (Lv. 5) → Poochyena
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 50) → Poochyena
    • Rhydon (Lv. 55) → Poochyena
    • Tauros (Lv. 35) → Poochyena
    • Flareon (Lv. 47) → Poochyena
    • Cyndaquil (Start) → Poochyena
    • Quilava (Start) → Poochyena
    • Typhlosion (Start) → Poochyena
    • Sneasel (Start) → Poochyena
    • Teddiursa (Start) → Poochyena
    • Ursaring (Start) → Poochyena
    • Houndour (Start) → Poochyena
    • Houndoom (Start) → Poochyena
    • Stantler (Lv. 3) → Poochyena
    • Electrike (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Manectric (Start) → Poochyena
    • Manectric (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Zangoose (Start) → Poochyena
    • Absol (Start) → Poochyena
    • Absol (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Chimchar (Start) → Poochyena
    • Monferno (Start) → Poochyena
    • Infernape (Start) → Poochyena
    • Shinx (Start) → Poochyena
    • Shinx (Lv. 5) → Poochyena
    • Luxio (Start) → Poochyena
    • Luxio (Lv. 5) → Poochyena
    • Luxray (Start) → Poochyena
    • Luxray (Lv. 5) → Poochyena
    • Weavile (Start) → Poochyena
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Poochyena
    • Snivy (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Servine (Start) → Poochyena
    • Servine (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Serperior (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Serperior (Start) → Poochyena
    • Patrat (Lv. 3) → Poochyena
    • Watchog (Start) → Poochyena
    • Watchog (Lv. 3) → Poochyena
    • Lillipup (Start) → Poochyena
    • Herdier (Start) → Poochyena
    • Stoutland (Start) → Poochyena
    • Pansage (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Simisage (Start) → Poochyena
    • Pansear (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Simisear (Start) → Poochyena
    • Panpour (Lv. 4) → Poochyena
    • Simipour (Start) → Poochyena
    • Sandile (Start) → Poochyena
    • Krokorok (Start) → Poochyena
    • Krookodile (Start) → Poochyena
    • Scraggy (Start) → Poochyena
    • Scrafty (Start) → Poochyena
    • Zorua (Start) → Poochyena
    • Zoroark (Start) → Poochyena
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Poochyena
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull/Stunky → Poochyena
    • Snorunt (Start) → Snubbull → Poochyena
    • Snorunt (Lv. 5) → Snubbull → Poochyena
    • Glalie (Start) → Snubbull → Poochyena
  • Poison FanggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Poochyena
    • Seviper (Lv. 21) → Poochyena
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Mawile → Poochyena

123. (263) Se5MU2J.pngZigzagoon and (264) FZhGWLV.pngLinoone (Field)

  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zigzagoon
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Zigzagoon
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Zigzagoon
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Zigzagoon
    • Cinccino (Start) → Zigzagoon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Zigzagoon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Zigzagoon
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Zigzagoon
  • Simple BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zigzagoon
    • Woobat (Lv. 55) → Zigzagoon
    • Swoobat (Lv. 55) → Zigzagoon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Farfetch'd/Skitty/Spoink → Zigzagoon
    • Audino (Lv. 36) → Skitty → Zigzagoon
  • ExtremeSpeedgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zigzagoon
    • Pikachu (BP) → Zigzagoon
    • Raichu (BP) → Zigzagoon
    • arcanine (Evolve) → Zigzagoon
    • arcanine (Start) → Zigzagoon
    • arcanine (Lv. 34) → Zigzagoon
    • Lucario (Lv. 56) → Zigzagoon
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zigzagoon
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Zigzagoon
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Zigzagoon
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Zigzagoon
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Zigzagoon
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Zigzagoon
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Zigzagoon
    • Umbreon (Start) → Zigzagoon
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Zigzagoon
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Zigzagoon
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Zigzagoon
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Zigzagoon
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Zigzagoon
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Zigzagoon
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Zigzagoon
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Zigzagoon
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Zigzagoon
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Zigzagoon
    • Zoroark (Start) → Zigzagoon
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Zigzagoon
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Zigzagoon
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Zigzagoon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor → Zigzagoon
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Zigzagoon
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) →  Ekans → Zigzagoon
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Zigzagoon
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Zigzagoon
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Zigzagoon
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Zigzagoon
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Zigzagoon
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Zigzagoon
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Zigzagoon

124. (265) 5FKyexc.pngWurmple, (266) of67Ed3.pngSilcoon, (267) R0niDWZ.pngBeautifly, (268) RzxD2TU.pngCacoon, (269) aZcLFJb.pngDustox (Bug) (No Egg Moves) 


125. (270) RFAgWzG.pngLotad, (271) hESpPpa.pngLombre, and (272) TXbDwUH.pngLudicolo (Water A, Plant)

  • Razor Leaf
    • Lombre (Evolve) → Lotad
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Lotad
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Lotad
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Lotad
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Lotad
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Cherubi/Marill → Lotad
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Cherubi/Marill → Lotad
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Cherubi/Marill → Lotad
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi/Marill → Oddish
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi/Marill → Oddish
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Cherubi/Marill → Oddish
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Cherubi/Marill → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Cherubi/Marill → Oddish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola → Lotad
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Lotad
  • Teeter Dance
    • Lombre (Start) → Lotad
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Lotad

126. (273) 0k5gErt.pngSeedot, (274) cxlQSYS.pngNuzleaf, and (275) LHfpi8B.pngShiftry (Field, Plant)

  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Seedot
    • Raticate (Start) → Seedot
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Seedot
    • Pikachu (Start) → Seedot
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Raichu (Start) → Seedot
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Seedot
    • Ninetales (Start) → Seedot
    • Ponyta (Start) → Seedot
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Rapidash (Start) → Seedot
    • Tauros (BP) → Seedot
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Seedot
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Seedot
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Seedot
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Seedot
    • Furret (Start) → Seedot
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Seedot
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Seedot
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Seedot
    • Combusken (Start) → Seedot
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Seedot
    • Blaziken (Start) → Seedot
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Seedot
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Seedot
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Seedot
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Seedot
    • Absol (Start) → Seedot
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Seedot
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Seedot
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Seedot
    • Floatzel (Start) → Seedot
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Seedot
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Seedot
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Seedot
    • Lucario (Start) → Seedot
    • Weavile (Start) → Seedot
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Seedot
    • Blitzle (Start) → Seedot
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Seedot
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/delibird/Bidoof/Shinx/Glameow/Purrloin → Seedot
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Pelipper (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd → Seedot
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Seedot
    • Masquerain (Start) → delibird/Bidoof → Seedot
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Seedot
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Seedot
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Seedot
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Seedot
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Seedot
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Seedot
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Seedot
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Seedot
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Seedot
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Seedot
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Seedot
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Seedot
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Seedot
    • Zoroark (Start) → Seedot
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Seedot
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Seedot
  • Leech SeedgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Seedot
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Seedot
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Seedot
    • Venusaur (Start) → Seedot
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Seedot
    • Oddish (BP) → Seedot
    • Gloom (BP) → Seedot
    • Vileplume (BP) → Seedot
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Seedot
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Seedot
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Seedot
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Seedot
    • Bellossom (BP) → Seedot
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Seedot
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Seedot
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Seedot
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Seedot
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Seedot
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Seedot
    • Breloom (Start) → Seedot
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Seedot
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Seedot
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Seedot
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Seedot
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Seedot
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Seedot
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Seedot
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Seedot
    • Roserade (Start) → Seedot
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Seedot
    • Cherrim (Start) → Seedot
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Seedot
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Seedot
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Seedot
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Seedot
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Seedot
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Seedot
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Seedot
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot

127. (276) FzWhnBa.pngTaillow and (277) XRULf69.pngSwellow (Flying)

  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Taillow
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Taillow
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 56) → Taillow
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Taillow
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Taillow
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Taillow
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Taillow
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Taillow
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Taillow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Taillow
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Taillow
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Taillow
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Taillow
  • Refresh
    • Pidgeotto (BP) → Taillow
    • Pidgeot (BP) → Taillow
    • Swablu (Lv. 26) → Taillow
    • Altaria (Lv. 26) → Taillow
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Zubat (Start) → Taillow
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Taillow
    • Golbat (Start) → Taillow
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Taillow
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Taillow
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Taillow
    • Crobat (Start) → Taillow
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Taillow
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Taillow
    • Pelipper (Start) → Taillow
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Taillow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Taillow
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Woobat → Taillow
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Taillow
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Taillow
  • Pursuit
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Taillow
    • Fearow (Start) → Taillow
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Taillow
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Taillow
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Taillow
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Taillow
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Taillow
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Taillow
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Taillow
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu → Taillow
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Taillow
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Taillow

128. (278) 0mf0gXF.pngWingull and (279) LsYM6Qb.pngPelipper (Water A, Flying)

  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Wingull
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Wingull
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Wingull
    • Azumarill (Lv. 30) → Wingull
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Wingull
    • Mantine (Lv. 36) → Wingull
    • Milotic (Lv. 12) → Wingull
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Wingull
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Wingull
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Wingull
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Wingull
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Wingull
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Wingull
    • Alomomola (Lv. 5) → Wingull
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wingull
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 35) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wingull
  • Water Sport
    • Pelipper (Start) → Wingull
  • Wide Guard
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Wingull
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Wingull
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Wingull
    • Alomomola (Start) → Wingull
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Wingull
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble → Paras → Turtwig → Mudkip → Wingull
  • Soak
    • Pelipper (Start) → Wingull
  • GustgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 9) → Wingull
    • Pigeotto (Start) → Wingull
    • Pidgotto (Lv. 9) → Wingull
    • Pigdeot (Start) → Wingull
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 9) → Wingull
    • Mantine (BP) → Wingull
    • Masquerain (Lv. 17) → Wingull
    • Pidove (Start) → Wingull
    • Tranquill (Start) → Wingull
    • Unfezant (Start) → Wingull
    • Woobat (Start) → Wingull
    • Woobat (Lv. 9) → Wingull
    • Swoobat (Start) → Wingull
    • Swoobat (Lv. 9) → Wingull
    • sigilyph (Start) → Wingull
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Wingull

129. (280) x6LlIMP.pngRalts, (281) 3Idp2pH.pngKirlia, (282) EGuqO3z.pngGardevoir, and (475) Lw182IB.pngGallade (Chaos, Humanoid)


Before the Egg Moves are listed, I should note that the Gallade line is a special case. In order for Gallade to recieve the Egg Moves listed here, first you must breed it as a Ralts. Once that is complete, then the final breeder needs to carry the Egg Move you want. For example, Ralts is 4x31 and Natured, but you want the Egg Move Shadow Sneak on your Gallade. While breeding the Ralts, you are also breeding the Male Shuppet alongside it. Once Shuppet is complete, then you must level it to 13.. Once you breed on the Shadow Sneak Egg Move, you must the Male gender for the Ralts egg. A Male Ralts is the final breed (so you can evolve it into Gallade with the Dawn Stone), so make sure you strategize what Egg Moves you want prior to breeding the Ralts. Without further ado, lets list all the Egg Moves you can get on Ralts:


  • Disable
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform→ Ralts
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Castform → Ralts
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform→ Ralts
  • Destiny Bond
    • Gastly (Lv. 44) → Ralts
    • Haunter (Lv. 54) → Ralts
    • Gengar (Lv. 54) → Ralts
    • Koffing (Lv. 52) → Ralts
    • Weezing (Lv. 62) → Ralts
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Ralts
    • Cacnea (Lv. 54) → Ralts
    • Cacturne (Start) → Ralts
    • Cacturne (Lv. 59) → Ralts
    • Drifloon (Lv. 32) → Ralts
    • Driflim (Lv. 36) → Ralts
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Ralts
    • Yamask (Lv. 52) → Ralts
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 62) → Ralts
    • Frillish (Lv. 44) → Ralts
    • Jellicent (Lv. 48) → Ralts
  • Mean Look
    • Gastly (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts
    • Haunter (Start) → Ralts
    • Haunter (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts
    • Gengar (Start) → Ralts
    • Gengar (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 19) → Ralts
    • Sableye (Lv. 36) → Ralts
    • Duskull (Lv. 28) → Ralts
    • Dusclops (Lv. 28) → Ralts
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Ralts
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 28) → Ralts
    • Yamask (Lv. 28) → Ralts
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 28) → Ralts
  • Memento
    • Grimer (Lv. 48) → Ralts
    • Muk (Lv. 57) → Ralts
    • Koffing (Lv. 48) → Ralts
    • Weezing (Lv. 56) → Ralts
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → Ralts
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → Ralts
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 30) → Ralts
    • Litwick (Lv. 56) → Ralts
    • Lampent (Lv. 64) → Ralts
    • Chandelure (Start) → Ralts
  • Grudge
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 50) → Ralts
    • Shuppet (Lv. 46) → Ralts
    • Banette (Lv. 52) → Ralts
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Ralts
    • Yamask (Lv. 32) → Ralts
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 32) → Ralts
  • Shadow Sneak
    • Sableye (Lv. 9) → Ralts
    • Shuppet (Lv. 13) → Ralts
    • Banette (Lv. 13) → Ralts
    • Duskull (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts
    • Dusclops (Lv. 17) → Ralts
    • Spiritomb (Start) → Ralts
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 5) → Ralts
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 17) → Ralts
  • Synchronoise
    • Drowzee (Lv. 37) → Ralts
    • Hypno (Lv. 37) → Ralts
    • Chimecho (Start) → Ralts
    • Chimecho (Lv. 52) → Ralts
    • Elgyem (Lv. 53) → Ralts
    • Beheeyem (Start) → Ralts
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 63) → Ralts

130. (283) 0fSlbsG.pngSurskit and (284) ndCJyLR.pngMasquerain (Water A, Bug)

  • Mind Reader
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Surskit
    • Poliwrath (Lv. 43) → Surskit
    • Nincada (Lv. 35) → Surskit
    • Ninjask (Lv. 43) → Surskit
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Venonat (Start) → Larvesta
    • Venomoth (Start) → Larvesta
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Surskit
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Surskit
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Surskit
    • Yanma (Start) → Larvesta
    • Yanmega (Start) → Larvesta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Surskit
    • Sentret (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit
    • Furret (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck/Marill → Surskit
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Marill → Surskit
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Surskit
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Marill → Surskit
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Marill → Surskit
  • Power Split
    • Shuckle (Lv. 35) → Surskit

131. (285) 2EXgWKs.pngShroomish and (286) 876e2zo.pngBreloom (Fairy, Plant)

  • Wake-Up Slap
    • Clefairy (Lv. 22) → Shroomish
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Shroomish
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 27) → Shroomish
    • Wigglytuff (Pre-Evo) → Shroomish
    • Skitty (Lv. 28) → Shroomish
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Shroomish

132. (287) sbdg1Rj.pngSlakoth, (288) A1nqMK0.pngVigoroth, and (289) up2ay8x.pngSlaking (Field)

  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Slakoth
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Slakoth
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Slakoth
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Slakoth
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Slakoth
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Slakoth
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Slakoth
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Slakoth
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Slakoth
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Slakoth
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Slakoth
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Slakoth
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Slakoth
    • Zoroark (Start) → Slakoth
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Slakoth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Slakoth
  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • Slaking (Start) → Slakoth
    • Slaking (Lv. 61) → Slakoth
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Slakoth
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Slakoth
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Slakoth
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Slakoth
    • Cinccino (Start) → Slakoth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Slakoth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Slakoth
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Slakoth
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Slakoth
    • Sandslash (Start) → Slakoth
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Slakoth
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Slakoth
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Slakoth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Torchic → Slakoth
  • SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 23) → Slakoth
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Slakoth
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Slakoth
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Slakoth
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Slakoth
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Slakoth
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Slakoth
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Slakoth
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Slakoth
    • Umbreon (Start) → Slakoth
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Slakoth
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Slakoth
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Slakoth
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Slakoth
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Slakoth
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Slakoth
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Slakoth
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Slakoth
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Slakoth
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Slakoth
    • Zoroark (Start) → Slakoth
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Slakoth
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Slakoth
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Slakoth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor → Slakoth
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Slakoth
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Slakoth
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Slakoth
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Slakoth
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Slakoth
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Slakoth
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Slakoth
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Slakoth
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Slakoth

133. (290) wkJB1rw.pngNincada and (291) TGZo9Yb.pngNinjask (Bug)

  • Flail
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Nincada
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Nincada
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Nincada
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Nincada
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Nincada
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Nincada
    • Escavalier (Start) → Nincada
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras → Nincada
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras → Nincada
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras → Nincada
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Nincada
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Nincada
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Nincada
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch → Nincada
  • Night Slash
    • Scyther (Lv. 45) → Nincada
    • Scizor (Lv. 45) → Nincada
    • Heracross (Start) → Nincada
    • Kricketune (Lv. 42) → Nincada
    • Skorupi (Lv. 36) → Nincada
    • Drapion (Lv. 36) → Nincada
    • Yanmega (Start) → Nincada
    • Gliscor (Lv. 27) → Nincada
  • Final Gambit
    • Shelmet (Lv. 48) → Nincada
    • Accelgor (Start) → Nincada
    • Accelgor (Lv. 48) → Nincada
  • Gust
    • Butterfree (Evolve) → Nincada
    • Butterfree (Start) → Nincada
    • Butterfree (Lv. 16) → Nincada
    • Venomoth (Evolve) → Nincada
    • Venomoth (Lv. 31) → Nincada
    • Beautifly (Evolve) → Nincada
    • Beautifly (Start) → Nincada
    • Dustox (Evolve) → Nincada
    • Dustox (Start) → Nincada
    • Masquerain (Lv. 17) → Nincada
    • Mothim (Lv. 16) → Nincada
    • Combee (Start) → Nincada
    • Volcarona (Start) → Nincada
    • Volcarona (Lv. 20) → Nincada

134. (292) jvjaUgv.pngShedinja (Cannot Breed) (No Egg Moves)


135. (293) Orr2xM7.pngWhismur, (294) JO6W2pP.pngLoudred, and (295) FNiURRG.pngExploud (Monster, Field)

  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur
    • Rhydon (Evolve) → Whismur
    • Rhydon (Start) → Whismur
    • Rhydon (Lv. 42) → Whismur
    • Snorlax (Lv. 44) → Whismur
    • Ursaring (Start) → Whismur
    • Ursaring (Lv. 67) → Whismur
    • Swampert (Start) → Whismur
    • Swampert (Lv. 63) → Whismur
    • Slaking (Start) → Whismur
    • Slaking (Lv. 61) → Whismur
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Whismur
    • Emboar (Start) → Whismur
    • Darmanitan (Evolve) → Whismur
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Whismur
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 35) → Whismur
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Evolve] (not implemented) → Whismur
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (not implemented) → Whismur
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Lv. 35] (not implemented) → Whismur
  • Circle ThrowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary/Lucario → Whismur
    • Throh (Lv. 10) → Buneary → Whismur
  • ExtrasensorygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Whismur
    • Ninetales (Start) → Whismur
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Whismur
    • Shiftry (Start) → Whismur
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Stantler/Spoink/Darumaka/Darmanitan (Zen) [not implemented]/Zorua → Whismur
  • SmokescreengLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur
    • Charmander (Lv. 8 ) → Whismur
    • Charmeleon (Start) → Whismur
    • Charmeleon (Lv. 10) → Whismur
    • Charizard (Start) → Whismur
    • Charizard (Lv. 10) → Whismur
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 6) → Whismur
    • Quilava (Start) → Whismur
    • Quilava (Lv. 6) → Whismur
    • Typhlosion (Start) → Whismur
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 6) → Whismur
    • Torkoal (Lv. 12) → Whismur
    • Stunky (Lv. 6) → Whismur
    • Skuntank (Start) → Whismur
    • Skuntank (Lv. 13) → Whismur
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Spinda/Mienfoo → Whismur
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Whismur
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Spinda → Whismur

136. (296) ULc49rB.pngMakuhita and (297) KaKa0J8.pngHariyama (Humanoid)

  • Bullet PunchgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 16) → Makuhita
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Makuhita
  • Foresight
    • abra (BP) → Makuhita
    • kadabra (BP) → Makuhita
    • alakazam (BP) → Makuhita
    • Machop (Lv. 9) → Makuhita
    • Machoke (Lv. 9) → Makuhita
    • Machamp (Lv. 9) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 37) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonchan (Pre-Evo) → Makuhita
    • Hitmontop (Pre-Evo) → Makuhita
    • Sableye (Lv. 4) → Makuhita
    • Buneary (Start) → Makuhita
    • Lopunny (Start) → Makuhita
    • Lucario (Start) → Makuhita
  • Wide Guard
    • Machamp (Start) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 21) → Makuhita
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Makuhita
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Makuhita
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Makuhita
    • Throh (Lv. 15) → Makuhita
    • Mienshao (Lv. 20) → Makuhita
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Makuhita
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Makuhita
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Makuhita
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Makuhita
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Makuhita
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Makuhita
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Teddiursa → Lucario → Makuhita
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Makuhita
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Makuhita
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Makuhita
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Makuhita
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Makuhita
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Makuhita
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Makuhita
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Makuhita
    • Lucario (Start) → Makuhita
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Makuhita
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Makuhita
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo → Makuhita
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Raichu (Start) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Persian (Start) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Absol (Start) → Mienfoo → Makuhita
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Skuntank (Start) → Minefoo → Makuhita
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Minefoo → Makuhita
  • Chip Away
    • Timburr (Lv. 24) → Makuhita
    • Gurdurr (Lv. 24) → Makuhita
    • Conkeldurr (Lv. 24) → Makuhita

137. (299) VHaHuaH.pngnosepass and (476) N53OsZP.pngprobopass (Mineral)

  • Head Smash
    • Sudowoodo (Lv. 48) → nosepass
  • Wide Guard
    • probopass (Start) → nosepass
  • Magnitude
    • Geodude (Lv. 12) → nosepass
    • Graveler (Lv. 12) → nosepass
    • Golem (Lv. 12) → nosepass

138. (300) kx14oqV.pngSkitty and (301) CjzCJhV.pngDelcatty (Fairy, Field)

  • Mud BombgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Skitty
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Skitty
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Skitty
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Skitty
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Skitty
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Skitty
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Skitty
    • Piloswine (Lv. 18) → Skitty
    • Mamosine (Lv. 18) → Skitty
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Numel → Skitty
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Psyduck → Skitty
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Psyduck → Skitty
  • Simple BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty
    • Woobat (Lv. 55) → Skitty
    • Swoobat (Lv. 55) → Skitty
    • Audino (Lv. 36) → Skitty
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Farfetch'd/Zigzagoon/Spoink → Skitty
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Skitty
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Skitty
    • Absol (BP) → Skitty
    • Togekiss (Start) → Skitty
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Girafarig/Spinda → Skitty
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Skitty
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Skitty
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Skitty
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Skitty
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Skitty
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Skitty
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Skitty
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Skitty
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Skitty
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Skitty
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Skitty
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Skitty
    • Cinccino (Start) → Skitty
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Skitty
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Skitty
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Skitty
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Skitty
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Skitty
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Skitty

139. (302) CAXjsDF.pngSableye (Humanoid)

  • Recover
    • kadabra (Lv. 25) → Sableye
    • alakazam (Lv. 25) → Sableye
    • meditite (Lv. 41) → Sableye
    • medicham (Lv. 47) → Sableye
    • Elgyem (Lv. 43) → Sableye
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 45) → Sableye
  • Moonlight
    • Volbeat (Lv. 19) → Sableye
  • Flatter
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Sableye
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Sableye
    • Croagunk (Lv. 12) → Sableye
    • Toxicroak (Lv. 12) → Sableye
    • Gothita (Lv. 40) → Sableye
    • Gothorita (Lv. 46) → Sableye
    • Gothitelle (Lv. 48) → Sableye
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Sableye
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Sableye
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Sableye
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Sableye
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Sableye
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Sableye
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Sableye
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Sableye
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Sableye
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Sableye
    • Lucario (Start) → Sableye
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Sableye
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Sableye
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo → Sableye
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Raichu (Start) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Persian (Start) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Absol (Start) → Mienfoo → Sableye
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Skuntank (Start) → Minefoo → Sableye
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Minefoo → Sableye
  • Metal Burst
    • Bisharp (Start) → Sableye

140. (303) TgMCZZg.pngMawile (Fairy, Field)

  • SlamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Mawile
    • Raichu (Start) → Mawile
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Mawile
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Mawile
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Mawile
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Mawile
    • Wooper (Lv. 16) → Mawile
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Mawile
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Mawile
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Mawile
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Mawile
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Mawile
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Mawile
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Mawile
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Mawile
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Mawile
    • Cinccino (Start) → Mawile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Seel/Aipom → Mawile
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Ekans/Seel → Mawile
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Ekans/Seel → Mawile
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Ekans/Seel → Mawile
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Ekans → Mawile
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Ekans → Mawile
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Ekans → Mawile
    • Deino (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Mawile
    • Zweilous (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Mawile
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 28) → Ekans → Mawile
  • Poison FanggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile
    • Seviper (Lv. 21) → Mawile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Poochyena → Mawile
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Mawile
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Mawile
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Mawile
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Mawile
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Mawile
    • Cinccino (Start) → Mawile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Mawile
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Mawile
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Mawile
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Mawile
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Mawile
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Mawile
  • Metal BurstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Mawile
    • Aron (Lv. 60) → Rhyhorn → Mawile
    • Lairon (Lv. 76) → Rhyhorn → Mawile
    • Aggron (Lv. 88) → Rhyhorn → Mawile
    • Sheidon (Lv. 37) → Rhyhorn → Mawile
    • Bastiodon (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn → Mawile
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mawile
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Mawile
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Mawile
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Mawile
    • Slaking (Start) → Mawile
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Mawile
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Mawile
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Mawile
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Mawile
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Mawile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Houndour/Seviper/Absol/Stunky → Mawile

141. (304) hPPgpEg.pngAron, (305) mKKsFp2.pngLairon, and (306) x2KITxg.pngAggron (Monster)

  • Dragon RushgLkTe2q.png
    • Gible (Lv. 60) → Aron
    • Gabite (Lv. 47) → Aron
    • Garchomp (Lv. 82) → Aron
    • Dratini (Lv. 35) → Charmander → Aron
    • Dragonair (Lv. 39) → Charmander → Aron
    • Dragonite (Lv. 39) → Charmander → Aron
    • Vibrava (Lv. 56) → Charmander → Aron
    • Flygon (Lv. 60) → Charmander → Aron
    • Deino (Lv. 52) → Charmander → Aron
    • Zweilous (Lv. 54) → Charmander → Aron
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 54) → Charmander → Aron
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Aron
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Aron
  • Head SmashgLkTe2q.png
    • Cranidos (Lv. 46) → Aron
    • Rampardos (Lv. 58) → Aron
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Nidoran (Male) → Aron
    • Tepig (Lv. 37) → Nidoran (Male) → Aron
    • Pignite (Lv. 44) → Nidoran (Male) → Aron
    • Emboar (Lv. 50) → Nidoran (Male) → Aron
    • Scraggy (Lv. 52) → Nidoran (Male) → Aron
    • Scrafty (Lv. 60) → Nidoran (Male) → Aron
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Phanpy → Nidoran (Male) → Aron
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Aron
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Spinda/Mienfoo → Whismur → Aron
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Whismur → Aron
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Spinda → Whismur → Aron
  • Stomp
    • Lickitung (Lv. 30) → Aron
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Aron
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Aron
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Aron
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Aron
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Aron
    • Tropius (Lv. 10) → Aron
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 30) → Aron
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Aron
    • Exeggutor (Evolve) → Snover → Aron
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover → Aron

142. (307) XWCz6MN.pngmeditite and (308) klVadQQ.pngmedicham (Humanoid)

  • Bullet PunchgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → meditite
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 16) → meditite
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → meditite
  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → meditite
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → meditite
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → meditite
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → meditite
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → meditite
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → meditite
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → meditite
    • Mienshao (Start) → meditite
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar → meditite
  • Foresight
    • abra (BP) → meditite
    • kadabra (BP) → meditite
    • alakazam (BP) → meditite
    • Machop (Lv. 9) → meditite
    • Machoke (Lv. 9) → meditite
    • Machamp (Lv. 9) → meditite
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 37) → meditite
    • Hitmonchan (Pre-Evo) → meditite
    • Hitmontop (Pre-Evo) → meditite
    • Sableye (Lv. 4) → meditite
    • Buneary (Start) → meditite
    • Lopunny (Start) → meditite
    • Lucario (Start) → meditite

143. (309) wDDHtvj.pngElectrike and (310) wXbxfbU.pngManectric (Field)

  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Electrike
    • Persian (Start) → Electrike
    • Linoone (Start) → Electrike
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Seviper/Buizel/Buneary → Electrike
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Electrike
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Electrike
  • Flame BurstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Electrike
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Electrike
    • Ninetales (Pre-Evo) → Electrike
    • Growlithe (Lv. 28) → Electrike
    • arcanine (Pre-Evo) → Electrike
    • Torchic (Lv. 28) → Electrike
    • Combusken (Pre-Evo) → Electrike
    • Blaziken (Pre-Evo) → Electrike
    • Numel (Lv. 15) → Electrike
    • Camerupt (Lv. 15) → Electrike
    • Pansear (Lv. 22) → Electrike
    • Simisear (Start) → Electrike
    • Heatmor (Lv. 31) → Electrike
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Torkoal/Stunky → Electrike

144. (311) ScThjlY.pngPlusle (Fairy)

  • Sweet Kiss
    • Pikachu (Start) → Plusle
    • Raichu (Start) → Plusle
    • Clefairy (Start) → Plusle
    • Clefable (Start) → Plusle
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Plusle
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Plusle
    • Togetic (Start) → Plusle
    • Togetic (Lv. 9) → Plusle
    • Delcatty (BP) → Plusle
    • Roselia (BP) → Plusle
    • Roserade(BP) → Plusle
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 9) → Plusle
    • Togekiss (Start) → Plusle
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Plusle
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Plusle
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Plusle
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Plusle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Musharna (Start) → Pikachu → Plusle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu → Plusle
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Plusle
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Plusle
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Togetic → Plusle
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Plusle
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Plusle
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Plusle
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Plusle
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Plusle
  • Sing
    • Pikachu (BP) → Plusle
    • Raichu (BP) → Plusle
    • Clefairy (Start) → Plusle
    • Clefable (Start) → Plusle
    • Clefable (Lv. 7) → Plusle
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Plusle
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Plusle
    • Skitty (Lv. 7) → Plusle
    • Delcatty (Start) → Plusle
    • Mawile (BP) → Plusle
    • Snorunt (BP) → Plusle
    • Glalie (BP) → Plusle
    • Lapras (Start) → Marill → Plusle
    • Lapras (Lv. 5) → Marill → Plusle
    • Piplup (BP) → Marill → Plusle
    • Prinplup (BP) → Marill → Plusle
    • Empoleon (BP) → Marill → Plusle
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Plusle
    • Togekiss (Start) → Plusle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty → Plusle
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Absol (BP) → Pikachu → Plusle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Girafarig/Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Plusle

145. (312) hEpI7ZJ.pngMinun (Fairy)

  • Sweet Kiss
    • Pikachu (Start) → Minun
    • Raichu (Start) → Minun
    • Clefairy (Start) → Minun
    • Clefable (Start) → Minun
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Minun
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Minun
    • Togetic (Start) → Minun
    • Togetic (Lv. 9) → Minun
    • Delcatty (BP) → Minun
    • Roselia (BP) → Minun
    • Roserade(BP) → Minun
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 9) → Minun
    • Togekiss (Start) → Minun
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Minun
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Minun
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Minun
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Minun
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Minun
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Minun
    • Musharna (Start) → Pikachu → Minun
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu → Minun
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Minun
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Minun
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Togetic → Minun
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Minun
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Minun
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Minun
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Minun
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Minun
  • Sing
    • Pikachu (BP) → Minun
    • Raichu (BP) → Minun
    • Clefairy (Start) → Minun
    • Clefable (Start) → Minun
    • Clefable (Lv. 7) → Minun
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Minun
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Minun
    • Skitty (Lv. 7) → Minun
    • Delcatty (Start) → Minun
    • Mawile (BP) → Minun
    • Snorunt (BP) → Minun
    • Glalie (BP) → Minun
    • Lapras (Start) → Marill → Minun
    • Lapras (Lv. 5) → Marill → Minun
    • Piplup (BP) → Marill → Minun
    • Prinplup (BP) → Marill → Minun
    • Empoleon (BP) → Marill → Minun
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Minun
    • Togekiss (Start) → Minun
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty → Minun
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pikachu → Minun
    • Absol (BP) → Pikachu → Minun
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Girafarig/Spinda → Pikachu → Minun
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Minun
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Minun
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Minun
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Minun
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Pikachu → Minun
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Minun

146. (313) EJfBTIH.pngVolbeat (Humanoid, Bug)


Before the Egg Moves are listed, I should note that the Volbeat line is a special case. In order for Volbeat to recieve the Egg Moves listed here, first you must breed it as a Illumise. Once that is complete, then the final breeder needs to carry the Egg Move you want. For example, Illumise is 4x31 and Natured, but you want the Egg Move Dizzy Punch on your Volbeat. While breeding the Illumise, you are also breeding the Male Spinda alongside it. Once Spinda is complete, then you must level it to 23. Once you breed on the Dizzy Punch Egg Move, then you must pick the Male gender for the egg to result in a baby Volbeat. Volbeat is the final breed, so make sure you strategize if  you want the Dizzy Punch Egg Move prior to breeding the Volbeat. Without further ado, lets list all the ways you can get the Egg Move Dizzy Punch on Volbeat:


  • Dizzy Punch
    • Hitmonlee (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 25) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Electabuzz (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Hitmontop (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Spinda (Lv. 23) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Buneary (Lv. 36) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 36) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Electivire (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)
    • Magmortar (BP) → Volbeat (Mom is Illumise)

147. (314) I2MqwCZ.pngIllumise (Humanoid, Bug)

  • Growth
    • Paras (Lv. 33) → Illumise
    • Parasect (Lv. 37) → Illumise
    • Spinarak (BP) → Illumise
    • Ariados (BP) → Illumise
    • Cacnea (Lv. 7) → Illumise
    • Cacturne (Start) → Illumise
    • Cacturne (Lv. 7) → Illumise
  • Aromatherapy
    • Paras (Lv. 43) → Illumise
    • Parasect (Lv. 51) → Illumise

148. (406) quEWHr0.pngBudew (Cannot Breed), (315)k1D3ZHX.png Roselia, (407) 4SLeKFM.pngRoserade (Fairy, Plant)

  • Cotton Spore
    • Hoppip (Lv. 34) → Roselia
    • Skiploom (Lv. 40) → Roselia
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 44) → Roselia
    • Cacnea (Lv. 46) → Roselia
    • Cacturne (Lv. 49) → Roselia
    • Cottonee (Lv. 33) → Roselia
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Roselia
    • Maractus (Lv. 40) → Roselia
  • Mind Reader
    • Breloom (Lv. 33) → Roselia
  • Razor Leaf
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 12) → Roselia
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 12) → Roselia
    • Venusaur (Lv. 12) → Roselia
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 39) → Roselia
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 44) → Roselia
    • Victreeebel (Start) → Roselia
    • Chikorita (Lv. 6) → Roselia
    • Bayleef (Start) → Roselia
    • Bayleef (Lv. 6) → Roselia
    • Meganium (Start) → Roselia
    • Meganium (Lv. 6) → Roselia
    • Sunkern (Lv. 16) → Roselia
    • Sunflora (Lv. 16) → Roselia
    • Lombre (Evolve) → Roselia
    • Nuzleaf (Start) → Roselia
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 14) → Roselia
    • Shiftry (Start) → Roselia
    • Tropius (Start) → Roselia
    • Turtwig (Lv. 13) → Roselia
    • Grotle (Lv. 13) → Roselia
    • Torterra (Start) → Roselia
    • Torterra (Lv. 14) → Roselia
    • Snover (Lv. 20) → Roselia
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Roselia
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 20) → Roselia
    • Cottonee (Lv. 15) → Roselia
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Roselia
  • Grass Whistle
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Roselia
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Roselia
  • Sleep Powder
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 15) → Roselia
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 15) → Roselia
    • Venusaur (Lv. 15) → Roselia
    • Oddish (Lv. 18) → Roselia
    • Gloom (Lv. 18) → Roselia
    • Vileplume (Start) → Roselia
    • Vileplume (Lv. 19) → Roselia
    • Paras (Lv. 2) → Roselia
    • Parasect (Start) → Roselia
    • Parasect (Lv. 2) → Roselia
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 13) → Roselia
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 13) → Roselia
    • Victreebel (Start) → Roselia
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 23) → Roselia
    • Exeggutor (Pre-Evo) → Roselia
    • Tangela (Lv. 36) → Roselia
    • Bellosoom (Start) → Roselia
    • Hoppip (Lv. 16) → Roselia
    • Skiploom (Lv. 16) → Roselia
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 16) → Roselia
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 36) → Roselia
  • Extrasensory
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 40) → Roselia
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Roselia
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Roselia
    • Shiftry (Start) → Roselia
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 21) → Togetic → Roselia
    • Noctowl (Lv. 21) → Togetic → Roselia

149. (316) mN9wtkf.pngGulpin and (317) 5gOejD3.pngSwalot (Chaos)

  • Smog
    • Koffing (Lv. 4) → Gulpin
    • Weezing (Start) → Gulpin
    • Weezing (Lv. 4) → Gulpin
    • Slugma (Start) → Gulpin
    • Magcargo (Start) → Gulpin
    • Litwick (Start) → Gulpin
    • Litwick (Lv. 5) → Gulpin
    • Lampent (Start) → Gulpin
    • Lampent (Lv. 5) → Gulpin
    • Chandelure (Start) → Gulpin
  • Acid Armor
    • Grimer (Lv. 43) → Gulpin
    • Muk (Lv. 46) → Gulpin
    • Jellicent (Start) → Gulpin
  • Destiny Bond
    • Gastly (Lv. 44) → Gulpin
    • Haunter (Lv. 54) → Gulpin
    • Gengar (Lv. 54) → Gulpin
    • Koffing (Lv. 52) → Gulpin
    • Weezing (Lv. 62) → Gulpin
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Gulpin
    • Drifloon (Lv. 32) → Gulpin
    • Driflim (Lv. 36) → Gulpin
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Gulpin
    • Yamask (Lv. 52) → Gulpin
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 62) → Gulpin
    • Frillish (Lv. 44) → Gulpin
    • Jellicent (Lv. 48) → Gulpin
    • Cacnea (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Gulpin
    • Cacturne (Start) → Ralts → Gulpin
    • Cacturne (Lv. 59) → Ralts → Gulpin
  • Clear Smog
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Gulpin
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Gulpin
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Gulpin
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Gulpin
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Gastly/Castform/Shellos/Drifloon/Litwick → Gulpin
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Gastly/Castform/Shellos/Drifloon/Litwick → Gulpin
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Gastly/Castform/Shellos/Drifloon/Litwick → Gulpin
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Gastly/Castform/Shellos/Drifloon/Litwick → Gulpin

150. (318) 1tQMwJJ.pngCarvanha and (319) eqs35Ho.pngSharpedo (Water B)

  • Destiny Bond
    • Qwilfish (Start) → Carvanha
    • Qwilfish (Lv. 66) → Carvanha
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • Gyarados (Start) → Carvanha
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Carvanha
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Carvanha
    • Whiscash (Start) → Carvanha
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Carvanha
    • Basculin (Blue) [Lv. 48] → Carvanha
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Pilowsine (Lv. 65) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Mamowsine (Lv. 65) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Blitzle (Lv. 43) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Krookodile (Lv. 43) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Lv. 50] → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Beartic (Start) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Carvanha
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Wailmer → Carvanha

151. (320) xxolncb.pngWailmer and (321) WUfCNZ7.pngWailord (Water B, Field)

  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Wailmer
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Wailmer
    • Goldeen (Lv. 25) → Wailmer
    • Seaking (Lv. 25) → Wailmer
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 35) → Wailmer
    • Chinchou (Lv. 32) → Wailmer
    • Lanturn (Lv. 36) → Wailmer
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 40) → Wailmer
    • Finneon (Lv. 33) → Wailmer
    • Lumineon (Lv. 35) → Wailmer
    • Alomomola (Lv. 5) → Wailmer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel/Panpour → Wailmer
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Azumarill (Lv. 24) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Mantine (Lv. 36) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Milotic (Lv. 24) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 24) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Wailmer
  • Soak
    • Wailord (Start) → Wailmer
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Wailmer
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Wailmer
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Wailmer
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Wailmer
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Wailmer
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Wailmer
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Wailmer
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Wailmer
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Wailmer
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Wailmer
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer
    • Basculin (Blue) [Lv. 48] → Wailmer
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Wailmer
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Wailmer
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Wailmer
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Wailmer
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Wailmer
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Lv. 50] (currently not implemented yet) → Wailmer
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Wailmer
    • Beartic (Start) → Wailmer
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Wailmer
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Wailmer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Stantler/Tepig → Wailmer
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Wailmer
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Wailmer
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Wailmer
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Wailmer
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Wailmer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Wailmer
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Psyduck → Wailmer
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Psyduck → Wailmer
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Psyduck → Wailmer
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Shellos → Psyduck → Wailmer
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Wailmer
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Wailmer
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Wailmer
    • Cinccino (Start) → Wailmer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Wailmer
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Wailmer

152. (322) s3OSKMA.pngNumel and (323) uaQCBxh.pngCamerupt (Field)

  • Mud BombgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Numel
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Numel
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Numel
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Numel
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Numel
    • Piloswine (Lv. 18) → Numel
    • Mamosine (Lv. 18) → Numel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Skitty → Numel
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Psyduck → Numel
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Psyduck → Numel
  • GrowthgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (BP) → Numel
    • Seedot (Lv. 9) → Numel
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 9) → Numel
    • Shiftry (Start) → Numel
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Numel
    • Servine (Lv. 13) → Numel
    • Serperior (Lv. 13) → Numel
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Numel
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Numel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Numel
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Numel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Numel
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
  • HowlgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Growlithe (Lv. 4) → Numel
    • arcanine (Start) → Numel
    • Houndour (Lv. 4) → Numel
    • Houndoom (Start) → Numel
    • Houndoom (Lv. 4) → Numel
    • Poochyena (Lv. 4) → Numel
    • Mightyena (Start) → Numel
    • Mightyena (Lv. 4) → Numel
    • Whismur (Lv. 10) → Numel
    • Loudred (Start) → Numel
    • Loudred (Lv. 11) → Numel
    • Exploud (Start) → Numel
    • Exploud (Lv. 11) → Numel
    • Electrike (Lv. 8 ) → Numel
    • Manectric (Start) → Numel
    • Manectric (Lv. 7) → Numel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix/Cyndaquil/Shinx/Lucario/Lillpup → Numel
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Numel
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Numel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Numel
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Numel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Numel
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Numel
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Numel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Numel
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Numel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Seviper/Spheal/Hippopotas → Numel
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Numel
  • StompgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel
    • Ponyta (Lv. 30) _> Numel
    • Rapidash (Lv. 30) → Numel
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Tauros (Lv. 21) → Numel
    • Girafarig (Lv. 14) → Numel
    • Stantler (Lv. 13) → Numel
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Numel
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Numel
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Numel
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Numel
    • Blitzle (Lv. 29) → Numel
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 31) → Numel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bouffalant → Numel

153. (324) 0s6BeKP.pngTorkoal (Field)

  • Flame BurstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Torkoal
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Torkoal
    • Ninetales (Pre-Evo) → Torkoal
    • Growlithe (Lv. 28) → Torkoal
    • arcanine (Pre-Evo) → Torkoal
    • Torchic (Lv. 28) → Torkoal
    • Combusken (Pre-Evo) → Torkoal
    • Blaziken (Pre-Evo) → Torkoal
    • Numel (Lv. 15) → Torkoal
    • Camerupt (Lv. 15) → Torkoal
    • Pansear (Lv. 22) → Torkoal
    • Simisear (Start) → Torkoal
    • Heatmor (Lv. 31) → Torkoal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Electrike/Stunky → Torkoal
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Torkoal
    • Pikachu (BP) → Torkoal
    • Raichu (BP) → Torkoal
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Torkoal
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Torkoal
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Torkoal
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Torkoal
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Torkoal
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Torkoal
    • Slakoth (Start) → Torkoal
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Torkoal
    • Slaking (Start) → Torkoal
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Torkoal
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Torkoal
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Torkoal
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Torkoal
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Torkoal
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Torkoal
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Torkoal
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Torkoal
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Torkoal
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Torkoal
    • Musharna (Start) → Torkoal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Torkoal
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Torkoal
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Torkoal

154. (325) aVf99VU.pngSpoink and (326) OfpFFqp.pngGrumpig (Field)

  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Spoink
    • Musharna (Start) → Spoink
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Pikachu → Spoink
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Pikachu → Spoink
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Togetic → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Pikachu → Spoink
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Pikachu → Spoink
  • ExtrasensorygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Spoink
    • Ninetales (Start) → Spoink
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Spoink
    • Shiftry (Start) → Spoink
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Stantler/Whismur/Darumaka/Darmanitan (Zen) [not implemented]/Zorua → Spoink
  • Simple BeamgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink
    • Woobat (Lv. 55) → Spoink
    • Swoobat (Lv. 55) → Spoink
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Farfetch'd/Zigzagoon/Skitty → Spoink
    • Audino (Lv. 36) → Skitty → Spoink
  • Mirror CoatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink
    • Lopunny (Start) → Spoink
    • Glaceon (Lv. 45) → Spoink
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig/Snivy → Spoink

155. (327) v60ziJY.pngSpinda (Humanoid, Field)

  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Spinda
    • Ninetales (Start) → Spinda
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Spinda
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Spinda
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Nidoran (Male)/Seel/Stantler/Zangoose/Kecleon → Spinda
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Spinda
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Spinda
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Spinda
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Spinda
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Spinda
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Seel → Spinda
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Seel → Spinda
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Seel → Spinda
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts → Spinda
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Spinda
  • Rapid SpingLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 15) → Spinda
    • Sandslash (Lv. 15) → Spinda
    • Donphan (Lv. 6) → Spinda
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Spinda
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) → Spinda
    • Torkoal (Lv. 8 ) → Spinda
    • Drilbur (Start) → Spinda
    • Drilbur (Lv. 5) → Spinda
    • Excadrill (Start) → Spinda
    • Excadrill (Lv. 5) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Spinda
    • Squirtle (Lv. 9) → delibird → Spinda
    • Wartortle (Lv. 9) → delibird → Spinda
    • Blastoise (Lv. 9) → delibird → Spinda
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Spinda
    • Hariyama (Lv. 28) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur → Spinda
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Spinda
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda
    • Absol (BP) → Spinda
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Girafarig/Skitty → Spinda
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Pikachu/Skitty → Spinda
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pikachu/Skitty → Spinda
  • AssistgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • Skitty (Lv. 31) → Spinda
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Spinda
    • Glameow (Lv. 29) → Spinda
    • Purugly (Lv. 29) → Spinda
    • Purrloin (Lv. 6) → Spinda
    • Liepard (Start) → Spinda
    • Liepard (Lv. 6) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Sentret/Sneasel/Chimchar → Spinda
  • Psycho ShiftgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Spinda
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 15) → Woobat → Spinda
    • Noctowl (Lv. 15) → Woobat → Spinda
    • natu (Lv. 26) → Woobat → Spinda
    • xatu (Lv. 28) → Woobat → Spinda
  • Guard SplitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda
    • Elgyem (Lv. 24) → Spinda
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 24) → Spinda
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Spinda

156. (328) G0DGElF.pngTrapinch, (329) 9eIIRTu.pngVibrava, and (330) NY4N0Y6.pngFlygon (Dragon, Bug)

  • Gust
    • Butterfree (Evolve) → Trapinch
    • Butterfree (Start) → Trapinch
    • Butterfree (Lv. 16) → Trapinch
    • Venomoth (Evolve) → Trapinch
    • Venomoth (Lv. 31) → Trapinch
    • Beautifly (Evolve) → Trapinch
    • Beautifly (Start) → Trapinch
    • Dustox (Evolve) → Trapinch
    • Dustox (Start) → Trapinch
    • Masquerain (Lv. 17) → Trapinch
    • Mothim (Lv. 16) → Trapinch
    • Combee (Start) → Trapinch
    • Volcarona (Start) → Trapinch
    • Volcarona (Lv. 20) → Trapinch
  • Quick Attack
    • Charmander (BP) → Trapinch
    • Charmeleon (BP) → Trapinch
    • Charizard (BP) → Trapinch
    • Scyther (Start) → Trapinch
    • Yanma (Lv. 6) → Trapinch
    • Gligar (Lv. 13) → Trapinch
    • Scizor (Start) → Trapinch
    • Treecko (Lv. 6) → Trapinch
    • Grovyle (Start) → Trapinch
    • Grovyle (Lv. 9) → Trapinch
    • Sceptile (Start) → Trapinch
    • Sceptile (Lv. 9) → Trapinch
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → Trapinch
    • Masquerain (Start) → Trapinch
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → Trapinch
    • Yanmega (Start) → Trapinch
    • Yanmega (Lv. 6) → Trapinch
    • Gliscor (Lv. 13) → Trapinch
    • Accelgor (Start) → Trapinch
    • Accelgor (Lv. 13) → Trapinch
  • Flail
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Trapinch
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Trapinch
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Trapinch
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Trapinch
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Trapinch
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Trapinch
    • Escavalier (Start) → Trapinch
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras → Trapinch
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras → Trapinch
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras → Trapinch
    • Seel (BP) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Dewgong (BP) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Lombre (Start) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Relicanth (Start) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Horsea → Trapinch
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Horsea → Trapinch

157. (331) McLLOlQ.pngCacnea and (332) kkXsalf.pngCacturne (Plant, Humanoid)

  • Acid
    • Oddish (Lv. 4) → Cacnea
    • Gloom (Start) → Cacnea
    • Gloom (Lv. 9) → Cacnea
    • Vileplume (Start) → Cacnea
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 23) → Cacnea
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 24) → Cacnea
    • Victreebel (Start) → Cacnea
    • Bellossom (Start) → Cacnea
  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • kadabra (Start) → Cacnea
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Cacnea
    • alakazam (Start) → Cacnea
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Cacnea
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Cacnea
    • Hypno (Start) → Cacnea
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Cacnea
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Cacnea
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Cacnea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Cacnea
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Spinda → Cacnea
    • Ninetales (Lv. 4) → Spinda → Cacnea
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Cacnea
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Cacnea
  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Cacnea
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Cacnea
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Cacnea
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Cacnea
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Cacnea
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Cacnea
  • Teeter DancegLkTe2q.png
    • Bellsprout (BP) → Cacnea
    • Weepinbell (BP) → Cacnea
    • Victreebel (BP) → Cacnea
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 52) → Cacnea
    • Lombre (Start) → Cacnea
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Cacnea
    • Spinda (Lv. 21) → Cacnea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Pikachu (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Raichu (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Whismur (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Loudred (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Exploud (BP) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Grumpig (Evolve) → Buneary → Cacnea
    • Grumpig (Lv. 32) → Buneary → Cacnea
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • Hypno (Start) → Cacnea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar/Buneary → Cacnea
    • Persian (Start) → Chimchar/Buneary → Cacnea
    • Linoone (Start) → Chimchar/Buneary → Cacnea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buizel→ Chimchar/Buneary → Cacnea
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Cacnea
    • Hariyama (Lv. 28) → Cacnea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda/Mienfoo → Cacnea
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur → Spinda → Cacnea

158. (333) ns7oyGH.pngSwablu and (334) mnnV0O3.pngAltaria (Dragon, Flying)

  • Dragon Rush
    • Dratini (Lv. 35) → Swablu
    • Dragonair (Lv. 39) → Swablu
    • Dragonite (Lv. 39) → Swablu
    • Vibrava (Lv. 56) → Swablu
    • Flygon (Lv. 60) → Swablu
    • Gible (Lv. 60) →  Swablu
    • Gabite (Lv. 47) → Swablu
    • Garchomp (Lv. 82) → Swablu
    • Deino (Lv. 52) → Swablu
    • Zweilous (Lv. 54) → Swablu
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 54) → Swablu
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Swablu
    • Fearow (Start) → Swablu
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Swablu
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Swablu
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Swablu
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Swablu
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Swablu
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Swablu
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Swablu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Umbreon (Start) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Zoroark (Start) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Ekans → Swablu
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Druddigon → Swablu
    • Rampardos (Start) → Druddigon → Swablu
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Druddigon → Swablu

159. (335) oPbdaZZ.pngZangoose (Field)

  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Zangoose
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Zangoose
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Zangoose
    • Nidoking (Start) → Zangoose
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Zangoose
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Zangoose
    • Combusken (Start) → Zangoose
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Zangoose
    • Blaziken (Start) → Zangoose
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Zangoose
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Zangoose
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Chimchar/Shinx/Blitzle → Zangoose
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Zangoose
  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Zangoose
    • Ninetales (Start) → Zangoose
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Nidoran (Male)/Seel/Stantler/Spinda/Kecleon → Zangoose
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Zangoose
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Zangoose
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Zangoose
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Zangoose
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Zangoose
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Zangoose
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Zangoose
  • Fury SwipesgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 24) → Zangoose
    • Sandslash (Lv. 26) → Zangoose
    • Diglett (Lv. 21) → Zangoose
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Zangoose
    • Meowth (Lv. 29) → Zangoose
    • Persian (Lv. 31) → Zangoose
    • Psyduck (Lv. 9) → Zangoose
    • Golduck (Lv. 9) → Zangoose
    • Mankey (Lv. 5) → Zangoose
    • Primeape (Lv. 5) → Zangoose
    • Sentret (Lv. 13) → Zangoose
    • Furret (Lv. 13) → Zangoose
    • Aipom (Lv. 18) → Zangoose
    • Sneasel (Lv. 30) → Zangoose
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 8 ) → Zangoose
    • Ursaring (Lv. 8 ) → Zangoose
    • Linoone (Lv. 18) → Zangoose
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 14) → Zangoose
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Kecleon (Lv. 13) → Zangoose
    • Chimchar (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Monferno (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Infernape (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Ambipom (Lv. 18) → Zangoose
    • Glameow (Lv. 20) → Zangoose
    • Purugly (Lv. 20) → Zangoose
    • Stunky (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Skuntank (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Weavile (Lv. 30) → Zangoose
    • Purrloin (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Pansage (Lv. 13) → Zangoose
    • Simisage (Start) → Zangoose
    • Pansear (Lv. 13) → Zangoose
    • Simisear (Start) → Zangoose
    • Panpour (Lv. 13) → Zangoose
    • Simipour (Start) → Zangoose
    • Drilbur (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Excadrill (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Zorua (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Zoroark (Lv. 12) → Zangoose
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 6) → Zangoose
    • Beartic (Start) → Zangoose
    • Beartic (Lv. 17) → Zangoose
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Mienshao (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Heatmor (Lv. 5) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Cyndaquil/Bidoof/Buizel → Zangoose
    • Lombre (Lv. 18) → Bidoof/Buizel → Zangoose
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Bidoof/Buizel → Zangoose
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Seel (BP) → Zangoose
    • Dewgong (BP) → Zangoose
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Zangoose
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Zangoose
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • Piloswine (Start) → Zangoose
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Zangoose
    • Donphan (Start) → Zangoose
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Zangoose
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Zangoose
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Zangoose
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Zangoose
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Zangoose
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Zangoose
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Zangoose
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Zangoose
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Zangoose
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Zangoose
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Zangoose
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Zangoose
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Zangoose
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Zangoose
  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Wooper (BP) → Zangoose
    • Quagsire (BP) → Zangoose
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Zangoose
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Zangoose
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Zangoose
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 38) → Zangoose
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Currently not implemented] (Lv. 38) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddiursa/Spheal → Zangoose
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Spheal → Zangoose
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Spheal → Zangoose
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Spheal → Zangoose
    • Politoed (Start) → Spheal → Zangoose
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Zangoose
    • Raichu (Start) → Zangoose
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Zangoose
    • Persian (Start) → Zangoose
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Zangoose
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Zangoose
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Zangoose
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Zangoose
    • Absol (Start) → Zangoose
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Zangoose
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Zangoose
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Zangoose
    • Skuntank (Start) → Zangoose
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Zangoose
    • Lucario (Start) → Zangoose
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Houndour/Torchic/Blitzle/Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Mienfoo → Zangoose
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Zangoose
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Zangoose
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Zangoose
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Zangoose
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Zangoose
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Zangoose
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Zangoose
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Zangoose
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Zangoose
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Zangoose
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Zangoose
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Zangoose
    • Zoroark (Start) → Zangoose
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Zangoose
  • Double HitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Aipom (Lv. 32) → Zangoose
    • Girafarig (Lv. 28) → Zangoose
    • Buizel (Lv. 27) → Zangoose
    • Floatzel (Lv. 29) → Zangoose
    • Ambipom (Lv. 32) → Zangoose
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Zangoose
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 33) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Piplup/Buneary → Zangoose
    • Corphish (Lv. 20) → Piplup → Zangoose
    • Crawdaunt (Lv. 20) → Piplup → Zangoose
  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Zangoose
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Zangoose
    • Mienshao (Start) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom/Chimchar/Scraggy → Zangoose
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Chimchar → Zangoose
    • Treecko (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Zangoose
    • Grovyle (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Zangoose
    • Sceptile (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Zangoose
  • Final GambitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zangoose
    • Mankey (Lv. 50) → Zangoose
    • Primeape (Start) → Zangoose
    • Primeape (Lv. 57) → Zangoose
    • Lucario (Start) → Zangoose
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Diglett/Farfech'd/Seviper → Zangoose
    • Starly (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Zangoose
    • Staravia (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd → Zangoose
    • Staraptor (Lv. 57) → Farfetch'd → Zangoose

160. (336) 9fHhtv4.pngSeviper (Dragon, Field)

  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seviper
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seviper
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seviper
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seviper
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seviper
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Seviper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Spheal/Hippopotas → Seviper
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seviper
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seviper
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seviper
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seviper
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seviper
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Seviper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Spheal/Hippopotas → Seviper
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seviper
    • Persian (Start) → Seviper
    • Linoone (Start) → Seviper
    • Zangoose (Lv. 33) → Seviper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Start) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Buzel/Buneary → Seviper
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Seviper
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Seviper
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seviper
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seviper
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seviper
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seviper
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seviper
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Seviper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Spheal/Hippopotas → Seviper
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Seviper
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seviper
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Seviper
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Seviper
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Seviper
    • Slaking (Start) → Seviper
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Seviper
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Seviper
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Seviper
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Seviper
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Seviper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Houndour/Mawile/Absol/Stunky → Seviper
  • Final GambitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seviper
    • Mankey (Lv. 50) → Seviper
    • Primeape (Start) → Seviper
    • Primeape (Lv. 57) → Seviper
    • Lucario (Start) → Seviper
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Diglett/Farfech'd/Zangoose → Seviper
    • Starly (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Seviper
    • Staravia (Lv. 48) → Farfetch'd → Seviper
    • Staraptor (Lv. 57) → Farfetch'd → Seviper

161. (337) ayaXRZD.pngLunatone (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


162. (338) lRQ4eWX.pngSolrock (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


163. (339) apooL8f.pngBarboach and (340) A5HXsSf.pngWhiscash (Water B)

  • Flail
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Barboach
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Barboach
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Barboach
    • Gyarados (Start) → Barboach
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Barboach
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Barboach
    • Relicanth (Start) → Barboach
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Barboach
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Barboach
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Barboach
    • Basculin (Blue) [Lv .8] → Barboach
    • Seel (BP) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Dewgong (BP) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Lombre (Start) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Milotic (Start) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Remoraid → Barboach
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Remoraid → Barboach
  • Spark
    • Chinchou (Lv. 20) → Barboach
    • Lanturn (Lv. 20) → Barboach
  • Thrash
    • Whiscash (Start) → Barboach
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Barboach

164. (341) y0Si9ub.pngCorphish and (342) qEJfhg0.pngCrawdaunt (Water A, Water C)

  • Trump Card
    • Slowking (Lv. 49) → Corphish
  • Chip Away
    • Totodile (Lv. 29) → Corphish
    • Croconaw (Lv. 33) → Corphish
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 37) → Corphish
  • Aqua Jet
    • Golduck (Start) → Corphish
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Corphish
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Corphish
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Corphish
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Corphish
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) → Corphish
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Corphish
    • Empoleon (Evolve) → Corphish
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Corphish
    • Bibarel (Start) → Corphish
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Corphish
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Corphish
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Corphish
    • Carracosta (Start) → Corphish
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Corphish
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Corphish
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Persian (Start) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Linoone (Start) → Buizel → Corphish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buneary → Buizel → Corphish
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Buizel → Corphish
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Buizel → Corphish
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Corphish
    • Golduck (BP) → Corphish
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Corphish
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish
    • Quagsire (Start) → Corphish
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Corphish
    • Corsola (BP) → Corphish
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Corphish
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Corphish
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Corphish
    • Surskit (BP) → Corphish
    • Masquerain (BP) → Corphish
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish
    • Relicanth (Start) → Corphish
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Corphish
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Corphish
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Corphish
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Corphish
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Corphish
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Corphish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Corphish
  • SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • Kabuto (Lv. 39) → Corphish
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Corphish
    • Kabutops (Start) → Corphish
    • Kabutops (Lv. 40) → Corphish
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Corphish
    • Totodile (Lv. 34) → Corphish
    • Croconaw (Lv. 39) → Corphish
    • Feraligatr (Lv.45) → Corphish
    • Anorith (Lv. 28) → Corphish
    • Armaldo (Lv. 28) → Corphish
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 30) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Sandslash (Lv. 36) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Diglett (Lv. 24) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 24) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Meowth (Lv. 36) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Persian (Lv. 42) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Farfetch’d (Lv. 40) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Sneasel (Lv. 60) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 29) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Ursaring (Lv. 29) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Torchic (Lv. 21) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Linoone (Start) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Linoone (Lv. 32) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 23) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Zangoose (Lv. 19) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Kecleon (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Absol (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Glameow (Lv. 37) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Purugly (Lv.37) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Stunky (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Skuntank (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Weavile (Start) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Samurott (Evolve) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Samurott (Lv. 36) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Purrloin (Lv. 30) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Liepard (Lv. 34) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Drilbur (Lv. 26) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Excadrill (Lv. 26) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 21) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Beartic (Lv. 21) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Heatmor (Lv. 25) → Buizel → Corphish
    • Paras (Lv. 27) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Parasect (Lv. 29) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Scyther (Lv. 24) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Pinsir (Lv. 49) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Gligar (Lv. 27) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Scizor (Lv. 24) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Ninjask (Lv. 50) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Kricketune (Lv. 26) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Yanmega (Lv. 43) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Gliscor (Pre-Evo) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Leavanny (Lv. 29) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Leavanny (Evolve) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Dwebble (Lv. 20) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Crustle (Lv. 20) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Karrablast (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Escavalier (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Joltik (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Corphish
    • Galvantula (Lv. 32) → Skorupi → Corphish

165. (343) M49k0HA.pngBaltoy and (344) s5tcxNm.pngClaydol (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


166. (345) WlXbgXT.pngLileep and (346) 826wKN2.pngCradily (Water C)

  • Tickle
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Lileep
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Lileep
  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Lileep
  • Barrier
    • Tentacool (Lv. 28) → Lileep
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 28) → Lileep
    • Dragonite (BP) → Corsola → Lileep
  • Recover
    • Corsola (Lv. 50) → Lileep

167. (347) KGb4kP0.pngAnorith and (348) NaQGUrd.pngArmaldo (Water C)

  • Rapid SpingLkTe2q.png
    • Squirtle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Wartortle (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Blastoise (Lv. 9) → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Sandslash (Lv. 15) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Donphan (Lv. 6) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Torkoal (Lv. 8 ) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Drilbur (Start) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Drilbur (Lv. 5) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Excadrill (Start) → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 19) → Spinda → delibird → Kabuto → Tentacool
  • Aqua Jet
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Anorith
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Anorith
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Anorith
    • Carracosta (Start) → Anorith
    • Carracosta (Lv.15) → Anorith
    • Golduck (Start) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Empoleon (Evolve) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Bibarel (Start) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Corphish → Anorith
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Corphish → Anorith
  • Sand Attack
    • Omanyte (Lv. 10) → Anorith
    • Omastar (Start) → Anorith
    • Kabuto (Lv. 10) → Anorith
    • Kabutops (Start) → Anorith
    • Kabutops (Lv. 21) → Anorith
    • Gligar (Lv. 4) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Nincada (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Nincada (Lv. 9) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Ninjask (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Ninjask (Lv. 9) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Trapinch (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Vibrava (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Flygon (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Gliscor (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Gliscor (Lv. 4) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Dwebble (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Dwebble (Lv.11) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Crustle (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Crustle (Lv.11) → Skorupi → Anorith
    • Durant (Start) → Skorupi → Anorith

168. (349) ToUHVfz.pngFeebas and (350) vR4N2a0.pngMilotic (Dragon, Water A)

  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Feebas
    • Golduck (BP) → Feebas
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Feebas
    • Quagsire (Start) → Feebas
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Feebas
    • Corsola (BP) → Feebas
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Feebas
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Feebas
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Feebas
    • Surskit (BP) → Feebas
    • Masquerain (BP) → Feebas
    • Relicanth (Start) → Feebas
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Feebas
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Feebas
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Feebas
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Feebas
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Feebas
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Feebas
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Feebas
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Feebas
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Feebas
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Feebas
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Feebas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Feebas
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Feebas
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Feebas
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Marill → Feebas
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Marill → Feebas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Marill → Feebas
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Marill → Feebas
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Marill → Feebas
    • Mincccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Marill → Feebas
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Marill → Feebas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansaear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Marill → Feebas
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Feebas
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Feebas
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Feebas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola → Feebas
  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Feebas
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shellos → Feebas
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Feebas
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Feebas
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Feebas
    • Remoraid (BP) → Feebas
    • Octillery (BP) → Feebas
    • Lotad (Lv .9) → Feebas
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Feebas
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Feebas
    • Wingull (Lv.35) → Feebas
    • Pelipper (Lv.41) → Feebas
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Feebas
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Feebas
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Feebas
    • Altaria (Start) → Feebas
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Feebas
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Feebas
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Feebas
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Feebas
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Feebas
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Feebas
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Feebas
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Feebas
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Feebas

169. (351) zGPnhvj.png3VlXgqc.png2a9Z22R.pngKf2NOmG.pngCastform (Fairy, Chaos)

  • Clear Smog
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Castform
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Castform
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Castform
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Castform
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Shellos → Castform
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck → Shellos → Castform
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck → Shellos → Castform
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • Clefairy (Lv.37) → Castform
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Castform
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14)→ Castform
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Castform
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Castform
    • Mismagius (Start)→ Castform
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu → Castform
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Castform
    • Musharna (Start) → Pikachu → Castform
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Castform
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Castform
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Togetic → Castform
  • Reflect Type
    • Gengar (Start) → Castform
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Stunfisk → Castform
  • Disable
    • Jigglypuff (Lv.14) → Castform
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Castform
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Castform
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Castform
    • Dusclops (Start) → Castform
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Castform
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Castform
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Castform
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Castform
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Castform
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Castform
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts → Castform
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Castform
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts → Castform
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Castform
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Castform
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts → Castform
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Castform
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts → Castform

170. (352) eZ3fLtC.pngKecleon (Field)

  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Kecleon
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Kecleon
    • Ninetales (Start) → Kecleon
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Kecleon
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Kecleon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Nidoran (Male)/Seel/Stantler/Spinda/Zangoose → Kecleon
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Kecleon
    • Slowbro (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Kecleon
    • Lickitung (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Kecleon
    • Slowking (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) → Kecleon
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 24) → Nidoran (Male) → Kecleon
    • kadabra (Start) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • alakazam (Start) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • Hypno (Start) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Spinda → Kecleon
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Kecleon
  • RecovergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Kecleon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wooper →  Kecleon
    • Corsola (Lv. 50) → Wooper → Kecleon
    • Milotic (Lv. 28) → Wooper → Kecleon
    • Shellos (Lv. 10) → Wooper → Kecleon
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Wooper → Kecleon
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 54) → Wooper → Kecleon
  • Dizzy PunchgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Kecleon
    • Pikachu (BP) → Kecleon
    • Raichu (BP) → Kecleon
    • Sentret (BP) → Kecleon
    • Furret (BP) → Kecleon
    • Spinda (Lv. 23) → Kecleon
    • Buneary (Lv. 36) → Kecleon
    • Lopunny (Lv. 36) → Kecleon

171. (353) nhGftBx.pngShuppet and (354) V0FEJf0.pngBanette (Chaos)

  • Astonish
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 10) → Shuppet
    • Duskull (Start) → Shuppet
    • Duskull (Lv. 9) → Shuppet
    • Dusclops (Start) → Shuppet
    • Dusclops (Lv. 9) → Shuppet
    • Chimecho (Start) → Shuppet
    • Chimecho (Lv. 7) → Shuppet
    • Drifloon (Start) → Shuppet
    • Drifloon (Lv. 4) → Shuppet
    • Drifblim (Start) → Shuppet
    • Drifblim (Lv. 4) → Shuppet
    • Mismagius (Start) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 9) → Shuppet
    • Yamask (Start) → Shuppet
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Shuppet
    • Litwick (Start) → Shuppet
    • Lampent (Start) → Shuppet
    • Chandelure (Start) → Shuppet
    • Lotad (Start) → Stunfisk → Shuppet
    • Lombre (Start) → Stunfisk → Shuppet
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Stunfisk → Shuppet
  • Foresight
    • Duskull (Lv. 14) → Shuppet
    • Dusclops (Lv. 14) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 14) → Shuppet
  • Destiny Bond
    • Gastly (Lv. 44) → Shuppet
    • Haunter (Lv. 54) → Shuppet
    • Gengar (Lv. 54) → Shuppet
    • Koffing (Lv. 52) → Shuppet
    • Weezing (Lv. 62) → Shuppet
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shuppet
    • Drifloon (Lv. 32) → Shuppet
    • Driflim (Lv. 36) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Shuppet
    • Yamask (Lv. 52) → Shuppet
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 62) → Shuppet
    • Frillish (Lv. 44) → Shuppet
    • Jellicent (Lv. 48) → Shuppet
    • Cacnea (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Cacturne (Start) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Cacturne (Lv. 59) → Ralts → Shuppet
  • Disable
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Shuppet
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Shuppet
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Shuppet
    • Dusclops (Start) → Shuppet
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Shuppet
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Shuppet
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Shuppet
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Shuppet
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts → Shuppet
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform→ Shuppet
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Castform → Shuppet
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform→ Shuppet
  • Pursuit
    • Duskull (Lv. 22) → Shuppet
    • Dusclops (Lv. 22) → Shuppet
    • Spiritomb (Start) → Shuppet
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 22) → Shuppet

172. (355) DO4dQ9f.pngDuskull, (356) 4JXGXFW.pngDusclops, and (477) 5eXy1uc.pngDuskclops (Chaos)

  • Memento
    • Grimer (Lv. 48) → Duskull
    • Muk (Lv. 57) → Duskull
    • Koffing (Lv. 48) → Duskull
    • Weezing (Lv. 56) → Duskull
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → Duskull
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → Duskull
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 30) → Duskull
    • Litwick (Lv. 56) → Duskull
    • Lampent (Lv. 64) → Duskull
    • Chandelure (Start) → Duskull
  • Grudge
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 50) → Duskull
    • Shuppet (Lv. 46) → Duskull
    • Banette (Lv. 52) → Duskull
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Duskull
    • Yamask (Lv. 32) → Duskull
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 32) → Duskull
  • Destiny Bond
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Duskull

173. (357) 7TbXCTP.pngTropius (Monster, Plant)

  • Leech SeedgLkTe2q.png
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Tropius
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Tropius
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Tropius
    • Venusaur (Start) → Tropius
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Tropius
    • Oddish (BP) → Tropius
    • Gloom (BP) → Tropius
    • Vileplume (BP) → Tropius
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Tropius
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Tropius
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Tropius
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Tropius
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Tropius
    • Bellossom (BP) → Tropius
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Tropius
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Tropius
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Tropius
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Tropius
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Tropius
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Tropius
    • Breloom (Start) → Tropius
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Tropius
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Tropius
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Tropius
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Tropius
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Tropius
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Tropius
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Tropius
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Tropius
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Tropius
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Tropius
    • Roserade (Start) → Tropius
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Tropius
    • Cherrim (Start) → Tropius
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Tropius
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Tropius
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Tropius
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Tropius
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Tropius
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Tropius
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Tropius
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot → Tropius
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot → Tropius
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot → Tropius
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot → Tropius
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Tropius
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Tropius
  • Slam
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 47) → Tropius
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 54) → Tropius
    • Victreebel (Pre-Evo) → Tropius
    • Lickitung (Lv. 48) → Tropius
    • Tangela (Lv. 40) → Tropius
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Tropius
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Tropius
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Tropius
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 48) → Tropius
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 40) → Tropius
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Tropius
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Tropius
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Tropius

174. (433) SmHQsWy.pngChingling (Cannot Breed) and (358) LhUyE4I.pngChimecho (Chaos)

  • Wish
    • Ralts (BP) → Chimecho
    • Kirlia  (BP) → Chimecho
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Chimecho
    • Gallade (BP) → Chimecho
  • Perish Song
    • Gengar (Start) → Chimecho
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 46) → Chimecho
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Chimecho
  • Recover
    • Slugma (lv. 43) → Chimecho
    • Magcargo (Lv. 47) → Chimecho
    • Shellos (Lv. 10) → Chimecho
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Chimecho
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 54) → Chimecho
    • Solosis (Lv. 4) → Chimecho
    • Duosion (Start) → Chimecho
    • Duosion (Lv. 24) → Chimecho
    • Reuniclus (Start) → Chimecho
    • Reuniclus (Lv. 24) → Chimecho
    • Frillish (Lv. 28) → Chimecho
    • Jellicent (Lv. 28) → Chimecho
  • Disable
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Chimecho
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Chimecho
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Chimecho
    • Dusclops (Start) → Chimecho
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Chimecho
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Chimecho
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Chimecho
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Chimecho
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Chimecho
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Chimecho
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts → Chimecho
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform→ Chimecho
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Castform → Chimecho
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform→ Chimecho

175. (359) GRlOiwp.pngAbsol (Field)

  • Mean LookgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Absol
    • Umbreon (Lv. 50) → Absol
    • Patrat (Lv. 36) → Absol
    • Watchog (Lv. 43) → Absol
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig/Snivy/Sandile → Absol
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Absol
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Absol
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Absol
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Absol
    • Slaking (Start) → Absol
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Absol
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Absol
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Absol
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Absol
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Absol
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Houndour/Mawile/Seviper/Absol/Stunky → Absol

176. (361) rJsJkQy.pngSnorunt, (362) S9SDT4A.pngGlalie, and (478) VRdbHbi.pngFroslass (Fairy, Mineral)

  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Snorunt
    • Hypno (Start) → Cacnea → Cottonee → Snorunt
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee → Snorunt
    • Persian (Start) → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee → Snorunt
    • Linoone (Start) → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee → Snorunt
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buizel → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee → Snorunt
  • Disable
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Snorunt
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Snorunt
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Snorunt
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Snorunt
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Snorunt
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Snorunt
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Castform → Snorunt
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Castform → Snorunt
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Castform → Snorunt
    • Dusclops (Start) → Castform → Snorunt
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Castform → Snorunt
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Castform → Snorunt
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Castform → Snorunt
  • Icicle Crash
    • Vanilluxe (Start) → Snorunt

177. (363) npLe61V.pngSpheal, (364) orUDSBw.pngSealeo, and (365) YoMdOuL.pngWalrein (Water A, Field)

  • Water SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Psyduck (Start) → Spheal
    • Golduck (Start) → Spheal
    • Poliwag (Start) → Spheal
    • Poliwhirl (Start) → Spheal
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Seel (Lv. 7) → Spheal
    • Dewgong (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Marill (Lv. 5) → Spheal
    • Azumarill (Start) → Spheal
    • Azumarill (Lv. 5) → Spheal
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Lombre (Lv. 20) → Spheal
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Pelipper (Start) → Spheal
    • Surskit (Lv. 14) → Spheal
    • Masquerain (Start) → Spheal
    • Masquerain (Lv. 14) → Spheal
    • Corphish (BP) → Spheal
    • Crawdaunt (BP) → Spheal
    • Milotic (Start) → Spheal
    • Milotic (Lv. 4) → Spheal
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 5) → Spheal
    • Piplup (Lv. 11) → Spheal
    • Prinplup (Lv. 11) → Spheal
    • Empoleon (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Buizel (Lv. 7) → Spheal
    • Floatzel (Start) → Spheal
    • Floatzel (Lv. 7) → Spheal
    • Oshawott (Lv. 11) → Spheal
    • Dewott (Start) → Spheal
    • Dewott (Lv. 11) → Spheal
    • Samurott (Start) → Spheal
    • Samurott (Lv. 11) → Spheal
    • Panpour (Lv. 16) → Spheal
    • Simipour (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Ducklett (Lv. 3) → Spheal
    • Swanna (Start) → Spheal
    • Swanna (Lv. 3) → Spheal
    • Alomomola (Start) → Spheal
    • Goldeen (Start) → Relicanth → Spheal
    • Seaking (Start) → Relicanth → Spheal
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Spheal
    • Whiscash (Start) → Relicanth → Spheal
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bidoof → Spheal
  • Belly DrumgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Poliwag (Lv. 48) → Spheal
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 56) → Spheal
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Spheal
    • Politoed (Start) → Spheal
    • Wooper (BP) → Spheal
    • Quagsire (BP) → Spheal
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 33) → Spheal
    • Linoone (Lv. 43) → Spheal
    • Darumaka (Lv. 36) → Spheal
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 38) → Spheal
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Currently not implemented] (Lv. 38) → Spheal
    • Lickitung (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke → Spheal
    • Snorlax (Lv. 48) → Slowpoke → Spheal
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 60) → Slowpoke → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Teddirusa/Zangoose → Spheal
  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Spheal
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Spheal
    • Vapereon (Lv. 35) → Spheal
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Spheal
    • Azumarill (Lv. 24) → Spheal
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Spheal
    • Mantine (Lv. 10) → Spheal
    • Milotic (Lv. 12) → Spheal
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Spheal
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Spheal
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Spheal
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Spheal
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Spheal
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Spheal
    • Alomomola (Lv. 5) → Spheal
    • Goldeen (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • Seaking (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • Chinchou (Lv. 32) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • Lanturn (Lv. 36) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 40) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • Finneon (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • Lumineon (Lv. 35) → Wailmer → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer/Piplup/Buizel/Panpour → Spheal
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Spheal
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Spheal
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Spheal
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Spheal
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel → Spheal
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Spheal
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Pikachu (BP) → Spheal
    • Raichu (BP) → Spheal
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Spheal
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Spheal
    • Slowbro (Start) → Spheal
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Spheal
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Spheal
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Spheal
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Spheal
    • Slowking (Start) → Spheal
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Spheal
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Spheal
    • Kingdra (Start) → Spheal
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Spheal
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Spheal
    • Slakoth (Start) → Spheal
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Slaking (Start) → Spheal
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Spheal
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Spheal
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Spheal
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Spheal
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Spheal
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Spheal
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Spheal
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 15) → Spheal
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Spheal
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Spheal
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Spheal
    • Musharna (Start) → Spheal
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Squirtle/Mudkip → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Spheal
    • Slugma (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Spheal
    • Magcargo (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Spheal
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk -. Spheal
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Spheal
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Spheal
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Spheal
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Spheal
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Spheal
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Spheal
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel → Spheal
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Spheal
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Spheal
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Spheal
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Spheal
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Spheal
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Spheal
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Hippopotas → Spheal
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Spheal
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Spheal

178. (366) rQnbi4g.pngClamperl, (367) UBBAKuM.pngHuntail, and (368) FgtGSP3.pngGorebyss (Water A)

  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Clamperl
    • Milotic (Start) → Clamperl
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Clamperl
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Clamperl
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle → Clamperl
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Clamperl
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Clamperl
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Clamperl
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Clamperl
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Raticate (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Arbok (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Shroomish (BP) → Marill → Clamperl
    • Breloom (BP) → Marill → Clamperl
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Clamperl
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Clamperl
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Clamperl
  • Barrier
    • Dragonite (BP) → Clamperl
    • Tentacool (Lv. 28) → Corsola → Clamperl
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 28) → Corsola → Clamperl
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Clamperl
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Clamperl
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Clamperl
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Clamperl
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Clamperl
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Clamperl
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Clamperl
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Clamperl
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Clamperl
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Clamperl
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Clamperl
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Piloswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck → Clamperl
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck → Clamperl
  • Aqua Ring
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Clamperl
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Mantine (Start) → Clamperl
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Clamperl
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Clamperl
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Clamperl
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Clamperl
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Clamperl
    • Pelipper (Start) → Clamperl
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Clamperl
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Clamperl
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Clamperl
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Clamperl
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Clamperl
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Clamperl
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Clamperl
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Clamperl
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Clamperl
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Clamperl
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Clamperl
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini → Clamperl
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Clamperl
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini → Clamperl
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Clamperl
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Clamperl
    • Seaking (Start) → Remoraid → Clamperl
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Clamperl
    • Chinchou (Start) → Remoraid → Clamperl
    • Lanturn (Start) → Remoraid → Clamperl
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Clamperl
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Clamperl
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Clamperl
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Clamperl

179. XS54dg6.pngRelicanth (Water A, Water B)

  • Water SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (Start) → Relicanth
    • Golduck (Start) → Relicanth
    • Poliwag (Start) → Relicanth
    • Poliwhirl (Start) → Relicanth
    • Poliwarth (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth
    • Seel (Lv. 7) → Relicanth
    • Dewgong (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth
    • Goldeen (Start) → Relicanth
    • Seaking (Start) → Relicanth
    • Marill (Lv. 5) → Relicanth
    • Azumarill (Start) → Relicanth
    • Azumarill (Lv. 7) → Relicanth
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth
    • Lombre (Lv. 20) → Relicanth
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth
    • Pelipper (Start) → Relicanth
    • Surskit (Lv. 14) → Relicanth
    • Masquerain (Start) → Relicanth
    • Masquerain (Lv. 14) → Relicanth
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Relicanth
    • Whiscash (Start) → Relicanth
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Relicanth
    • Corphish (BP) → Relicanth
    • Crawdaunt (BP) → Relicanth
    • Milotic (Start) → Relicanth
    • Milotic (Lv. 4) → Relicanth
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 5) → Relicanth
    • Piplup (Lv. 11) → Relicanth
    • Prinplup (Lv. 11) → Relicanth
    • Empoleon (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth
    • Buizel (Lv. 7) → Relicanth
    • Floatzel (Start) → Relicanth
    • Floatzel (Lv. 7) → Relicanth
    • Ducklett (Lv. 3) → Relicanth
    • Swanna (Start) → Relicanth
    • Swanna (Lv. 3) → Relicanth
    • Alomomola (Start) → Relicanth
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Oshawott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Dewott (Start) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Dewott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Samurott (Start) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Samurott (Lv. 11) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Panpour (Lv. 16) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
    • Simipour (Pre-Evo) → Spheal/Bidoof → Relicanth
  • Magnitude
    • Barboach (Lv. 20) → Relicanth
    • Whiscash (Lv. 20) → Relicanth

180. (370) DyGSd2o.pngLuvdisc (Water B)

  • Splash
    • Magikarp (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Gyarados (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Wailmer (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Wailord (Start) → Luvdisc
  • Mud Sport
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Luvdisc
    • Whiscash (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Luvdisc
    • Relicanth (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Luvdisc
  • Aqua Jet
    • Carvanha (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Carvanha (Lv. 11) → Luvdisc
    • Sharpedo (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Sharpedo (Lv. 11) → Luvdisc
    • Basculin (Lv. 12) → Luvdisc
    • Basculin (Blue) (Lv. 12) → Luvdisc
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Luvdisc
  • EntrainmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Buneary (Lv. 40) → Seel → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Lopunny (Lv. 40) → Seel → Remoraid → Luvdisc
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Luvdisc
    • Seaking (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Luvdisc
    • Chinchou (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Lanturn (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Mantine (Start) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Pelipper (Start) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Remoraid → Luvdisc
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup → Remoraid → Luvdisc
  • Water Sport
    • Goldeen (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Seaking (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Luvdisc
    • Whiscash (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Luvdisc
    • Alomomola (Start) → Luvdisc
    • Psyduck (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Golduck (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Poliwag (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Poliwhirl (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Poliwarth (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Seel (Lv. 7) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Dewgong (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Marill (Lv. 5) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Azumarill (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Azumarill (Lv. 7) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Lombre (Lv. 20) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Pelipper (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Surskit (Lv. 14) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Masquerain (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Masquerain (Lv. 14) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Corphish (BP) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Crawdaunt (BP) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Milotic (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Milotic (Lv. 4) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 5) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Piplup (Lv. 11) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Prinplup (Lv. 11) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Empoleon (Pre-Evo) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Buizel (Lv. 7) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Floatzel (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Floatzel (Lv. 7) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Ducklett (Lv. 3) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Swanna (Start) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
    • Swanna (Lv. 3) → Relicanth → Luvdisc
  • Heal Pulse
    • Alomomola (Lv. 17) → Luvdisc

181. (371) JIjq1GT.pngBagon, (372) 2pJtZmy.pngShelgon, and (373) w8iKoZk.pngSalamence (Dragon)

  • Dragon Rush
    • Dratini (Lv. 35) → Bagon
    • Dragonair (Lv. 39) → Bagon
    • Dragonite (Lv. 39) → Bagon
    • Vibrava (Lv. 56) → Bagon
    • Flygon (Lv. 60) → Bagon
    • Gible (Lv. 60) →  Bagon
    • Gabite (Lv. 47) → Bagon
    • Garchomp (Lv. 82) → Bagon
    • Deino (Lv. 52) → Bagon
    • Zweilous (Lv. 54) → Bagon
    • Hydreigon (Lv. 54) → Bagon
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • Gyarados (Start) → Bagon
    • Gyardos (Lv. 48) → Bagon
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Gible → Bagon
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Gible → Bagon
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Gible → Bagon
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Gible → Bagon
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Gible → Bagon
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Gible → Bagon
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Gible → Bagon
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Gible → Bagon
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Gible → Bagon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Darmanitan [Zen] (Currently Not Implemented Yet] (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Beartic (Start) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible → Bagon

182. (374) pT2TXQ8.pngBeldum, (375) yN6OAF8.pngMetang, and (376) rVrHlkA.pngMetagross (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


Edited by Bestfriends
Leech Seed is no longer an Egg Move for the Ludicolo Evolution Line. (5/1/2024)
Link to comment

183. (387) otTov50.pngTurtwig, (388) qbwV7iC.pngGrotle, and (389) glIoybi.pngTorterra (Monster, Grass)

  • Swallow
    • Victreebel (Start) → Turtwig
    • Snorlax (Start) → Turtwig
    • Carnivine (Lv. 37) → Turtwig
  • Growth
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 6) → Turtwig
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Turtwig
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 28) → Turtwig
    • Venusaur (Start) → Turtwig
    • Venusaur (Lv. 28) → Turtwig
    • Oddish (Start) → Turtwig
    • Gloom (Start) → Turtwig
    • Vileplume (Start) → Turtwig
    • Paras (Lv. 33) → Turtwig
    • Parasect (Lv. 37) → Turtwig
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 7) → Turtwig
    • Weepinbell (Start) → Turtwig
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 7) → Turtwig
    • Victreebel (Start) → Turtwig
    • Tangela (Lv. 5) → Turtwig
    • Bellossom (Start) → Turtwig
    • Sunkern (Start) → Turtwig
    • Sunflora (Start) → Turtwig
    • Seedot (Lv. 9) → Turtwig
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 9) → Turtwig
    • Shiftry (Start) → Turtwig
    • Shroomish (Lv. 29) → Turtwig
    • Breloom (Pre-Evo) → Turtwig
    • Roselia (Start) → Turtwig
    • Roselia (Lv. 4) → Turtwig
    • Cacnea (Lv. 7) → Turtwig
    • Cacturne (Start) → Turtwig
    • Cacturne (Lv. 7) → Turtwig
    • Tropius (Start) → Turtwig
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Turtwig
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Turtwig
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Turtwig
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Turtwig
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Turtwig
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Turtwig
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Turtwig
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Turtwig
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Turtwig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Beartic (Start) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Turtwig
    • Gyarados (Start) → Gible → Turtwig
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Gible → Turtwig
  • Wide Guard
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble → Paras → Turtwig
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Turtwig
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Turtwig
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Turtwig
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Turtwig
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Turtwig
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Lapras → Turtwig
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Lapras → Turtwig
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola → Lapras → Turtwig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola → Lapras → Turtwig
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Cherubi → Turtwig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Cherubi → Turtwig
  • Stockpile
    • Victreebel (Start) → Turtwig
    • Carnivine (Lv. 37) → Turtwig
  • Spit Up
    • Victreebel (Start) → Turtwig
    • Carnivine (Lv. 37) → Turtwig
  • Shell Smash
    • Squirtle (Lv. 27) → Turtwig
    • Wartortle (Lv. 35) → Turtwig
    • Blastoise (Lv. 35) → Turtwig

184. (390) u0fWfhX.pngChimchar, (391) R2LjwpS.pngMonferno, and (392) Hi7mC6D.pngInfernape (Humanoid, Field)

  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Chimchar
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Chimchar
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Chimchar
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Chimchar
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Chimchar
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Chimchar
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Chimchar
    • Mienshao (Start) → Chimchar
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom/Zangoose → Chimchar
    • Treecko (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Chimchar
    • Grovyle (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Chimchar
    • Sceptile (Lv. 15) → Scraggy → Chimchar
  • AssistgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar
    • Skitty (Lv. 31) → Chimchar
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Chimchar
    • Glameow (Lv. 29) → Chimchar
    • Purugly (Lv. 29) → Chimchar
    • Purrloin (Lv. 6) → Chimchar
    • Liepard (Start) → Chimchar
    • Liepard (Lv. 6) → Chimchar
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Sentret/Sneasel/Spinda → Chimchar
  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Chimchar
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Chimchar
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Chimchar
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Chimchar
    • Nidoking (Start) → Chimchar
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Chimchar
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Chimchar
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Chimchar
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Chimchar
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Chimchar
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Chimchar
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Chimchar
    • Combusken (Start) → Chimchar
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Chimchar
    • Blaziken (Start) → Chimchar
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Chimchar
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Chimchar
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Chimchar
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Chimchar
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Chimchar
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Chimchar
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Shinx/Blitzle → Chimchar
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimcahr
    • Persian (Start) → Chimchar
    • Hypno (Start) → Chimchar
    • Linoone (Start) → Chimchar
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buizel/Buneary → Chimchar
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Chimchar

185. (393) mY3c90E.pngPiplup, (394) 5vSQsmY.pngPrinplup, and (395) SllUY6P.pngEmpoleon (Water A, Field)

  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Piplup
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Piplup
    • Vapereon (Lv. 35) → Piplup
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Azumarill (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Piplup
    • Mantine (Lv. 10) → Piplup
    • Milotic (Lv. 12) → Piplup
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Piplup
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Piplup
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Piplup
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Piplup
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Alomomola (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Goldeen (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • Seaking (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • Chinchou (Lv. 32) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • Lanturn (Lv. 36) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 40) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • Finneon (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • Lumineon (Lv. 35) → Wailmer → Piplup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer/Spheal/Buizel/Panpour → Piplup
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup
    • Pikachu (BP) → Piplup
    • Raichu (BP) → Piplup
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Piplup
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Piplup
    • Slowbro (Start) → Piplup
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Piplup
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Piplup
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Piplup
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Piplup
    • Slowking (Start) → Piplup
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Piplup
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Piplup
    • Kingdra (Start) → Piplup
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Piplup
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Piplup
    • Slakoth (Start) → Piplup
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup
    • Slaking (Start) → Piplup
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Piplup
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) →Piplup
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Piplup
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Piplup
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Piplup
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Piplup
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Piplup
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 15) → Piplup
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Piplup
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Piplup
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Piplup
    • Musharna (Start) → Piplup
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Squirtle/Mudkip → Piplup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Piplup
    • Slugma (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Piplup
    • Magcargo (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Piplup
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Shellos/Stunfisk -. Piplup
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Piplup
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Shellos/Stunfisk → Piplup
  • Double HitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup
    • Aipom (Lv. 32) → Piplup
    • Girafarig (Lv. 28) → Piplup
    • Corphish (Lv. 20) → Piplup
    • Crawdaunt (Lv. 20) → Piplup
    • Buizel (Lv. 27) → Piplup
    • Floatzel (Lv. 29) → Piplup
    • Ambipom (Lv. 32) → Piplup
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 33) → Piplup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Zangoose/Buneary → Piplup
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup
    • Psyduck (BP) → Piplup
    • Golduck (BP) → Piplup
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Quagsire (Start) → Piplup
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Corsola (BP) → Piplup
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Piplup
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Piplup
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Piplup
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup
    • Surskit (BP) → Piplup
    • Masquerain (BP) → Piplup
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Piplup
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Piplup
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Piplup
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Piplup
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Piplup
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler/Bidoof/Buneary/Panpour → Piplup
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Piplup
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Piplup
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Piplup
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Piplup
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Piplup
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup
    • Seel (BP) → Piplup
    • Dewgong (BP) → Piplup
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup
    • Snorlax (Start) → Squirtle → Piplup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Piplup
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Piplup
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Piplup
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Piplup
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea/Remoraid → Piplup
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea/Remoraid → Piplup
    • Krabby (Lv. 29) → Kabuto/Tirtouga → Piplup
    • Kingler (Lv. 31) → Kabuto/Tirtouga → Piplup
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Basculin {Blue) [Lv. 8] → Remoraid → Piplup
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup
    • Mantine (Start) → Piplup
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Piplup
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Piplup
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Piplup
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Piplup
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Piplup
    • Pelipper (Start) → Piplup
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Piplup
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Piplup
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Piplup
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Piplup
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Piplup
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Piplup
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female]/Woobat → Piplup
    • Lickitung (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Piplup
    • Lickilicky (Start) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Piplup
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male) [Mom is Female] → Piplup
    • Tentacool (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Piplup
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Piplup
    • Tentacruel (Lv. 12) → Omanyte → Piplup
    • Shellder (Lv. 20) → Omanyte → Piplup
    • Cloyster (Start) → Omanyte → Piplup
    • Vibrava (Start) → Dratini → Piplup
    • Vibrava (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Piplup
    • Flygon (Start) → Dratini → Piplup
    • Flygon (Lv. 19) → Dratini → Piplup
    • Goldeen (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Seaking (Start) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Seaking (Lv. 5) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Chinchou (Start) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Lanturn (Start) → Remoraid → Piplup
    • Zubat (Start) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Golbat (Start) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Crobat (Start) → Woobat → Piplup
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Woobat → Piplup

186. (396) K5b3opo.pngStarly, (397) yyQ4o4y.pngStaravia, (398) joHNfq7.pngStaraptor (Flying)

  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Starly
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Starly
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 56) → Starly
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Starly
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Starly
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Starly
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Starly
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Starly
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Starly
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Starly
  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Starly
    • Noctowl (Start) → Starly
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Sentret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Furret (Start) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Buneary (Start) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Lopunny (Start) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Lucario (Start) → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Farfetch'd → Starly
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Starly
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Starly
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Marill → Togetic → Starly
    • Venonat (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Starly
    • Venomoth (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Starly
    • Yanma (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Starly
    • Yanmega (Start) → Surskit → Marill → Togetic → Starly
  • Astonish
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Starly
    • Golbat (Start) → Starly
    • Golbat (Lv. 7) → Starly
    • Crobat (Start) → Starly
    • Crobat (Lv. 7) → Starly
    • Murkrow (Start) → Starly
    • Swablu (Lv. 3) → Starly
    • Altaria (Start) → Starly
    • Altaria (Lv. 3) → Starly
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Starly
  • Pursuit
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Starly
    • Fearow (Start) → Starly
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Starly
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Starly
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Starly
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Starly
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Starly
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Starly
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Starly
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Swablu → Starly
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Starly
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Swablu → Starly
  • Fury Attack
    • Spearow (Lv. 11) → Starly
    • Fearow (Lv. 11) → Starly
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 7) → Starly
    • Doduo (Lv. 12) → Starly
    • Dodrio (Lv. 12) → Starly
    • Skarmory (Lv. 8 ) → Starly
    • Swablu (Lv. 12) → Starly
    • Altaria (Lv. 12) → Starly
    • Chatot (Lv. 17) → Starly
    • Rufflet (Lv. 5) → Starly
    • Braviary (Start) → Starly
    • Braviary (Lv. 5) → Starly
  • Sand Attack
    • Pidgey (Lv. 5) → Starly
    • Pidgeotto (Start) → Starly
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 5) → Starly
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Starly
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 5) → Starly
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Starly
    • Skarmory (Lv. 4) → Starly

187. (399) oaxA8SL.pngBidoof and (400) ynUEyZQ.pngBibarel (Water A, Field)

  • Water SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bidoof
    • Psyduck (Start) → Bidoof
    • Golduck (Start) → Bidoof
    • Poliwag (Start) → Bidoof
    • Poliwhirl (Start) → Bidoof
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Seel (Lv. 7) → Bidoof
    • Dewgong (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Marill (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Azumarill (Start) → Bidoof
    • Azumarill (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Lombre (Lv. 20) → Bidoof
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Pelipper (Start) → Bidoof
    • Surskit (Lv. 14) → Bidoof
    • Masquerain (Start) → Bidoof
    • Masquerain (Lv. 14) → Bidoof
    • Corphish (BP) → Bidoof
    • Crawdaunt (BP) → Bidoof
    • Milotic (Start) → Bidoof
    • Milotic (Lv. 4) → Bidoof
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Piplup (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Prinplup (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Empoleon (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Buizel (Lv. 7) → Bidoof
    • Floatzel (Start) → Bidoof
    • Floatzel (Lv. 7) → Bidoof
    • Oshawott (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Dewott (Start) → Bidoof
    • Dewott (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Samurott (Start) → Bidoof
    • Samurott (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Panpour (Lv. 16) → Bidoof
    • Simipour (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Ducklett (Lv. 3) → Bidoof
    • Swanna (Start) → Bidoof
    • Swanna (Lv. 3) → Bidoof
    • Alomomola (Start) → Bidoof
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spheal → Bidoof
    • Goldeen (Start) → Relicanth → Bidoof
    • Seaking (Start) → Relicanth → Bidoof
    • Barboach (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Bidoof
    • Whiscash (Start) → Relicanth → Bidoof
    • Whiscash (Lv. 6) → Relicanth → Bidoof
  • Odor SleuthgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bidoof
    • Growlithe (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • arcanine (Start) → Bidoof
    • Griafarig (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Swinub (Start) → Bidoof
    • Piloswine (Start) → Bidoof
    • Houndour (Lv. 20) → Bidoof
    • Houndoom (Lv. 20) → Bidoof
    • Phanpy (Start) → Bidoof
    • Donphan (Start) → Bidoof
    • Poochyena (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Mightyena (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Linoone (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Electrike (Lv. 16) → Bidoof
    • Manectric (Lv. 16) → Bidoof
    • Spoink (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • Grumpig (Start) → Bidoof
    • Grumpig (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Bidoof
    • Tepig (Lv. 9) → Bidoof
    • Pignite (Start) → Bidoof
    • Pignite (Lv. 9) → Bidoof
    • Emboar (Start) → Bidoof
    • Emboar (Lv. 9) → Bidoof
    • Lillipup (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Herdier (Start) → Bidoof
    • Herdier (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Stoutland (Start) → Bidoof
    • Stoutland (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Woobat (Lv. 4) → Bidoof
    • Swoobat (Start) → Bidoof
    • Swoobat (Lv. 4) → Bidoof
    • Heatmor (Lv. 6) → Bidoof
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Mareep/Buizel/Deerling → Bidoof
    • Snorlax (Start) → Mareep → Bidoof
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bidoof
    • Psyduck (BP) → Bidoof
    • Golduck (BP) → Bidoof
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Quagsire (Start) → Bidoof
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Piloswine (Start) → Bidoof
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Corsola (BP) → Bidoof
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Bidoof
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Bidoof
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Bidoof
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Bidoof
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Bidoof
    • Surskit (BP) → Bidoof
    • Masquerain (BP) → Bidoof
    • Relicanth (Start) → Bidoof
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Bidoof
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Bidoof
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Bidoof
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Bidoof
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Bidoof
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Bidoof
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Drilbur (Start) → Bidoof
    • Excadrill (Start) → Bidoof
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Bidoof
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler/Piplup/Buneary/Panpour → Bidoof
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Bidoof
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Bidoof
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Bidoof
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Bidoof
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Bidoof
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bidoof
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Bidoof
    • Raticate (Start) → Bidoof
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Bidoof
    • Pikachu (Start) → Bidoof
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • Raichu (Start) → Bidoof
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Bidoof
    • Ninetales (Start) → Bidoof
    • Ponyta (Start) → Bidoof
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • Rapidash (Start) → Bidoof
    • Tauros (BP) → Bidoof
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Bidoof
    • Furret (Start) → Bidoof
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Bidoof
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Bidoof
    • Combusken (Start) → Bidoof
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Bidoof
    • Blaziken (Start) → Bidoof
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Bidoof
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Pelipper (Start) → Bidoof
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → Bidoof
    • Masquerain (Start) → Bidoof
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → Bidoof
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Absol (Start) → Bidoof
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Bidoof
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Floatzel (Start) → Bidoof
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Bidoof
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Bidoof
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Bidoof
    • Lucario (Start) → Bidoof
    • Weavile (Start) → Bidoof
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Bidoof
    • Blitzle (Start) → Bidoof
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Bidoof
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Bidoof
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/delibird/Seedot/Shinx/Glameow/Purrloin → Bidoof
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd → Bidoof
  • Fury SwipesgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bidoof
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 24) → Bidoof
    • Sandslash (Lv. 26) → Bidoof
    • Diglett (Lv. 21) → Bidoof
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Bidoof
    • Meowth (Lv. 29) → Bidoof
    • Persian (Lv. 31) → Bidoof
    • Psyduck (Lv. 9) → Bidoof
    • Golduck (Lv. 9) → Bidoof
    • Mankey (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Primeape (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • Sentret (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Furret (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Aipom (Lv. 18) → Bidoof
    • Sneasel (Lv. 30) → Bidoof
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 8 ) → Bidoof
    • Ursaring (Lv. 8 ) → Bidoof
    • Linoone (Lv. 18) → Bidoof
    • Lombre (Lv. 18) → Bidoof
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Bidoof
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 14) → Bidoof
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Bidoof
    • Kecleon (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Chimchar (Lv. 15) → Bidoof
    • Monferno (Lv. 15) → Bidoof
    • Infernape (Lv. 15) → Bidoof
    • Ambipom (Lv. 18) → Bidoof
    • Glameow (Lv. 20) → Bidoof
    • Purugly (Lv. 20) → Bidoof
    • Stunky (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Skuntank (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Weavile (Lv. 30) → Bidoof
    • Purrloin (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Pansage (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Simisage (Start) → Bidoof
    • Pansear (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Simisear (Start) → Bidoof
    • Panpour (Lv. 13) → Bidoof
    • Simipour (Start) → Bidoof
    • Drilbur (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Excadrill (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Zorua (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Zoroark (Lv. 12) → Bidoof
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 6) → Bidoof
    • Beartic (Start) → Bidoof
    • Beartic (Lv. 17) → Bidoof
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 15) → Bidoof
    • Mienshao (Lv. 15) → Bidoof
    • Heatmor (Lv. 5) → Bidoof
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Cyndaquil/Zangoose/Buizel → Bidoof

188. (401) nd51l0B.pngKricketot and (402) f3l2inj.pngKricketune (Bug) (No Egg Moves)


189. (403) 52zP6wa.pngShinx, (404) Iq42Cts.pngLuxio, (405) xlBzFze.pngLuxray (Field)

  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Shinx
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • Raticate (Start) → Shinx
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • Pikachu (Start) → Shinx
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Raichu (Start) → Shinx
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Shinx
    • Ninetales (Start) → Shinx
    • Ponyta (Start) → Shinx
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Rapidash (Start) → Shinx
    • Tauros (BP) → Shinx
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Shinx
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Shinx
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Shinx
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Shinx
    • Furret (Start) → Shinx
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Shinx
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Shinx
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Shinx
    • Combusken (Start) → Shinx
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Shinx
    • Blaziken (Start) → Shinx
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Shinx
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Shinx
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Shinx
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Shinx
    • Absol (Start) → Shinx
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Shinx
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Shinx
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Shinx
    • Floatzel (Start) → Shinx
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Shinx
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Shinx
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Shinx
    • Lucario (Start) → Shinx
    • Weavile (Start) → Shinx
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Shinx
    • Blitzle (Start) → Shinx
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Shinx
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/delibird/Seedot/Bidoof/Glameow/Purrloin → Shinx
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Pelipper (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd → Shinx
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Shinx
    • Masquerain (Start) → delibird/Bidoof → Shinx
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Shinx
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Shinx
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Shinx
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Shinx
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Shinx
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Shinx
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Shinx
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Shinx
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Shinx
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Shinx
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Shinx
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Shinx
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Shinx
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Shinx
    • Zoroark (Start) → Shinx
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Shinx
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Oshawott/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Shinx
  • HowlgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Shinx
    • Growlithe (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • arcanine (Start) → Shinx
    • Houndour (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • Houndoom (Start) → Shinx
    • Houndoom (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • Poochyena (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • Mightyena (Start) → Shinx
    • Mightyena (Lv. 4) → Shinx
    • Whismur (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Loudred (Start) → Shinx
    • Loudred (Lv. 11) → Shinx
    • Exploud (Start) → Shinx
    • Exploud (Lv. 11) → Shinx
    • Electrike (Lv. 8 ) → Shinx
    • Manectric (Start) → Shinx
    • Manectric (Lv. 7) → Shinx
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix/Cyndaquil/Numel/Lucario/Lillpup → Shinx
  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Shinx
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Shinx
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Shinx
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Shinx
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Shinx
    • Nidoking (Start) → Shinx
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Shinx
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Shinx
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Shinx
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Shinx
    • Combusken (Start) → Shinx
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Shinx
    • Blaziken (Start) → Shinx
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Shinx
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Shinx
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Shinx
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Shinx
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Shinx
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Cyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Blitzle → Shinx
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Shinx
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Shinx
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Shinx
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Shinx

190. (408) mvP2GDY.pngCranidos and (409) 8nrMtDh.pngRampardos (Monster)

  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • Rhydon (Evolve) → Cranidos
    • Rhydon (Start) → Cranidos
    • Rhydon (Lv. 42) → Cranidos
    • Snorlax (Lv. 44) → Cranidos
    • Swampert (Start) → Cranidos
    • Swampert (Lv. 63) → Cranidos
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Cranidos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Usaring (Start) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Ursaring (Lv. 67) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Slaking (Start) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Slaking (Lv. 61) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Emboar (Start) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Darmanitan (Evolve) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Whismur → Cranidos
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 35) → Whismur → Cranidos
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Cranidos
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Cranidos
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Cranidos
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Cranidos
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Cranidos
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Cranidos
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Cranidos
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Cranidos
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Cranidos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Beartic (Start) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Cranidos
    • Gyarados (Start) → Gible → Cranidos
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Gible → Cranidos
  • Stomp
    • Lickitung (Lv. 30) → Cranidos
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Cranidos
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Cranidos
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Cranidos
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Cranidos
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Cranidos
    • Tropius (Lv. 10) → Cranidos
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 30) → Cranidos
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Cranidos
    • Exeggutor (Evolve) → Snover → Cranidos
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover → Cranidos
  • Slam
    • Lickitung (Lv. 48) → Cranidos
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Cranidos
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Cranidos
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Cranidos
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 48) → Cranidos
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 47) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 54) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Victreebel (Pre-Evo) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Tangela (Lv. 40) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 40) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Tropius → Cranidos
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Tropius → Cranidos

191. (410) OF7wSlF.pngShieldon and (411) 3OgXr2f.pngBastiodon (Monster)

  • Guard SplitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Shieldon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Rhyhorn → Shieldon
    • Elgyem (Lv. 24) → Spinda → Rhyhorn → Shieldon
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 24) → Spinda → Rhyhorn → Shieldon
  • Wide Guard
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Shieldon
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Shieldon
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Shieldon
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Shieldon
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Shieldon
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble → Paras → Turtwig → Shieldon

192. (412) YdMNr28.pngMpXFIBz.pngkB5lXXR.pngBurmy, (413) qoHYWOt.pngqZmSBfi.png9swGzFW.pngWormadam, and (414) y8JEY5P.pngMothim (Bug) (No Egg Moves) 


193. (415) hGAXYN0.pngCombee and (416) N9IMR15.pngVespiquen (Bug) (No Egg Moves) 


194. (417) 3U9xzoP.pngPachirisu (Fairy, Field)

  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu
    • Seel (BP) → Pachirisu
    • Dewgong (BP) → Pachirisu
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Pachirisu
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Pachirisu
    • Piloswine (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu
    • Donphan (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Pachirisu
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Pachirisu
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Pachirisu
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Pachirisu
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Pachirisu
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Pachirisu
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Pachirisu
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Pachirisu
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Pachirisu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Pachirisu
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Pachirisu
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Pachirisu
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Pachirisu
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Pachirisu
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Pachirisu
  • FlattergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 45] → Pachirisu
    • Nidorino (Lv. 57) → Pachirisu
    • Nidoking (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Pachirisu
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Pachirisu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Woobat→ Pachirisu
  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Pachirisu
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Pachirisu
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Pachirisu
    • Arbok (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Pachirisu
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Pachirisu
    • Persian (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Pachirisu
    • Growlithe (Start) → Pachirisu
    • arcanine (Start) → Pachirisu
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Pachirisu
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Pachirisu
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Pachirisu
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Pachirisu
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Pachirisu
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Pachirisu
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Pachirisu
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Pachirisu
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Pachirisu
    • Mightyena (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Pachirisu
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Pachirisu
    • Loudred (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Pachirisu
    • Exploud (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Pachirisu
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Pachirisu
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Pachirisu
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Pachirisu
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Pachirisu
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Pachirisu
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Pachirisu
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Pachirisu
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Pachirisu
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Pachirisu
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Pachirisu
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu
    • Watchog (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Pachirisu
    • Herdier (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Pachirisu
    • Stoutland (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Pachirisu
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Pachirisu
    • Simisage (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Pachirisu
    • Simisear (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Pachirisu
    • Simipour (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Pachirisu
    • Krokorok (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Pachirisu
    • Krookodile (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Pachirisu
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Pachirisu
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Pachirisu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Sneasel/Swinub/Stantler/Glameow/Lucario → Pachirisu
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Pachirisu
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Pachirisu
  • Tail WhipgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu
    • Rattata (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Raticate (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Pikachu (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Raichu (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Vulpix (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Ninetales (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Psyduck (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Psyduck (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Golduck (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Golduck (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Ponyta (Lv. 5) → Pachirisu
    • Rapidash (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Rapidash (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Rhydon (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Tauros (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Tauros (Lv. 3) → Pachirisu
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Marill (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Marill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu
    • Azumarill (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Azumarill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu
    • Hoppip (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu
    • Skiploom (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Skiploom (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu
    • Jumpluff (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu
    • Aipom (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Wooper (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Quagsire (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Snubbull (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Granbull (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) → Pachirisu
    • Linoone (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Linoone (Lv. 5) → Pachirisu
    • Skitty (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Pachirisu
    • Kecleon (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Ambipom (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Tepig (Lv. 3) → Pachirisu
    • Pignite (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Pignite (Lv. 3) → Pachirisu
    • Emboar (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Emboar (Lv. 3) → Pachirisu
    • Oshawott (Lv. 5) → Pachirisu
    • Dewott (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Dewott (Lv. 5) → Pachirisu
    • Samurott (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Samurott (Lv. 5) → Pachirisu
    • Blitzle (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 4) → Pachirisu
    • Emolga (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Emolga (Lv. 7) → Pachirisu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Glameow/Minccino → Pachirisu
  • BestowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu
    • Clefairy (Lv. 19) → Pachirisu
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Pachirisu
    • Togetic (Lv. 25) → Pachirisu
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 25) → Pachirisu
    • Linoone (Lv. 27) → Pachirisu
    • Plusle (Lv. 13) → Pachirisu
    • Togekiss (Pre-Evo) → Pachirisu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/delibird → Pachirisu
  • Follow MegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu
    • Pikachu (BP) → Pachirisu
    • Raichu (BP) → Pachirisu
    • Clefairy (Lv. 36) → Pachirisu
    • Clefable (Start) → Pachirisu
    • Sentret (Lv. 19) → Pachirisu
    • Furret (Lv. 21) → Pachirisu
    • Togetic (Lv. 40) → Pachirisu
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pachirisu
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Pachirisu
    • Mr. Mime (BP) → Lucario → Pachirisu

195. (418) NZUB3R0.pngBuizel and (419) TbMRpKg.pngFloatzel (Water A, Field)

  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Buizel
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Buizel
    • Vapereon (Lv. 35) → Buizel
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Buizel
    • Azumarill (Lv. 24) → Buizel
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Buizel
    • Mantine (Lv. 10) → Buizel
    • Milotic (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Buizel
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Buizel
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Buizel
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Buizel
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Buizel
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Buizel
    • Alomomola (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Goldeen (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • Seaking (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • Chinchou (Lv. 32) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • Lanturn (Lv. 36) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 40) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • Finneon (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • Lumineon (Lv. 35) → Wailmer → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer/Spheal/Piplup/Panpour → Buizel
  • SoakgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Psyduck (Lv. 27) → Buizel
    • Golduck (Lv. 27) → Buizel
    • Remoraid (Lv. 40) → Buizel
    • Octillery (Lv. 48) → Buizel
    • Pelipper (Start) → Buizel
    • Wailord (Start) → Buizel
    • Alomomola (Lv. 33) → Buizel
  • Double SlapgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Poliwag (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Buizel
    • Politoed (Start) → Buizel
    • Skitty (Lv. 16) → Buizel
    • Delcatty (Start) → Buizel
    • Minccino (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Cinccino (Pre-Evo) → Buizel
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 17) → Buizel
    • Mienshao (Lv. 17) → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Aipom → Buizel
    • Clefairy (Lv. 10) → Pikachu → Buizel
    • Clefable (Start) → Pikachu → Buizel
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 17) → Pikachu → Buizel
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Pikachu → Buizel
    • Audino (Lv. 17) → Pikachu → Buizel
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Persian (Start) → Buizel
    • Linoone (Start) → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buizel/Buneary → Buizel
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Buizel
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Buizel
  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Golduck (Start) → Buizel
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Buizel
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Buizel
    • Stantler (Start) → Buizel
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Buizel
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Buizel
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Blitzle/Sandile/Mienfoo → Buizel
    • Lickitung (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Buizel
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Buizel
  • SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 30) → Buizel
    • Sandslash (Lv. 36) → Buizel
    • Diglett (Lv. 24) → Buizel
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Buizel
    • Meowth (Lv. 36) → Buizel
    • Persian (Lv. 42) → Buizel
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 40) → Buizel
    • Kabuto (Lv. 39) → Buizel
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Buizel
    • Kabutops (Start) → Buizel
    • Kabutops (Lv. 40) → Buizel
    • Totodile (Lv. 34) → Buizel
    • Croconaw (Lv. 39) → Buizel
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 45) → Buizel
    • Sneasel (Lv. 60) → Buizel
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 26) → Buizel
    • Ursaring (Lv. 29) → Buizel
    • Torchic (Lv. 21) → Buizel
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • Linoone (Start) → Buizel
    • Linoone (Lv. 32) → Buizel
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 23) → Buizel
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Buizel
    • Zangoose (Lv. 19) → Buizel
    • Kecleon (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • Absol (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • Glameow (Lv. 37) → Buizel
    • Purugly (Lv. 37) → Buizel
    • Stunky (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • Stuntank (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • Weavile (Start) → Buizel
    • Samurott (Evolve) → Buizel
    • Samurott (Lv. 36) → Buizel
    • Purrloin (Lv. 30) → Buizel
    • Liepard (Lv. 34) → Buizel
    • Drilbur (Lv. 26) → Buizel
    • Excadrill (Lv. 26) → Buizel
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 21) → Buizel
    • Beartic (Lv. 21) → Buizel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 25) → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sentret → Buizel
    • Anorith (Lv. 28) → Corphish → Buizel
    • Armaldo (Lv. 28) → Corphish → Buizel
  • Odor SleuthgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Growlithe (Lv. 10) → Buizel
    • arcanine (Start) → Buizel
    • Griafarig (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Swinub (Start) → Buizel
    • Piloswine (Start) → Buizel
    • Houndour (Lv. 20) → Buizel
    • Houndoom (Lv. 20) → Buizel
    • Phanpy (Start) → Buizel
    • Donphan (Start) → Buizel
    • Poochyena (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Mightyena (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Linoone (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Electrike (Lv. 16) → Buizel
    • Manectric (Lv. 16) → Buizel
    • Spoink (Lv. 10) → Buizel
    • Grumpig (Start) → Buizel
    • Grumpig (Lv. 10) → Buizel
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Buizel
    • Tepig (Lv. 9) → Buizel
    • Pignite (Start) → Buizel
    • Pignite (Lv. 9) → Buizel
    • Emboar (Start) → Buizel
    • Emboar (Lv. 9) → Buizel
    • Lillipup (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Herdier (Start) → Buizel
    • Herdier (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Stoutland (Start) → Buizel
    • Stoutland (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Woobat (Lv. 4) → Buizel
    • Swoobat (Start) → Buizel
    • Swoobat (Lv. 4) → Buizel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 6) → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Mareep/Bidoof/Deerling → Buizel
    • Snorlax (Start) → Mareep → Buizel
  • Fury SwipesgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 24) → Buizel
    • Sandslash (Lv. 26) → Buizel
    • Diglett (Lv. 21) → Buizel
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 21) → Buizel
    • Meowth (Lv. 29) → Buizel
    • Persian (Lv. 31) → Buizel
    • Psyduck (Lv. 9) → Buizel
    • Golduck (Lv. 9) → Buizel
    • Mankey (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Primeape (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • Sentret (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Furret (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Aipom (Lv. 18) → Buizel
    • Sneasel (Lv. 30) → Buizel
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 8 ) → Buizel
    • Ursaring (Lv. 8 ) → Buizel
    • Linoone (Lv. 18) → Buizel
    • Lombre (Lv. 18) → Buizel
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Buizel
    • Vigoroth (Lv. 14) → Buizel
    • Slaking (Pre-Evo) → Buizel
    • Kecleon (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Chimchar (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Monferno (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Infernape (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Ambipom (Lv. 18) → Buizel
    • Glameow (Lv. 20) → Buizel
    • Purugly (Lv. 20) → Buizel
    • Stunky (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Skuntank (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Weavile (Lv. 30) → Buizel
    • Purrloin (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Pansage (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Simisage (Start) → Buizel
    • Pansear (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Simisear (Start) → Buizel
    • Panpour (Lv. 13) → Buizel
    • Simipour (Start) → Buizel
    • Drilbur (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Excadrill (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Zorua (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Zoroark (Lv. 12) → Buizel
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 6) → Buizel
    • Beartic (Start) → Buizel
    • Beartic (Lv. 17) → Buizel
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Mienshao (Lv. 15) → Buizel
    • Heatmor (Lv. 5) → Buizel
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Cyndaquil/Zangoose/Bidoof → Buizel

196. (420) FclAafN.pngCherubi and (421) aXotV8D.pngCherrim (Fairy, Plant)

  • Healing Wish
    • Clefairy (Lv. 48) → Cherubi
    • Clefable (Start) → Cherubi
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Cottonee
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Cottonee
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cottonee
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cottonee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Cottonee
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Cottonee
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Cottonee
  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Cherubi
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Cherubi
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Cherubi
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Cherubi
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Cherubi
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Cherubi
  • Aromatherapy
    • Vileplume (Start) → Cherubi
    • Paras (Lv. 43) → Cherubi
    • Parasect (Lv. 51) → Cherubi
    • Chikorita (Lv. 42) → Cherubi
    • Bayleef (Lv. 50) → Cherubi
    • Meganium (Lv. 60) → Cherubi
    • Roselia (Lv. 50) → Cherubi
    • Roserade (Start) → Cherubi
    • Snivy (BP) → Cherubi
    • Servine (BP) → Cherubi
    • Serperior (BP) → Cherubi
  • Razor Leaf
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 12) → Cherubi
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 12) → Cherubi
    • Venusaur (Lv. 12) → Cherubi
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 39) → Cherubi
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 44) → Cherubi
    • Victreeebel (Start) → Cherubi
    • Chikorita (Lv. 6) → Cherubi
    • Bayleef (Start) → Cherubi
    • Bayleef (Lv. 6) → Cherubi
    • Meganium (Start) → Cherubi
    • Meganium (Lv. 6) → Cherubi
    • Sunkern (Lv. 16) → Cherubi
    • Sunflora (Lv. 16) → Cherubi
    • Lombre (Evolve) → Cherubi
    • Nuzleaf (Start) → Cherubi
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 14) → Cherubi
    • Shiftry (Start) → Cherubi
    • Tropius (Start) → Cherubi
    • Turtwig (Lv. 13) → Cherubi
    • Grotle (Lv. 13) → Cherubi
    • Torterra (Start) → Cherubi
    • Torterra (Lv. 14) → Cherubi
    • Snover (Lv. 20) → Cherubi
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Cherubi
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 20) → Cherubi
    • Cottonee (Lv. 15) → Cherubi
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Cherubi
  • Heal Pulse
    • Audino (Lv. 44) → Cherubi
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 45) → Chikorita → Cherubi
    • Slowbro (Start) → Chikorita → Cherubi
    • Slowbro (Lv. 51) → Chikorita → Cherubi
    • Slowking (Start) → Chikorita → Cherubi
    • Slowking (Lv. 45) → Chikorita → Cherubi

197. (422) w9HZtx9.pnggyP920S.pngShellos and (423) Tvf3c27.pngLUefvXx.pngGastrodon (Water A, Chaos)

  • Sludge
    • Grimer (Lv. 15) → Shellos
    • Muk (Lv. 15) → Shellos
    • Koffing (Lv. 20) → Shellos
    • Weezing (Lv. 20) → Shellos
    • Gulpin (Lv. 10) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Lv. 10) → Shellos
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Shellos
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Shellos
    • Slowbro (Start) → Shellos
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Shellos
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Shellos
    • Quagsire (Lv. 21) → Shellos
    • Slowking (Start) → Shellos
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Shellos
    • Slugma (Start) → Shellos
    • Magcargo (Start) → Shellos
    • Kingdra (Start) → Shellos
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Start) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Lv. 5) → Shellos
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Shellos
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Shellos
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Shellos
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Shellos
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Squirtle/Mudkip → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Pikachu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Raichu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Mightyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Slakoth (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Slaking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
    • Musharna (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Shellos
  • Acid Armor
    • Grimer (Lv. 43) → Shellos
    • Muk (Lv. 46) → Shellos
    • Jellicent (Start) → Shellos
  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Spheal → Shellos
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Seel → Shellos
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Seel → Shellos
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Seel → Shellos
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Seel → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel/Seviper/Hippopotas → Seel → Shellos
  • Trump Card
    • Slowking (Lv. 49) → Shellos
  • Mirror Coat
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shellos
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Shellos
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Shellos
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Shellos
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Shellos
    • Remoraid (BP) → Shellos
    • Octillery (BP) → Shellos
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Shellos
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Shellos
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Shellos
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Shellos
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Shellos
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Shellos
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Shellos
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Shellos
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Shellos
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Shellos
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Shellos
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Shellos
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Shellos
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas →  Shellos
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Shellos
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Shellos
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Shellos
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Shellos
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Shellos
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Shellos
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Shellos
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Shellos
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck → Shellos
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck → Shellos

198. (425) 9UDDKDp.pngDrifloon and (426) uIvbH7N.pngDrifblim (Chaos)

  • Memento
    • Grimer (Lv. 48) → Drifloon
    • Muk (Lv. 57) → Drifloon
    • Koffing (Lv. 48) → Drifloon
    • Weezing (Lv. 56) → Drifloon
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → Drifloon
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → Drifloon
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 30) → Drifloon
    • Litwick (Lv. 56) → Drifloon
    • Lampent (Lv. 64) → Drifloon
    • Chandelure (Start) → Drifloon
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Drifloon
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Drifloon
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Drifloon
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Drifloon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Shellos → Drifloon
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck → Shellos → Drifloon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck → Shellos → Drifloon
  • Disable
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Drifloon
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Drifloon
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Drifloon
    • Dusclops (Start) → Drifloon
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Drifloon
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Drifloon
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Drifloon
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Drifloon
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Drifloon
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Drifloon
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts → Drifloon
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform→ Drifloon
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Castform → Drifloon
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform→ Drifloon

199. (427) SES0mLq.pngBuneary and (428) b0mLps7.pngLopunny (Humanoid, Field)

  • Double HitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Aipom (Lv. 32) → Buneary
    • Girafarig (Lv. 28) → Buneary
    • Buizel (Lv. 27) → Buneary
    • Floatzel (Lv. 29) → Buneary
    • Ambipom (Lv. 32) → Buneary
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Buneary
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 33) → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Zangoose/Piplup → Buneary
    • Corphish (Lv. 20) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Crawdaunt (Lv. 20) → Piplup → Buneary
  • Sky UppercutgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 41) → Buneary
    • Combusken (Lv. 53) → Buneary
    • Blaziken (Lv. 57) → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Buneary
  • Circle ThrowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Throh → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur/Lucario → Buneary
  • Sweet KissgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Pikachu (Start) → Buneary
    • Raichu (Start) → Buneary
    • Delcatty (BP) → Buneary
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 29) → Buneary
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Persian (Start) → Buneary
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary
    • Linoone (Start) → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Chimchar/Buizel → Buneary
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary
  • Teeter DancegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Pikachu (BP) → Buneary
    • Raichu (BP) → Buneary
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 52) → Buneary
    • Whismur (BP) → Buneary
    • Loudred (BP) → Buneary
    • Exploud (BP) → Buneary
    • Grumpig (Evolve) → Buneary
    • Grumpig (Lv. 32) → Buneary
    • Spinda (Lv. 32) → Buneary
    • Bellsprout (BP) → Cacnea → Buneary
    • Weepinbell (BP) → Cacnea → Buneary
    • Victreebel (BP) → Cacnea → Buneary
    • Lombre (Start) → Cacnea → Buneary
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Cacnea → Buneary
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Seel (BP) → Buneary
    • Dewgong (BP) → Buneary
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Buneary
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Buneary
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Buneary
    • Piloswine (Start) → Buneary
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Buneary
    • Donphan (Start) → Buneary
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Buneary
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Buneary
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Buneary
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Buneary
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Buneary
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Buneary
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Buneary
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Buneary
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Buneary
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Glameow/Patrat/Minccino → Buneary
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Buneary
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Buneary
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Buneary
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Buneary
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Buneary
  • CopycatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Buneary
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 4) → Buneary
    • Eevee (Lv. 30) → Buneary
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Buneary
    • Skitty (Lv. 19) → Buneary
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Buneary
    • Spinda (Lv. 5) → Buneary
    • Lucario (Start) → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Oshawott/Purrloin/Zorua → Buneary
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary
    • Psyduck (BP) → Buneary
    • Golduck (BP) → Buneary
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Buneary
    • Quagsire (Start) → Buneary
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Buneary
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Buneary
    • Piloswine (Start) → Buneary
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Buneary
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Buneary
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Buneary
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Buneary
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Buneary
    • Drilbur (Start) → Buneary
    • Excadrill (Start) → Buneary
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler/Piplup/Bidoof/Panpour → Buneary
    • Corsola (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Surskit (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Masquerain (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Buneary

200. (431) TyB4yKv.pngGlameow and (432) qjnFEz0.pngPurugly (Field)

  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Raticate (Start) → Glameow
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Pikachu (Start) → Glameow
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Raichu (Start) → Glameow
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Ninetales (Start) → Glameow
    • Ponyta (Start) → Glameow
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Rapidash (Start) → Glameow
    • Tauros (BP) → Glameow
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Glameow
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Glameow
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Glameow
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Furret (Start) → Glameow
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Glameow
    • Combusken (Start) → Glameow
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Glameow
    • Blaziken (Start) → Glameow
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Glameow
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Absol (Start) → Glameow
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Glameow
    • Floatzel (Start) → Glameow
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Glameow
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Lucario (Start) → Glameow
    • Weavile (Start) → Glameow
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Blitzle (Start) → Glameow
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Glameow
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/delibird/Seedot/Bidoof/Shinx/Purrloin → Glameow
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Pelipper (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Glameow
    • Masquerain (Start) → delibird/Bidoof → Glameow
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Glameow
  • Wake-Up SlapgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow
    • Skitty (Lv. 28) → Glameow
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Glameow
    • Minccino (Lv. 31) → Glameow
    • Cinccino (Pre-Evo) → Glameow
  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Glameow
    • Arbok (Start) → Glameow
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Glameow
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Persian (Start) → Glameow
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Growlithe (Start) → Glameow
    • arcanine (Start) → Glameow
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Glameow
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Glameow
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Glameow
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Glameow
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Mightyena (Start) → Glameow
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Glameow
    • Loudred (Start) → Glameow
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Glameow
    • Exploud (Start) → Glameow
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Glameow
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Glameow
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Glameow
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Glameow
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Glameow
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Glameow
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Glameow
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Glameow
    • Watchog (Start) → Glameow
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Glameow
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Herdier (Start) → Glameow
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Stoutland (Start) → Glameow
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Glameow
    • Simisage (Start) → Glameow
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Glameow
    • Simisear (Start) → Glameow
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Glameow
    • Simipour (Start) → Glameow
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Glameow
    • Krokorok (Start) → Glameow
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Glameow
    • Krookodile (Start) → Glameow
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Glameow
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Glameow
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Glameow
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Glameow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Sneasel/Swinub/Stantler/Pachirisu/Lucario → Glameow
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Glameow
  • Tail WhipgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow
    • Rattata (Start) → Glameow
    • Raticate (Start) → Glameow
    • Pikachu (Start) → Glameow
    • Raichu (Start) → Glameow
    • Vulpix (Start) → Glameow
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Ninetales (Start) → Glameow
    • Psyduck (Start) → Glameow
    • Psyduck (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Golduck (Start) → Glameow
    • Golduck (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Ponyta (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Rapidash (Start) → Glameow
    • Rapidash (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Glameow
    • Rhydon (Start) → Glameow
    • Tauros (Start) → Glameow
    • Tauros (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Glameow
    • Aipom (Start) → Glameow
    • Wooper (Start) → Glameow
    • Quagsire (Start) → Glameow
    • Snubbull (Start) → Glameow
    • Granbull (Start) → Glameow
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Linoone (Start) → Glameow
    • Linoone (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Skitty (Start) → Glameow
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Glameow
    • Kecleon (Start) → Glameow
    • Ambipom (Start) → Glameow
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Glameow
    • Tepig (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Pignite (Start) → Glameow
    • Pignite (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Emboar (Start) → Glameow
    • Emboar (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Oshawott (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Dewott (Start) → Glameow
    • Dewott (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Samurott (Start) → Glameow
    • Samurott (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Blitzle (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Glameow
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Emolga (Start) → Glameow
    • Emolga (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Pachirisu/Minccino → Glameow
    • Marill (Start) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Marill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Azumarill (Start) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Azumarill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Hoppip (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Skiploom (Start) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Skiploom (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Jumpluff (Start) → Pachirisu → Glameow
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Glameow
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow
    • Seel (BP) → Glameow
    • Dewgong (BP) → Glameow
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Glameow
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Glameow
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Piloswine (Start) → Glameow
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Glameow
    • Donphan (Start) → Glameow
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Glameow
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Glameow
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Glameow
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Glameow
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Glameow
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Glameow
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Glameow
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Glameow
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Glameow
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Glameow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Meowth/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Patrat/Minccino → Glameow
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Glameow
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Glameow
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Glameow
  • Sand AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Glameow
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 6) → Glameow
    • Sandslash (Start) → Glameow
    • Sandslash (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Diglett (Start) → Glameow
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Glameow
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Glameow
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Glameow
    • Rhydon (Start) → Glameow
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 5) → Glameow
    • Aipom (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Stantler (Lv. 16) → Glameow
    • Torchic (Lv. 15) → Glameow
    • Combusken (Start) → Glameow
    • Combusken (Lv. 15) → Glameow
    • Blaziken (Start) → Glameow
    • Blaziken (Lv. 15) → Glameow
    • Poochyena (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Mightyena (Start) → Glameow
    • Mightyena (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Linoone (Start) → Glameow
    • Linoone (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Ambipom (Start) → Glameow
    • Ambipom (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Hippopotas (Start) → Glameow
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Glameow
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Glameow
    • Patrat (Lv. 13) → Glameow
    • Watchog (Lv. 13) → Glameow
    • Purrloin (Lv. 4) → Glameow
    • Liepard (Start) → Glameow
    • Liepard (Lv. 10) → Glameow
    • Sandile (Lv. 3) → Glameow
    • Krokorok (Start) → Glameow
    • Krokorok (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Krookodile (Start) → Glameow
    • Krookodile (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Scraggy (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Scrafty (Start) → Glameow
    • Scrafty (Lv. 12) → Glameow
    • Deerling (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • Sawsbuck (Start) → Glameow
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 7) → Glameow
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Lillpup/Blitzle → Glameow
    • Gible (Lv. 6) → Mareep → Glameow
    • Gabite (Start) → Mareep → Glameow
    • Gabite (Lv. 3) → Mareep → Glameow
    • Garchomp (Start) → Mareep → Glameow
    • Garchomp (Lv. 3) → Mareep → Glameow

201. (434) HGV9Ktp.pngStunky and (435) fpQXH5L.pngSkuntank (Field)

  • Flame BurstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stunky
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Stunky
    • Ninetales (Pre-Evo) → Stunky
    • Growlithe (Lv. 28) → Stunky
    • arcanine (Pre-Evo) → Stunky
    • Torchic (Lv. 28) → Stunky
    • Combusken (Pre-Evo) → Stunky
    • Blaziken (Pre-Evo) → Stunky
    • Numel (Lv. 15) → Stunky
    • Camerupt (Lv. 15) → Stunky
    • Pansear (Lv. 22) → Stunky
    • Simisear (Start) → Stunky
    • Heatmor (Lv. 31) → Stunky
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Electrike/Torkoal → Stunky
  • SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stunky
    • Flareon (Lv. 20) → Stunky
    • Houndour (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • Houndoom (Start) → Stunky
    • Houndoom (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • Torkoal (Start) → Stunky
    • Torkoal (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Tepig (Lv. 19) → Stunky
    • Pignite (Lv. 20) → Stunky
    • Emboar (Lv. 20) → Stunky
  • LeergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stunky
    • Ekans (Start) → Stunky
    • Arbok (Start) → Stunky
    • Nidoran (Male) [Start] → Stunky
    • Nidorino (Start) → Stunky
    • Nidoking (Start) → Stunky
    • Mankey (Start) → Stunky
    • Primeape (Start) → Stunky
    • Growlithe (Start) → Stunky
    • Growlithe (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • arcanine (Start) → Stunky
    • Farfetch’d (Start) → Stunky
    • Farfetch’d (Lv. 5) → Stunky
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 50) → Stunky
    • Rhydon (Lv. 55) → Stunky
    • Tauros (Lv. 35) → Stunky
    • Flareon (Lv. 47) → Stunky
    • Cyndaquil (Start) → Stunky
    • Quilava (Start) → Stunky
    • Typhlosion (Start) → Stunky
    • Sneasel (Start) → Stunky
    • Teddiursa (Start) → Stunky
    • Ursaring (Start) → Stunky
    • Houndour (Start) → Stunky
    • Houndoom (Start) → Stunky
    • Stantler (Lv. 3) → Stunky
    • Electrike (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Manectric (Start) → Stunky
    • Manectric (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Zangoose (Start) → Stunky
    • Absol (Start) → Stunky
    • Absol (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Chimchar (Start) → Stunky
    • Monferno (Start) → Stunky
    • Infernape (Start) → Stunky
    • Shinx (Start) → Stunky
    • Shinx (Lv. 5) → Stunky
    • Luxio (Start) → Stunky
    • Luxio (Lv. 5) → Stunky
    • Luxray (Start) → Stunky
    • Luxray (Lv. 5) → Stunky
    • Weavile (Start) → Stunky
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Stunky
    • Snivy (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Servine (Start) → Stunky
    • Servine (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Serperior (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Serperior (Start) → Stunky
    • Patrat (Lv. 3) → Stunky
    • Watchog (Start) → Stunky
    • Watchog (Lv. 3) → Stunky
    • Lillipup (Start) → Stunky
    • Herdier (Start) → Stunky
    • Stoutland (Start) → Stunky
    • Pansage (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Simisage (Start) → Stunky
    • Pansear (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Simisear (Start) → Stunky
    • Panpour (Lv. 4) → Stunky
    • Simipour (Start) → Stunky
    • Sandile (Start) → Stunky
    • Krokorok (Start) → Stunky
    • Krookodile (Start) → Stunky
    • Scraggy (Start) → Stunky
    • Scrafty (Start) → Stunky
    • Zorua (Start) → Stunky
    • Zoroark (Start) → Stunky
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Stunky
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snubbull/Poochyena → Stunky
    • Snorunt (Start) → Snubbull → Stunky
    • Snorunt (Lv. 5) → Snubbull → Stunky
    • Glalie (Start) → Snubbull → Stunky
  • PunishmentgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stunky
    • Mankey (Lv. 29) → Stunky
    • Primeape (Lv. 30) → Stunky
    • Sneasel (Lv. 44) → Stunky
    • Slaking (Start) → Stunky
    • Slaking (Lv. 53) → Stunky
    • Infernape (Lv. 29) → Stunky
    • Weavile (Lv. 44) → Stunky
    • Zorua (Lv. 45) → Stunky
    • Zoroark (Lv. 49) → Stunky
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Houndour/Mawile/Seviper/Absol → Stunky
  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stunky
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Stunky
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Stunky
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • Girafarig (Start) → Stunky
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Stunky
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Stunky
    • Whismur (Start) → Stunky
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • Loudred (Start) → Stunky
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Stunky
    • Exploud (Start) → Stunky
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Stunky
    • Mawile (Start) → Stunky
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Stunky
    • Wailord (Start) → Stunky
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Stunky
    • Kecleon (Start) → Stunky
    • Ambipom (Start) → Stunky
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Poochyena/Emolga → Stunky
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stunky
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Stunky
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Stunky
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Stunky
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Stunky
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Stunky
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Stunky
    • Umbreon (Start) → Stunky
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Stunky
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Stunky
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Stunky
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Stunky
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Stunky
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Stunky
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Stunky
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Stunky
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Stunky
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Stunky
    • Zoroark (Start) → Stunky
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Stunky
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Stunky
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Stunky
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor → Stunky
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Stunky
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Stunky
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Stunky
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Stunky
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Stunky
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Stunky
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Stunky
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Stunky
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Stunky

202. (436) m42gmnC.pngBronzor and (437) napJmOc.pngBronzong (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


203. (441) p9dKWYb.pngChatot (Flying)

  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • Zubat (Start) → Chatot
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Chatot
    • Golbat (Start) → Chatot
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Chatot
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Chatot
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Chatot
    • Crobat (Start) → Chatot
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Chatot
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Chatot
    • Pelipper (Start) → Chatot
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Chatot
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → Chatot
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Woobat → Chatot
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Chatot
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Woobat → Chatot

204. (442) eo67Wiq.pngSpiritomb (Chaos)

  • Grudge
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 50) → Spiritomb
    • Shuppet (Lv. 46) → Spiritomb
    • Banette (Lv. 52) → Spiritomb
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Spiritomb
    • Yamask (Lv. 32) → Spiritomb
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 32) → Spiritomb
  • Destiny Bond
    • Gastly (Lv. 44) → Spiritomb
    • Haunter (Lv. 54) → Spiritomb
    • Gengar (Lv. 54) → Spiritomb
    • Koffing (Lv. 52) → Spiritomb
    • Weezing (Lv. 62) → Spiritomb
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Spiritomb
    • Drifloon (Lv. 32) → Spiritomb
    • Driflim (Lv. 36) → Spiritomb
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Spiritomb
    • Yamask (Lv. 52) → Spiritomb
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 62) → Spiritomb
    • Frillish (Lv. 44) → Spiritomb
    • Jellicent (Lv. 48) → Spiritomb
    • Cacnea (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Cacturne (Start) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Cacturne (Lv. 59) → Ralts → Spiritomb
  • Smoke Screen
    • Koffing (Lv. 8 ) → Spiritomb
    • Weezing (Start) → Spiritomb
    • Weezing (Lv. 7) → Spiritomb
  • Disable
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Spiritomb
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Spiritomb
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Gastly
    • Dusclops (Start) → Spiritomb
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Spiritomb
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Spiritomb
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Spiritomb
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Spiritomb
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Spiritomb
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Spiritomb
    • kadabra (Start) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • alakazam (Start) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Hypno (Start) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Ralts → Spiritomb
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Castform→ Spiritomb
    • Jigglypuff (Lv. 5) → Castform → Spiritomb
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Castform→ Spiritomb

205. (443) BgfxBN2.pngGible, (444) rqVnrbk.pngGabite, and (445) bmPBtBQ.pngGarchomp (Monster, Dragon)

  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Gible
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Gible
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Gible
    • Gyarados (Start) → Gible
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Gible
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Gible
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Gible
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Gible
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Gible
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Gible
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Gible
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Beartic (Start) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Rhyhorn → Gible
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Rhyhorn → Gible

206. (447) 5wXoLqE.pngRiolu (Cannot Breed) and (448) MdP0pIU.pngLucario (Humanoid, Field)

  • BitegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Rattata (Lv. 10) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Raticate (Lv. 10) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Ekans (Lv. 9) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Arbok (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Arbok (Lv. 9) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Meowth (Lv. 16) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Persian (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Persian (Lv. 16) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Growlithe (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • arcanine (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • arcanine (Lv. 8 ) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Eevee (Lv. 25) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 30) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Flareon (Lv. 25) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Snubbull (Lv. 7) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Granbull (Lv. 7) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Houndour (Lv. 16) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Houndoom (Lv. 16) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Poochyena (Lv. 10) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mightyena (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mightyena (Lv. 10) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Loudred (Evolve) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Loudred (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Loudred (Lv. 20) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Exploud (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Exploud (Lv. 40) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mawile (Lv. 12) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Electrike (Lv. 20) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Manectric (Lv. 20) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Seviper (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Absol (Lv. 16) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Shinx (Lv. 12) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Luxio (Lv. 12) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Luxray (Lv 12) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Stunky (Lv. 18) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Skuntank (Lv. 18) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hippowodon (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 7) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Patrat (Lv. 6) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Watchog (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Watchog (Lv. 6) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Lillipup (Lv. 8 ) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Herdier (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Herdier (Lv. 8 ) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Stoutland (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Stoutland (Lv. 8 ) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Pansage (Lv. 19) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Simisage (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Pansear (Lv. 19) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Simisear (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Panpour (Lv. 19) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Simipour (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Sandile (Lv. 15) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Krokorok (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Krokorok (Lv. 15) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Krookodile (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Krookodile (Lv. 15) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Darmanitan (Zen) [Start] (Currently not implemtned) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Swinub/Stantler/Pachirisu/Glameow/Lucario → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Snorunt (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Glalie (Lv. 35) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Hi Jump KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 44) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Blaziken (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • meditite (Lv. 28) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • medicham (Lv. 28) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Lopunny (Lv. 56) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Scraggy (Lv. 44) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Scrafty (Lv. 48) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 60) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mienshao (Lv. 66) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Mind ReadergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 28) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mr. Mime (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • meditite (Lv. 25) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • medichamp (Lv. 25) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Teddiursa → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Follow MegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Pikachu (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Raichu (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mr. Mime (BP) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Furret (Lv. 21) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Clefairy (Lv. 36) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Clefable (Start) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Togetic (Lv. 40) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pachirisu → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Meteor Mash
    • Lucario (Lv. 48) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Sky UppercutgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 41) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Combusken (Lv. 53) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Blaziken (Lv. 57) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • HowlgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Growlithe (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • arcanine (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Houndour (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Houndoom (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Houndoom (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Poochyena (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mightyena (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Mightyena (Lv. 4) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Whismur (Lv. 10) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Loudred (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Loudred (Lv. 11) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Exploud (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Exploud (Lv. 11) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Electrike (Lv. 8 ) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Manectric (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Manectric (Lv. 7) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix/Cyndaquil/Numel/Shinx/Lillpup → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Bullet PunchgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 16) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
  • Circle ThrowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • Throh → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Whismur/Buneary → Lucario (Baby will be Riolu)

207. (449) gwSIShr.pngHippopotas and (450) ch9ewKv.pngHippowdon (Field)

  • SwallowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Hippopotas
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Hippopotas
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Hippopotas
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Hippopotas
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Hippopotas
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Hippopotas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Seviper/Spheal → Hippopotas
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
  • Spit UpgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Hippopotas
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Hippopotas
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Hippopotas
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Hippopotas
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Hippopotas
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Hippopotas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Seviper/Spheal → Hippopotas
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
  • StockpilegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Hippopotas
    • Ekans (Lv. 25) → Hippopotas
    • Arbok (Lv. 27) → Hippopotas
    • Mawile (Lv. 16) → Hippopotas
    • Heatmor (Lv. 20) → Hippopotas
    • Pelipper (Lv. 28) → Seel → Hippopotas
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel/Wooper/Numel/Seviper/Spheal → Hippopotas
    • Gulpin (Lv. 28) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Swalot (Lv. 30) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Drifloon (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas
    • Drifblim (Lv. 24) → Shellos → Seel → Hippopotas

208. (451) O1tK0hS.pngSkorupi and (452) gwRjuUC.pngDrapion (Water C, Bug)

  • Slash
    • Paras (Lv. 27) → Skorupi
    • Parasect (Lv. 29) → Skorupi
    • Scyther (Lv. 24) → Skorupi
    • Pinsir (Lv. 49) → Skorupi
    • Kabuto (Lv. 39) → Skorupi
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Skorupi
    • Kabutops (Start) → Skorupi
    • Kabutops (Lv. 40) → Skorupi
    • Kabutops (Evolve) → Skorupi
    • Gligar (Lv. 27) → Skorupi
    • Scizor (Lv. 24) → Skorupi
    • Ninjask (Lv. 50) → Skorupi
    • Anorith (Lv. 28) → Skorupi
    • Armaldo (Lv. 28) → Skorupi
    • Kricketune (Lv. 26) → Skorupi
    • Yanmega (Lv. 43) → Skorupi
    • Gliscor (Pre-Evo) → Skorupi
    • Leavanny (Lv. 29) → Skorupi
    • Leavanny (Evolve) → Skorupi
    • Dwebble (Lv. 20) → Skorupi
    • Crustle (Lv. 20) → Skorupi
    • Karrablast (Lv. 32) → Skorupi
    • Escavalier (Lv. 32) → Skorupi
    • Joltik (Lv. 32) → Skorupi
    • Galvantula (Lv. 32) → Skorupi
    • Totodile (Lv. 34) → Corphish → Skorupi
    • Croconaw (Lv. 39) → Corphish → Skorupi
    • Feraligatr (Lv.45) → Corphish → Skorupi
  • Twineedle
    • Beedrill (Evolve) → Skorupi
    • Beedrill (Lv. 16) → Skorupi
    • Escavalier (Start) → Skorupi
    • Escavalier (Lv. 13) → Skorupi
  • Sand Attack
    • Omanyte (Lv. 10) → Skorupi
    • Omastar (Start) → Skorupi
    • Kabuto (Lv. 10) → Skorupi
    • Kabutops (Start) → Skorupi
    • Kabutops (Lv. 21) → Skorupi
    • Gligar (Lv. 4) → Skorupi
    • Nincada (Start) → Skorupi
    • Nincada (Lv. 9) → Skorupi
    • Ninjask (Start) → Skorupi
    • Ninjask (Lv. 9) → Skorupi
    • Trapinch (Start) → Skorupi
    • Vibrava (Start) → Skorupi
    • Flygon (Start) → Skorupi
    • Gliscor (Start) → Skorupi
    • Gliscor (Lv. 4) → Skorupi
    • Dwebble (Start) → Skorupi
    • Dwebble (Lv. 11) → Skorupi
    • Crustle (Start) → Skorupi
    • Crustle (Lv. 11) → Skorupi
    • Durant (Start) → Skorupi

209. (453) CHgyO2Z.pngCroagunk and (454) iuRGkXn.pngToxicroak (Humanoid)

  • meditate
    • Drowzee (Lv. 21) → Croagunk
    • Hypno (Lv. 21) → Croagunk
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Croagunk
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 5) → Croagunk
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 8 ) → Croagunk
    • meditite (Lv. 4) → Croagunk
    • medicham (Start) → Croagunk
    • medicham (Lv. 4) → Croagunk
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 5) → Croagunk
    • Mienshao (Start) → Croagunk
    • Mienshao (Lv. 5) → Croagunk
  • Cross ChopgLkTe2q.png
    • Machop (Lv. 48) → Croagunk
    • Machoke (Lv. 60) → Croagunk
    • Machamp (Lv. 60) → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Croagunk
    • Mankey (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Croagunk
    • Primeape (Lv. 22) → Lucario → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Teddiursa → Lucario → Croagunk
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Croagunk
    • Hariyama (Lv. 28) → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda/Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur → Spinda → Croagunk
  • Wake-Up Slap
    • Machop (Lv. 27) → Croagunk
    • Machoke (Lv. 27) → Croagunk
    • Machamp (Lv. 27) → Croagunk
    • Drowzee (Lv. 22) → Croagunk
    • Hypno (Lv. 29) → Croagunk
    • Makuhita (Lv. 34) → Croagunk
    • Hariyama (Lv. 38) → Croagunk
    • Timburr (Lv. 20) → Croagunk
    • Gurdurr (Lv. 20) → Croagunk
    • Conkeldurr (Lv. 20) → Croagunk
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Croagunk
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Croagunk
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Croagunk
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Croagunk
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Croagunk
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Croagunk
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Croagunk
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Croagunk
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Croagunk
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Croagunk
    • Lucario (Start) → Croagunk
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Croagunk
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Raichu (Start) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Persian (Start) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Absol (Start) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Skuntank (Start) → Minefoo → Croagunk
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Minefoo → Croagunk
  • Acupressure
    • meditite (Lv. 33) → Croagunk
    • medicham (Lv. 33) → Croagunk
  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Golduck (Start) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Stantler (Start) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Mienfoo → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Buizel/Blitzle/Sandile → Mienfoo → Croagunk
  • Bullet PunchgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Croagunk
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 16) → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lucario → Croagunk
  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Croagunk
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Croagunk
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Croagunk
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Croagunk
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Croagunk
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Croagunk
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Croagunk
    • Mienshao (Start) → Croagunk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar → Croagunk

210. (455) Ngo8x65.pngCarnivine (Plant)

  • Sleep Powder
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 15) → Carnivine
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 15) → Carnivine
    • Venusaur (Lv. 15) → Carnivine
    • Oddish (Lv. 18) → Carnivine
    • Gloom (Lv. 18) → Carnivine
    • Vileplume (Start) → Carnivine
    • Vileplume (Lv. 19) → Carnivine
    • Paras (Lv. 2) → Carnivine
    • Parasect (Start) → Carnivine
    • Parasect (Lv. 2) → Carnivine
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Victreebel (Start) → Carnivine
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 23) → Carnivine
    • Exeggutor (Pre-Evo) → Carnivine
    • Tangela (Lv. 36) → Carnivine
    • Bellosoom (Start) → Carnivine
    • Hoppip (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Skiploom (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 36) → Carnivine
  • Stun Spore
    • Oddish (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Gloom (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Vileplume (Start) → Carnivine
    • Paras (Lv. 6) → Carnivine
    • Parasect (Start) → Carnivine
    • Parasect (Lv. 6) → Carnivine
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 17) → Carnivine
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 17) → Carnivine
    • Victreebel (Start) → Carnivine
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 19) → Carnivine
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Carnivine
    • Tangela (Lv. 4) → Carnivine
    • Bellossom (Start) → Carnivine
    • Hoppip (Lv. 14) → Carnivine
    • Skiploom (Lv. 14) → Carnivine
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 14) → Carnivine
    • Shroomish (Lv. 5) → Carnivine
    • Breloom (Start) → Carnivine
    • Breloom (Lv. 5) → Carnivine
    • Roselia (Start) → Carnivine
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Carnivine
    • Roserade (Start) → Carnivine
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Carnivine
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 30) → Carnivine
    • Cottonee (Lv. 6) → Carnivine
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Carnivine
    • Foongus (Lv. 8 ) → Carnivine
    • Amoonguss (Start) → Carnivine
  • Razor Leaf
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 12) → Carnivine
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 12) → Carnivine
    • Venusaur (Lv. 12) → Carnivine
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 39) → Carnivine
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 44) → Carnivine
    • Victreeebel (Start) → Carnivine
    • Chikorita (Lv. 6) → Carnivine
    • Bayleef (Start) → Carnivine
    • Bayleef (Lv. 6) → Carnivine
    • Meganium (Start) → Carnivine
    • Meganium (Lv. 6) → Carnivine
    • Sunkern (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Sunflora (Lv. 16) → Carnivine
    • Lombre (Evolve) → Carnivine
    • Nuzleaf (Start) → Carnivine
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 14) → Carnivine
    • Shiftry (Start) → Carnivine
    • Tropius (Start) → Carnivine
    • Turtwig (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Grotle (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Torterra (Start) → Carnivine
    • Torterra (Lv. 14) → Carnivine
    • Snover (Lv. 20) → Carnivine
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Carnivine
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 20) → Carnivine
    • Cottonee (Lv. 15) → Carnivine
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Carnivine
  • Leech SeedgLkTe2q.png
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Carnivine
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Carnivine
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Carnivine
    • Venusaur (Start) → Carnivine
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Carnivine
    • Oddish (BP) → Carnivine
    • Gloom (BP) → Carnivine
    • Vileplume (BP) → Carnivine
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Carnivine
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Carnivine
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Carnivine
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Carnivine
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Carnivine
    • Bellossom (BP) → Carnivine
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Carnivine
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Carnivine
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Carnivine
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Carnivine
    • Breloom (Start) → Carnivine
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Carnivine
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Carnivine
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Carnivine
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Carnivine
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Carnivine
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Carnivine
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Carnivine
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Carnivine
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Carnivine
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Carnivine
    • Roserade (Start) → Carnivine
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Carnivine
    • Cherrim (Start) → Carnivine
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Carnivine
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Carnivine
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Carnivine
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Carnivine
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Carnivine
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Carnivine
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Carnivine
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot → Carnivine
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot → Carnivine
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot → Carnivine
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot → Carnivine
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Carnivine
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Carnivine
  • Slam
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 47) → Carnivine
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 54) → Carnivine
    • Victreebel (Pre-Evo) → Carnivine
    • Tangela (Lv. 40) → Carnivine
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 40) → Carnivine
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Carnivine
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Carnivine
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Carnivine
    • Lickitung (Lv. 48) → Tropius → Carnivine
    • Treecko (Lv. 24) → Tropius → Carnivine
    • Grovyle (Lv. 30) → Tropius → Carnivine
    • Sceptile (Lv. 30) → Tropius → Carnivine
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 48) → Tropius → Carnivine
  • Rage Powder
    • Paras (Lv. 49) → Carnivine
    • Parasect (Lv. 59) → Carnivine
    • Hoppip (Lv. 31) → Carnivine
    • Skiploom (Lv. 36) → Carnivine
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 39) → Carnivine
    • Foongus (Lv. 40) → Carnivine
    • Amoonguss (Lv. 42) → Carnivine
  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Carnivine
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Carnivine
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Carnivine
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Carnivine
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Carnivine
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Carnivine

211. (456) 033wtku.pngFinneon and (457) BDXbCDv.pngLumineon (Water B)

  • Flail
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Finneon
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Finneon
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Finneon
    • Gyarados (Start) → Finneon
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Finneon
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Finneon
    • Relicanth (Start) → Finneon
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Finneon
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Finneon
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Finneon
    • Basculin (Blue) [Lv .8] → Finneon
    • Seel (BP) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Dewgong (BP) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Lombre (Start) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Milotic (Start) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Remoraid → Finneon
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Remoraid → Finneon
  • Splash
    • Magikarp (Start) → Finneon
    • Gyarados (Start) → Finneon
    • Wailmer (Start) → Finneon
    • Wailord (Start) → Finneon
  • Sweet Kiss
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 31) → Finneon
  • Aurora Beam
    • Remoraid (Lv. 16) → Finneon
    • Octillery (Start) → Finneon
    • Octillery (Lv. 16) → Finneon
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Finneon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Cinccino (Start) → Wailmer → Finneon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Pikachu → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Pikachu → Wailmer → Finneon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Wailmer → Finneon
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Alomomola → Finneon
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Alomomola → Finneon
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Alomomola → Finneon
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Alomomola → Finneon

212. (459) ay6KmxB.pngSnover and (460) SLwWuW8.pngAbomasnow (Monster, Plant)

  • Leech SeedgLkTe2q.png
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Snover
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Snover
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Snover
    • Venusaur (Start) → Snover
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Snover
    • Oddish (BP) → Snover
    • Gloom (BP) → Snover
    • Vileplume (BP) → Snover
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Snover
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Snover
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Snover
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Snover
    • Bellossom (BP) → Snover
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Snover
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Snover
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Snover
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Snover
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Snover
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Snover
    • Breloom (Start) → Snover
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Snover
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Snover
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Snover
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Snover
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Snover
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Snover
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Snover
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Snover
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Snover
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Snover
    • Roserade (Start) → Snover
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Snover
    • Cherrim (Start) → Snover
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Snover
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Snover
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Snover
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Snover
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Snover
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Snover
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Snover
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot → Snover
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot → Snover
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot → Snover
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot → Snover
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Snover
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Snover
  • Growth
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 6) → Snover
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Snover
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 28) → Snover
    • Venusaur (Start) → Snover
    • Venusaur (Lv. 28) → Snover
    • Oddish (Start) → Snover
    • Gloom (Start) → Snover
    • Vileplume (Start) → Snover
    • Paras (Lv. 33) → Snover
    • Parasect (Lv. 37) → Snover
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 7) → Snover
    • Weepinbell (Start) → Snover
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 7) → Snover
    • Victreebel (Start) → Snover
    • Tangela (Lv. 5) → Snover
    • Bellossom (Start) → Snover
    • Sunkern (Start) → Snover
    • Sunflora (Start) → Snover
    • Seedot (Lv. 9) → Snover
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 9) → Snover
    • Shiftry (Start) → Snover
    • Shroomish (Lv. 29) → Snover
    • Breloom (Pre-Evo) → Snover
    • Roselia (Start) → Snover
    • Roselia (Lv. 4) → Snover
    • Cacnea (Lv. 7) → Snover
    • Cacturne (Start) → Snover
    • Cacturne (Lv. 7) → Snover
    • Tropius (Start) → Snover
  • Stomp
    • Exeggutor (Evolve) → Snover
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Snover
    • Lickitung (Lv. 30) → Snover
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Snover
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Snover
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Snover
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Snover
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Snover
    • Tropius (Lv. 10) → Snover
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 30) → Snover
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Snover

213. (479) Rotom (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)



Edited by Bestfriends
Leech Seed is no longer an Egg Move for the Ludicolo Evolution Line. (5/1/2024)
Link to comment

214. (495) cvLgwcl.pngSnivy, (496) cTWSF6X.pngServine, and (497) AjdP5Qj.pngSerperior (Plant, Field)

  • GlaregLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snivy
    • Ekans (Lv. 12) → Snivy
    • Arbok (Lv. 12) → Snivy
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 12) → Snivy
    • Seviper (Lv. 19) → Snivy
  • Mean LookgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snivy
    • Umbreon (Lv. 50) → Snivy
    • Patrat (Lv. 36) → Snivy
    • Watchog (Lv. 43) → Snivy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig/Absol/Sandile → Snivy
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snivy
    • ZOMCnmr.pngRattata (Lv. 13) → Snivy
    • LvHFzno.pngRaticate (Lv. 13) → Snivy
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Snivy
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Snivy
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Snivy
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Snivy
    • Umbreon (Start) → Snivy
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Snivy
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Snivy
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Snivy
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Snivy
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Snivy
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Snivy
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Snivy
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Snivy
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Snivy
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Snivy
    • Zoroark (Start) → Snivy
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Snivy
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Snivy
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Snivy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Snivy
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Snivy
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Snivy
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Snivy
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Snivy
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Snivy
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Snivy
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Snivy
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Snivy
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Snivy
  • Mirror CoatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Snivy
    • Lopunny (Start) → Snivy
    • Glaceon (Lv. 45) → Snivy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig/Spoink → Snivy

215. (498) gCzj0Hu.pngTepig, (499) oAnWS9E.pngPignite, and (500) 5Vco8Tv.pngEmboar (Field)

  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Tepig
    • Pikachu (BP) → Tepig
    • Raichu (BP) → Tepig
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Tepig
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Tepig
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Tepig
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Tepig
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Tepig
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Tepig
    • Slakoth (Start) → Tepig
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Tepig
    • Slaking (Start) → Tepig
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Tepig
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Tepig
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Tepig
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Tepig
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Tepig
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Tepig
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Tepig
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Tepig
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Tepig
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Tepig
    • Musharna (Start) → Tepig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Tepig
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Tepig
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Tepig
  • ThrashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Tepig
    • Nidoking (Lv. 35) → Tepig
    • Mankey (Lv. 33) → Tepig
    • Primeape (Lv. 35) → Tepig
    • Tauros (Lv. 50) → Tepig
    • Teddiursa (Lv. 50) → Tepig
    • Ursaring (Lv. 58) → Tepig
    • Piloswine (Lv. 65) → Tepig
    • Spinda (Lv. 55) → Tepig
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 65) → Tepig
    • Blitzel (Lv. 43) → Tepig
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 53) → Tepig
    • Sandile (Lv. 39) → Tepig
    • Krokorok (Lv. 47) → Tepig
    • Krookodile (Lv. 51) → Tepig
    • Darumaka (Lv. 44) → Tepig
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 50) → Tepig
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 33) → Tepig
    • Beartic (Start) → Tepig
    • Beartic (Lv. 33) → Tepig
    • Bouffalant (Lv. 50) → Tepig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/Ponyta/Rhyhorn/Cyndaquil/Stantler/Wailmer → Tepig
    • Cubone (Lv. 44) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Marowak (Lv. 54) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Totodile (Lv. 41) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Croconaw (Lv. 48) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 58) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Larvitar (Lv. 36) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Pupitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Tyranitar (Lv. 42) → Rhyhorn → Tepig
    • Gyarados (Start) → Wailmer → Tepig
    • Gyarados (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Tepig
    • Whiscash (Evolve) → Wailmer → Tepig
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Tepig
    • Whiscash (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Tepig
    • Basculin (Lv. 48) → Wailmer → Tepig
  • MagnitudegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Tepig
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 14) → Tepig
    • Sandslash (Lv. 14) → Tepig
    • Diglett (Lv. 14) → Tepig
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 14) → Tepig
    • Donphan (Lv. 30) → Tepig
    • Numel (Lv. 12) → Tepig
    • Camerupt (Lv. 12) → Tepig
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Tepig

216. (501) pOa7ZkM.pngOshawott, (502) 8GMmQKV.pngDewott, and (503) PETrfBs.pngSamurott (Field)


Important Note: If you want to Sketch the move Sacred Sword on your Smeargle, then you will need a Pokemon-Sprites-GuidesGallade in your team with this move. Once you have Gallade in your party, then try to engage in a Double Battle with Gallade and Smeargle (make sure Smeargle is holding Lagging Tail to ensure that it will go last). Have Gallade use Sacred Sword and Smeargle can Sketch Gallade. And now you know how to get a Smeargle with Sacred Sword! Without further ado, here are the Egg Move Chains:


  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • Smeargle (Sketch) → Oshawott
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Oshawott
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Oshawott
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Oshawott
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Oshawott
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Oshawott
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Oshawott
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Oshawott
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Oshawott
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Oshawott
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Oshawott
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Oshawott
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Oshawott
    • Zoroark (Start) → Oshawott
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Oshawott
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Cubchoo/Heatmor → Oshawott
  • CopycatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Oshawott
    • Eevee (Lv. 30) → Oshawott
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Oshawott
    • Skitty (Lv. 19) → Oshawott
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Oshawott
    • Spinda (Lv. 5) → Oshawott
    • Lucario (Start) → Oshawott
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary/Purrloin/Zorua → Oshawott
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Buneary → Oshawott
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 4) → Buneary → Oshawott
  • Trump CardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Oshawott
    • Eevee (Lv. 45) → Oshawott
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Oshawott
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/Dunsparce → Oshawott
  • Sacred SwordgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Oshawott

217. (504) p6cUgal.pngPatrat and (505) NTiFPyp.pngWatchog (Field)

  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Patrat
    • Sentret (Start) → Patrat
    • Furret (Start) → Patrat
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Patrat
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Patrat
    • Buneary (Start) → Patrat
    • Lopunny (Start) → Patrat
    • Lucario (Start) → Patrat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel → Patrat
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Patrat
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Patrat
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Psyduck → Patrat
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Patrat
    • Noctowl (Start) → Farfetch'd → Patrat
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Patrat
    • Seel (BP) → Patrat
    • Dewgong (BP) → Patrat
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Patrat
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Patrat
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Patrat
    • Piloswine (Start) → Patrat
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Patrat
    • Donphan (Start) → Patrat
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Patrat
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Patrat
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Patrat
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Patrat
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Patrat
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Patrat
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Patrat
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Patrat
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Patrat
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Patrat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Minccino → Patrat
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Patrat
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Patrat
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Patrat
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Patrat
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Patrat
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Patrat
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Patrat
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Patrat
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Patrat
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Patrat
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Patrat
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Patrat
    • Umbreon (Start) → Patrat
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Patrat
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Patrat
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Patrat
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Patrat
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Patrat
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Patrat
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Patrat
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Patrat
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Patrat
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Patrat
    • Zoroark (Start) → Patrat
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Patrat
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Patrat
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Patrat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Lillipup/Sandile/Heatmor  → Patrat
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Patrat
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Patrat
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Patrat
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Patrat
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Patrat
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Patrat
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Patrat
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Patrat
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Patrat

218. (506)ZYQ8DGj.png Lillipup, (507) YHCCmeP.pngHerdier, and  (508) 2hZMXx2.pngStoutland (Field)

  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lillpup
    • Pikachu (BP) → Lillpup
    • Raichu (BP) → Lillpup
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Lillpup
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Lillpup
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Lillpup
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Lillpup
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Lillpup
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Lillpup
    • Slakoth (Start) → Lillpup
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Lillpup
    • Slaking (Start) → Lillpup
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Lillpup
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Lillpup
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Lillpup
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Lillpup
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Lillpup
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Lillpup
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Lillpup
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Lillpup
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Lillpup
    • Musharna (Start) → Lillpup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Purrloin/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Lillpup
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Lillpup
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Lillpup
  • LickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lillpup
    • Snubbull (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Granbull (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Teddiursa (Start) → Lillpup
    • Ursaring (Start) → Lillpup
    • Seviper (Lv. 6) → Lillpup
    • Kecleon (Start) → Lillpup
    • Pansage (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Simisage (Start) → Lillpup
    • Pansear (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Simisear (Start) → Lillpup
    • Panpour (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Simipour (Start) → Lillpup
    • Heatmor (Start) → Lillpup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Lillpup
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lillpup
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Lillpup
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Lillpup
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Lillpup
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Lillpup
    • Umbreon (Start) → Lillpup
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Lillpup
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Lillpup
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Lillpup
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Lillpup
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Lillpup
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Lillpup
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Lillpup
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Lillpup
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Lillpup
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Lillpup
    • Zoroark (Start) → Lillpup
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Lillpup
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Lillpup
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Lillpup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Sandile/Heatmor → Lillpup
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Lillpup
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Lillpup
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Lillpup
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Lillpup
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Lillpup
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Lillpup
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Lillpup
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Lillpup
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Lillpup
  • Sand AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lillpup
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 6) → Lillpup
    • Sandslash (Start) → Lillpup
    • Sandslash (Lv. 3) → Lillpup
    • Diglett (Start) → Lillpup
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Lillpup
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Lillpup
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Lillpup
    • Rhydon (Start) → Lillpup
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 5) → Lillpup
    • Aipom (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Stantler (Lv. 16) → Lillpup
    • Torchic (Lv. 15) → Lillpup
    • Combusken (Start) → Lillpup
    • Combusken (Lv. 15) → Lillpup
    • Blaziken (Start) → Lillpup
    • Blaziken (Lv. 15) → Lillpup
    • Poochyena (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Mightyena (Start) → Lillpup
    • Mightyena (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 3) → Lillpup
    • Linoone (Start) → Lillpup
    • Linoone (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Ambipom (Start) → Lillpup
    • Ambipom (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Hippopotas (Start) → Lillpup
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Lillpup
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Lillpup
    • Patrat (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Watchog (Lv. 13) → Lillpup
    • Purrloin (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Liepard (Start) → Lillpup
    • Liepard (Lv. 10) → Lillpup
    • Sandile (Lv. 3) → Lillpup
    • Krokorok (Start) → Lillpup
    • Krokorok (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Krookodile (Start) → Lillpup
    • Krookodile (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Scraggy (Lv. 12) → Lillpup
    • Scrafty (Start) → Lillpup
    • Scrafty (Lv. 12) → Lillpup
    • Deerling (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • Sawsbuck (Start) → Lillpup
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Glameow/Blitzle → Lillpup
    • Gible (Lv. 6) → Mareep → Lillpup
    • Gabite (Start) → Mareep → Lillpup
    • Gabite (Lv. 3) → Mareep → Lillpup
    • Garchomp (Start) → Mareep → Lillpup
    • Garchomp (Lv. 3) → Mareep → Lillpup
  • HowlgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Lillpup
    • Growlithe (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • arcanine (Start) → Lillpup
    • Houndour (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Houndoom (Start) → Lillpup
    • Houndoom (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Poochyena (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Mightyena (Start) → Lillpup
    • Mightyena (Lv. 4) → Lillpup
    • Whismur (Lv. 10) → Lillpup
    • Loudred (Start) → Lillpup
    • Loudred (Lv. 11) → Lillpup
    • Exploud (Start) → Lillpup
    • Exploud (Lv. 11) → Lillpup
    • Electrike (Lv. 8 ) → Lillpup
    • Manectric (Start) → Lillpup
    • Manectric (Lv. 7) → Lillpup
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Vulpix/Cyndaquil/Numel/Shinx/Lucario → Lillpup

219. (509) gBa3q6u.pngPurrloin and (510) glEq4oq.pngLiepard (Field)

  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Purrloin
    • Pikachu (BP) → Purrloin
    • Raichu (BP) → Purrloin
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Purrloin
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Purrloin
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Purrloin
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Purrloin
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Purrloin
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Purrloin
    • Slakoth (Start) → Purrloin
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Purrloin
    • Slaking (Start) → Purrloin
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Purrloin
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Purrloin
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Purrloin
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Purrloin
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Purrloin
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Purrloin
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Purrloin
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Purrloin
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Purrloin
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Purrloin
    • Musharna (Start) → Purrloin
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillpup/Darumaka/Cubchoo → Purrloin
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Purrloin
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Purrloin
  • Quick AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Purrloin
    • Rattata (Lv. 4) → Purrloin
    • Raticate (Start) → Purrloin
    • Raticate (Lv. 4) → Purrloin
    • Pikachu (Start) → Purrloin
    • Pikachu (Lv. 10) → Purrloin
    • Raichu (Start) → Purrloin
    • Vulpix (Lv. 8 ) → Purrloin
    • Ninetales (Start) → Purrloin
    • Ponyta (Start) → Purrloin
    • Ponyta (Lv. 10) → Purrloin
    • Rapidash (Start) → Purrloin
    • Tauros (BP) → Purrloin
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 10) → Purrloin
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 13) → Purrloin
    • Quilava (Lv. 13) → Purrloin
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 13) → Purrloin
    • Sentret (Lv. 7) → Purrloin
    • Furret (Start) → Purrloin
    • Furret (Lv. 7) → Purrloin
    • Sneasel (Lv. 12) → Purrloin
    • Torchic (Lv. 6) → Purrloin
    • Combusken (Start) → Purrloin
    • Combusken (Lv. 25) → Purrloin
    • Blaziken (Start) → Purrloin
    • Blaziken (Lv. 25) → Purrloin
    • Electrike (Lv. 12) → Purrloin
    • Manectric (Lv. 12) → Purrloin
    • Zangoose (Lv. 5) → Purrloin
    • Absol (Start) → Purrloin
    • Absol (Lv. 7) → Purrloin
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 5) → Purrloin
    • Buizel (Lv. 11) → Purrloin
    • Floatzel (Start) → Purrloin
    • Floatzel (Lv. 11) → Purrloin
    • Buneary (Lv. 16) → Purrloin
    • Lopunny (Lv. 16) → Purrloin
    • Lucario (Start) → Purrloin
    • Weavile (Start) → Purrloin
    • Weavile (Lv. 8 ) → Purrloin
    • Blitzle (Start) → Purrloin
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Purrloin
    • Emolga (Lv. 10) → Purrloin
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd/delibird/Seedot/Bidoof/Shinx/Glameow → Purrloin
    • Pidgey (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Pidgeot (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 13) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Doduo (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Dodrio (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Dodrio (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Taillow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Swellow (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Swellow (Lv. 9) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Wingull (Lv. 5) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Pelipper (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Pidove (Lv. 8 ) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Tranquill (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Tranquill (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Unfezant (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Unfezant (Lv. 11) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Archen (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Archeops (Start) → Farfetch'd → Purrloin
    • Surskit (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Purrloin
    • Masquerain (Start) → delibird/Bidoof → Purrloin
    • Masquerain (Lv. 6) → delibird/Bidoof → Purrloin
  • CopycatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Purrloin
    • Eevee (Lv. 30) → Purrloin
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Purrloin
    • Skitty (Lv. 19) → Purrloin
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Purrloin
    • Spinda (Lv. 5) → Purrloin
    • Lucario (Start) → Purrloin
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary/Oshawott/Zorua → Purrloin
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Buneary → Purrloin
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 4) → Buneary → Purrloin

220. (511) fsLT9QH.pngPansage and (512) C0jx34D.pngSimisage (Field)

  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pansage
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pansage
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pansage
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pansage
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pansage
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansear/PanpourEmolga/Heatmor → Pansage
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Pansear
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Pansage
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Pansage
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Pansage
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Pansage
  • Grass WhistlegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pansage
    • Leafeon (Lv. 17) → Pansage
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Deerling →  Pansage
  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pansage
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Pansage
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Pansage
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Pansage
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Pansage
    • Girafarig (Start) → Pansage
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Pansage
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Pansage
    • Whismur (Start) → Pansage
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Pansage
    • Loudred (Start) → Pansage
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Pansage
    • Exploud (Start) → Pansage
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Pansage
    • Mawile (Start) → Pansage
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Pansage
    • Wailord (Start) → Pansage
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Pansage
    • Kecleon (Start) → Pansage
    • Ambipom (Start) → Pansage
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Pansage
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Poochyena/Stunky/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga → Pansage

221. (513) cwzAZc7.pngPansear and (514) 0FzVob1.pngSimisear (Field)

  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pansear
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Pansear
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Pansear
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Pansear
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Pansear
    • Girafarig (Start) → Pansear
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Pansear
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Pansear
    • Whismur (Start) → Pansear
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Pansear
    • Loudred (Start) → Pansear
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Pansear
    • Exploud (Start) → Pansear
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Pansear
    • Mawile (Start) → Pansear
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Pansear
    • Wailord (Start) → Pansear
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Pansear
    • Kecleon (Start) → Pansear
    • Ambipom (Start) → Pansear
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Pansear
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Poochyena/Stunky/Pansage/Panpour/Emolga → Pansear
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pansear
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pansear
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pansear
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pansear
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pansear
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/PanpourEmolga/Heatmor → Pansear
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Pansear
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Pansear
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Pansear
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Pansear
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Pansear

222. (515) HbEIlnX.pngPanpour and (516) quxo9jZ.pngSimipour (Field)

  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Panpour
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Panpour
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Panpour
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Panpour
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Panpour
    • Girafarig (Start) → Panpour
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Panpour
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Panpour
    • Whismur (Start) → Panpour
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Panpour
    • Loudred (Start) → Panpour
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Panpour
    • Exploud (Start) → Panpour
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Panpour
    • Mawile (Start) → Panpour
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Panpour
    • Wailord (Start) → Panpour
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Panpour
    • Kecleon (Start) → Panpour
    • Ambipom (Start) → Panpour
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Panpour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Poochyena/Stunky/Pansage/Pansear/Emolga → Panpour
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Panpour
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Panpour
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Panpour
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Panpour
    • Cinccino (Start) → Panpour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Emolga/Heatmor → Panpour
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Panpour
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Panpour
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Panpour
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Panpour
  • Aqua RinggLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Panpour
    • Seel (Lv. 23) → Panpour
    • Dewgong (Lv. 23) → Panpour
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 35) → Panpour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer/Spheal/Piplup/Buizel → Panpour
    • Goldeen (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Seaking (Lv. 25) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Chinchou (Lv. 32) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Lanturn (Lv. 36) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 40) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Finneon (Lv. 33) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Lumineon (Lv. 35) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Alomomola (Lv. 5) → Wailmer → Panpour
    • Marill (Lv. 24) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Azumarill (Lv. 30) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Corsola (Lv. 10) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Mantine (Lv. 36) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Milotic (Lv. 12) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Gorebyss (Lv. 19) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Tympole (Lv. 32) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 37) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 39) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Ducklett (Lv. 24) → Spheal → Panpour
    • Swanna (Lv. 24) → Spheal → Panpour
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Panpour
    • Psyduck (BP) → Panpour
    • Golduck (BP) → Panpour
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Panpour
    • Quagsire (Start) → Panpour
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Panpour
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Panpour
    • Piloswine (Start) → Panpour
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Panpour
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Panpour
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Panpour
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Panpour
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Panpour
    • Drilbur (Start) → Panpour
    • Excadrill (Start) → Panpour
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Stantler/Piplup/Bidoof/Buneary → Panpour
    • Corsola (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Surskit (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Masquerain (BP) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Panpour

223. (517) uJz4JKW.pngMunna and (518) OlhJooL.pngMusharna (Field)

  • Sonic BoomgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Munna
    • Buizel (Start) → Munna
    • Floatzel (Start) → Munna
  • BarriergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Munna
    • Glaceon (Lv. 29) → Munna
  • Healing WishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Munna
    • Buneary (Lv. 52) → Munna
    • Lopunny (Start) → Munna
    • Lopunny (Lv. 52) → Munna

224. (519) DZQpliz.pngPidove, (520) JhP05un.pngTranquill, and (521) q1fyBbr.png3BkD6lT.pngUnfezant (Flying)

  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Pidove
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Pidove
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Togetic → Pidove
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Togetic → Pidove
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Togetic → Pidove
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Togetic → Pidove
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu → Togetic → Pidove
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Togetic → Pidove
    • Musharna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Togetic → Pidove
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu → Togetic → Pidove
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Togetic → Pidove
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Togetic → Pidove
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Togetic → Pidove
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Togetic → Pidove
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Togetic → Pidove
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Pidove
  • Night Slash
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Pidove
    • Skarmory (Lv. 53) → Pidove
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Pidove
    • Honchkrow (Lv. 55) → Pidove
  • Wish
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pidove
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Pidove
    • natu (Lv. 40) → Pidove
    • xatu (Lv. 48) → Pidove
    • Togekiss (Start) → Pidove
  • Bestow
    • Togetic (Lv. 25) → Pidove
    • Togekiss (Pre-Evo) → Pidove
  • Morning Sun
    • Cherubi (Start) → Togetic → Pidove
    • Cherrim (Start) → Togetic → Pidove

225. (522) FaJG2Cl.pngBlitzle and (523) eeKcZ2w.pngZebstrika (Field)

  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Blitzle
    • Golduck (Start) → Blitzle
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Blitzle
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Blitzle
    • Stantler (Start) → Blitzle
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Blitzle
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Blitzle
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Blitzle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Buizel/Sandile/Mienfoo → Blitzle
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Blitzle
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Blitzle
    • Raichu (Start) → Blitzle
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Blitzle
    • Persian (Start) → Blitzle
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Blitzle
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Blitzle
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Blitzle
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Blitzle
    • Absol (Start) → Blitzle
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Blitzle
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Blitzle
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Blitzle
    • Skuntank (Start) → Blitzle
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Blitzle
    • Lucario (Start) → Blitzle
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Blitzle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Houndour/Torchic/Zangoose/Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Mienfoo → Blitzle
  • Sand AttackgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Blitzle
    • Sandshrew (Lv. 6) → Blitzle
    • Sandslash (Start) → Blitzle
    • Sandslash (Lv. 3) → Blitzle
    • Diglett (Start) → Blitzle
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Blitzle
    • Farfetch'd (Start) → Blitzle
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Blitzle
    • Rhydon (Start) → Blitzle
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Lv. 5) → Blitzle
    • Aipom (Lv. 4) → Blitzle
    • Stantler (Lv. 16) → Blitzle
    • Torchic (Lv. 15) → Blitzle
    • Combusken (Start) → Blitzle
    • Combusken (Lv. 15) → Blitzle
    • Blaziken (Start) → Blitzle
    • Blaziken (Lv. 15) → Blitzle
    • Poochyena (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • Mightyena (Start) → Blitzle
    • Mightyena (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 3) → Blitzle
    • Linoone (Start) → Blitzle
    • Linoone (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • Ambipom (Start) → Blitzle
    • Ambipom (Lv. 4) → Blitzle
    • Hippopotas (Start) → Blitzle
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Blitzle
    • Rhyperior (Pre-Evo) → Blitzle
    • Patrat (Lv. 13) → Blitzle
    • Watchog (Lv. 13) → Blitzle
    • Purrloin (Lv. 4) → Blitzle
    • Liepard (Start) → Blitzle
    • Liepard (Lv. 10) → Blitzle
    • Sandile (Lv. 3) → Blitzle
    • Krokorok (Start) → Blitzle
    • Krokorok (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • Krookodile (Start) → Blitzle
    • Krookodile (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • Scraggy (Lv. 12) → Blitzle
    • Scrafty (Start) → Blitzle
    • Scrafty (Lv. 12) → Blitzle
    • Deerling (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • Sawsbuck (Start) → Blitzle
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 7) → Blitzle
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Glameow/Lillipup → Blitzle
    • Gible (Lv. 6) → Mareep → Blitzle
    • Gabite (Start) → Mareep → Blitzle
    • Gabite (Lv. 3) → Mareep → Blitzle
    • Garchomp (Start) → Mareep → Blitzle
    • Garchomp (Lv. 3) → Mareep → Blitzle
  • Double KickgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Blitzle
    • Pikachu (Lv. 9) → Blitzle
    • Raichu (Pre-Evo) → Blitzle
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 25] → Blitzle
    • Nidorino (Lv. 29) → Blitzle
    • Nidoking (Start) → Blitzle
    • Eevee (Lv. 10) → Blitzle
    • Vaporeon (Lv. 10) → Blitzle
    • Jolteon (Lv. 25) → Blitzle
    • Flareon (Lv. 10) → Blitzle
    • espeon (Pre-Evo) → Blitzle
    • Umbreon (Pre-Evo) → Blitzle
    • Combusken (Evolve) → Blitzle
    • Combusken (Start) → Blitzle
    • Combusken (Lv. 16) → Blitzle
    • Blaziken (Start) → Blitzle
    • Buneary (Lv. 20) → Blitzle
    • Lopunny (Lv. 20) → Blitzle
    • Leafeon (Pre-Evo) → Blitzle
    • Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Blitzle
    • Deerling (Lv. 10) → Blitzle
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 10) → Ponyta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Growlithe/PonytaCyndaquil/Wooper/Girafarig/Stantler/Zangoose/Chimchar/Shinx → Blitzle
    • Hitmonlee (Evolve) → Chimchar → Blitzle
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Chimchar → Blitzle
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 4) → Chimchar → Blitzle
    • Sawk (Lv. 10) → Chimchar → Blitzle

226. (524) zx4JtjF.pngRoggenrola, (525) TyVW1fq.pngBoldore, and (526) Qj0nL05.pngGigalith (Mineral)

  • Wide Guard
    • probopass (Start) → Roggenrola
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Roggenrola
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Roggenrola
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Roggenrola
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Roggenrola
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble → Roggenrola
  • Autotomize
    • Steelix (Lv. 8 ) → Roggenrola
  • Lock-On
    • nosepass (Lv. 43) → Roggenrola
    • probopass (Lv. 43) → Roggenrola
  • Magnitude
    • Geodude (Lv. 12) → Roggenrola
    • Graveler (Lv. 12) → Roggenrola
    • Golem (Lv. 12) → Roggenrola

227. (527) vlLFdx2.pngWoobat and (528) 3HVSgPD.pngSwoobat (Flying, Field)

  • FlattergLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat
    • Nidoran (Male) [Lv. 45] → Woobat
    • Nidorino (Lv. 57) → Woobat
    • Nidoking (Start) → Woobat
    • Buneary (Lv. 44) → Woobat
    • Lopunny (Lv. 44) → Woobat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mareep/Pachirisu→ Woobat
  • SynchronoisegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 43) → Woobat
    • Noctowl (Lv. 51) → Woobat
    • Whismur (Lv. 43) → Woobat
    • Loudred (Lv. 50) → Woobat
    • Exploud (Lv. 53) → Woobat
    • Kecleon (Lv. 50) → Woobat
    • Chatot (Lv. 49) → Woobat
    • Munna (Lv. 25) → Woobat
    • Musharna (Pre-Evo) → Woobat
    • sigiyph (Lv. 31) → Woobat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee → Woobat
  • SupersonicgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat
    • Zubat (Start) → Woobat
    • Zubat (Lv. 5) → Woobat
    • Golbat (Start) → Woobat
    • Golbat (Lv. 5) → Woobat
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Woobat
    • Aerodactyl (Lv. 5) → Woobat
    • Crobat (Start) → Woobat
    • Crobat (Lv. 5) → Woobat
    • Wingull (Lv. 10) → Woobat
    • Pelipper (Start) → Woobat
    • Pelipper (Lv. 5) → Woobat
    • Whismur (Lv. 30) → Woobat
    • Loudred (Lv. 36) → Woobat
    • Exploud (Lv. 36) → Woobat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Nidoran (Male)/Piplup → Woobat
    • Lickitung (Lv. 12) → Nidoran (Male) → Woobat
    • Mudkip (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male)/Piplup → Woobat
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male)/Piplup → Woobat
    • Swampert (Lv. 15) → Nidoran (Male)/Piplup → Woobat
    • Lickilicky (Start) → Nidoran (Male) → Woobat
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 5) → Nidoran (Male) → Woobat
    • Mantine (Start) → Piplup → Woobat
    • Mantine (Lv. 3) → Piplup → Woobat
    • Tympole (Lv. 8 ) → Piplup → Woobat
    • Palpitoad (Start) → Piplup → Woobat
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup → Woobat
    • Seismitoad (Start) → Piplup → Woobat
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 5) → Piplup → Woobat
  • Psycho ShiftgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 15) → Woobat
    • Noctowl (Lv. 15) → Woobat
    • natu (Lv. 26) → Woobat
    • xatu (Lv. 28) → Woobat
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Woobat

228. (529) MNd8Agx.pngDrilbur and (530) UVOAKjE.pngExcadrill (Field) (No Egg Moves)


229. (531) 7ZXgG6Q.pngAudino (Fairy)

  • Sweet Kiss
    • Pikachu (Start) → Audino
    • Raichu (Start) → Audino
    • Clefairy (Start) → Audino
    • Clefable (Start) → Audino
    • Jigglypuff (Start) → Audino
    • Wigglytuff (Start) → Audino
    • Togetic (Start) → Audino
    • Togetic (Lv. 9) → Audino
    • Delcatty (BP) → Audino
    • Roselia (BP) → Audino
    • Roserade(BP) → Audino
    • Pachirisu (Lv. 9) → Audino
    • Togekiss (Start) → Audino
  • WishgLkTe2q.png
    • Togetic (Lv. 52) → Audino
    • Togekiss (Start) → Audino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Skitty → Audino
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Pikachu → Audino
    • Absol (BP) → Pikachu → Audino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Girafarig/Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
    • Drowzee (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
    • Hypno (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
    • Ralts (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
    • Kirlia (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 28) → Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
    • Gallade (BP) → Spinda → Pikachu → Audino
  • Yawn
    • Pikachu (BP) → Audino
    • Raichu (BP) → Audino
    • Togetic (Lv. 20) → Audino
    • Togekiss (Start) → Audino
  • Healing Wish
    • Clefairy (Lv. 48) → Audino
    • Clefable (Start) → Audino
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Audino
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Audino
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Audino
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Audino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu → Audino
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Audino
    • Musharna (Start) → Pikachu → Audino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu → Audino
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Audino
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Togetic → Audino
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett → Togetic → Audino
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Audino
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Audino
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Audino
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Audino
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform →Audino
  • BestowgLkTe2q.png
    • Clefairy (Lv. 19) → Audino
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Audino
    • Togetic (Lv. 25) → Audino
    • Plusle (Lv. 13) → Audino
    • Togekiss (Pre-Evo) → Audino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Pachirisu → Audino
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 25) → Pikachu → Audino
    • Linoone (Lv. 27) → Pikachu → Audino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → delibird → Pikachu → Audino

230. (532) 97QSQIm.pngTimburr, (533) mfL05HB.pngGurdurr, and (534) VZ0wDWz.pngConkeldurr (Humanoid)

  • Comet Punch
    • Hitmonchan (Evolve) → Timburr
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Timburr
  • Mach Punch
    • Machop (Lv. 22) → Timburr
    • Machoke (Lv. 22) → Timburr
    • Machamp (Lv. 22) → Timburr
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Timburr
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 4) → Timburr
    • Monferno (Evolve) → Timburr
    • Monferno (Lv. 14) → Timburr
    • Infernape (Start) → Timburr
  • Wide Guard
    • Machamp (Start) → Timburr
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 21) → Timburr
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Timburr
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Timburr
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Timburr
    • Throh (Lv. 15) → Timburr
    • Mienshao (Lv. 20) → Timburr
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Timburr
    • Hariyama (Lv. 28) → Timburr
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda/Mienfoo → Timburr
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur → Spinda → Timburr
  • Force Palm
    • Makuhita (Lv. 13) → Timburr
    • Hariyama (Lv. 13) → Timburr
    • meditite (Lv. 17) → Timburr
    • medicham (Lv. 17) → Timburr
    • Lucario (Start) → Timburr
    • Lucario (Lv. 15) → Timburr
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 25) → Timburr
    • Mienshao (Lv. 25) → Timburr
  • Foresight
    • abra (BP) → Timburr
    • kadabra (BP) → Timburr
    • alakazam (BP) → Timburr
    • Machop (Lv. 9) → Timburr
    • Machoke (Lv. 9) → Timburr
    • Machamp (Lv. 9) → Timburr
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 37) → Timburr
    • Hitmonchan (Pre-Evo) → Timburr
    • Hitmontop (Pre-Evo) → Timburr
    • Sableye (Lv. 4) → Timburr
    • Buneary (Start) → Timburr
    • Lopunny (Start) → Timburr
    • Lucario (Start) → Timburr

231. (535) 4hKYJU7.pngTympole, (536) hlMGDu7.pngPalpitoad, and (537) ILswxzc.pngSeismitoad (Water A)

  • Mud BombgLkTe2q.png
    • Poliwag (Lv. 41) → Tympole
    • Poliwhirl (Lv. 53) → Tympole
    • Poliwrath (Pre-Evo) → Tympole
    • Politoed (Pre-Evo) → Tympole
    • Wooper (Lv. 19) → Tympole
    • Quagsire (Lv. 19) → Tympole
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 22) → Tympole
    • Swampert (Lv. 22) → Tympole
    • Shellos (Lv. 11) → Tympole
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 11) → Tympole
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 21) → Tympole
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Ekans (Lv. 33) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Arbok (Lv. 39) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Diglett (Lv. 25) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 25) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Swinub (Lv. 19) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Piloswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 18) → Psyduck → Tympole
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Tympole
    • Golduck (BP) → Tympole
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Tympole
    • Quagsire (Start) → Tympole
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Tympole
    • Corsola (BP) → Tympole
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Tympole
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Tympole
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Tympole
    • Surskit (BP) → Tympole
    • Masquerain (BP) → Tympole
    • Relicanth (Start) → Tympole
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Tympole
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Tympole
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Tympole
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Tympole
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Tympole
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Tympole
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Tympole
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Tympole
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Tympole
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Tympole
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Tympole
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Tympole
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Tympole
    • Milotic (Start) → Tympole
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Tympole
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Tympole
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle → Tympole
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Tympole
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Tympole
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Tympole
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Tympole
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Raticate (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Arbok (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Tympole
    • Shroomish (BP) → Marill → Tympole
    • Breloom (BP) → Marill → Tympole
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Tympole
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola → Tympole
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola → Tympole
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Tympole
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Tympole
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Tympole
    • Remoraid (BP) → Tympole
    • Octillery (BP) → Tympole
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Tympole
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Tympole
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Tympole
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Tympole
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Tympole
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Tympole
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Tympole
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Tympole
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Tympole
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Tympole
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Y81DaA1.pngSquirtle → Tympole
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Y81DaA1.pngSquirtle → Tympole
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Y81DaA1.pngSquirtle → Tympole
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas →  Tympole
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Tympole
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Tympole
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Tympole
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Tympole

232. (538) kO5OFoQ.pngThroh (Humanoid) (No Egg Moves)


233. (539) VIVTXcX.pngSawk (Humanoid) (No Egg Moves)


234. (540) 2isbqos.pngSewaddle, (541) bBrCd7O.pngSwadloon, and (542) 1dvh0Rs.pngLeavanny (Bug)

  • Me First
    • Accelgor (Lv. 28) → Sewaddle
  • Mind Reader
    • Nincada (Lv. 35) → Sewaddle
    • Ninjask (Lv. 43) → Sewaddle
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Surskit → Sewaddle
    • Poliwrath (Lv. 43) → Surskit → Sewaddle
  • Camouflage
    • Mothim (Lv. 35) → Sewaddle

235. (543) 9AcJf7n.pngVenipede, (544) M7Eiyzp.pngWhirlpede, and (545) uDWBQMu.pngScolipede (Bug)

  • Bite
    • Trapinch (Start) → Venipede
    • Trapinch (Lv. 8 ) → Venipede
    • Vibrava (Start) → Venipede
    • Flygon (Start) → Venipede
    • Skorupi (Start) → Venipede
    • Skorupi (Lv. 12) → Venipede
    • Drapion (Start) → Venipede
    • Drapion (Lv. 12) → Venipede
    • Durant (Start) → Venipede
    • Durant (Lv. 20) → Venipede
  • Twineedle
    • Beedrill (Evolve) → Venipede
    • Beedrill (Lv. 16) → Venipede
    • Escavalier (Start) → Venipede
    • Escavalier (Lv. 13) → Venipede

236. (546) Lm2J4F2.pngCottonee and (547) aZcH4ot.pngWhimsicott (Fairy, Plant)

  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Cottonee
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Cottonee
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cottonee
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cottonee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Cottonee
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Cinccino (Start) → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga/Heatmor → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Pikachu → Cottonee
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Cottonee
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Cottonee
  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee
    • Hypno (Start) → Cacnea → Cottonee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee
    • Persian (Start) → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee
    • Linoone (Start) → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buizel → Buneary → Cacnea → Cottonee
  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Cottonee
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Cottonee
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Cottonee
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Cottonee
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Cottonee
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Cottonee
  • Memento
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Cottonee

237. (548) dLxavRf.pngPetilil and (549) w617i9D.pngLilligant (Plant)

  • Healing Wish
    • Clefairy (Lv. 48) → Cherubi → Petilil
    • Clefable (Start) → Cherubi → Petilil
  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Petilil
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Petilil
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Petilil
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Petilil
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Petilil
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Petilil
  • Ingrain
    • Tangela (Lv. 52) → Petilil
    • Tangela (Start) → Petilil
    • Sunkern (Lv. 4) → Petilil
    • Sunflora (Lv. 4) → Petilil
    • Roselia (Lv. 55) → Petilil
    • Cacnea (Lv. 22) → Petilil
    • Cacturne (Lv. 22) → Petilil
    • Roserade (Start) → Petilil
    • Carnivine (Lv. 21) → Petilil
    • Snover (Lv. 35) → Petilil
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 35) → Petilil
    • Tangrowth (Start) → Petilil
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 52) → Petilil
    • Maractus (Start) → Petilil
    • Maractus (Lv. 33) → Petilil
    • Foongus (Lv. 32) → Petilil
    • Amoongus (Lv. 32) → Petilil
    • Ferroseed (Lv. 15) → Petilil
    • Ferrothorn (Lv. 15) → Petilil

238. (550) I3idxM0.pngB0rVlnG.pngBasculin (Water B) (No Egg Moves)


239. (551) LYG9ZlV.pngSandile, (552) qrM1Bj7.pngKrokorok, and (553) Kilc37n.pngKrookodile (Field)

  • Mean LookgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandile
    • Umbreon (Lv. 50) → Sandile
    • Patrat (Lv. 36) → Sandile
    • Watchog (Lv. 43) → Sandile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Girafarig/Absol/Snivy → Sandile
  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandile
    • Golduck (Start) → Sandile
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Sandile
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Sandile
    • Stantler (Start) → Sandile
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Sandile
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Sandile
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Sandile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Buizel/Blitzle/Mienfoo → Sandile
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandile
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Sandile
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Sandile
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Sandile
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Sandile
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Sandile
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Sandile
    • Umbreon (Start) → Sandile
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Sandile
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Sandile
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Sandile
    • Buizel (Lv. 18)  → Sandile
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Sandile
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Sandile
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Sandile
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Sandile
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Sandile
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Sandile
    • Zoroark (Start) → Sandile
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Sandile
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Sandile
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Sandile
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Heatmor  → Sandile
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Sandile
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Sandile
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Sandile
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Sandile
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sandile
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sandile
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Sandile
    • Rampardos (Start) → Rhyhorn → Sandile
    • Rampardos (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Sandile

240. (554) pSHcG6p.pngDarumaka and (555) Mee8BK5.pngDarmanitan (Field)

  • Hammer ArmgLkTe2q.png
    • Darmanitan (Evolve) → Darumaka
    • Darmanitan (Start) → Darumaka
    • Darmanitan (Lv. 35) → Darumaka
  • ExtrasensorygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Darumaka
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Darumaka
    • Ninetales (Start) → Darumaka
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Darumaka
    • Shiftry (Start) → Darumaka
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Stantler/Whismur/Spoink/Darmanitan (Zen) [not implemented]/Zorua → Darumaka
  • Flame WheelgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Darumaka
    • Growlithe (Lv. 12) → Darumaka
    • arcanine (Start) → Darumaka
    • Ponyta (Lv. 25) → Darumaka
    • Rapidash (Lv. 25) → Darumaka
    • Cyndaquil (Lv. 19) → Darumaka
    • Quilava (Lv. 20) → Darumaka
    • Typhlosion (Lv. 20) → Darumaka
    • Torkoal (Lv. 20) → Darumaka
    • Chimchar (Lv. 17) → Darumaka
    • Monferno (Lv. 19) → Darumaka
    • Infernape (Lv. 19) → Darumaka
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata → Darumaka
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Darumaka
    • Pikachu (BP) → Darumaka
    • Raichu (BP) → Darumaka
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Darumaka
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Darumaka
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Darumaka
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Darumaka
    • Poochyena (Lv, 37) → Darumaka
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Darumaka
    • Slakoth (Start) → Darumaka
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Darumaka
    • Slaking (Start) → Darumaka
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Darumaka
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Darumaka
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Darumaka
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Darumaka
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Darumaka
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Darumaka
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Darumaka
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Darumaka
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Darumaka
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Darumaka
    • Musharna (Start) → Darumaka
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Cubchoo → Darumaka
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Sphheal/Piplup → Darumaka
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Darumaka

241. (556) eZfZOIK.pngMaractus (Plant)

  • Grass Whistle
    • Sunkern (Lv. 7) → Maractus
    • Sunflora (Lv. 7) → Maractus
    • Roselia (Lv. 22) → Maractus
    • Roserade (Pre-Evo) → Maractus
    • Snover (Lv. 13) → Maractus
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 13) → Maractus
  • Wood Hammer
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Maractus
    • Exeggutor (Lv. 37) → Maractus
    • Torterra (Start) → Maractus
    • Snover (Start) → Maractus
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 43) → Maractus

242. (557) gBWqkj5.pngDwebble and (558) X3cEs5t.pngCrustle (Mineral, Bug)

  • Wide Guard
    • probopass (Start) → Dwebble
    • Mantine (Lv. 16) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble
    • Carracosta (Lv. 18) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble
    • Alomomola (Start) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble
    • Alomomola (Lv. 61) → Mudkip → Turtwig → Paras → Dwebble
  • Night Guard
    • Scyther (Lv. 45) → Dwebble
    • Scizor (Lv. 45) → Dwebble
    • Heracross (Start) → Dwebble
    • Kricketune (Lv. 42) → Dwebble
    • Skorupi (Lv. 36) → Dwebble
    • Drapion (Lv. 36) → Dwebble
    • Yanmega (Start) → Dwebble
    • Gliscor (Lv. 27) → Dwebble

243. (559) cii6pzM.pngScraggy and (560) ryUi3C0.pngScrafty (Dragon, Field)

  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Scraggy
    • Treecko (Lv. 15) → Scraggy
    • Grovyle (Lv. 15) → Scraggy
    • Sceptile (Lv. 15) → Scraggy
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Scraggy
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Scraggy
    • Mienshao (Start) → Scraggy
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Aipom/Zangoose/Chimchar → Scraggy
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Chimchar → Scraggy
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Chimchar → Scraggy
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Chimchar → Scraggy
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Chimchar → Scraggy
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Chimchar → Scraggy

244. (561) R8t032Q.pngsigilyph (Flying)

  • Psycho ShiftgLkTe2q.png
    • Hoothoot (Lv. 15) → sigilyph
    • Noctowl (Lv. 15) → sigilyph
    • natu (Lv. 26) → sigilyph
    • xatu (Lv. 28) → sigilyph
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Woobat → sigilyph
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Woobat → sigilyph

245. (562) 8tk3AtA.pngYamask and (563) SlYNAXz.pngCofagrigus (Chaos, Mineral)

  • Heal Block
    • Solosis (Lv. 46) → Yamask
    • Duosion (Lv. 50) → Yamask
    • Reuniclus (Lv. 54) → Yamask
  • Memento
    • Grimer (Lv. 48) → Yamask
    • Muk (Lv. 57) → Yamask
    • Koffing (Lv. 48) → Yamask
    • Weezing (Lv. 56) → Yamask
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → Yamask
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → Yamask
    • Spiritomb (Lv. 30) → Yamask
    • Litwick (Lv. 56) → Yamask
    • Lampent (Lv. 64) → Yamask
    • Chandelure (Start) → Yamask

246. (564) CDLosSk.pngTirtouga and (565) 2SzT0j0.pngCarracosta (Water A, Water C)

  • Rock Throw
    • Omanyte (Lv. 26) → Tirtouga
    • Omastar (Lv. 26) → Tirtouga
    • Kabuto (Lv. 30) → Tirtouga
    • Kabutops (Lv. 30) → Tirtouga
    • Mudkip (Lv. 9) → Tirtouga
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 9) → Tirtouga
    • Swampert (Lv. 9) → Tirtouga
    • Archen (Lv. 3) → Tirtouga
    • Archeops (Start) → Tirtouga
    • Archeops (Lv. 3) → Tirtouga
  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • Seel (BP) → Tirtouga
    • Dewgong (BP) → Tirtouga
    • Goldeen (Lv. 30) → Tirtouga
    • Seaking (Lv. 30) → Tirtouga
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Tirtouga
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Tirtouga
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Tirtouga
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Tirtouga
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Tirtouga
    • Lombre (Start) → Tirtouga
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Tirtouga
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Tirtouga
    • Milotic (Start) → Tirtouga
    • Relicanth (Start) → Tirtouga
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Tirtouga
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Tirtouga
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Tirtouga
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Tirtouga
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Tirtouga
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Tirtouga
    • Snorlax (Start) → Squirtle → Tirtouga
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Horsea/Remoraid → Tirtouga
    • Gyarados (Start) → Horsea/Remoraid → Tirtouga
    • Chinchou (Lv. 36) → Remoraid → Tirtouga
    • Lanturn (Lv. 42) → Remoraid → Tirtouga
    • Luvdisc (Lv. 26) → Remoraid → Tirtouga
    • Basculin (Lv. 8 ) → Remoraid → Tirtouga
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Donphan (Start) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Tirtouga
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Tirtouga
  • SlamgLkTe2q.png
    • Krabby (Lv. 36) → Tirtouga
    • Kingler (Lv. 42) → Tirtouga
    • Dratini (Lv. 25) → Tirtouga
    • Dragonair (Lv. 25) → Tirtouga
    • Dragonite (Lv. 25) → Tirtouga
    • Marill (Lv. 12) → Tirtouga
    • Azumarill (Lv. 12) → Tirtouga
    • Wooper (Lv. 16) → Tirtouga
    • Quagsire (Lv. 16) → Tirtouga
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Pikachu (Lv. 28) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Raichu (Start) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Sentret (Lv. 25) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Furret (Lv. 28) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Phanpy (Lv. 24) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Donphan (Lv. 24) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Snivy (Lv. 25) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Servine (Lv. 28) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Serperior (Lv. 28) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Patrat (Lv. 41) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Watchog (Lv. 50) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Minccino (Lv. 40) → Seel → Tirtouga
    • Cinccino (Start) → Seel → Tirtouga

247. (566) mb8Cc0e.pngArchen and (567) Kmrf7hh.pngArcheops (Water C, Flying)

  • SwitcheroogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Corphish → Archen
    • Persian (Start) → Buizel → Corphish → Archen
    • Linoone (Start) → Buizel → Corphish → Archen
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Ekans/Aipom/Electrike/Seviper/Buneary → Buizel → Corphish → Archen
    • Hypno (Start) → Buneary → Buizel → Corphish → Archen
    • Minun (Lv. 13) → Cottonee → Cacnea → Buneary → Buizel → Corphish → Archen
  • Head Smash
    • Relicanth (Start) → Corsola → Archen
    • Relicanth (Lv. 55) → Corsola → Archen
  • Bite
    • Zubat (Lv. 30) → Archen
    • Golbat (Start) → Archen
    • Golbat (Lv. 34) → Archen
    • Omanyte (Lv. 7) → Archen
    • Omastar (Start) → Archen
    • Omastar (Lv. 7) → Archen
    • Aerodactyl (Start) → Archen
    • Crobat (Start) → Archen
    • Crobat (Lv. 34) → Archen
    • Skorupi (Start) → Archen
    • Skorupi (Lv. 12) → Archen
    • Drapion (Start) → Archen
    • Drapion (Lv. 12) → Archen
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 15) → Archen
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Archen

248. (568) KvoPGwk.pngTrubbish and (569) bFPxwoA.pngGarbodor (Mineral)

  • Sand Attack
    • Geodude (Lv. 3) → Trubbish
    • Gravelier (Start) → Trubbish
    • Gravelier (Lv. 3) → Trubbish
    • Golem (Start) → Trubbish
    • Golem (Lv. 3) → Trubbish
    • Roggenrola (Start) → Trubbish
    • Roggenrola (Lv. 7) → Trubbish
    • Boldore (Start) → Trubbish
    • Boldore (Lv. 7) → Trubbish
    • Gigalith (Start) → Trubbish
    • Gigalith (Lv. 7) → Trubbish
    • Dwebble (Start) → Trubbish
    • Dewbble (Lv. 11) → Trubbish
    • Crustle (Start) → Trubbish
    • Crustle (Lv. 11) → Trubbish
  • Autotomize
    • Steelix (Lv. 8 ) → Trubbish
  • Mud Sport
    • Geodude (Lv. 4) → Trubbish
    • Gravelier (Start) → Trubbish
    • Gravelier (Lv. 4) → Trubbish
    • Golem (Start) → Trubbish
    • Golem (Lv. 4) → Trubbish
    • Onix (Start) → Trubbish
    • Steelix (Start) → Trubbish

249. (570) WCt52KW.pngZorua and (571) 3bMs6Ly.pngZoroark (Field)

  • CopycatgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zorua
    • Eevee (Lv. 30) → Zorua
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Zorua
    • Skitty (Lv. 19) → Zorua
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Zorua
    • Spinda (Lv. 5) → Zorua
    • Lucario (Start) → Zorua
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buneary/Oshawott/Purrloin → Zorua
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Buneary → Zorua
    • Mr. Mime (Lv. 4) → Buneary → Zorua
  • ExtrasensorygLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zorua
    • Vulpix (Lv. 28) → Zorua
    • Ninetales (Start) → Zorua
    • Nuzleaf (Lv. 43) → Zorua
    • Shiftry (Start) → Zorua
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Stantler/Whismur/Spoink/Darumaka/Darmanitan (Zen) [not implemented] → Zorua
  • MementogLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Zorua
    • Stunky (Lv. 33) → Zorua
    • Skuntank (Lv. 33) → Zorua
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Diglett/delibird/Zorua → Zorua
    • Shellos (Lv. 45) → delibird → Zorua
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 53) → delibird → Zorua

250. (572) NFdST2s.pngMinccino and (573) tQzBvQo.pngCinccino (Field)

  • FlailgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Minccino
    • Seel (BP) → Minccino
    • Dewgong (BP) → Minccino
    • Dunsparce (Start) → Minccino
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 48) → Minccino
    • Swinub (Lv. 10) → Minccino
    • Piloswine (Start) → Minccino
    • Phanpy (Lv. 6) → Minccino
    • Donphan (Start) → Minccino
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 30) → Minccino
    • Linoone (Lv. 38) → Minccino
    • Slakoth (Lv. 33) → Minccino
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Minccino
    • Slaking (Lv. 39) → Minccino
    • Torkoal (Lv. 42) → Minccino
    • Spinda (Lv. 50) → Minccino
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Minccino
    • Cubchoo (Lv. 24) → Minccino
    • Beartic (Lv. 24) → Minccino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Sandshrew/Vulpix/Meowth/Farfetch'd/Eevee/Zangoose/Piplup/Pachirisu/Buneary/Glameow/Patrat → Minccino
    • Zubat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Minccino
    • Golbat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Minccino
    • Crobat (BP) → Farfetch'd → Minccino
    • Totodile (Lv. 22) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Croconaw (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Feraligatr (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Corsola (Lv. 30) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Lombre (Start) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Milotic (Start) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Relicanth (Start) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Relicanth (Lv. 40) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Tympole (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Palpitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Seismitoad (Lv. 24) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Piplup → Minccino
    • Stunfisk (Lv. 50) → Piplup → Minccino
  • Tail WhipgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Minccino
    • Rattata (Start) → Minccino
    • Raticate (Start) → Minccino
    • Pikachu (Start) → Minccino
    • Raichu (Start) → Minccino
    • Vulpix (Start) → Minccino
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Minccino
    • Ninetales (Start) → Minccino
    • Psyduck (Start) → Minccino
    • Psyduck (Lv. 4) → Minccino
    • Golduck (Start) → Minccino
    • Golduck (Lv. 4) → Minccino
    • Ponyta (Lv. 5) → Minccino
    • Rapidash (Start) → Minccino
    • Rapidash (Lv. 4) → Minccino
    • Rhyhorn (Start) → Minccino
    • Rhydon (Start) → Minccino
    • Tauros (Start) → Minccino
    • Tauros (Lv. 3) → Minccino
    • Eevee/Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Start) → Minccino
    • Aipom (Start) → Minccino
    • Wooper (Start) → Minccino
    • Quagsire (Start) → Minccino
    • Snubbull (Start) → Minccino
    • Granbull (Start) → Minccino
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 5) → Minccino
    • Linoone (Start) → Minccino
    • Linoone (Lv. 5) → Minccino
    • Skitty (Start) → Minccino
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Minccino
    • Kecleon (Start) → Minccino
    • Ambipom (Start) → Minccino
    • Rhyperior (Start) → Minccino
    • Tepig (Lv. 3) → Minccino
    • Pignite (Start) → Minccino
    • Pignite (Lv. 3) → Minccino
    • Emboar (Start) → Minccino
    • Emboar (Lv. 3) → Minccino
    • Oshawott (Lv. 5) → Minccino
    • Dewott (Start) → Minccino
    • Dewott (Lv. 5) → Minccino
    • Samurott (Start) → Minccino
    • Samurott (Lv. 5) → Minccino
    • Blitzle (Lv. 4) → Minccino
    • Zebstrika (Start) → Minccino
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 4) → Minccino
    • Emolga (Start) → Minccino
    • Emolga (Lv. 7) → Minccino
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Pachirisu/Glameow → Minccino
    • Marill (Start) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Marill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Azumarill (Start) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Azumarill (Lv. 2) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Hoppip (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Skiploom (Start) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Skiploom (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Jumpluff (Start) → Pachirisu → Minccino
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 6) → Pachirisu → Minccino

251. (574) WBO8Ulo.pngGothita, (575) qubxwby.pngGothorita, and (576) nDXbnIM.pngGothitelle (Humanoid)

  • Mean Look
    • Sableye (Lv. 36) → Gothita
    • Gastly (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Haunter (Start) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Haunter (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Gengar (Start) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Gengar (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 19) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Duskull (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Dusclops (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Yamask (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Gothita
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Gothita
  • Miracle Eye
    • kadabra (Lv. 23) → Gothita
    • alakazam (Lv. 23) → Gothita
    • Elgyem (Lv. 11) → Gothita
    • Beheeyem (Start) → Gothita
    • Beheeyem (Lv. 11) → Gothita
  • Mirror Coat
    • Lopunny (Start) → Gothita
  • Heal Pulse
    • Ralts (Lv. 33) → Gothita
    • Kirlia (Lv. 43) → Gothita
    • Gardevoir (Lv. 49) → Gothita
    • Lucario (Lv. 44) → Gothita
    • Gallade (Lv. 49) → Gothita

252. (577) YNYJskI.pngSolosis, (578) bzpthm6.pngDuosion, and (579) WR4tx4d.pngReuniclus (Chaos)

  • Acid Armor
    • Grimer (Lv. 43) → Solosis
    • Muk (Lv. 46) → Solosis
    • Jellicent (Start) → Solosis
  • Astonish
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 10) → Solosis
    • Lotad (Start) → Solosis
    • Lombre (Start) → Solosis
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Solosis
    • Duskull (Start) → Solosis
    • Duskull (Lv. 9) → Solosis
    • Dusclops (Start) → Solosis
    • Dusclops (Lv. 9) → Solosis
    • Chimecho (Start) → Solosis
    • Chimecho (Lv. 7) → Solosis
    • Drifloon (Start) → Solosis
    • Drifloon (Lv. 4) → Solosis
    • Drifblim (Start) → Solosis
    • Drifblim (Lv. 4) → Solosis
    • Mismagius (Start) → Solosis
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Solosis
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 4) → Solosis
    • Yamask (Start) → Solosis
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Solosis
    • Litwick (Start) → Solosis
    • Lampent (Start) → Solosis
    • Chandelure (Start) → Solosis

253. (580) El959YY.pngDucklett and (581) pYlY4hI.pngSwanna (Water A, Flying)

  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • Golduck (Start) → Ducklett
    • natu (Lv. 50) → Ducklett
    • xatu (Lv. 50) → Ducklett
    • Lickitung (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Ducklett
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Ducklett
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Buizel → Ducklett
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Buizel → Ducklett
    • Stantler (Start) → Buizel → Ducklett
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Buizel → Ducklett
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Buizel → Ducklett
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Buizel → Ducklett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rattata/Poochyena/Buizel/Blitzle/Sandile/Mienfoo → Buizel → Ducklett
  • Mirror MovegLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 45) → Ducklett
    • Pidgeotto (Lv. 52) → Ducklett
    • Pidgeot (Lv. 56) → Ducklett
    • Spearow (Lv. 18) → Ducklett
    • Fearow (Lv. 18) → Ducklett
    • Swablu (Lv. 30) → Ducklett
    • Altaria (Pre-Evo) → Ducklett
    • Chatot (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
    • sigilyph (Lv. 34) → Ducklett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Ducklett
    • Torchic (Lv. 41) → Farfetch'd → Ducklett
    • Combusken (Lv. 47) → Farfetch'd → Ducklett
    • Blaziken (Lv. 49) → Farfetch'd → Ducklett
  • Lucky ChantgLkTe2q.png
    • natu (Lv. 12) → Ducklett
    • xatu (Lv. 12) → Ducklett
    • Corsola (Lv. 23) → Ducklett
    • Clefairy (Lv. 37) → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Clefable (Pre-Evo) → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Cherubi (Lv. 40) → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Cherrim (Lv. 48) → Togetic → Ducklett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Munna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Musharna (Lv. 5) → Pikachu → Togetic → Ducklett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spoink → Pikachu → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Ralts (Lv. 14) → Castform → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Kirlia (Lv. 14) → Castform → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Gardevoir (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Mismagius (Start) → Castform → Togetic → Ducklett
    • Gallade (Pre-Evo) → Castform → Togetic → Ducklett
  • Aqua Jet
    • Golduck (Start) → Ducklett
    • Seel (Lv. 31) → Ducklett
    • Dewgong (Lv. 31) → Ducklett
    • Kabuto (Lv. 15) → Ducklett
    • Kabutops (Lv. 15) → Ducklett
    • Surskit (Lv. 30) → Ducklett
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Ducklett
    • Empoleon (Evolve) → Ducklett
    • Empoleon (Lv. 36) → Ducklett
    • Bibarel (Start) → Ducklett
    • Buizel (Lv. 24) → Ducklett
    • Floatzel (Lv. 24) → Ducklett
    • Tirtouga (Lv. 6) → Ducklett
    • Carracosta (Start) → Ducklett
    • Carracosta (Lv. 15) → Ducklett
    • Alomomola (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
  • Mud SportgLkTe2q.png
    • Psyduck (BP) → Ducklett
    • Golduck (BP) → Ducklett
    • Wooper (Lv. 5) → Ducklett
    • Quagsire (Start) → Ducklett
    • Quagsire (Lv. 5) → Ducklett
    • Corsola (BP) → Ducklett
    • Mudkip (Lv. 20) → Ducklett
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 25) → Ducklett
    • Swampert (Lv. 25) → Ducklett
    • Surskit (BP) → Ducklett
    • Masquerain (BP) → Ducklett
    • Relicanth (Start) → Ducklett
    • Relicanth (Lv. 6) → Ducklett
    • Shellos (Lv. 2) → Ducklett
    • Gastrodon (Start) → Ducklett
    • Gastrodon (Evolve) → Ducklett
    • Gastrodon (Lv. 2) → Ducklett
    • Stunfisk (Start) → Ducklett
    • Krabby (Start) → Corphish → Ducklett
    • Kingler (Start) → Corphish → Ducklett
    • Anorith (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Ducklett
    • Armaldo (Start) → Corphish → Ducklett
    • Armaldo (Lv. 4) → Corphish → Ducklett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Swinub (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Piloswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Piloswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Linoone (Lv. 17) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Mamoswine (Lv. 5) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Drilbur (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
    • Excadrill (Start) → Piplup/Bidoof → Ducklett
  • GustgLkTe2q.png
    • Pidgey (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
    • Pigeotto (Start) → Ducklett
    • Pidgotto (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
    • Pigdeot (Start) → Ducklett
    • Pigdeot (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
    • Mantine (BP) → Ducklett
    • Masquerain (Lv. 17) → Ducklett
    • Pidove (Start) → Ducklett
    • Tranquill (Start) → Ducklett
    • Unfezant (Start) → Ducklett
    • Woobat (Start) → Ducklett
    • Woobat (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
    • Swoobat (Start) → Ducklett
    • Swoobat (Lv. 9) → Ducklett
    • sigilyph (Start) → Ducklett
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Farfetch'd → Ducklett

254. (582) cKeP9r0.pngVanillite, (583) btSKu2I.pngVanillish, and (584) nDCqYkt.pngVanilluxe (Mineral)

  • Ice Shard
    • Snorunt (Start) → Vanillite
    • Glalie (Start) → Vanillite
    • Glalie (Lv. 15) → Vanillite
  • Autotomize
    • Steelix (Lv. 8 ) → Vanillite
  • Powder Snow
    • Snorunt (Start) → Vanillite
    • Glalie (Start) → Vanillite
  • Icicle Crash
    • Vanilluxe (Start) → Vanillite

255. (585) xPZbAtM.pngpfJD220.png4dv0m5G.pngfjXITxO.pngDeerling and (586) LzIfy6k.pngFsThpUy.png0eGsie9.pngbTL8RgU.pngSawsbuck (Field)

  • Grass WhistlegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Deerling
    • Leafeon (Lv. 17) → Deerling
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pansage →  Deerling
  • Odor SleuthgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Deerling
    • Growlithe (Lv. 10) → Deerling
    • arcanine (Start) → Deerling
    • Griafarig (Lv. 5) → Deerling
    • Swinub (Start) → Deerling
    • Piloswine (Start) → Deerling
    • Houndour (Lv. 20) → Deerling
    • Houndoom (Lv. 20) → Deerling
    • Phanpy (Start) → Deerling
    • Donphan (Start) → Deerling
    • Poochyena (Lv. 13) → Deerling
    • Mightyena (Lv. 13) → Deerling
    • Zigzagoon (Lv. 13) → Deerling
    • Linoone (Lv. 13) → Deerling
    • Electrike (Lv. 16) → Deerling
    • Manectric (Lv. 16) → Deerling
    • Spoink (Lv. 10) → Deerling
    • Grumpig (Start) → Deerling
    • Grumpig (Lv. 10) → Deerling
    • Mamoswine (Start) → Deerling
    • Tepig (Lv. 9) → Deerling
    • Pignite (Start) → Deerling
    • Pignite (Lv. 9) → Deerling
    • Emboar (Start) → Deerling
    • Emboar (Lv. 9) → Deerling
    • Lillipup (Lv. 5) → Deerling
    • Herdier (Start) → Deerling
    • Herdier (Lv. 5) → Deerling
    • Stoutland (Start) → Deerling
    • Stoutland (Lv. 5) → Deerling
    • Woobat (Lv. 4) → Deerling
    • Swoobat (Start) → Deerling
    • Swoobat (Lv. 4) → Deerling
    • Heatmor (Lv. 6) → Deerling
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Meowth/Mareep/Bidoof/Buizel/Deerling → Deerling
    • Snorlax (Start) → Mareep → Deerling

256. (587) sSW94WQ.pngEmolga (Field)

  • AstonishgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Emolga
    • Diglett (Lv. 8 ) → Emolga
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Emolga
    • Dugtrio (Lv. 7) → Emolga
    • Aipom (Lv. 8 ) → Emolga
    • Girafarig (Start) → Emolga
    • Stantler (Lv. 7) → Emolga
    • Seedot (Lv. 6) → Emolga
    • Whismur (Start) → Emolga
    • Whismur (Lv. 8 ) → Emolga
    • Loudred (Start) → Emolga
    • Loudred (Lv. 9) → Emolga
    • Exploud (Start) → Emolga
    • Exploud (Lv. 9) → Emolga
    • Mawile (Start) → Emolga
    • Wailmer (Lv. 6) → Emolga
    • Wailord (Start) → Emolga
    • Wailord (Lv. 16) → Emolga
    • Kecleon (Start) → Emolga
    • Ambipom (Start) → Emolga
    • Ambipom (Lv. 8 ) → Emolga
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Dunsparce/Poochyena/Stunky → Emolga
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Emolga
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Emolga
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Emolga
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Emolga
    • Cinccino (Start) → Emolga
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Heatmor → Emolga
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Emolga
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Emolga
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Emolga
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Emolga
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Emolga

257. (588) TwpuXLJ.pngKarrablast and (589) ynqqVh8.pngEscavalier (Bug)

  • Pursuit
    • Beedrill (Lv. 17) → Karrablast
    • Scyther (Lv. 9) → Karrablast
    • Yanma (Lv. 30) → Karrablast
    • Scizor (Lv. 9) → Karrablast
    • Skorupi (Lv. 16) → Karrablast
    • Drapion (Lv. 16) → Karrablast
    • Yanmega (Lv. 30) → Karrablast
    • Venipede (Lv. 12) → Karrablast
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 12) → Karrablast
    • Scolipede (Lv. 12) → Karrablast
  • Night Slash
    • Scyther (Lv. 45) → Karrablast
    • Scizor (Lv. 45) → Karrablast
    • Heracross (Start) → Karrablast
    • Kricketune (Lv. 42) → Karrablast
    • Skorupi (Lv. 36) → Karrablast
    • Drapion (Lv. 36) → Karrablast
    • Yanmega (Start) → Karrablast
    • Gliscor (Lv. 27) → Karrablast
  • Horn Attack
    • Heracross (Start) → Karrablast
    • Heracross (Lv. 20) → Karrablast

258. (590) 9hq3nRz.pngFoongus and (591) YVcGf2C.pngAmoonguss (Plant)

  • PoisonPowder
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 15) → Foongus
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 15) → Foongus
    • Venusaur (Lv. 15) → Foongus
    • Oddish (Lv. 14) → Foongus
    • Gloom (Lv. 14) → Foongus
    • Vileplume (Start) → Foongus
    • Paras (Lv. 6) → Foongus
    • Parasect (Start) → Foongus
    • Parasect (Lv. 6) → Foongus
    • Bellsprout (Lv. 15) → Foongus
    • Weepinbell (Lv. 15) → Foongus
    • Victreebel (Lv. 15) → Foongus
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 21) → Foongus
    • Exeggutor (Pre-Evo) → Foongus
    • Tangela (Lv. 20) → Foongus
    • Chikorita (Lv. 9) → Foongus
    • Bayleef (Start) → Foongus
    • Bayleef (Lv. 9) → Foongus
    • Meganium (Start) → Foongus
    • Meganium (Lv. 9) → Foongus
    • Bellossom (Start) → Foongus
    • Hoppip (Lv. 12) → Foongus
    • Skiploom (Lv. 12) → Foongus
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 12) → Foongus
    • Shroomish (Lv. 19) → Foongus
    • Breloom (Pre-Evo) → Foongus
    • Roselia (Lv. 11) → Foongus
    • Roserade (Lv. 11) → Foongus
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 20) → Foongus
    • Cottonee (Lv. 21) → Foongus
    • Whimsicott (Start) → Foongus

259. (592) Acx0sNC.pngwSexabw.pngFrillish and (593) aYkcPXP.pngAG7iM96.pngJellicent (Chaos)

  • Constrict
    • Drifloon (Start) → Frillish
    • Drifblim (Start) → Frillish
  • Acid Armor
    • Jellicent (Start) → Frillish
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Remoraid (BP) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Octillery (BP) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas → Shellos → Frillish
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Shellos → Frillish
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Shellos → Frillish
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Shellos → Frillish
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Shellos → Frillish
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Shellos → Frillish
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Shellos → Frillish
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Shellos → Frillish
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola → Shellos → Frillish

260. (594) FsDjSYG.pngAlomomola (Water A, Water B)

  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Alomomola
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Alomomola
    • Whiscash (Start) → Alomomola
    • Jigglypuff (BP) → Marill → Alomomola
    • Wigglytuff (BP) → Marill → Alomomola
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Skitty/Mawile → Marill → Alomomola
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Alomomola
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Lotad → Alomomola
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Alomomola
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Wailmer → Alomomola
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Wailmer → Alomomola
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Wailmer → Alomomola
    • Cinccino (Start) → Wailmer → Alomomola
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Skitty/Slakoth/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Minccino/CinccinoEmolga/Heatmor → Wailmer → Alomomola
  • RefreshgLkTe2q.png
    • Corsola (Lv. 13) → Alomomola
    • Carvanha (BP) → Alomomola
    • Sharpedo (BP) → Alomomola
    • Milotic (Start) → Alomomola
    • Milotic (Lv. 7) → Alomomola
    • Lickitung (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Snorlax (BP) → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 45) → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Paras (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Parasect (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Exeggutor (BP) → Chikorita → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Raticate (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Arbok (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Tauros (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Eevee (Lv. 20) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Vaporeon/Jolteon/Flareon/espeon/Umbreon/Leafeon/Glaceon (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Teddiursa (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Ursaring (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Seedot (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Nuzleaf (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Shiftry (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Manectric (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Zangoose (BP) → Psyduck → Alomomola
    • Shroomish (BP) → Marill → Squirtle
    • Breloom (BP) → Marill → Squirtle
    • Audino (Lv. 9) → Marill → Squirtle
  • Mirror Coat
    • Corsola (Lv. 55) → Alomomola
    • Wobbufett (Start) → Shellos → Alomomola
  • Mist
    • Lapras (Lv. 10) → Alomomola
    • Wooper (Lv. 12) → Alomomola
    • Quagsire (Lv. 12) → Alomomola
    • Remoraid (BP) → Alomomola
    • Octillery (BP) → Alomomola
    • Lotad (Lv. 9) → Alomomola
    • Lombre (Lv. 9) → Alomomola
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Alomomola
    • Wingull (Lv. 35) → Alomomola
    • Pelipper (Lv. 41) → Alomomola
    • Surskit (Lv. 25) → Alomomola
    • Masquerain (Pre-Evo) → Alomomola
    • Wailmer (Lv. 15) → Alomomola
    • Wailord (Lv. 15) → Alomomola
    • Piplup (Lv. 36) → Alomomola
    • Prinplup (Lv. 42) → Alomomola
    • Empoleon (Lv. 46) → Alomomola
    • Snover (Lv. 10) → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Abomasnow (Start) → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Abomasnow (Lv. 21) → Squirtle → Alomomola
    • Swablu (Lv. 8 ) → Dratini/Feebas → Alomomola
    • Altaria (Start) → Dratini/Feebas → Alomomola
    • Altaria (Lv. 14) → Dratini/Feebas → Alomomola

261. (595) rixUKV9.pngJoltik and (596) NgcFkg5.pngGalvantula (Bug)

  • Camouflage
    • Mothim (Lv. 35) → Joltik
  • Pursuit
    • XiSRwbi.pngBeedrill (Lv. 17) → Joltik
    • Scyther (Lv. 9) → Joltik
    • Yanma (Lv. 30) → Joltik
    • Scizor (Lv. 9) → Joltik
    • Skorupi (Lv. 16) → Joltik
    • Drapion (Lv. 16) → Joltik
    • Yanmega (Lv. 30) → Joltik
    • Venipede (Lv. 12) → Joltik
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 12) → Joltik
    • Scolipede (Lv. 12) → Joltik
  • Disable
    • Venonat (Start) → Joltik
    • Venomoth (Start) → Joltik
  • Poison Sting
    • Weedle (Start) → Joltik
    • Kakuna (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Beedrill (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Spinarak (Start) → Joltik
    • Ariados (Start) → Joltik
    • Gligar (Start) → Joltik
    • Wurmple (Lv. 5) → Joltik
    • Silcoon (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Beautifly (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Cascoon (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Dustox (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Skorupi (Start) → Joltik
    • Drapion (Start) → Joltik
    • Gliscor (Pre-Evo) → Joltik
    • Venipede (Start) → Joltik
    • Venipede (Lv. 5) → Joltik
    • Whirlipede (Start) → Joltik
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 5) → Joltik
    • Scolipede (Start) → Joltik
    • Scolipede (Lv. 5) → Joltik

262. (597) 6L8heCT.pngFerroseed and (598) EdZ7Srq.pngFerrothorn (Mineral, Plant)

  • Leech Seed
    • Bulbasaur (Lv. 9) → Ferroseed
    • Ivysaur (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Ivysaur (Lv. 9) → Ferroseed
    • Venusaur (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Venusaur (Lv. 9) → Ferroseed
    • Oddish (BP) → Ferroseed
    • Gloom (BP) → Ferroseed
    • Vileplume (BP) → Ferroseed
    • Exeggcute (Lv. 10) → Ferroseed
    • Exeggutor (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Chikorita (Lv. 23) → Ferroseed
    • Bayleef (Lv. 26) → Ferroseed
    • Meganium (Lv. 26) → Ferroseed
    • Bellossom (BP) → Ferroseed
    • Hoppip (Lv. 22) → Ferroseed
    • Skiploom (Lv. 24) → Ferroseed
    • Jumpluff (Lv. 24) → Ferroseed
    • Sunkern (Lv. 13) → Ferroseed
    • Sunflora (Lv. 13) → Ferroseed
    • Shroomish (Lv. 8 ) → Ferroseed
    • Breloom (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Breloom (Lv. 8 ) → Ferroseed
    • Lotad (Lv. 24) → Ferroseed
    • Lombre (Lv. 30) → Ferroseed
    • Ludicolo (Pre-Evo) → Ferroseed
    • Roselia (Lv. 10) → Ferroseed
    • Cacnea (Lv. 10) → Ferroseed
    • Cacturne (Lv. 10) → Ferroseed
    • Turtwig (Lv. 29) → Ferroseed
    • Grotle (Lv. 32) → Ferroseed
    • Torterra (Lv. 33) → Ferroseed
    • Roserade (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Cherubi (Lv. 26) → Ferroseed
    • Cherrim (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Cherrim (Lv. 28) → Ferroseed
    • Snivy (Lv. 19) → Ferroseed
    • Servine (Lv. 20) → Ferroseed
    • Serperior (Lv. 20) → Ferroseed
    • Cottonee (Lv. 20) → Ferroseed
    • Whismsicott (Start) → Ferroseed
    • Maractus (Lv. 12) → Ferroseed
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Seedot → Ferroseed
    • Leafeon (Lv. 20) → Seedot → Ferroseed
    • Pansage (Lv. 16) → Seedot → Ferroseed
    • Simisage (Pre-Evo) → Seedot → Ferroseed
    • Deerling (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Ferroseed
    • Sawsbuck (Lv. 13) → Seedot → Ferroseed

263. (599) RZUihjF.pngKlink, (600) tTjqttE.pngKlang, and (601) zEJi3f4.pngKlinklang (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


264. (602) AWIsCd6.pngTynamo, (603) vvfMBhY.pngEelektrik, and (604) R2kAjuc.pngEelektross (Chaos) (No Egg Moves)


265. (605) weEcnWF.pngElgyem and (606) s1taF2d.pngBeheeyem (Humanoid)

  • DisablegLkTe2q.png
    • kadabra (Start) → Elgyem
    • kadabra (Lv. 18) → Elgyem
    • alakazam (Start) → Elgyem
    • alakazam (Lv. 18) → Elgyem
    • Drowzee (Lv. 5) → Elgyem
    • Hypno (Start) → Elgyem
    • Hypno (Lv. 5) → Elgyem
    • Sableye (Lv. 15) → Elgyem
    • Grimer (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Muk (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Duskull (Lv. 4) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Dusclops (Start) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Dusclops (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 6) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Yamask (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 12) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Spinda → Elgyem
    • Vulpix (Lv. 4) → Spinda → Elgyem
    • Ninetales (Lv. 4) → Spinda → Elgyem
    • Psyduck (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Elgyem
    • Golduck (Lv. 15) → Spinda → Elgyem
  • Barrier
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Elgyem
  • Astonish
    • Sableye (Lv. 3) → Elgyem
    • Croagunk (Start) → Elgyem
    • Croagunk (Lv. 4) → Elgyem
    • Toxicroak (Start) → Elgyem
  • Destiny Bond
    • Cacnea (Lv. 54) → Elgyem
    • Cacturne (Start) → Elgyem
    • Cacturne (Lv. 59) → Elgyem
    • Gastly (Lv. 44) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Haunter (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Gengar (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Koffing (Lv. 52) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Weezing (Lv. 52) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Wobbuffet (Start) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Drifloon (Lv. 32) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Drifblim (Lv. 36) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Yamask (Lv. 54) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 62) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Frillish  (Lv. 44) → Ralts → Elgyem
    • Jellicent (Lv. 48) → Ralts → Elgyem

266. (607) E6LTwma.pngLitwick, (608) EadDJam.pngLampent, and (609) ytbDEaK.pngChandelure (Chaos)

  • Power Split
    • Yamask (Lv. 48) → Litwick
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 56) → Litwick
  • Acid Armor
    • Grimer (Lv. 43) → Litwick
    • Muk (Lv. 46) → Litwick
    • Jellicent (Start) → Litwick
  • Clear SmoggLkTe2q.png
    • Koffing (Lv. 12) → Litwick
    • Weezing (Lv. 12) → Litwick
    • Slugma (Lv. 20) → Litwick
    • Magcargo (Lv. 20) → Litwick
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Shellos → Litwick
    • Torkoal (Lv. 16) → Psyduck → Shellos → Litwick
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Wailmer → Psyduck → Shellos → Litwick
  • Acid
    • Grimer (BP) → Litwick
    • Muk (BP) → Litwick
    • Koffing (BP) → Litwick
    • Weezing (BP) → Litwick
    • Eelektrik (Lv. 19) → Litwick
    • Eelektross (Start) → Litwick

267. (610) PHa6aKM.pngAxew, (611) QALdDzi.pngFraxure, and (612) Y6edgQv.pngHaxorus (Monster, Dragon)

  • Night Slash
    • Sceptile (Start) → Axew
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Axew
    • Druddigon (Lv. 40) → Axew
  • Harden
    • Snorlax (Lv. 41) → Axew
    • Aron (Start) → Axew
    • Lairon (Start) → Axew
    • Aggron (Start) → Axew

268. (613) fbERz3x.pngCubchoo and (614) oooteWO.pngBeartic (Field)

  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cubchoo
    • Pikachu (BP) → Cubchoo
    • Raichu (BP) → Cubchoo
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Cubchoo
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Cubchoo
    • Quagsire (Lv. 23) → Cubchoo
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Cubchoo
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Cubchoo
    • Mightyena (Lv. 44) → Cubchoo
    • Slakoth (Start) → Cubchoo
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Cubchoo
    • Slaking (Start) → Cubchoo
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Cubchoo
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Cubchoo
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Cubchoo
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Cubchoo
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Cubchoo
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Cubchoo
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 15) → Cubchoo
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Cubchoo
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Cubchoo
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Cubchoo
    • Musharna (Start) → Cubchoo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Eevee/Teddiursa/Torkoal/Spheal/Piplup/Tepig/Lillipup/Purrloin/Darumaka → Cubchoo
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Slowbro (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Slowking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Kingdra (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Cubchoo
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cubchoo
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Cubchoo
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Cubchoo
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Cubchoo
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Cubchoo
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Cubchoo
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Cubchoo
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Cubchoo
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Cubchoo
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Cubchoo
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Cubchoo
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Cubchoo
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Cubchoo
    • Zoroark (Start) → Cubchoo
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Cubchoo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Heatmor → Cubchoo

269. (615) exgPtUZ.pngCryogonal (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


270. (616) PNv7Q1t.pngShelmet and (617) 0pFYIyO.pngAccelgor (Bug)

  • Feint
    • Scyther (Lv. 61) → Shelmet
    • Scizor (Start) → Shelmet
    • Scizor (Lv. 61) → Shelmet
    • Heracross (Lv. 7) → Shelmet
    • Trapinch (Lv. 29) → Shelmet
    • Vibrava (Pre-Evo) → Shelmet
    • Flygon (Start) → Shelmet
    • Yanmega (Lv. 38) → Shelmet
  • Mind Reader
    • Mincada (Lv. 35) → Shelmet
    • Ninjask (Lv. 43) → Shelmet
    • Poliwrath (Start) → Surskit → Shelmet
    • Poliwrath (Lv. 43) → Surskit → Shelmet
  • Guard Split
    • Shuckle (Lv. 35) → Shelmet
  • Pursuit
    • Beedrill (Lv. 17) → Shelmet
    • Scyther (Lv. 9) → Shelmet
    • Yanma (Lv. 30) → Shelmet
    • Scizor (Lv. 9) → Shelmet
    • Skorupi (Lv. 16) → Shelmet
    • Drapion (Lv. 16) → Shelmet
    • Yanmega (Lv. 30) → Shelmet
    • Venipede (Lv. 12) → Shelmet
    • Whirlipede (Lv. 12) → Shelmet
    • Scolipede (Lv. 12) → Shelmet

271. (618) rYErhYT.pngStunfisk (Water A, Chaos)

  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • Golduck (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Lickitung (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Stunfisk
    • Lickilicky (Lv. 41) → Slowpoke → Stunfisk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • Stantler (Start) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Rattata/Poochyena/Blitzle/Sandile/Minfoo → Buizel → Stunfisk
    • natu (Lv. 50) → Ducklett → Stunfisk
    • xatu (Lv. 57) → Ducklett → Stunfisk
  • Astonish
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 10) → Stunfisk
    • Lotad (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Lombre (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Duskull (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Duskull (Lv. 9) → Stunfisk
    • Dusclops (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Dusclops (Lv. 9) → Stunfisk
    • Chimecho (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Chimecho (Lv. 7) → Stunfisk
    • Drifloon (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Drifloon (Lv. 4) → Stunfisk
    • Drifblim (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Drifblim (Lv. 4) → Stunfisk
    • Mismagius (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Dusknoir (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 4) → Stunfisk
    • Yamask (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Cofagrigus (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Litwick (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Lampent (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Chandelure (Start) → Stunfisk
  • YawngLkTe2q.png
    • Slowpoke (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Slowpoke (Lv. 9) → Stunfisk
    • Slowbro (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Slowbro (Lv. 9) → Stunfisk
    • Wooper (Lv. 21) → Stunfisk
    • Quagsire (Lv. 21) → Stunfisk
    • Slowking (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Slowking (Lv. 9) → Stunfisk
    • Slugma (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Magcargo (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Kingdra (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Gulpin (Lv. 5) → Stunfisk
    • Swalot (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Swalot (Lv. 5) → Stunfisk
    • Chimecho (Lv. 13) → Stunfisk
    • Relicanth (Lv. 15) → Stunfisk
    • Bidoof (Lv. 21) → Stunfisk
    • Bibarel (Lv. 23) → Stunfisk
    • Snorlax (Lv. 12) → Squirtle/Mudkip → Stunfisk
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Pikachu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Raichu (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Farfetch'd (BP) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 28) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Poochyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Mightyena (Lv. 37) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Slakoth (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Vigoroth (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Slaking (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Numel (Lv. 36) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Camerupt (Lv. 39) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Hippopotas (Lv. 8 ) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Hippowdon (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Hippowdon (Lv. 13) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Pansear (Lv. 16) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Simisear (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Munna (Lv. 32) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
    • Musharna (Start) → Psyduck/Spheal/Piplup → Stunfisk
  • Spark
    • Tynamo (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Eelektrik (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Eelektross (Pre-Evo) → Stunfisk
  • Reflect Type
    • Gengar (Start) → Stunfisk
    • Tentacruel (Start) → Omanyte → Stunfisk

272. (619) UXliITf.pngMienfoo and (620) OFFBycl.pngMienshao (Humanoid, Field)

  • Me FirstgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo
    • Golduck (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Sentret (Lv. 42) → Mienfoo
    • Furret (Lv. 50) → Mienfoo
    • Stantler (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Stantler (Lv. 55) → Mienfoo
    • Absol (Lv. 41) → Mienfoo
    • Lucario (Lv. 37) → Mienfoo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Rattata/Poochyena/Buizel/Blitzle/Sandile → Mienfoo
  • FeintgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo
    • Pikachu (Lv. 16) → Mienfoo
    • Raichu (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Meowth (Lv. 4) → Mienfoo
    • Persian (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Persian (Lv. 65) → Mienfoo
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 43) → Mienfoo
    • Hitmonlee (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Hitmonlee (Lv. 25) → Mienfoo
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Mienfoo
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo
    • meditite (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo
    • medicham (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo
    • Seviper (Lv. 11) → Mienfoo
    • Kecleon (Lv. 10) → Mienfoo
    • Absol (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Monferno (Lv. 26) → Mienfoo
    • Infernape (Lv. 26) → Mienfoo
    • Stunky (Lv. 3) → Mienfoo
    • Skuntank (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Skuntank (Lv. 15) → Mienfoo
    • Lucario (Start) → Mienfoo
    • Lucario (Lv. 11) → Mienfoo
    • Gallade (Lv. 12) → Mienfoo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sneasel/Houndour/Torchic/Zangoose/Blitzle → Mienfoo
  • Smelling SaltgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo
    • Makuhita (Lv. 28) → Mienfoo
    • Hariyama (Lv. 30) → Mienfoo
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Snubbull/Torchic/Whismur/Spinda → Mienfoo
  • Viral ThrowgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mienfoo
    • Machop (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo
    • Machoke (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo
    • Machamp (Lv. 24) → Mienfoo
    • Makuhita (Lv. 22) → Mienfoo
    • Hariyama (Lv. 22) → Mienfoo
    • Throh (Lv. 35) → Mienfoo

273. (621) jFVlqB4.pngDruddigon (Monster, Dragon)

  • Glare
    • Ekans (Lv. 12) → Druddigon
    • Arbok (Lv. 12) → Druddigon
    • Seviper (Lv. 19) → Druddigon
  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Druddigon
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Druddigon
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Druddigon
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Druddigon
    • Rampardos (Start) → Druddigon
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Druddigon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch)Ekans → Druddigon
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Umbreon (Start) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Zoroark (Start) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Ekans → Druddigon
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Umbreon (Start) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Zoroark (Start) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Spearow (Lv. 8 ) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Fearow (Start) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Fearow (Lv. 8 ) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Doduo (Lv. 15) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Dodrio (Lv. 15) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Murkrow (Lv. 5) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Wingull (Lv. 26) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Pelipper (Pre-Evo) → Swablu → Druddigon
    • Honchkrow (Start) → Swablu → Druddigon
  • Crush ClawgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Rhyhorn → Druddigon
    • Sandslash (Start) → Rhyhorn→ Druddigon
    • Zangoose (Lv. 26) → Rhyhorn→ Druddigon
    • Drilbur (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn→ Druddigon
    • Excadrill (Lv. 24) → Rhyhorn→ Druddigon
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Cyndaquil/Sneasel/Torchic/Slakoth → Rhyhorn → Druddigon

274. (622) 49bbCSE.pngGolett and (623) 0TTSPjv.pngGolurk (Genderless) (No Egg Moves)


275. (624) eDbgWSV.pngPawniard and (625) AzgBXHE.pngBisharp (Humanoid)

  • Mean Look
    • Sableye (Lv. 36) → Pawniard
    • Gastly (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Haunter (Start) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Haunter (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Gengar (Start) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Gengar (Lv. 8 ) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Misdreavus (Lv. 19) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Duskull (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Dusclops (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Mismagius (Pre-Evo) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Dusknoir (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Yamask (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Pawniard
    • Cofagrigus (Lv. 28) → Ralts → Pawniard
  • Pursuit
    • Hitmonchan (Start) → Pawniard
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 11) → Pawniard
    • Electabuzz (BP) → Pawniard
    • Hitmontop (Start) → Pawniard
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 11) → Pawniard
    • Croagunk (Lv. 15) → Pawniard
    • Toxicroak (Lv. 15) → Pawniard
    • Electivire (BP) → Pawniard
  • Quick GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • Hitmonchan (Lv. 21) → Pawniard
    • Mr. Mime (Start) → Pawniard
    • Hitmontop (Lv. 21) → Pawniard
    • Lucario (Lv. 32) → Pawniard
    • Gallade (Lv. 56) → Pawniard
    • Sawk (Lv. 15) → Pawniard
    • Mienfoo (Lv. 20) → Pawniard
    • Mienshao (Start) → Pawniard
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Chimchar → Pawniard

276. (626) VXBVHXm.pngBouffalant (Field)

  • StompgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bouffalant
    • Ponyta (Lv. 30) _> Bouffalant
    • Rapidash (Lv. 30) → Bouffalant
    • Rhyhorn (Lv. 25) → Bouffalant
    • Rhydon (Lv. 25) → Bouffalant
    • Tauros (Lv. 21) → Bouffalant
    • Girafarig (Lv. 14) → Bouffalant
    • Stantler (Lv. 13) → Bouffalant
    • Whismur (Lv. 21) → Bouffalant
    • Loudred (Lv. 23) → Bouffalant
    • Exploud (Lv. 23) → Bouffalant
    • Rhyperior (Lv. 25) → Bouffalant
    • Blitzle (Lv. 29) → Bouffalant
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 31) → Bouffalant
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Numel → Bouffalant
  • Cotton GuardgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Bouffalant
    • Mareep (Lv. 36) → Bouffalant
    • Flaaffy (Lv. 43) → Bouffalant
    • Ampharos (Lv. 46) → Bouffalant

277. (627) l2uoerP.pngRufflet and (628) 6CHTQfT.pngBraviary (Flying) (No Egg Moves)


278. (629) xuQDnnp.pngVullaby and (630) cX33S4L.pngMandibuzz (Flying)

  • Mean Look
    • Zubat (Lv. 10) → Vullaby
    • Golbat (Start) → Vullaby
    • Golbat (Lv. 32) → Vullaby
    • Crobat (Start) → Vullaby
    • Crobat (Lv. 32) → Vullaby
    • Murkrow (Lv. 41) → Vullaby
    • Honchkrow (Pre-Evo) → Vullaby

279. (631) E3bMJVg.pngHeatmor (Field)

  • PursuitgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Heatmor
    • Rattata (Lv. 13) → Heatmor
    • Raticate (Lv. 13) → Heatmor
    • Mankey (Lv. 12) → Heatmor
    • Primeape (Lv. 12) → Heatmor
    • Tauros (Lv. 15) → Heatmor
    • Umbreon (Evolve) → Heatmor
    • Umbreon (Start) → Heatmor
    • Dunsparce (Lv. 8 ) → Heatmor
    • Zangoose (Lv. 12) → Heatmor
    • Absol (Lv. 10) → Heatmor
    • Buizel (Lv. 18) → Heatmor
    • Floatzel (Lv. 18) → Heatmor
    • Purrloin (Lv. 15) → Heatmor
    • Liepard (Lv. 15) → Heatmor
    • Blitzle (Lv. 22) → Heatmor
    • Zebstrika (Lv. 22) → Heatmor
    • Zorua (Lv. 5) → Heatmor
    • Zoroark (Start) → Heatmor
    • Zoroark (Lv. 5) → Heatmor
    • Emolga (Lv. 16) → Heatmor
    • Bouffalant (Start) → Heatmor
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Ekans/Diglett/Rhyhorn/Sentret/Aipom/Sneasel/Houndour/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Stunky/Snivy/Patrat/Lillipup/Sandile → Heatmor
    • Treecko (Lv. 17) → Ekans/Rhyhorn → Heatmor
    • Grovyle (Lv. 18) → Ekans/Rhyhorn → Heatmor
    • Sceptile (Lv. 18) → Ekans/Rhyhorn → Heatmor
    • Cranidos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Heatmor
    • Rampardos (Start ) → Rhyhorn → Heatmor
    • Rampardos (Lv. 10) → Rhyhorn → Heatmor
  • TicklegLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Heatmor
    • Aipom (Lv. 15) → Heatmor
    • Ambipom (Lv. 15) → Heatmor
    • Minccino (Lv. 36) → Heatmor
    • Cinccino (Start) → Heatmor
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Pikachu/Eevee/Zigzagoon/Slakoth/Skitty/Mawile/Wailmer/Pansage/Pansear/Panpour/Emolga → Heatmor
    • Whiscash (Start) → Wailmer → Heatmor
    • Omanyte (Lv. 43) → Marill → Pikachu → Heatmor
    • Omastar (Lv. 48) → Marill → Pikachu → Heatmor
    • Tangela (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Heatmor
    • Tangrowth (Lv. 44) → Cherubi/Cottonee → Pikachu → Heatmor
  • WrapgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Heatmor
    • Ekans (Start) → Heatmor
    • Arbok (Start) → Heatmor
    • Seviper (Start) → Heatmor
    • Snivy (Lv. 10) → Heatmor
    • Servine (Start) → Heatmor
    • Servine (Lv. 10) → Heatmor
    • Serperior (Start) → Heatmor
    • Serperior (Lv. 10) → Heatmor
  • Night SlashgLkTe2q.png
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Heatmor
    • Dugtrio (Start) → Heatmor
    • Meowth (Lv. 49) → Heatmor
    • Persian (Lv. 61) → Heatmor
    • Farfetch'd (Lv. 33) → Heatmor
    • Seviper (Lv. 26) → Heatmor
    • Absol (Lv. 30) → Heatmor
    • Stunky (Lv. 36) → Heatmor
    • Skuntank (Lv. 38) → Heatmor
    • Weavile (Lv. 60) → Heatmor
    • Purrloin (Lv. 36) → Heatmor
    • Liepard (Lv. 46) → Heatmor
    • Zoroark (Evolve) → Heatmor
    • Zoroark (Start) → Heatmor
    • Zoroark (Lv. 30) → Heatmor
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Sandshrew/Mankey/Teddiursa/Torchic/Seedot/Slakoth/Zangoose/Shinx/Oshawott/Cubchoo → Heatmor

280. (632) EC2Pqc3.pngDurant (Bug)

  • Flail
    • Sewaddle (Lv. 43) → Durant
    • Swadloon (Pre-Evo) → Durant
    • Leavanny (Pre-Evo) → Durant
    • Dwebble (Lv. 16) → Durant
    • Crustle (Lv. 16) → Durant
    • Karrablast (Lv. 24) → Durant
    • Escavalier (Start) → Durant
    • Lotad (Lv. 16) → Paras → Durant
    • Lombre (Start) → Paras → Durant
    • Ludicolo (Start) → Paras → Durant
    • Magikarp (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Durant
    • Gyarados (Start) → Trapinch → Durant
    • Feebas (Lv. 25) → Trapinch → Durant
    • Milotic (Start) → Trapinch → Durant
  • Metal Burst
    • Escavalier (Lv. 52) → Durant

281. (633) sGqdISj.pngDeino, (634) w2xJnr9.pngZweilous, and (635) HtVlbum.pngHydreigon (Dragon)

  • Head Smash
    • Scraggy (Lv. 52) → Deino
    • Scrafty (Lv. 60) → Deino
  • Double Hit
    • Zweilous (Start) → Deino
    • Hydreigon (Start) → Deino
  • Astonish
    • Trapinch (Start) → Deino
    • Vibrava (Start) → Deino
    • Flygon (Start) → Deino
    • Swablu (Lv. 3) → Deino
    • Altaria (Start) → Deino
    • Altaria (Lv. 3) → Deino

282. (636) c2TMowH.pngLarvesta and (637) otLfoFD.pngVolcarona (Bug)

  • ForesightgLkTe2q.png
    • Venonat (Start) → Larvesta
    • Venomoth (Start) → Larvesta
    • Yanma (Start) → Larvesta
    • Yanmega (Start) → Larvesta
    • Mudkip (Lv. 12) → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Marshtomp (Lv. 12) → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Swampert (Lv. 12) → Surskit → Larvesta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Sentret (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Furret (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Skitty (Lv. 4) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Delcatty (Pre-Evo) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Buneary (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Lopunny (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Lucario (Start) → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • oKHqqR0.pngSmeargle (Sketch) → Mankey/Farfetch'd/Cyndaquil/Girafarig/Sneasel/Patrat → Psyduck → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Hoothoot (Start) → Togetic → Marill → Surskit → Larvesta
    • Noctowl (Start) → Togetic → Marill → Surskit → Larvesta
  • Harden
    • Metapod (Evolve) → Larvesta
    • Metapod (Start) → Larvesta
    • Metapod (Lv. 7) → Larvesta
    • Butterfree (Start) → Larvesta
    • Kakuna (Evolve) → Larvesta
    • Kakuna (Start) → Larvesta
    • Kakuna (Lv. 7) → Larvesta
    • Beedrill (Pre-Evo) → Larvesta
    • Pinsir (Start) → Larvesta
    • Gligar (Lv. 7) → Larvesta
    • Silcoon (Evolve) → Larvesta
    • Silcoon (Start) → Larvesta
    • Silcoon (Lv. 7) → Larvesta
    • Beautifly (Pre-Evo) → Larvesta
    • Cascoon (Evolve) → Larvesta
    • Cascoon (Start) → Larvesta
    • Cascoon (Lv. 7) → Larvesta
    • Dustox (Pre-Evo) → Larvesta
    • Nincada (Start) → Larvesta
    • Nincada (Lv. 5) → Larvesta
    • Ninjask (Start) → Larvesta
    • Gliscor (Start) → Larvesta
    • Gliscor (Lv. 7) → Larvesta
  • Morning Sun
    • Butterfree (BP) → Larvesta
    • Scyther (BP) → Larvesta
    • Scizor (BP) → Larvesta
    • Beautifly (Lv. 17) → Larvesta


Edited by Bestfriends
Leech Seed is no longer an Egg Move for the Ludicolo Evolution Line. (5/1/2024)
Link to comment
  • Bestfriends changed the title to Egg Move Index (PokeMMO Version)
  • 3 months later...

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